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Luna National High School

Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304



A research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
Luna National High School – Senior High School
Luna, Isabela

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Presented by:

Research Adviser

S.Y. 2019-2020


LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
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Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

The researchers would like to thank the people who contributed in the

completion of this manuscript, and bring this study into reality.

To our school principal, Mrs. Felicidad D. Zacarias, MAEd, Secondary

School Principal I of Luna National High School for giving the permission to

conduct the study and allowing us to survey the participants during class


To the research participants, for giving their time in answering the

questions honestly and sincerely, which made the result of the study possible.

To our research adviser, Mrs. Cherides P. Mariano, for giving

constructive criticisms and suggestions that improved the study in content and

in form.

To our loving parents, for their moral and financial support and for

providing the space to work with.

And most especially to God, for giving us the guidance and knowledge

as well as a good health in constructing this research work.

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Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


We the researchers’ dedicated this work to the enhancement of the

High school students in making research studies regarding to the perceive

effects of engaging Extracurricular activities in their academic performance

and study habits, to our Almighty God who gave us strength and confidence

to finish the study, and to all the personalities behind this study for making this

research study possible.

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


Title Page……………………………………………………………………………………i



Table of Contents......................................................................................................iv


CHAPTER I: BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY........................................................1


Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………....2

Statement of the Problem………………………….………………………………….…..4

Scope and Delimitation…………………..……………………………………………......4

Significance of the Study............................................................................................4

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………………5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE......................................6

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………..…...12

Research Design……………………………….……………………………………...…12

Sampling Procedures and Samples………...……………….………….………...……12

Data Gathering Method……………..…………………………………….……...……...12

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Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Data Analysis...........................................................................................................13


Profile of the respondents in terms of Gender………………………………………...14

Profile of the respondents in terms of Age…..………………………………………...14

Profile of the respondents in terms of 1st semester GWA…………………….……...15

The different Extracurricular activities of the respondents………………...………...16

Perceive effects on the academic performance of the respondents………………..17

Perceive effects on the study habits of the respondents………………………….....18

Pearson r on the academic performance and study habits………………………….19








Researcher’s Profile…………..…………………..……………………………………...44

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Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


Extracurricular activities (ECA) have become an important factor of students’

school life and many schools invested significant resources on extracurricular
activities. ECA activities are essential because they develop hobbies and interest,
collaboration and teamwork and participation in athletics that lead to the discovery
and cultivation of talents. Students who are joining in ECA activity which is not
compulsory for them to participate sometimes gives effect on their academic
performance. It also depends on how frequent do they join the program. If they spent
more time in too many side programs than the time they spend on study, then they
may be facing problem on managing their time thus it effects their performance in
academics and study habits.

This study aimed to provide the perceive effects of extracurricular activities in

the academic performance and study habits of the Grade 9,10 and 11, making them
aware of their academics and study habits, whether effective or not.

Total enumeration is utilized in the study in selecting participant from Grade

9,10 and 11 students in Luna National High School of which 10 students of the Grade
9, compose of 5 males and 5 females, 10 students of the Grade 10, compose of 6
males and 4 females, and 10 students of the Grade 11, compose of 7 males and 3
females. The participants were questioned on their academic performance and study
habits based on the questionnaire given by checking “Always”, “Sometimes”,
“Seldom”, and “Never”. The academic performance that they maintain doing the most
are having interest in attending their class after being involved in a certain
Extracurricular activity, interest in understanding their lessons after participating a
certain contest or activity and balancing their time properly in both academic and
Extracurricular activities, with the mean of 3.50. while the lowest mean 2.83 which
means that the students are seldom confident enough to take their exams when
joining Extracurricular activities. The Study Habits that the students maintain doing
the most with the mean of 3.93 which is approaching their classmates to the lesson
they’ve missed when they are participating an Extracurricular activity and the lowest

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mean is 2.43 which is the student seldom approach their teachers on their vacant
time to understand the lessons they’ve tackled while they are not in class. Moreover,
the Pearson correlation of the academic performance and extracurricular activities is
positive weak correlation, as well as study habits and extracurricular activities.

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Background of the Study

Extracurricular activities (ECA) have become an important factor of students’

school life and many schools invested significant resources on extracurricular
activities. ECA are essential because they develop hobbies and interest,
collaboration and teamwork and participation in athletics that lead to the discovery
and cultivation of talents. Students who are joining in ECA which is not compulsory
for them to participate sometimes gives effect on their academic performance and
study habits. It also depends on how frequent do they join the program. If they spent
more time in too many side programs than the time they spend on study, then they
may be facing problem on managing their time thus it effects their performance in
academics and study habits.

According to the Department of Education (DepEd) memorandum of Republic

Act No. 10533 or Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K-12 Law) or the latest
curriculum that the Philippines Basic Education 2016-2017 DepEd Order No. 8 s.
2015 also the Policy Guidelines on the Classroom Assessment for the K-12 Basic
Education Program stated that grades between academic and extracurricular
activities are being separated. Points from extracurricular activities are not to be
added to the overall grades of students anymore. As a result, the researchers believe
that this is an aspect that will greatly affect the academic performance and study
habits of students especially the ones who are active in Extracurricular activities and
are dependent on it in improving their grades. Also, it must not be expected that
academic grades can still be improve through extracurricular points.

Moreover, participating in different extracurricular activities still have benefits

in the students. According to Gardner et al. (2008), theory and research on positive
youth development emphasizes the transition of human development, and suggest
that cultivating positive, supportive relationships with people and social institutions
encourages healthy development. Considering this perspective, organized activities,
such as extra-curricular activities, can encourage healthy development because of

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the support and opportunities that are present compared to less positive after school
options for teens
Along with understanding the benefits of being involved in extracurricular
activities, students and parents may wish to consider how to balance academics and
activities to have a positive impact on adolescents and to their academic
performances and study habits.
In Luna National High School, there are a lot of Extracurricular activities that
the High school students are engaged in and the different Extracurricular activities
are journalism, sports, dancing, science research congress and many more. And
these Extracurricular activities affects their performances in school, it is either
positive or negative effects.
This study aimed to determine the perceive effects of extracurricular activities
on the academic performance and study habits of high school students, and
determines the different extracurricular activities that they engaged in.

Conceptual Framework

The concept of this study is intended to analyze the relationship of the

perceive effects of engaging different extracurricular activities with the academic
performance and study habits of the High school students.

With the result of this study, the researchers will be able to describe and
identify the perceive effects of engaging extracurricular activities on the academic
performance and study habits of High school students at Luna National High School
for the school year 2019-2020 and will be used as a basis for the development of
“The different coping mechanism to the engaged students”.

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*Perceive effects
of joining
extracurricular *Structured different
activities. Questionnaire Extracurricular
*Academic *Survey Activities on the
Performance and Academic
Study Habits of Performance and
the respondents Study Habits of
the respondents.


Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study.

The conceptual paradigm, represented by the IPO model presents the

different extracurricular activities that the students engage in and the Academic
Performance and Study Habits (i.e, the Input), process of data collection (i.e.
Process), and the outcomes of the study (i.e. Output).

The Input box contains the different extracurricular and the Academic
Performance and Study habits of the respondents.

In the Process box, it contains the data gathering instrument/tool and the
mode of data collection used in the study, including the questionnaire and survey.
This will be the basis in gathering the data in the perceive effects of the said

In the Output box, it contains the type of data that will be gathered after the
input and the process is measured, which is the perceive effects of joining

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Extracurricular activities on the academic performance and study habits of the


Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the effects of Extracurricular activities

on the academic performance and study habits of High school students.

The study will also provide answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of gender, age and academic
2. What are the extracurricular activities that High school students are engage
3. What are the perceive effects of engaging Extracurricular activities of the High
school students in terms of:
a. Academic Performance
b. Study habits
4. Is there any significant relationship of Extracurricular activities on the perceive
effects on the academic performance, study habits of the students?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the perceive effects of extracurricular activities in the

academic performance and study habits of High school students. It also covers what

are the different extracurricular activities that the students are engage in. In addition,

the perceive effects of participating Extracurricular activities in terms of academic

performance and study habits of the students were discussed in this study.

This study was conducted at Luna National High School, Luyao, Luna,
Isabela from School Year 2019-2020. The data were gathered by survey

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Luna National High School
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Significance of the Study

This study was design to determine what are perceive the effects of being
involved in Extracurricular activities on the academic performance and study habits of
students in which these students will be benefited for they will be informed about the
perceive effects of extracurricular activities in academic performance in terms of their
study habits and performance in school.

Likewise, the parents will be benefited for they will be informed about the
perceive effects to their children in participating different curricular activities.
Teachers will also be benefited by means of providing additional knowledge on how
to approach the students to cope up the lessons.

Future researchers will also be benefited through the information and data
collection which may help them to improve the study.

Definition of Terms

Extracurricular Activities are the different activities that the High school students
engaged in, either inside or outside of the school.

Academic Performance is measured by the 1st semester final grade or the General
weighted average in the different subjects of the High school students.

Study habits are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning academic

material of the students.

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Review of Related Literature

This portion focused on the following areas: (1) Extracurricular activities, (2)
different extracurricular activities (3) The effects of involving different extracurricular
activities, and (4) Problems encountered in involving Extracurricular activities.
Different research studies that draw out various results were examined to give an
overview of what has been described currently of the perceive effects affecting the
extracurricular activities of the students.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities (ECA) relate to activities that are “external to the core
curriculum” (Shulruf, 2010, pg. 594). According to Bartkus et al. (2012, pg. 698)
defined extracurricular activities as “academic or nonacademic activities that are
conducted under the support of the school but occur outside of normal classroom
time and are not part of the curriculum.” Also, extracurricular activities do not involve
a grade or academic credit and participation is optional on the part of the student.
Moreover, Feldman and Matjasko, 2005; 2012 stated that The ECA
experience has become an important component of students’ school life as many
students today participate in ECA. Many schools invested significant resources on
ECA and are expected to provide a wide range of ECA to provide a balanced
education (Bartkus et al., 2012, Shulruf, 2010).

Cadwallader, Garza, and Wagner (2002) added that extracurricular activities

are defined as the activities in which the students participate after the regular school
day has ended. These activities may include high school athletics, school clubs,
marching band, chorus, orchestra, and student leadership organizations.
Extracurricular activity is an outside activity that is not related in academic.
Merriam-Webster defines extra-curricular as an "outside one's regular work,

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responsibilities and routine." If applied on a students’ context, this will be the non-
academic activities that they, the students, engage in based on their interests. Eccles
and Barber's found that participation in such activities tends to reduce students’
engagement in risky behaviour(drinking, smoking etc). Lunenburg 2010 states that
students who are part of extra-curricular activities can get exemption and incentive
which may encourage and motivate the students to do more. In addition,
extracurricular activities are essential because they develop (1) hobbies and interest,
(2) skills in working in groups, and (3) participation in athletics that lead to the
discovery and cultivation of talents.

Different Extracurricular Activities

There are many different extracurricular activities and what is considered one
may differ from community. According to Joseph L. Mahoney (2005) extracurricular
activities are activities that are characterized by structure, adult supervision and an
emphasis on skill building. These activities should be totally voluntary and have
schedule and regular meetings and have supervision and guidance from the adult
responsible of the activity. These activities often increase the participant’s ability;
they have a challenge and complexity (Larson, 1994). These activities share a goal
that everyone works for in order to achieve it.

Eccles, (2005) says that a lot of labels have been used to describe what is
considered extracurricular activities. These activities usually denote the who (school-
age, child, adolescent, youth), where (schools-based, community-based, what
(activities, programs, organizations), and when (after- school, extracurricular,
summer, non-school, out-of-school) elements of participation. These descriptors are
meaningful and do clarify the phenomenon of interest. There are a lot of
extracurricular activities available to the kids and youth here in the United States
(Mahoney, 2005). There are federally after-school programs like Boys and Girls
Clubs and nationally sponsored youth organizations.

McNeal (1995) added that in a study on high school extra-curricular activities,

divided the activities available into seven categories. These were athletics,

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cheerleading, fine arts, service/student government, academic organizations,

newspaper/yearbook, and vocational activities. These were comparable to the
categories that Mahoney and Cairns (1997) developed in their study looking at the
relationship of extra-curricular activities to early school dropouts. This list consisted of
the following nine categories: athletics, arts, student government, press, vocational,
academics, service, royalty, and assistants. Mahoney and Cairns included
cheerleading in the athletics category, re-labeled newspaper/yearbook into press and
included a journalism and photography club. Mahoney and Cairns also added
assistants, which included students who helped in the office, library, food service,
and other areas of the school, and also added a category for royalty that included
prom, homecoming, and school princess. Mahoney and Cairns also separated
service from student government to include a Bible club, ecology council, health club.

Leah and Frank (2005) studied the participation rates of academically

talented students across 9 areas: dance, solo instrument, choral music, band,
athletics, student government, academic clubs, ethnic/cultural clubs and an “other
activity” category.

Effects of Extracurricular Activities

Student success is defined by many factors; among them are academic
achievement, involvement in activities out of the classroom, socio-economic
background, pre-college academic achievement and performance after graduation
from college (Kuh, Cruce, Shoup, Kinzie, & Gonyea, 2008). According to Mehus,
(1932), Dunkelberger, (1935) and Kuh et al., (2008), the relationship between
extracurricular activities and academic achievement of college students is a topic
open to polemics. Several research studies have linked engagement in
extracurricular activities to low academic performance, other studies support the
positive effect of extracurricular activities on student performance.

However, many studies found that not all activities out of classroom
settings are beneficial to student success; some enhance performance, whereas
others are distractions from academic work (Broh, 2002; Mehus, 1934, & Baker
2008). Moreover, Hattie, 2008 added that studies have reported that extracurricular

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activities could benefit students where they can learn something beyond what they
have learned in the classroom. In addition, students with more involvement with the
programs have shown a decrease in behavioral issues, and a significant positive
effect on student’s academic achievement.

Reeves (2008) also states that there is a strong association between student
involvement in extracurricular activities and improved attendance, behavior, and
academic performance. Reeves (2008) explained that all students who participate in
some type of extracurricular activity perform better than students who are not
involved. These factors can relate to their study; for example, when the behavioral
issues decrease, the disciplinary issues also decrease and good discipline can lead
to a better academic learning process. Furthermore, another benefit for students that
was noted in a study conducted by Eccles and Templeton (2002) is that participation
in extracurricular activities, such as physical activities, leads to a reduction in the
dropout rates. Student’s involvement in extracurricular activities can increase the
integration of the learning process and eventually lead to academic achievement
(Ahren, 2010).
In addition, improving the academic achievement, physical education can
improve student’s self-confidence, increase self-esteem, enhance social and
cognitive development, and provide the opportunity to experience the emotions that
the students would not normally encounter in traditional curriculum settings (Bailey,
2006). Holt, Tink, Mandigo, and Fox (2008) go further and note that physical activities
lead to an increase in attendance, emotional regulation, problem solving, goal
setting, teamwork, and skills development

Moreover, Dunkelberger (1935) tested the assumption that extracurricular

activities in college hinder positive academic performance because they occupy the
time students should devote to studying. The study was conducted at Susquehanna
University and data showed that twelve percent of the students enrolled were not
involved in any extracurricular activities, which could be explained by the fact that
they lived off-campus. The study compared the grade point average (GPA) of
students who were involved in some type of educationally purposeful activity to those
who were not involved in any. The comparison of freshman students with no activity
to those who reported three extracurricular activities showed that the latter had

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higher GPAs; the comparison of sophomores, juniors, and seniors yielded the same
results. However, students who were not working had higher GPAs then those who
had to work; likewise, students who were not involved in sports performed better than
athletes (Dunkelberger, 1935). Mehus (1934) states that female students who work
and study have lower grades, but male students who have to work perform better
academically. Like Mehus (1932), Dunkelberger (1935) supports that extracurricular
activities are not the cause of low academic performance except in the case of
athletes who experience frequent absences from class due to trips to participate in

Involvement in extracurricular activities strengthens the ties of students to the

school they are enrolled in. Therefore, Baker, (2008) suggest that it is important that
academic institutions enhance such activities for retention purposes, when students
are engaged and feel some type of connection with the school; they are more likely
stay in the same institution. Baker (2008) continues to point though that not all
activities provide the same type of support for better student integration; some
activities enhance academic achievement while other hinder it (Broh, 2002). Also,
Aitken (1982) developed a multi-equation model to determine retention based on
student satisfaction academically and in terms of living conditions, performance and
retention at the University of Massachusetts; the results though showed that
involvement in extracurricular activities was not significant for student retention.

When considering how extracurricular activities impact students, mention

should be made regarding potential negative impact of participation in out-of-school
activities. Reeves (2008) determined that parents and teachers might fear students
may lose their focus on academics when they become too busy with out-of-school
activities. Attending too many rehearsals, practices, and meetings may cut into
homework time. When students get overscheduled, they might be spreading
themselves too thin, which may lead to spending less time studying and preparing for

Problems encountered

Few studies have found problems or negative correlations between

extracurricular activity and academic achievement. There are, however, two factors

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sometimes caused by participation in these activities that may produce negative

effects: an overloaded schedule and a narrow sense of identity.

Overload. Knifsend & Graham (2012) confirmed this time interference as a factor in
determining academic success. As noted previously, they found that a high number
of extracurricular activities (three or more) was detrimental to academic performance.
This decline in academic performance can likely be attributed to overload, as
students devote so much time to extracurricular activities that they are rendered
unable to keep up academically.

Narrow Identity. Some students choose to define themselves by their extracurricular

activities and place little emphasis on their roles as students, which also may be
detrimental to academic success. Two studies support the legitimacy of this effect.
Beron and Piquero (2016) found that the only situation in which the relationship
between identity and GPA was consistently negative was when the student identified
himself or herself primarily as an athlete, rather than as a student. Similarly, Bimper,
Harrison, & Clark (2012) observed successful African-American collegiate athletes
and found that the athletes were encouraged to identify as athletes more than they
were encouraged to emphasize any other “pertinent role” (p. 19).

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Chapter III


This chapter discussed the participants, the procedure and the methods used
in the study to gather the information needed in interpreting and describing the views
and opinions of High school students on the perceive effects of extracurricular
activities on their academic performance and study habits.

A. Research Design

Descriptive analysis was the research approach to utilized in the study. It offers a
transformation of raw data into a form that will make them easy to understand and
interpret; rearranging, ordering, and manipulating data to generate descriptive
information that seeks to describe the perceived effects of extracurricular activities on
the academic performance and study habits of thirty (30) High school students
particularly Grades 9,10, and 11 in Luna National High School, and enables
underlying structures and commonalities in meanings to be understood.

B. Sampling Procedures and Samples

Purposive Sampling is utilized in the study in selecting 30 High school

participants of which 10 students from Grade 9, 10 students form Grade 10 and 10
students form Grade 11. The participants were selected according to the purpose of
the study with the permission protocol of the principal and the research adviser.

C. Data gathering Methods

The researchers sought approval from the Principal Felicidad D. Zacarias, MAed
and through a letter of consent addressed to the participants to allow the researchers
to conduct the study. Once permitted, the researchers floated the questionnaires.

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The questions are based from the related research studies on the internet and some
are made by the researchers.

Then, the researchers convened the participants and will orient them with the
rationale of objectives of the study.

The questionnaires were then distributed to the participants as they fill necessary
data before retrieving them after 20 minutes’ time.

There are two parts of the questionnaire. The first part is the profile of the
participants, which the researchers were able to determine the gender, age, and
academic performance. Second, an assessment survey about the study habits and
academic performance that will rank the effects from “Always Observed” to “Never

The questionnaire undergone Validity Test among the teachers of Luna National
High School with the mean of 2.75 which implies all of the questions are retained.
Also, it undergone Reliability Test which used Cronbach Alpha that has a value of
0.922255 which means that it is highly reliable.

D. Data Analysis

The following were the statistical tool used to answer the questions in the study:

1. Frequency and percentage was used in determining the profile of the High
school students and the different extracurricular activities.
2. Mean were used to interpret the perceive effects of the High school students
in terms of academic performance and study habits.
3. Pearson-r Correlation were used to determine the signification relation of:
a. Academic Performance and Extracurricular Activities
b. Study habits and Extracurricular Activities

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Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

This section dealt with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the
result. The data gathered were presented in tables with narrative explanations of the
gathered data through survey and assessment.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Table 1.1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 18 60%
Female 12 40%
Total 30 100%

As gathered on table 1.1, the population has more male than female
participants. The participants involved in the study were 30 (thirty) students of the
Grade 9, 10 and 11; eighteen (18) boys and twelve (12) girls wherein ten (10)
students of Grade 9, ten (10) students of Grade 10 and ten (10) students of Grade

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Table 1.2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of
Age Frequency Percentage
14 9 30%
15 6 20%
16 10 33.33%
17 5 16.67%
Total 30 100%

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Since the population consists of Grade 9,10 and 11, the respondents have
ages of either 14, 15, 16 and 17. The respondents with the age of 16 has the highest
percentage with 33.33% followed by the respondents with an age of 14 with 30%,
respondents with an age of 15 with 20%, and respondents with an age of 17 has the
least number of percentage with 16.67%.

Profile of the Respondents in terms of General Weighted Average for the

1st Semester

Table 1.3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Profile of the Respondents in terms of
General Weighted Average for the 1st Semester

GWA Frequency Percentage

Outstanding (90-100) 21 70%
Very Satisfactory (85-89) 7 23.33%
Satisfactory (80-84) 2 6.67%
Total 30 100%

As shown on table 1.3, General Weighted Averages of 90-100 with a criterion

of Outstanding has the highest among the respondents (Grade 9,10 and 11) followed
by General Weighted Averages of 85-89 with a criterion of Very Satisfactory and
General Weighted Averages of 80-84 with a criterion of Satisfactory. This implies that
most of the respondents has very satisfactory to outstanding performance in

The Different Extracurricular Activities

Table 2.1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the extracurricular activities of High

school students
Extracurricular Activities Frequency Percentage
Journalism 8 26.67%
Dancing 7 23.33%
Sports 10 33.33%

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Science Fair/Research 4 13.33%

MTAP 1 3.33%
Total 30 100%

As shown on table 2.1, the different Extracurricular Activities of the

respondents are inclined in journalism, dancing (Bambanti), sports, Science fair or
Research and MTAP. The respondents engaged in sports has the highest
percentage of 33.33% followed by journalism with 26.67%, dancing with 23.33%,
science fair or research with 13.33% and MTAP has the lowest percentage of 3.33%.
The Extracurricular activities of the respondents are usually done inside and outside
the school.

The Perceive Effects of Extracurricular Activities on the Academic

Table 3.1
Perceived Effects on Extracurricular Activities on Academic Performance of High
School students
1. I can easily cope up with the 3.10 Sometimes
lessons after joining a certain
activity or event.
2. I can achieve a high score in a 3.17 Sometimes
seatwork, quiz and examination
after joining a certain activity or
3. I feel confident and relaxed 2.83 Sometimes
when taking tests / exams.
4. I am active inside the class 3.23 Sometimes
after engaging in a certain
activity or event.
5. I can maintain my grades after 3.43 Sometimes
participating a certain activity or

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6. I can understand my lessons 2.87 Sometimes
well in just a small period of
7. I can still excel in my class after 3.30 Sometimes
joining extracurricular activities.
8. I have still interest in attending 3.50 Always
my class after being involved in
extracurricular activities.
9. I am making efforts to cope up 3.33 Always
with the lessons tackled while
I’m not in the class.
10. I still engage myself in class 3.10 Sometimes
while I am involved in an
extracurricular activity.
11. I update notes about my 3 Sometimes
lessons every day while I am
not in the class.
12. I still have interest in 3.50 Always
understanding my lessons
after participating a certain
contest or activity.
13. I balance my time with 3.50 Always
academic and extracurricular
14. My coping mechanism is 3.10 Sometimes
enough to cope up with
15. I am making efforts in 3.40 Sometimes
understanding my lessons by
Overall Mean Score 3.224

Table 3.1 illustrates the perceive effects of joining Extracurricular activities in

terms of academic performance of the respondents.
To determine the overall description, the summation of the means (48.36)
divided by the total number of means (15) is equal to 3.224.
To describe the perceive effects of joining Extracurricular activities of the high
school respondents in terms of academic performance, it can be shown here that the
highest mean is 3.50, and there are 3 of it, which are “Students still have interest in
attending their class after being involved in extracurricular activities”. Another is,
“Students still have interest in understanding their lessons after participating a certain
contest or activity” and “Student can balance their time with academic and
extracurricular activities”. This means that the respondents can still manage their

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time and perform well in their academic performance while engaged in extracurricular
The lowest mean shown in the table is 2.83 which is “Student sometimes
confident when taking their tests and exams”. This implies that they are still not
confident during their exams because of the lessons they’ve missed.

The Perceive Effects of Extracurricular Activities on the Study Habits

Table 3.2
Perceived Effects on Extracurricular Activities on Study Habits of High School
STUDY HABITS Mean Descriptive
1. I review regularly. 2.87 Sometimes
2. I attend class regularly. 3.47 Always
3. I do my assignments in time. 3.27 Always
4. I am still joining in group 3.37 Always
activities while you I am
engaged in extracurricular
5. I keep myself updated with the 3.27 Always
activities in my class while I am
participating in a certain
extracurricular activity.
6. I underline or highlight my 2.87 Sometimes
textbook, make notes in the
margin, and question myself
on what I have just read.
7. I approach my classmates 3.93 Always
about the lessons I’ve missed.
8. I approach my teachers on my 2.43 Seldom
vacant time to understand the
lessons they tackled while I am
not in the class.
9. I can allot a time to study my 2.90 Sometimes
lessons while on an
extracurricular activity.
10. I have enough time in studying 3.00 Sometimes
my notes after the activity I
have engaged.
11. In studying for a test, I 3.00 Sometimes
distribute my time over several
12. I sleep late at night coping up 2.60 Sometimes

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with my lessons while engaging

in ECA or activities.
13. I still have time to hang out with 3.37 Always
my friends while coping up with
my lessons.
14. I have proper schedule on 2.97 Sometimes
studying my lessons while I am
in a practice or contest on a
certain extracurricular activity.
15. I spend my vacant time in doing 2.80 Sometimes
assignments or studying my
Overall Mean Score 3.07466666

Table 3.2 illustrates the perceive effects of joining Extracurricular activities in

terms of study habits of the respondents.
Based on the table above, the summation of the means (46.12) divided by the
total number of means (15) is equal to 3.07466666.
To describe the perceive effects of joining Extracurricular activities of the high
school respondents in terms of study habits, it can be shown here that the highest
mean is 3.93, which is “Students approach their classmates about the lessons
they’ve missed”. This means that the respondents are still responsible with their
responsibilities in class even if they are joining extracurricular activities.
The lowest mean shown in the table in 2.43 which is “Students seldom
approach their teachers on their vacant time to understand the lessons they tackled
while they are not in the class”. This means that they seldom approach their teachers
to give a clearer explanation about the lessons about the lessons they’ve missed

Table 4.1

Pearson- r Correlation of the Extracurricular activities to Academic Performance and

Study Habits of High school students


Academic vs. 0.0979 Positive Weak Correlation
Extracurricular Activities
Study Habits vs. 0.3895 Positive Weak Correlation
Extracurricular Activities

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The table 4.1 illustrates Pearson correlation of the pairs between the
Academic Performance and Extracurricular activities, Study habits and
Extracurricular activities of the Grade 9,10 and 11 of High School students of LNHS,
their R values and corresponding interpretation.

The data revealed that between the academic performance and

extracurricular activities has positive weak correlation which means that although it is
positive, the relationship is weak because the value of R is zero (0) and this means
that the students are still active with their academic performance while participating in
a certain extracurricular activity.

Moreover, the study habits and extracurricular activities is also a positive

weak correlation which means that relationship is also weak because the value of R
is near zero (0) and they can still maintain their study habits while participating
certain extracurricular activity.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This section consists the summary, their conclusions and appropriate

recommendations in each of the research questions.

A. Summary of Findings
1. It is observed that the gathered profile of the Grade 9,10 and 11 currently
engaged now are:
a. In their profile in terms of gender the population percentage of Male
respondents are 60%, and the population percentage of Female are
b. In their profile in terms of age, the population percentage of 14 year
olds respondents are 30%, the population percentage of 15 year olds
respondents are 20%, the population percentage of 16 year olds
respondents are 33.33%, and the population percentage of 17 year
olds respondents are 16.67%
c. In their profile in terms of General Weighted Average for the 1 st
Semester, the population percentage of the respondents with a

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criterion of Outstanding (90-100) are 70%; with a criterion of Very

Satisfactory (85-89) are 23.33%; with a criterion of Satisfactory (80-
84) are 6.67%
2. In the different Extracurricular activities that the High school respondents
engaged in, the population percentage of the respondents engaged in
Journalism are 26.67%, the population percentage of the respondents
engaged in Dancing are 23.33%, the population percentage of the
respondents engaged in Sports are 33.33%, the population percentage of
the respondents engaged in Science Fair or Research are 13.33%, and
the population percentage of the respondents engaged in MTAP are
3. In the perceive effects of joining Extracurricular activities in terms of
Academic Performance and Study Habits, the findings are as follows:
a. With highest mean (3.50) in the academic performance, there are 3 of
it, which are “Students still have interest in attending their class after
being involved in extracurricular activities”, another is, “Students still
have interest in understanding their lessons after participating a
certain contest or activity” and “Student can balance their time with
academic and extracurricular activities”. This means that the
respondents can still manage their time and perform well in their
academic performance while engaged in extracurricular activities.
Moreover, the students are capable of weighing their time properly.
However, the lowest mean is 2.83 which is “Student seldom confident
when taking their tests and exams”. This implies that they are still not
confident during their exams because of the lessons they’ve missed.
b. With the highest mean (3.93) in the study habits, which is “Students
approach their classmates about the lessons they’ve missed”. This
means that the respondents are still responsible with their
responsibilities in class even if they are joining extracurricular
activities. Furthermore, the respondents have the willingness to learn
and cope up with their lessons. However, the lowest mean is 2.43
which is “Students seldom approach their teachers on their vacant
time to understand the lessons they tackled while they are not in the
class”. This means that they seldom approach their teachers to give a
clearer explanation about the lessons about the lessons they’ve
4. The Pearson r correlation revealed that the relationship of academic
performance and extracurricular activities and study habits and

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extracurricular activities have positive weak correlation which means that

there is a relationship even it is positive and it is weak because the r value
is zero or near zero (0). And this also means that the students are still
active with their academic performance and study habits while
participating in a certain extracurricular activity.

B. Conclusion
Based on the summary of findings, the conclusions can now be drawn.
1. It can be concluded that the Perceived effects of engaging Extracurricular
activities of Grades 9,10 and 11 in terms of academic performance and
study habits is that;
a. The respondents still have the interest to attend their class and
understand their lessons after joining a certain extracurricular activities
and they can still manage to balance their time properly exceling in
both extracurricular activities and academic performance.
b. The students are still making efforts understanding the lessons they’ve
missed while they are not in the class by approaching their classmates
during their vacant time.
2. It can be concluded in the Pearson correlation between the academic
performance and study habits in the extracurricular of the students is that;
a. Academic performance vs. Extracurricular activities has a positive
weak correlation which means that there is a relationship.
b. Study habits vs. Extracurricular activities has a positive weak
correlation which means that there is a relationship.

C. Recommendation
Based on the summary of findings, the researchers further recommend:
 To investigate on other grade levels particularly on the Grade 7, 8 and

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 The next researchers will do an interview and observational mode and

monitoring to the participants that are involve in Extracurricular
 The next researchers must increase the number of participants.
 The next researchers must interview the advisers and subject
teachers about the academic performance of the students involved in
Extracurricular activities.
 The next researchers must determine the relationship of the
extracurricular activities and the profile of the students.


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Correa, M. et. al (2015) “Extracurricular Activities and Academic Achievement: A

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DR. CARIAGA, J. (2016) International Journal of World Research, Vol: I Issue XXV, ,
Retrieved from http://apjor.com/ijrp/abstracts/21032016a11.pdf

Freeman R. (2017)"The Relationship Between Extracurricular Activities and

Academic Achievement" Dissertations. 245. Retrieved from

Gallemit, A.P,et. al (2016-2017) Retrieved from


Rodriguez, K. (2016) “Extracurricular Activities: A Review of the Literature” Retrieved

from https://karlarodriguez6.weebly.com/literature-review.html

SEOW, P.S and PAN, G. (2014) “A Literature Review of the Impact of Extracurricular
Activities Participation on Students' Academic Performance”. Journal of
Education for Business. 89, (7), 361-366. Retrieved from

Shamsudin, S. et. al (2014) “Examining the Effect of Extracurricular Activities on

Academic Achievements among the Public University Students in Malaysia”
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Tanner, B. (2017) "Effects of Extracurricular Activities and Physical Activity on

Academic Success," Intuition: The BYU Undergraduate Journal in

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Psychology: Vol. 12 : Iss. 2 , Article 14. Retrieved from


Tunacao, E.M (2015) Retrieved from


Wilson, N. (2010) Retrieved from



The Questionnaire


Dear Participants,
This questionnaire is purely confidential and is designed to describe the
effects of extracurricular activities to the academic performance and the study habits
of High school students. Please answer this HONESTLY in order for the researchers
to gather and obtain reliable data.
The Researchers
A. Student Profile

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Name (Optional):______________________________________

Grade and Section:___________________________

Age:_________ Gender:_______________

General Weighted Average (1st Semester):____________

Extracurricular activities involved:______________________________________




Science Fair

Others (specify)____________________

B. Direction: Put a check () that corresponds for each question. (4) ALWAYS, (3)

(4) (3) (2) (1)

I can easily cope up with the
lessons after joining a certain
activity or event.
I can achieve a high score in a
seatwork, quiz and
examination after joining a
certain activity or event.
I feel confident and relaxed
when taking tests / exams.
I am active inside the class
after engaging in a certain
activity or event.
I can maintain my grades after
participating a certain activity
or event.

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I can understand my lessons

well in just a small period of
I can still excel in my class
after joining extracurricular
I have still interest in attending
my class after being involved
in extracurricular activities.
I am making efforts to cope up
with the lessons tackled while
I’m not in the class.
I still engage myself in class
while I am involved in an
extracurricular activity.
I update notes about my
lessons every day while I am
not in the class.
I still have interest in
understanding my lessons
after participating a certain
contest or activity.
I balance my time with
academic and extracurricular
My coping mechanism is
enough to cope up with
I am making efforts in
understanding my lessons by
I review regularly.
I attend class regularly.
I do my assignments in time.
I am still joining in group
activities while you I am
engaged in extracurricular
I keep myself updated with the
activities in my class while I
am participating in a certain
extracurricular activity.
I underline or highlight my
textbook, make notes in the
margin, and question myself
on what I have just read.

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I approach my classmates
about the lessons I’ve missed.
I approach my teachers on my
vacant time to understand the
lessons they tackled while I am
not in the class.
I can allot a time to study my
lessons while on an
extracurricular activity.
I have enough time in studying
my notes after the activity I
have engaged.
In studying for a test, I
distribute my time over several
I sleep late at night coping up
with my lessons while
engaging in ECA or activities.
I still have time to hang out
with my friends while coping
up with my lessons.
I have proper schedule on
studying my lessons while I am
in a practice or contest on a
certain extracurricular activity.
I spend my vacant time in
doing assignments or studying
my lessons.

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Computation for Validity Test


ACADEMIC 3 2 1 Weighted Description
I can easily cope up with the 10 0 0 3 Retain
lessons after joining a certain
activity or event.
I can achieve a high score in 9 1 0 2.9 Retain
a seatwork, quiz and
examination after joining a
certain activity or event.
I feel confident and relaxed 9 1 0 2.9 Retain
when taking tests / exams.
I am active inside the class 10 0 0 3 Retain
after engaging in a certain
activity or event.
I can maintain my grades 8 2 0 2.8 Retain
after participating a certain
activity or event.
I can understand my lessons 8 1 1 2.7 Retain
well in just a small period of
I can still excel in my class 10 0 0 3 Retain
after joining extracurricular
I have still interest in 9 1 0 2.9 Retain
attending my class after being
involved in extracurricular
I am making efforts to cope 8 2 0 2.8 Retain
up with the lessons tackled
while I’m not in the class.
I still engage myself in class 7 3 0 2.7 Retain
while I am involved in an
extracurricular activity.
I update notes about my 8 1 1 2.7 Retain
lessons every day while I am
not in the class.
I still have interest in 10 0 0 3 Retain
understanding my lessons
after participating a certain
contest or activity.
I balance my time with 8 2 0 2.8 Retain
academic and extracurricular

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My coping mechanism is 7 3 0 2.7 Retain

enough to cope up with
I am making efforts in 7 3 0 2.7 Retain
understanding my lessons by
I review regularly. 10 0 0 3 Retain

I attend class regularly. 10 0 0 3 Retain

I do my assignments in time. 8 2 0 2.8 Retain

I am still joining in group 7 2 1 2.6 Retain

activities while you I am
engaged in extracurricular
I keep myself updated with 9 0 1 2.9 Retain
the activities in my class while
I am participating in a certain
extracurricular activity.
I underline or highlight my 10 0 0 3 Retain
textbook, make notes in the
margin, and question myself
on what I have just read.
I approach my classmates 8 1 1 2.7 Retain
about the lessons I’ve
I approach my teachers on 7 2 1 2.6 Retain
my vacant time to understand
the lessons they tackled while
I am not in the class.
I can allot a time to study my 9 1 0 2.9 Retain
lessons while on an
extracurricular activity.
I have enough time in 10 0 0 3 Retain
studying my notes after the
activity I have engaged.
In studying for a test, I 7 3 0 2.7 Retain
distribute my time over
several sessions.
I sleep late at night coping up 10 0 0 3 Retain
with my lessons while
engaging in ECA or activities.
I still have time to hang out 8 1 1 2.7 Retain
with my friends while coping
up with my lessons.
I have proper schedule on 9 1 0 2.9 Retain

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studying my lessons while I

am in a practice or contest on
a certain extracurricular
I spend my vacant time in 8 1 1 2.7 Retain
doing assignments or
studying my lessons.

Computation for the Profile of the respondents


Male 18 60%
Female 12 40%
Total 30 100%

18/30 = 0.60 x 100 = 60%
12/30 = 0.40 x 100 = 40%

14 years old 9 30%

15 years old 6 20%
16 years old 10 33.33%
17 years old 5 16.67%

9/30 = 0.3 x 100 = 30%
6/30 = 0.2 x 100 = 20%
10/30 = 0.33 x 100 = 33.33%
5/30 = .17 x 100 = 16.67%

GWA Frequency %
Outstanding (90 – 100) 21 70%
Very Satisfactory (85 – 89) 7 23.33%
Satisfactory (80 – 84) 2 6.67%


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21/30 = 0.7 x 100 = 70%

7/30 = 0.23 x 100 = 23.33%
2/30 = 0.07 x 100 = 6.67%

Computation for the Different ECA

Journalism 8 26.67%
Dancing 7 23.33%
Sports 10 33.33%
Science Fair 4 13.33%
MTAP 1 3.33%
Total 30 100%

Computation for the Academic Performance and Study Habits

Question number 1

Always 4 6 6x4 = 24
Sometimes 3 22 22x3 = 66
Seldom 2 1 1x 2 = 2
Never 1 1 1x 1= 1
Total 30 93/30= 3.1 mean,

Question number 2

Always 4 8 8x4 = 32
Sometimes 3 20 20x3 = 60
Seldom 2 1 1x2 = 2
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 95/30= 3.17 mean,

Question number 3

Always 4 6 6x4 = 24
Sometimes 3 16 16x3 = 48
Seldom 2 5 5x2 = 10
Never 1 3 3x1 = 3
Total 30 85/30= 2.83 mean,

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Question number 4

Always 4 12 12x4 = 48
Sometimes 3 14 14x3 = 42
Seldom 2 0 0x2 = 0
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 97/30= 3.23 mean,

Question number 5

Always 4 15 15x4 = 60
Sometimes 3 14 14x3 = 42
Seldom 2 0 0x2 = 0
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 103/30= 3.43
mean, Sometimes
Question number 6

Always 4 2 2x4 = 8
Sometimes 3 23 23x3 = 69
Seldom 2 4 4x2 = 8
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 86/30= 2.87 mean,

Question number 7

Always 4 12 11x4 = 44
Sometimes 3 16 17x3 = 51
Seldom 2 2 2x2 = 4
Never 1 0 0x1 = 0
Total 30 99/30= 3.3 mean,

Question number 8

Always 4 16 16x4 = 64
Sometimes 3 13 13x3 = 39
Seldom 2 1 1x2 = 2
Never 1 0 0x1 = 0
Total 30 105/30= 3.5 mean,

Question number 9

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Always 4 11 11x4 = 44
Sometimes 3 18 18x3 = 54
Seldom 2 1 1x2 = 2
Never 1 0 0x1 = 0
Total 30 100/30= 3.33
mean, Sometimes

Question number 10

Always 4 8 8x4 = 32
Sometimes 3 19 19x3 = 57
Seldom 2 2 2x2 = 4
Never 1 0 0x1 = 0
Total 30 93/30= 3.1 mean,

Question number 11

Always 4 7 7x4 = 28
Sometimes 3 17 17x3 = 51
Seldom 2 5 5x2 = 10
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 90/30= 3 mean,
Question number 12

Always 4 17 17x4 = 68
Sometimes 3 12 12x3 = 36
Seldom 2 0 0x2 = 0
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 105/30= 3.5 mean,

Question number 13

Always 4 18 18x4 = 72
Sometimes 3 11 11x3 = 33
Seldom 2 1 1x2 = 2
Never 1 0 0x1 = 0
Total 30 107/30= 3.57
mean, Always

Question number 14

Always 4 6 6x4 = 24
Sometimes 3 22 22x3 = 66
Seldom 2 1 1x2 = 2

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Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 93/30= 3.1 mean,

Question number 15

Always 4 15 15x4 = 60
Sometimes 3 13 13x3 = 39
Seldom 2 1 1x2 = 2
Never 1 1 1x1 = 1
Total 30 102/30= 3.4 mean,

Question number 1

Always 4 2 2x4 = 8
Sometimes 3 23 23x3 = 69
Seldom 2 4 4x 2 = 8
Never 1 1 1x 1= 1
Total 30 86/30= 2.87 mean,

Question number 2

Always 4 17 17x4 = 68
Sometimes 3 10 10x3 = 30
Seldom 2 3 3x 2 = 6
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 104/30= 3.47 mean,

Question number 3

Always 4 12 12x4 = 48
Sometimes 3 14 14x3 = 42
Seldom 2 4 4x 2 = 8
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 98/30= 3.27 mean,

Question number 4

Always 4 12 12x4 = 48
Sometimes 3 17 17x3 = 51

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Seldom 2 2 2x 2 = 4
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 109/30= 3.37 mean,

Question number 5

Always 4 11 11x4 = 44
Sometimes 3 16 16x3 = 48
Seldom 2 3 3x 2 = 6
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 98/30= 3.27 mean,

Question number 6

Always 4 9 9x4 = 36
Sometimes 3 12 12x3 = 36
Seldom 2 5 5x 2 = 10
Never 1 4 4x 1= 4
Total 30 86/30= 2.87 mean,

Question number 7

Always 4 28 28x4 = 112

Sometimes 3 2 2x3 = 6
Seldom 2 0 0x 2 = 0
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 118/30= 3.93 mean,

Question number 8

Always 4 2 2x4 = 8
Sometimes 3 14 14x3 = 42
Seldom 2 9 9x 2 = 18
Never 1 5 5x 1= 5
Total 30 73/30= 2.43 mean,

Question number 9

Always 4 1 1x4 = 4
Sometimes 3 26 26x3 = 78

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Seldom 2 2 2x 2 = 4
Never 1 1 1x 1= 1
Total 30 87/30= 2.9 mean,

Question number 10

Always 4 7 7x4 = 28
Sometimes 3 17 17x3 = 51
Seldom 2 5 5x 2 = 10
Never 1 1 1x 1= 1
Total 30 90/30= 3.0 mean,

Question number 11

Always 4 9 9x4 = 36
Sometimes 3 12 12x3 = 36
Seldom 2 9 9x 2 = 18
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 90/30= 3.0 mean,

Question number 12

Always 4 3 3x4 = 12
Sometimes 3 16 16x3 = 48
Seldom 2 7 7x 2 = 14
Never 1 4 4x 1= 4
Total 30 78/30= 2.6 mean,

Question number 13

Always 4 15 15x4 = 60
Sometimes 3 11 11x3 = 33
Seldom 2 0 4x 2 = 8
Never 1 0 0x 1= 0
Total 30 101/30= 3.37 mean,

Question number 14

Always 4 6 6x4 = 24
Sometimes 3 18 18x3 = 54

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 44
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Seldom 2 5 5x 2 = 10
Never 1 1 1x 1= 1
Total 30 89/30= 2.97 mean,

Question number 15

Always 4 7 7x4 = 28
Sometimes 3 13 13x3 = 39
Seldom 2 7 7x 2 = 14
Never 1 3 3x 1= 3
Total 30 84/30= 2.80 mean,

Computation for the Pearson r Correlation

 Academic Performance vs. ECA

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 45
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

 Study habits vs. ECA

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 46
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 47
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 48
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

Cronbach Alpha

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 49
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 50
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 51
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 52
Luna National High School
Luyao, Luna, Isabela 3304


NAME: Bea Jewelle B. Fontanilla

BIRTHDATE: February 26, 2002
ADDRESS: Macañao, Luna, Isabela

NAME: Alyzza Marie G. Ramil

BIRTHDATE: August 4, 2001
ADDRESS: Centro 2, Luna, Isabela

NAME: Daryl Jay Sagabaen

BIRTHDATE: December 27, 2001
ADDRESS: Lalog 1, Luna, Isabela

LNHS-SHS Research Department Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020
P a g e | 53

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