Kartu Soal K.D 3.4 (KLS Xii LM)

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Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021



Jenis Sekolah : SMA Kurikulum : 2013

Bahan Kelas : XII Nama Penyusun : Nur Islah
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa inggris/Lintas Minat Unit Kerja : SMA NEGERI 8 BULUKUMBA
Program Studi : MIPA

Kompetensi Dasar Sumber : - Pengetahuan/ Aplikasi  Penalaran

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang No. Soal Answer the questions below by choosing the right answers!
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan 1. If I ….. my essay today, I will go to the movie.
meminta informasi terkait pengandaian
terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang a) Write
tidak nyata pada saat ini dan pada waktu Kunci b) Wrote
lampau, sesuai dengan konteks c) Writing
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur d) Written
1. a e) Been writing
kebahasaan conditional: past dan past
perfect). 2. c
2. He …. have bought a car if he … not .... up with his business.
3. b
Conditional Sentences a) Would, have, given
4. b b) Would, had, gave
5. d c) Would, had, given
Indikator d) Would, had, give
Peserta didik dapat mengenali contoh e) Would, had, giving
conditional sentences type 1, 2, dan 3. 3. If I … a head of Legislative Assembly in Indonesia, I …… assign the Omnibus Law
a) Was, will not
Peserta didik dapat melengkapi beberapa b) Were, would not
percakapan singkat dengan c) Was, would not
menggunakan menggunakan rumus d) Were, will not
conditional sentences yang benar. e) Were, would

The following conversation below for number 3-5

Anne: Mom, I’m so bored. What should I do?
Mom: If I (4)…. you, I would ….. my room.
Anne: I cleaned my room yesterday.
Anne: If we (5)…. smaller house, I …. …. all of the rooms.
Mom: Okay. It seems that you don’t want to clean your room. Do you want to help me baking this
cake? Anne: I think it’s more interesting than cleaning my room.

4. …
a) was, clean
b) were, clean
c) was, cleaned
d) were, cleaned
e) were, cleaning
5. …
a) Had, will clean
b) Have, would clean
c) Had, would cleaned
d) Had, would clean
e) Had, would cleaned

Peserta didik diharapkan mampu 1. Please, explain what is the meaning by 1. Conditional sentences are usually called “if-clauses” that used
menjawab pengertian dan jenis-jenis dari conditional sentences and its types! to imagine events in a certain conditions. There are 4 types of
kalimat berbentuk conditional sentences, 2. Write down 5 examples of zero conditional conditional sentences:
serta menjelaskan jenis-jenisnya. sentences! a) Zero conditional sentences
3. Write down 5 example of first conditional Zero conditional sentences express general truths situations
Peserta didik diharapkan dapat memberi sentences! in which one thing always causes another. When you use a
contoh kalimat menggunakan conditional 4. Write down 5 examples of second conditional zero conditional, you’re talking about a general truth rather
sentences tipe 1, 2, dan 3. sentences! than a specific instance of something. Use Simple Present
5. Write down 5 examples of third conditional Tense not Simple Future Tense.
sentences! b) First conditional sentences
First conditional sentences are used to express situations in
which the outcome is likely (but not guaranteed) to happen
in the future.
Note that we use the simple present tense in the if-clause
and simple future tense in the main clause
c) Second conditional sentences
Second conditional sentences are useful for expressing
outcomes that are completely unrealistic or will not likely
happen in the future. If-clause: use simple past tense and
main clause: use auxiliary modal verb (e.g., could, should,
would, might, etc.)
d) Third conditional sentences
Third conditional sentences are used to explain that present
circumstances would be different if something different had
happened in the past. If-clause: use the past perfect (i.e., had
+ past participle) and main clause: use modal auxiliary
(would, could, should, etc.) + have + past participle.

Bulukumba, 23 Oktober 2020

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa PLP 2


NIP. 197703292002122006 NIM. 2018310414

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