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The Analysis of Muslim Tourist Characteristics and Motivation in Bandung City

Resort and Leisure Management

ABSTRACT: This research presents several phenomena that are becoming popular nowadays. Muslim con-
sumers in the global market, have characteristics and special needs in travel to various parts of the world. The
city of Bandung itself is in demand by Muslim tourists in Indonesia. There are positive and negative motiva-
tions for motivating tourists. The purpose of this study is to study what characteristics possessed by tourists
visiting Bandung and what are the motivations. The sample in this study were Muslim tourists visiting the city
of Bandung randomly. With a target age of 20 years to 50 years and above. With the number of respondents
who can be numbered 40 people. Population samples were carried out in three main areas, namely Braga
Street, Bandung City Square and Caringin Tilu. Questionnaire is used as a research instrument. The city of
Bandung is motivated for culinary, traveling and shopping. Some choose to follow the majelis ta ‟lim and
tadabur alam.

1. Introduction
Nowadays, tourism has become a necessity for UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman and others), Eu-
everyone, if someone is tired of doing work rope, Central Asia & China (Admin, 2019).
activities, the choice to eliminate fatigue, the event As a Muslim consumer in the tourism market
of self-actualization or to look for new experiences global, of course they have characteristics and spe-
is to go on a tour, and to get a reference to the tourist cial needs in traveling various parts of the world.
attractions at this time many promotions have been Will eat food Halal, worship facilities (purification,
done through the internet so accessing information ablution, and prayer), approve information, and var-
about travel has become easy to get anywhere, as ious supporting facilities that are Muslim friendly be
well as Muslim tourists in Muslim countries in the the final requirement bring this market, as part of
world such as Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, hospitality towards consumers. Countries like Ma-
Malaysia, and Indonesia as well are currently laysia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and Tur-
developing tourism titled Halal tourism. key seems more aware and alert for immediately
According to the 2015 Global Muslim Travel seize the market (Admin, 2019).
Index (GMTI), in 2014 the Muslim tourist market Bandung it self is included in 10 destinations Na-
was valued at $ 145 million, with 108 million tional Halal Priority, together with 9 other cities and
tourists representing 10% of all world economic districts such as the City of Tanjung Pinang, Pek-
travel. With the phenomenon of the movement of anbaru City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Re-
Muslim tourists to various worlds, there needs to be gency, and Regency Cianjur Which means the city
a new concept in tourism science to provide more of Bandung itself much in demand by Muslim tour-
comfort for Muslim tourists (Ministry of Tourism of ists at Indonesia. This is the author's foundation to
the Republic of Indonesia, 2015). take research sites in the City Bandung.
Along with the increase in the welfare of the Mus- Contact Muslims as a segment tourists in Indone-
lim world middle class since the era of the 2000s, a sia themselves have many characteristics, these
new market share of world tourists has emerged characteristics can related by socio-demographic
which is growing rapidly, namely "Muslim travel- conditions, culture, motivation and other lying. A
ers". Based on Thomson Reuter data, in 2014 there tourist's motivation can differ from one another, this
were Muslim Muslim tourist spending 2 globally of can also be caused by many factors like socio-
USD 142 billion (excluding Umrah & Hajj), second demographic, culture, personality and others. Moti-
only to the Chinese market of USD 160 billion. A vation of these tourist motivations there are also pos-
large and lucrative market niche worthy of grabbing itive negatives. Viewed from an angle The positive
by Indonesia, especially West Sumatra. This market view of Islam can be agreed upon motivation for
comes from Muslims in the Southeast Asian region, natural tadabur, get closer For Allah, relax yourself
the Middle East (Qatar, to be comfortable again for work etc. While the mo-
tivation of tourists the negative can be seen from
someone's example take a trip or tour with the inten- 1994), (Baloglu & Uysal, 1996) and (Kim & Lee,
tion to drunkenness, clubbing etc. that concerns 2002) have classified motivation into two categories
things not allowed by religion. Although tourists it is which are "push" and "pull" factors which are also
a Muslim but mature this is because of the advance- intrinsic and extrinsic motives respectively-mind.
ment of technology and increasingly the develop-
ment of the era of tourism is not uncommon many 3. Methodology
Muslim tourists, especially those visit the city of
Bandung for its motivation Negative, this is the main
problem writer to take this research. The purpose of The sample in this study is Muslim tourists visit-
This research is to find out the characteristics what is ing the city of Bandung randomly. With a target age
owned by tourists visiting Bandung city and what of 20 years to 50 years and above. With the total
are the motivations. number of respondents being around 40 people.
Population samples were carried out in three main
2. Literature Study areas, namely Braga Street, Bandung City Square
and Caringin Tilu. Questionnaire is used as a re-
Since the end of the 20th century, travel and tour- search instrument. The purpose of this study is to de-
ism has become a common activity among Muslims, termine what characteristics are owned by tourists
p that is a consideration of modernization which has visiting the city of Bandung and what are the moti-
spread into Muslim societies (Jafari & Scott, 2014). vations. The following is a questionnaire distributed
However, the main choice of the people Islam at the to respondents regarding the motivation of tourists
time was traveling to Muslim countries because of coming to Bandung:
the tourism industry in Muslim countries meet spe-
cial requirements Muslims in matters of food, daily
prayer, and patterns travel (Bhuiyan, Siwar, Ismail, No Motivation Yes No
Islam, & Ehsan, 2011). Religious beliefs affect Mus-
lim preferences to travel to certain sites, with a per-
son's attitude and behavior Muslims (Schänzel & I came to the city of
Yeoman ,, 2015), moreover, in ancient times Mus- Bandung for a walk
lims travele historical, social and cultural gatherings,
gain knowledge, communicate with other citizens,
I came to Bandung for
propaganda or nature (Musa & Thirumoorthi, 2016). 2
(Hassani & Moghavvemi, 2019) in 2019 conduct-
ed a study entitled Motivation and Muslim travel
preferences: Impact of motivational factors on Is- I came to Bandung for culi-
lamic services, hedonic preferences, and products. nary
From the results of his research he claimed generic,
Islamic and non-Islamic motivational factors influ- I came to the city of Ban-
ence travel preferences for social, religious and he- 4
dung to tadabur nature
donic avoidance. Muslims who are motivated by ge-
neric and non-Islamic motivations avoid travel to
I came to the city of Ban-
destinations by accepting Islamic services and prod-
5 dung for the activity of the
ucts, while Muslims are motivated by religious fac-
Islamic Assembly
tors who prefer goals with Islamic attributes.
The study of tourist motivation has received great
attention among tourism researchers. Some previous I came to Bandung for
research on tourist motivation is based on travel mo- nightlife / clubbing
tivation theory. Framework for the study of motiva-
tional journeys from sociology and social psycholo- I came to the city of
gy. Many researchers fund their theoretical analysis Bandung just to join in
on Maslow's (1970) needs hierarchy theory, which is
one of the most involved motivational theories.
(Pearce, 1982). He appreciates tourists who are at- And the following is a questionnaire distributed to
tracted to the destination, because they want to get respondents regarding the motivation to visit Ban-
self-actualization, love and ownership, and fulfill- dung:
ment of physiological needs. (Uysal & Jurowski,
No Variable Total
1. Gender
a. female 27 person
No Variable Checklist b. Male 13 person
1. Gender b. Malexsasb
a. Female
b. Male 2. Age
a. 20-24 18 person
2. Age b. 25-29 9 person
a. 20-24 c. 30-34 3 person
b. 25-29 d. 35-39 4 person
c. 30-34 e. 40-44 6 person
d. 35-39 3. Work Status
e. 40-44 a. Work 23 person
f. 45-49 b. Does not work 17 person
g. 50 and above 4. Total monthly income
3. Work Status a. <1 million 4 person
a. Work b. 1M-5M c. 5M - 12 person
b. Does not work 10M 7 person
4. Total monthly income d. 10M more
a. <1 million 5. Family Status
b. 1M-5M c. 5M - 10M a. Single 8 person
d. 10M more b. Single parent 18 person
5. Family Status 6. Length of stay in
a. Single Bandung
b. Single parent a. <24 hours 7 person
c. Live with parents b. > 24 hours 33 person
d. Married 7. Traveling type
e. Do not live with par- a. Alone 8 person
ents b. Group 11 person
6. Length of stay in Ban- c. Family 21 person
dung a. <24 hours 8. Type of accommoda-
b. > 24 hours tion selected
7. Traveling type a. Hotel 32 person
a. Alone b. Apartment 0
b. Group c. Homestay 0
c. Family d. Guesthouse 0
8. Type of accommodation e. Resort 8 person
selected No Motivation Total
a. Hotel 1. Travel 12
b. Apartment 2. Shopping 8
c. Homestay
d. Guesthouse 3. Culinary 13
e. Resort 4. Di 4. natural needs 2
f. Water b & b scuss 5. Religion 5
ion 6. Night entertainment 0
Based on the results of the questionnaire distribution 7 Join other 0
to 40 respondents obtained data as follows:
From the results of the following data, there are a
number of percentages and the number of character-
Following are the motivations written by tourists to
istics of tourists coming to Bandung obtained:
visit Bandung :
Gender Family Status

Female 45% Single
55% Married


20-24 Long time in the City of

15% Bandung
10% 45% < 24 Hours > 24 Hours
22% 40 above

Working Status
Work Doesn't Work

And the following is the amount of motivation of

tourists visiting Bandung in the diagram:
57% Motivasi
Axis Title


Income (million)

10 12

5 7
< 1 jt 1jt - 5jt > 5jt 5. Conclusion

Based on the results of the questionnaire distribution

to 40 respondents obtained data as follows. These
variables include gender, age, employment status,
income, family status, length of stay in Bandung,
type of travel as well as, accommodation chosen.
These variables indicate that the majority of Muslim
tourists coming to Bandung are female with a per-
centage of 68% and the majority of men are at 32%.
Muslim tourists visiting Bandung on average aged Jafari, J., & Scott, N. (2014). Muslim world and its
20-24 years and on average have a job status with a tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 44.
percentage of 57% while those who do not work are Kim, S., & Lee, C. (2002). Push and pull
as many as 43%. Monthly income of Muslim tourists relationships. Annals of Tourism Research,
visiting the city of Bandung, namely 4 people with 29, 257-260.
income <1 million, 12 people with income of 1 mil- Pearce, P. L. (1982). The Social Psychology of
lion and 7 people with income> 5 million. It can be Tourist Behaviour. Oxford: Pergamon.
concluded that Muslim tourists visiting Bandung are Schänzel, H. A., & Yeoman,, I. (2015). Trends in
upper middle class. For family status diagram shows family Tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures,
55% of singles and 45% are married, the average 1, 141-147.
Muslim tourists visiting Bandung spend less than 24 Uysal, M., & Jurowski, C. (1994). Testing the push
hours it can be seen from the diagram showing 72% and pull factors. Annals of Tourism
<24 hours and 28%> 24. Type of majority travel Research, 21, 844-846.
with a family of 21 people and the hotel is the high-
est accommodation chosen by Muslim tourists when
visiting the city of Bandung. Motivation of Muslim
tourists when visiting the city of Bandung, which is
motivated to culinary, it can be seen in the motiva-
tion table above, it is proven that Bandung is famous
for its culinary.


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Menjadi Pasar Wisata Halal Utama Dunia.
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