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1he above two patterns tell how to start the vecy fust sentence of an essay.
• The argumentative essay starts with starter and thesis ststements in the start of an essay. Thesis
ststement, short and precise, is the idea of justification what the student is going to prove in
his/her essays. Most of the time in argumentstive essay, where there are causes, effects, and
suggestion, students can write these causes, effects and suggestion in their thesis ststement.
• For example the thesis statement of poverty essay can be:
Poverty in Pakistan is a multifaceted problem deeply rooted in its socio-political and
economic stn1cture of governance. The lack of effective political and economic
governance is adversely hampering efforts to cut rising poverty. ·
• In other words, students must take into their mind that thesis statement is what the
student has to proof in his/her essay. It is a ,main theme and argument which students
gradually prove in their essays paragraph wise.
• Another example of starter of Corruption essay can be:
Corruption exists in one form or another in all societies. The major difference in the
case of Pakistan (or perhaps South Asia) is the extent of its pervasiveness and its
implications for governance and the value system in general and the political culture in
• While the thesis statement can be:
Corruption has become systemic. It has become instil utionalised at all levels in a way
that it has become an integral component of the administrative, social and political
• After writing quotation, starter and thesis ststement, students should explain it or if
he/she has report of Economic Survey of Pakistsn, budget, UNESCO, etc then it is
preferable to quote such figure to validate your justification of your thesis statement.
After that, explain it and the length of an essay should be one page of A4 size.
• After writing introduction, students need to write the causes in each paragraph. If the
essay is Poverty, causes, effects and' suggestions then student write down the cause of
poverty first.
• For example, the first cause of poverty is feudalism. In this paragraph, write such type
of start up of a paragraph which student can easily justify in his paragraph.
• For feudalism, student can write the opening sentence of a paragraph as
o Since the. independence of Pakistan, feudal lords hijack this country by exerting
their influence in all fields of life as they are MPAs, MNAs, Ministers, P.Ms and
• After writing the opening paragraph, student has the option to give figure or fact or
example or explain this ideas.
• For example, a student can justify by saying that:
o More than 60-70% of our land is occupied by feudal lords (22 families) while the
rest population (190m) has 20-30% land resulting in the shape of equal distribution
of income. That is why, poverty is increasing day by day as our major income is in
the hands of 22 families who hold 60-70 % of our land.
• This 1s a argument of the opening line of this paragraph.

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