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Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson ENGLISH FILE Beginner Workbook with key BSP” 27 /1\\\ SE nglishFle2 UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 4A Hello! © B_ whereare you from? 8 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH How do you spelt? ‘American. 9 A Wearen'tenglish. 1B. What's your phone number? 13. A What'sin yourbag? 15 B isthatahat? 17 [PRACTICAL ENGLISH Can have an orange juice, please? 18 A. Family and fiends 20. B Bigearsor smell cars? 22 A. Breakfast around the world 24 B Avery long flight 26 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH What time iit? 27 A. Sheworks for Armani 29 B Adayinmy life 31 A. What do you doin your free time? 33. B Lights, mera, action! 35. | PRACTICALENGLISH What's the date? 36 A Canyou startthe car, please? 38 B. What do you tke doing? 40. A What are they doing? 42 B Working undercover 44 | PRACTICALENGLISH Would youlixe to come? rT 45. A tstherereally a monster? 47 B Before they were famous.. and after 11 49 A Itchanged my life 51 B lifeinaday 53. [PRACTICAL ENGLISH is there a bank near here? 54 A Strangers onatrain 56 B Aweekendin Venice fan «wy STUDY [IMS iChecker Aut hen yousee tis symbol ETS, goto the tor se File test: At the end of every Fl, theresa test. Todo the tes, inthe back of your Student's Book. Load the disc in your computer, ‘select ‘Test’ from the ‘File’ menu, r= N (Choose the ‘iChecker' tab at the top left of the screen. Dictation: At the end of every File, there is a dictation exercise. ‘Todo the dictation, select ‘Dictation’ from the ‘File’ menu. Choose the Fhe! Then salect.the aio rack from lesson Aor 8. ‘Thereis also more practice available on the English File website: ‘Youcan transfer audio toa mobile device, e.g. your iPod, from www.oup.convelt/englishfile ‘the mobile learning’ folder on the disc. No copying or file sharing This digital resource is protected by international copyright laws. ‘You must not modi, adapt, copy, store, transferor circulate the Contents of this resource under any other branding or as part of ‘any other product. You may not print out material for any ‘commercial purpose or resale You say goodbye, and! say hello. From the song “Hello, Goodbye" by the Beaties 1 GRAMMAR verb be (singular): Jand you a Write the sentences with contractions. 1 Tam Lisa, TmLisa. 2 Youare not inclass 3. Youaren'tin classs. 3 Lam not Henry. 4 Youare nota teacher. 5 Tam Maria, 6 You arein my class. Jamin room 4. 8 Youare not Carlos, 'b_ Write negative [=] sentences or questions| 1 You're in my class. E] Youaren’ clas. You'rea teacher. Are yor. teacher? 3 I'mSam.E] 4 min class 2.5] 5 T'minroom4. 6 You're Li 8 You're inclass 7.22] € Complete the conversations. Use contractions where pos Pmastudent. =] 1A Excuse me. Areyou in number 8? B Yes, Jam_.!'mAnna Jones. 2A Excuse me, Andy? B No, Im Tony. 3A Hello, Jessica. BHi, Steve. Nice to meet you. 4AHi, Linda. ‘Are youHerny? B No,_ Tmax. 5 A Hello, Lisa Gomez? B Yes, Nice to meet you. 7 A Excuse me inroom7? B No, Youre inroom 8, 8 A Excuse me. my teacher? B Yes, : ImPeter Wilson. éb 2 VOCABULARY numbers 0-10; days of the week a Write the numbers. 1 RUFO 2.NET 3 INNE 4E0N 5 TEREH 6 OWT 7 GITHE 8 xis 9 ENVSE 10 OzRE 11 VIEF four ten ne ° ° t t faut s s z foe b Write the next word, 1 Saturday Sunday Monday 2 Monday Tuesday 3 Thursday lay 4 Sunday Monday 5 Friday Saturday 6 Tuesday Wednesday 7 Wednesday ‘Thursday 3 PRONUNCIATION /hy, fav, and ‘ix’ a SED goodbye isten and write the wordsin the chart. Hary hello meet nice see b GTAP Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING a ARTE) Listento thesentences 1 GB) Bye, Holly. 2 I'm] You're in class 2, 3 You're | Youaren' Hannah. 4 You're inroom4/5. 5 I'm] lm not Harry. 6 See you on Tuesday | Thursday. b AULD Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm, (Girelothe correct answer. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Hello. Hi. hav What's your name? (wotz jot ‘nein Yes. /jes/ No. /noo) Nice to meet you. Goodbye. [Bye See you on Eriday. See you tomorrow. naus to ‘mist ju igod'bau! baw sis ju on "traded sit ju ta'morao/ No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Nelson Mandela 1 B=wWhere are you from? 1 VOCABULARY countries a Complete the crossword, Clues across => b_ Complete the sentences with a country. 1 She's from Zurich. She's from Switzerland 2. He's from Paris. He’s from Br. 3. 'm from Rome. I'm from L 4 You're from Miami. You're from th Un St 5 She's from Moscow. She’s from R, 6 He's from Istanbul, He's from T. 7 U'm from Warsaw. 'm from P 8 You're from Cairo. You're from E 9. She's from Berlin, She's from G. GRAMMAR verb be (singular): he, she, it ‘Complete the sentences with He's, She's, or t's. 1 She fromthe United States It’s from China, 3 from laly 4 from Germany. 5 from Mexico. 6 from Japan. 7 fromSpain. 8 from Switzerland b_ Complete the conversations with 5 i, or isn’t 1 © Write the questions. Then answer with the information ‘A Is Paulo from Spain? No,he isnt. He. from Brazil. Yes, it Yasmin in the Monday class? your name Annie? No, it It Anna, erorere in brackets. 1 10 Matt Damon | from the USA? (7 Boston) _IsMatt Damon from the United States. Yes, hei, He's from Boston Kobe /im China? (x Japan) IsKobein China Novitisn'. Itsin Japan Salma Hayek | from Mexico? (7 Veracruz) Naples Jin Turkey? (X Italy) Copacabana beach | in Brazil? (/ Rio) Lublin /in Russia? (X Poland) Daniel Radcliffe / from England? (7 London) Geneva jin France? (X Switzerland) Antonio Banderas] from Spain? (/ Malaga) Cardiff inthe UK? (¥ Wales) Where Oaxaca? itin Mexico? No, she -She _inthe Tuesday class. 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘1, /ov4 /s/, and /f/ a SGPT Listen andGirel9 the word with a different sound, D1 eran Gnd) entond fish 2 hello Poland two 3 sik France Mexico 4 Russia Spain she shower b_ Listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING {GLAD Listen and complete the sentences. 1 He's from Russia. 2. Hamburg isin 3 She's from. 4 Heisn't from. 5 She's from. 6 He's from 7 Alexandriais in 8 Chicago isn’tin WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Where are you from? /wear 9 ju from I'm from Warsaw. {aim {rom ‘wars Where's Warsaw? (wear "wo Ir’sin Poland. /1ts in ‘paulandi Iesanicegity, fits 9nais siti fantastic /fan'twstiki Idon'tknow. _/at dsunt naw Practical English 1 THE ALPHABET a AGERED Listen and Gre the letter with adifferent sound. _ Fa 2 e ar I pe®v |@un x Je fx 2 | el CFLS/AHJY/OQUW FTMS b Listen and repeat the letters 2 VOCABULARY the classroom a Write the words, P 4e — sa 6 ch Tw 8d__y 1 boand__ 21 3 b_ Complete the classroom expressions. g0 look open repeat spell understand 1 Canyou repeat that, please? 2 atthe board, pease 3 your books. 4 Sorry. [don't » 5 How doyou ie 6 to page 9 3 CHECKING INTO A HOTEL Complete the dialogue with the words from the list ‘evering name reservation spell sumame room Good*_evening_. Hello. have a* - What's your? Wendy Mahoney. How do you" MAHONEY, ‘Thank you, Ms Mahoney. Youre in* 261. Thanks. please? your’? we reraras 4 BOOKING A TABLE Match the questions and the answers. 1 Good morning, How can Uhelp you? b 2 What time? 3 OK, that’s fine, What’s your name, please? 4 OK. How many people? 5 Thank you, Mr Anderson. So,a table for three on Tuesday at seven? a Three. Arable for Tuesday evening: please: © Yes, that’s great. Thanks. 4. Steve Anderson. © Seveno'elock. ‘American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection ‘that English women only hope to find in their butlers. W.Somerset Maugham, Enlishdromatist& novelist PA Saiewelioa he English. We’re American. 1 VOCABULARY nationalities Complete the crossword. What's the mystery word? v S|P\A|NII|S|H 1 Maria's from Spain, 2. Kentaro’s from Japan, f She's Spanish. He's]. & 3. Emma's from the UK. 4 Bianca's from Brazil. \s She'sB She's Br a. 5 Jacek’s from Poland. 6 Meiling’s from China, 7 Nikolay’s from Russia. He'sP- h. She’sCh__e. He'sR a. 8 William’s from England. 9) Daniela’s from Mexico. 10. Baba’s from Egypt. HesE___h. She’sM__n. He’sE___on. ° ad IL. Derin’s from Turkey. 12. Mike's fromthe United States, 13. Cédrie’s rom Switzerland. She's T h He's Am a He's Sw a 2 PRONUNCIATION (<3, /t/, and /{/ GRE) Listen and write the words in che chart. Chinese Egyptian French German Japanese journalist Russian teacher Turkish jaze chess shower Chinese bb GUEVED Listenand check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR verb be (plural): we, you, they a Write positiv sentences with be. Use contractions. 1 we from Spain Were from Spain 2 you /inmy class You'reinmy class 3 they /late 4 Carmen |inroom4 5 TJinclass A 6 we] fromMexico 7 they /in Egypt 8 you/ateacher b_ Complete the sentences with the negativeL=Jof be. 1 No,I'mnot__ from France 2 No,Mary _isn't a teacher. 3 No,we late 4 No,Dan English. 5 No, Tokyo in China 6 No,he American, 7 No,you inmy class. 8 Nol Brazilian. 9. No, they German. 10 No,she from Madrid. € Order the words to make questions. Lin 8 we are room Areweinroom8 -! 2 from where's he Where'she from e 3oclass in 1 are they 4 from where you are they England from are 6 ltalian Fernanda is 7 in Zurich is Switzerland 8 name your what's d_ Match the answers to the questions inc. a __ Yes,sheis. b __ No,they’re inclass 2. © 2. He's from Portugal d__ Wesfessica, © LL. Yes,weare. f __ Yes, itis. g — Yes,the hh ___ P'mfrom Cairo in Egypt. 4 LISTENING HELE Listen to the conversations. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 They're on holiday. I 2. He's from Switzerland 3 It'sa Spanish restaurant 4 He's British, 5 The students are late. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Excuse me. Are you on holiday? a: ju nn ‘holodev ik'skjurz mi No, wearen’t, We're on business, noo wi aznt! J wiar on ‘biznas. Lookatthe time! /lok at do taum’ We'relate, jwia lest Haveanice day! hae 9 nats det ‘My cell phone is my best friend. It’s my lifeline to the outside world, Carrie Underwood, US singer 2B What's your phone number? 1 GRAMMAR Wh- and How questions with be a Complete the questions. 1A Whois Sarah Lawson? B_ She's my English teacher. 2A the concert? B_ It’son Monday. 3A she from? B_ She's from Spain, 4A you? B_ T'mfine, thanks. And you? 5A your phone number? B_ I’s012795529284, 6A you from? B_ P'mfrom Brazil, 7A Mariand Laura today? B_ They're on holiday in Boston, 8A Pedro? B He's. 9A youraddress? B_ lt’s47 Bank Street. b Complete the conversation. Write — A 8 sarees ey A onan 2 ‘A Thankyou.? B_ It's 64 Bond Street, New York ity. c ‘A Thank you.“ ? B_ Myhome phone numberis 784-2913. AS 2 B_ My mobile number is 203-555-8479. , iii B It'sbhalley@gomailcom. ‘A Thankyou.” a B im23, AG 2 B_No,tmnot. fm single. 2 VOCABULARY numbers 11-100; personal information ‘Complete the numbers, 120 twenty 7 80 ct 215 ¢ sil 3:90 ni__t_ 9 40 fo_ 4°70 s_v_m 10 13 h_r___n 512: un 60 sit 6100 amr Write the numbers. 1 forty-seven _47 6 fourteen 2 nineteen 7 ninety-one 3 thirty-eight 8 sixteen 4 9 twenty-three 5 seventy-two 10 eighteen Match the questions and answers. 1 What's your phone number? ae 2 What's your postcode? Are you singk? ‘What's your surname? What's your address? — How old are you? — What's your email? How do you spell your surname? a It’s Ferreira, b PERRELRA. 1507789 395428, dtm27. © OX26DP. F No, I'm not. Pm married. g It’s 63 Green Stre h 3 LISTENING 4 PRONUNCIATION GGT Listen to thedialogue ata doctor's phone numbers; sentence rhythm reception, Complete the form. a. Say the phone numbers. 1 038 702 41540 2 07342 800 514 3 020 496 7557 4 510 659 39741 5 07899 261 722 6 0843 676 534 b AGG) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the phone numbers. ¢ KGET) Listen and repeat the questions. ‘Copy the rhythm, 1 What's your mobile number? 2 How oldis Kim? 3. What's your email address? 4 Areyoumarried? 5 What’s youraddress? Firstname | * Sturt 6 How doyou spell yoursurname? ‘Surname —_ — in ; _ WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Single 7 Mariel * Learn these words and phrases. = We /waww Address > —_— Whoishe? ‘hu: 12 his : He's my brother. /hisz mat 'brado! desea He's very attractive, /hizz ‘veri a'traektiv Phone number * How old ishe? —/hav aod 17 hi: He'stwenty-six. /hizz 'twenti siks’ Email 7 — Ishe married (single)? _/iz hi 'meerid ('siogl) How are you? /hav 9 ju: Pmfine. aim fain Thisis (Amy). /d1s 1 (‘eumi) She'sa friend from work, fi 9 frend from waik See you later, /si ju lett What's your phone number (address | email)? jwotz jat foun ‘namba (/a'dres/ ':merl) ‘What's your first name (surname)? wot ja farst neum (‘sazneim) (wn only what you can carry with you. ‘Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Russian author 3 A—What's in your bag? 1 VOCABULARY small things Complete the crossword. Cluesacross—> ag ® @ iy. G : s| TI{[f 2 GRAMMAR singular and plural nouns; Pt | lem TTT | a/an SB a Write aoran, 1 camera 2 an_umbrella 3 book 4 watch 5 __email 6 country 7 city 8 __key 9 address 10 __laptop b_ Write the plurals of the words ina, 1 cameras 3 4 6 8 10 © Write questions and answers. g A fa Z E So —_— nm i 1 _Whatisit ? Itsadictionary__ 2 Whatarethey __? They'rekeys 3_ ? 4 ae: 5 ? re 2 7 2 8 > 3 PRONUNCIATION /z/ and /s/; plural endings a QETVE) Listen and repeat the words and sounds. SB Ys re tee zebra 5 2 books students snake [tz/ 3 addresses purses ten and Girelthree more words with t2/, >’ ry brushes classes coats, laptops pencils phones wallets watches Listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING SGT Listen 0 he conversations Cirethe ‘correct answer. 1 a The keysare in his bag. @The keysare in his pocket. 2a Itsabook Isatablet, She has a book in her bag She has a phone in her bag. His wallet isin his bag His wallets on the table, Her phone isin her coat Her phone isin her jacket. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Whatisit? wot v7 10 Whatarethey? [wot a det! ‘What’sin your bag (pocket)? /wot7 1n jo: beg (‘pokit) Thave two credit cards, fat haey tus ‘kredit kasd Ithinkit’san ID card. /ai Oink its an at ‘is kare Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. ‘Omar Khayyam, Persian phiosopher and teacher 3B that a hat? 1 VOCABULARY souvenirs Complete the crossword. 2 GRAMMAR this / that / these / those a Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those. a ; 1 That__isalovely picture! 2Als a good hat? B No, itisn' SS 4A Are your keys? 5 Look! ‘sMartin 6 Wow. are good B_Yes,they are, Thank yout! from our English class. glasses! b_ Order the words to make sentences or questions. 1 these bags are These are bags ? is what that 3 book isnt this your 4 posteards my those are 5 your are keys those 6 my aren't photos these 7 that friend is your 8 from where this is 3 PRONUNCIATION (0) and /o/ a SEWED Listen andGirel9 the word witha different ‘sound. =) 1 over (Gat) umbrella ‘computer 2 =) 2 camera tablet keys computer 2 =) 3 postcard paper picture computer b Listen again and repeat the words. ¢ = GETATD Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 Thisismy brother. 2 What's that over there? 3 These are my keys and those are your keys. 4 LISTENING GEV Lisven to the dialogues. Complete the sentences. 1 The mugis €12 2 The is £15. 3 The are £40, 4 The are £6, 5 The bagsare & WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. How much are t! gs? haw mat} as Oise kis rye They're twenty pounds. [dea 'twenti paundy That'sexpensive! /Oxts ik'spensty Isthisyourbag? /1z d1s jo: bee) Thank you. /Osepk ju You're welcome, /jua ‘welkany here /hia there /dea over there /'2uva dea! Practical English 1 UNDERSTANDING PRICES a Complete the prices. 1 €75 seventy-five _euros 2 £21.99 twenty-one 3 $88.50. thirty-eight ninety-nine and fifty cents 4 40p forty 5 €11.60 eleven sinty 6 £2.50 two fifty b_ Writethe prices. C6] Cas] 1 ors 2 P< » 89) Ch | orange juice, please? 2 PRONUNCIATION (ua, /s, and /k/ a STEED Listen and repeat the wordsand sounds. 1 sure Euro European 2 nice price juice k 5 cess key b ATA Write the words in the chart, Listen and check, Then listen again and repeat the words, credit card camera city « close k cent 1 snake 2 key coffee picture city close pence 3 BUYING LUNCH Complete the dialogue with the sentences from thelist. A-Hi,yes-A-cheesesandwichanda Diet Coke; please B Here you are. C Thanks. D Yes, a mineral water. E No, thanks, Barman Who's next? Sally Hi.yes.A cheese sandwich and -aDiet Coke, please, Barman Anything else? sally? Barman Ice and lemon with your drinks? sally * Barman There you go. That's £755. sally * Barman Thanks. Here's your change Sally * Happiness is having a large, loving family, .-in another city. George Burns, American comedian y: Vs Ss eaMiVaeleielale 1 VOCABULARY 2 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives; possessive s people and family a Complete che chart. a Complete the chart. == subjectpronoun | possessive adjective singular plural 1 ‘my boy “boys *you your : girls he E women : pe 7 e E rman ® our ‘ friends 7 you chile x . their person uy b_ Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective og o b_ Complete the sentences @ td (eee onge TiS iogh a Geary. y, “809 #.2i Peter | Any Reb Lucy en James Lily 3 What's name? 4 Lookat 5 That's daughter. 6 Thisis house Vm Amy. 'm Peter's wife George ismy Peter's my h. Barbara's my m. Lily'smy d Rob’smy br iat a 7 That's mother. names are Emily “ a Joel Lucy'smys © Complete the sentences, 1 Carmen is Diego's sister. Diego is_ Carmen's brother 2 Charlotte is Peter's wife. Peteris 3. Mark is Angelina's brother. Angelina is 4 Richard is Maria's father, Maria is 5 Anais Paulo's mother. Paulo is 6 William is Megan's husband, Meganis Sarah is Michael's daughter. Michaelis 8 Roberto is Luisa’ son. Luisais Look at the’sin the sentences. Tick (/) Possessive oris. Pos 1 Mark’s wife is Brazilian. 2. Angela’s on holiday. 3 Those are Amy's cats 4 Isa great phone 5 Thisismy brother's room, 6 Jennifer's in Paris 7 What’s your name? OoOoOooo008 OOOOOOSOs 8 Perer’s son is twelve. 3 PRONUNCIATION Jn fe, and the Jal sound a QUETE) Listen andGirele the word with a different sound. 0 ea up CR] | sien torny tt wp BEp | 3 famiy name — thanks cat a 4 men father children computer b Listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING GREED Listen to the conversation, Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Emily is Tom’s mother. E 2 Olivers five 3 Sophieis Tom’s daughter. 4 Tom's parents aren't in the photo. 5. David is Tom's brother. 6 Alison is David's wife. 7 Tes Tom's birthday party WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Welcome to our house. /‘welkom tu az havs/ babysitter /"beibistta/ Begood. /bi: ud Mum (= mother) /mam’ (‘mada) Great! /grett | think we have to act like stars because it's expected of us. So we drive our big cars and live in smart houses. Maurice Gibb, the Bee Gees AB=Big cars or small cars? 1 VOCABULARY © Complete the words, colours and common adjectives a Write the sentences with a colour. 1 Mycaris DER Mycarisred 2 Amelia’scoatis CABLK. 3 Hisbagis NOWBR 4 Gabriel's Fshirtis ELUB 5 Theboardis HETIW. i é Tidrhan BENE: 1 That manisvery 0 | 2 Isthishage 2 7 Herumbrellais WEY LOL. 8 Hishatis OGNREA b_ Complete the sentences with the opposite of the bold word. 1 Ourhouse isn't small Wes big My car isn’t fast. ies 3. Ana’s mobile phone isn’t cheap. Ws 4 His laptop isn’t new. 3. My girlfriend is very ¢. i's 5 Mybookisnt long, W's 6 Their teacher isn't bad. She's 7 My boyfriend isn’ short. He's 8 Mycatisn't ugly. les 5 Tom’ sisterisb 6 This laptopis eh 2 GRAMMAR adjectives 3 PRONUNCIATION (uz, /a:), and ov @_ Order the words to make sentences, a UTR) Listen and Gre the word with a different sound. 11 a car have blue 1 blue juice havea blue car 2a its expensive camera very 3 good they're children very Re aS 2 fast flag father 4a cheap that’s phone car Shas a my house red door 3 old short small 6 a day is beautiful Ta new tablet 1 have 4 too food! good 8 watches these nice are 5 are family glasses b_ Rewrite the sentences. } 6 brown tall daughter horse b Listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING {GERD Listen tothe conversations, Cire the correct answer, es Geel 1 Thecaris very slow. 2 tsa__house. a beautiful cheap isin loads 3 Hisgirtriendis _. a short —b tal 2 The dictionary is Spanish. les 4 Tes surname, aeshot — balong 3 These exercises are very easy. ET Gs bno They're 4 This ilmis very long Irs WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 5 ‘The windowsare green. They're Learn these words and phrases. 6 Thosetumbrelas ate very big, Isthecarfor you? /1z 9 ka: fo jus They're. . Yesit’s forme. [jes its fo mit ‘That phone is old a What ahout the blue Renault? _/wvot a*baot da blus ‘renav! i's - Iprefer the red car, at pri'fa: da red ka: 8 The people arenice. ‘Masoa., dndviui They're Pardo "pastikt Eat breakfast like aking, lunch like a prince, and dinner like @ poor man. ‘Adelle Davis, nutritionist 1 VOCABULARY food and drink b_ What do they have for dinner? Complete the words. a Complete the crossword, Cluesacross— Ifish 2salad 4p__-a Sy ¢ 5 y r , wee EL P P Cluesdown y Was h fe ch @ a aa ee a 2 ; 16 Q 3 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress A ts), and /g/ a ED Listen and underline the stressed syllable. colo ptahons veosabee chocolate breakfast sandwich MA sausages yoghurt b Listen again and repeat the words. © GETS) Listen and Grae the word with a 1b Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs from the list. different sound. rink have —nothave notike | im Amelie and'm from France. During ehiocolata eh the week,|'_have_breakfastina caf. : i abig breakfast, just a croissant.” hot chocolate. " tea or coffee. get orange juice eat notdink —nothave My name is Laszlo and fm from Hungary. eggs Japan suger re breakfast with my family during the week, but at weekends we sit down together. We avery big breakfast: eggs, cheese, meat, and pasta cheese cheap yeaa? ffiaeiea have tea, sausages green vegetables, 4 LISTENING {ED Listen o six speakers talking about food. ‘Match the speakers with the meals. good yoghurt Germany b a atraditional breakfast boahealthy breakfast: ¢ lunch at work 4 unch ina restaurant se abigdinner food from other countries |, you, we, they a Complete the sentences with a [3 or =] anda verb from the list. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Taswally have coffee for breakfast. drink eat have Uke 11 E) don't like_fish. 18) ernie at jursual hay ‘kot fo "brekfost ion a alos wares: Ithink healthy. fat Oigk 1 "ver ‘heli My friends[=]______ healthy food. atthe weekend /at do witk'endl 16) coffee in the afternoon. dactag the week alo of fruit. ‘djuarin do witk/ athome (work). /at haum (w salad for lunch, Idontt drink tea because | E] i only oval sometimes. /'samtaimz/ typical (American) breakfast _/txpikl (a'merikon) ‘brekfast/ traditional /ira'difonl alot of /2 lot ov sausages /'sosidguz soup susp! toast [taust hhot milk /hot malki It takes alot to get people talking in aeroplanes. But once they start talking, you can't shut them up. Chuck Palahniuk, author 1 GRAMMAR present simple [7]: |, you, we, and they a Write the questions. 1A Wedont live ina fla B _Doyoulive 2A [don't want a newspaper. B 3 A They don'tlike dogs B 4 A Idon'thave a camera. B 5 A Idon't drink tea. B 6 A Wedon't have breakfast. B 7 A [don'eneed anew phone. B Jon +o Rachel No,!* Jon Oh.” Rachel Yes,I* Waitress Excuse me. Jon Yes, please. Waitress And you, madam? Rachel No, thanks. 1° Jon Theyhave tea.” Rachel Yes,I" b_ Complete the conversation with do or don't, ina house? amagarine? cats? mobile phone? coffee? lunch? tablet? you have car, Rachel? you work in London? «work ina bank. you want a coffee, sr? like coffee. you like tea? Waitress OK. One coffee and one tea 2 VOCABULARY common verb phrases 1 Write the verbs. «ink eat have listento live ead speak want watch work 1 drink _ milk 2 two cats anew car Brazilian music No ina bank inahouse 3 READING a Read the interview and write the questions in the correct space. Are you maried? Do youhave children? Do you like your job? What airline do you work for? What's your name? Where are you from? Interview with a flight attendant 1 _Whet's your name? >My name's Jonathan, Jon for short. Im from Rio de Janeiro. i's a big, beautifulcity. Yes, lam. My wife italian, Her name is Celia. Yes, we do, We have alittle gil, Her name is Bianca. She's three. | work for Varig, the Brazilian aie. Yes, do. work with my friends, andi speak to alotof new people everyday. Is very interesting, b_Lookatthe highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Check in your dictionary 4 PRONUNCIATION jw, jv, and io; sentence rhythm and linking & AMPED Listen and Gre the word with a different sound, Ws wn @ wen witch owl 2 what where — who witch D3 radio watch want clock b Listen again and repeat the words. € GILT) Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1 Do youwant_asandwich? 2 thave_a brother and he's_ateacher. 3 [live_in_a house_in_asmall city. 5 LISTENING SEED Liscen to the conversations. Gireld the correct answer. 1 She goes to German |Gpanig) classes in the evening. 2 They have three fouranimals, 3 She goes to work by car train, 4 She prefers coffe /tea. 5 They eat Italian food at the weekend j during the week. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. aflight /o lait favourite atuniversity /ot juznt'v Madam (Sir) Do you want fish or pasta? (da ju wont fif ‘pasta Doyoulivenear here? {do ju liv nia hia Mewar "maedam (s2: 1 VOCABULARY the tine a Complete the times, I Ws half pasttwo, 2 Ieseight 3 Is 4 Isa past ten, tosix. b_ Complete the conversations 1 A What_time_is it? B I'sa toeleven. 2A Excuse me, time is it? B Sorry, [don't awatch 3A Whattimeis ? B aquarterto four, 4A ime, What time is it? B Sorry. know. 2 PRONUNCIATION silent consonants a QED Listen and cross ourthe silent consonants inthese words. Lhaif 3 know 5 two 7 what 2 hour 4 listen 6 Wednesday 8 write b Listenagain and repeat the words 3 VOCABULARY saying how you feel ‘Complete the sentenc S's past 6 I's eleven toone, 7 Is 8 Wes past nine, to seven. 1 He's_hot 3 4 5 Find a job you like and you add five days to every week. H. Jackson Brown, Jt, American author 6A She works for Armani 1 GRAMMAR present simple: he, she, it € Complete the dialogue with do, does, don't or doesn’ Look tthe chart and complete the sentences. pectin: Hi tmSarah. ‘What ' do you do, Sarah? Imajouralst. ie a you work for anewspaper? No, 1? __ work for a magazine. a Where * you work? EE Tana a | workin different places. At home, in the office, in the street like cats ¥ x ah Petlice youn listen to pop music f # ‘Yes,1' _ It's really interesting. speak French x v Where” you live? drink tea x v Ihave a very small flat in the centre of the city. ‘ you have brothers and sisters? 1 Amy doesn't ive ina big ity Bae ita ona brother 2 She cats. ‘What * he do? 3 She to pop music. Sarah He works ina shop. 4 She. French, Mike he havea flat? 5 She ea Sarah No, he! He lives with our parents. 6 Luis ina big city 7 He cats, 2 PRONUNCIATION third person -s on — a GIR Listen and repeat the words and sounds. 10 He tea b_ Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets. Kate's from ireland and she's an English teacher in Russia. She lives (ve) in stPetersburg and she* (work) ina language school in the centre ofthe city, She *___(not work) at the weekends because the school's closed. Kate * ike) Russia, but she * {not speak) Russian very well She. (have) Russian class in the morning and she* (study) in the evening on her computer. She (watch) ‘Vat home, but she® (not understand) very much. She ® (think) Russias a fantastic country and she™ (rot wand) to ge home, Bs is reads Ustens zebra S 2 eats speaks — wants as [tz/ 3 closes teaches relaxes b GRTRAD Liscen andGireld two more words with ‘ia and write them in the chart. does lives loves finishes goes likes watches works closes teaches Az/ € Listenagain and repeat the words, 3 VOCABULARY jobs and places of work Completethesenenes. : 1 A factory worker works in a factory Awriter works at h. Ascent ses nplete the crossword. Whats the mystery word? journalist works foram Ateacher works ina se 6 Awaitress worksinar 7 Apoliceman worksin the st 8 Anurse worksinah 4 PRONUNCIATION /::/ a AGTVE) Listen andGirel9 the word with the ® sound. 1 @or factory door 2 teacher journalist policeman 3 nurse doctor driver 4 waiter thirsty retired 5 hospital restaurant university b Listenagain and repeat the words. 5 LISTENING {ETD Listen to five speakers talking about their jobs. Match the speakers with the jobs d a awaiter b afactory worker © ashop assistant d-areceptionist © ataxidriver WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. Greatto see you. /greit to sis ju party poxti dress (res He's divorced. —/hizz di'vazst Whatdoeshe do? wot daz hi dus He’sadactor. /hitz 0 "dokta Where does she work? eo daz fi wa:k She works inahospital. fi: w2xks in 9‘hospitl Does she speak English at work? idaz fi spizk ‘inglif at wa:k/ Does she like herjob? [daz fi lark hs dsob! Think in the morning. Actin the afternoon. Eat in the evening. Sleep at night. Wiliam Blake, poet and artist 6B=Aday in my life 1 VOCABULARY atypical day b_ Write the words in the chart. Complete the verb phrases. ‘bath tobed breakfast coffee tothe gym home lunch asandwich toschool towork have go abath tobed 2£ work © Complete the text with the correct verb, do fist lm getup go (x4) Zz have(x3) watch A ImHannah and tia nurse. | workat night and steep during the day.1'_ finish 38 shopping = 4h ashower work at eight oclockin the ‘morning and then 1? home andi” to bed. I* at about four otlackin the afternoon and some cereal and orange juice for breakfest. Then!" shopping, andl? the housework or : Ty. At seven oclock in the evening a shower and * dinner before to work again 2 PRONUNCIATION jj; sentence rhythm a QGTTED Listen and tick (/) if the word has a sound, 1 usually ¥ 2 umbrella X 3 study 4 5 student you 6 your 7 music 8 newspaper 9 hurry 10 yellow b Listenagain and repeat the words. ¢ AGETE) Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm, | Istart work at nine inthe morning, 2 Shehasa coffee ata quarter past ten. 3 They have a sandwich ata café. 4 You finish work acsix thirty. 5 Wedo housework at the weekend. 6 Hewatches TY inthe evening, 3 GRAMMAR adverbs of frequency Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets. 1 Iget up early. (always) always getup early ‘Yasmin goes to school by bus. (usually) 3 You do housework. (never) 4 They have fish for dinner. (sometimes) 5 Andy has lunch at home. (always) 6 Latch TV in the morning, (never) 7 Wego shopping at the weekend. (sometimes) 8 They have coffee for breakfast, (usally) b Look atthe chart and complete the sentences WAU = always ‘i ia Diego gotothe gym x read magazines Y watch footballon TV | WW4ve getup early Ww 1 Diego _never goes tothegym. 2 He magazines. 3 He football on TV. 4 He early 5 Jen tothe gym. 6 She magazines. 7 She football on TV. 8 She carly LISTENING GEL Listen to the conversation. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Olivia gets up early at the weekend, E 2 She has a shower before she has breakfast. 3. She doesn't have a hot drink for breakfast. 4 After breakfast she abvays does the housework 5 She usually reads the newspaper after hunch. 6 She's never at home in the evening. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. ‘Are youamorning person? (a: ju a 'mainig 'passa/ hurry (v) hari What time do you getup? _/wot taim do ju get ap’ Ateighto'lock. /ot eit a’klok He gets up at about 9.30. hit gels ap at a"baut nan "sxti then /@en! before (after)lunch _/by'f>: (‘azfto) lant? until two.o'elock _/on'til tu: o'klok often Inmy free time | go grocery shopping or to the gym, or | talk on the phone. ‘Amanda Seyfried, American actress yf Sea iaciee(oR VR OMIM Omir Re-Y 1 VOCABULARY sports 2 GRAMMAR word order in questions: Write the names of the sports, be and present simple a Order the words to make questions. 1 where from is Alberto Where is Alberto from ? 2 how old our teacher is 3 where does work your brocher 4 does speak French Emma , 5 have a big family do. you 6 is from Italy your girlfriend ~ 7 what time does go 10 work she 8 are on holiday Tim and Julia b GreDthe correct question word 1 A Gas) What When oes your ther ne? B InStoPaulo, 2A. Where | When | What do you usually have for breakfast? B Cereal, fruit, and coffee. 3A. How {Who | What do you spell your last name? B G-ARCLA 4A What | When | Who do you do housework? B On Sunday morning " 4 5 A. How /When | Where do you goto school? B Bybus. 6 A. How | How old / Whatare your children? B Jason's fourand Lucy’sseven. 7 A. What | When | Where do you go to the gym? B Inthe morning, before work. ¢ Complete the questions with is, are, do, or does 1 _Are_ you good at sport? 2 When youusually meet friends? 3 yout sister marvied? 4 your husband play computer games? 5 How old you? 6 How your girlfriend travel 10 work? 7 Where your teacher from? 5 8 you have lunch at work? 3 VOCABULARY common verb phrases 2 Look atthe pictures. Complete the questions. 1 Do you do_ sport 2 Doyoug ‘out ona Friday night? 3 Doyoug totheb at the weekend? 4 Doyour parentst. alot? 5 Doyouw in the mountains? 6 Does she ph the p. ? 7 Doyour after dinner? 8 Doyous ? 4 PRONUNCIATION jw, /hi, /ea), and /au! a GTR Listen and Gr the word witha different sound 2 who holiday — when 3 weekend swim — town 4 beach there their 5 mountains how hockey inand repeat the words 5 LISTENING (CD Listen to the interview. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Sarahllikes sport very much. _T.__ 2 Sarah plays ice hockey. 3 She plays every Saturday. 4 Herteamalways wins. 5. She never plays tennis. 6 Her favourite sport is tennis. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. archery /a:tfori handball hiendbox! icehockey /ats ‘hoki rugby /'raghil tabletennis te1bl ‘vents! team (tism players (pleraz winter sports _/winta spotts! wina medal win a ‘mec amatch ‘9 meet Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me. Tim Burton, film director 7B-—Lights, camera, action! 1 GRAMMAR imperatives; object pronouns: me, him, etc. a Complete the dialogues with a [¥) or [=] imperative from the list. buy eat go listen open relax sit use watch worry 1A Weneed tohurry. Relax We have time 2. A isthat film good? B No, itisn't. ] Don't watch. it. 3A Imtired B tobed.its late. 4 A Thet'sabeautifulcoat! B It'sveryexpensive,(=]___ it 5 A isthat pasta for me? B No,itisnt. it. 6 A Canicomein? B Yes, of course. down. 7 A isthis milk OK? B No, itisnt. =] it, BA your books on page 32. B Sony, which page? 9 A Amllate? The lesson starts in five minutes. ‘tome. This is very important. B OK. Whatisit? b_ Complete the sentences with an object pronoun, 1 Lalways sy hello vo Ryan, but he never talks to me 2 Emily loves her boyfriend, but I don’t think he loves 3 Wegoo my parents’ house every weekend, but they never visit 4 You often make dinner for me, but never cook for 5 like the people I work with, but Inever go out with 6 My grandmother hasa mobile phone, but she never uses 7. Tknow Jessica's husband, but I don’t like 8 Where are my glasses? I need to read the newspaper. 2 VOCABULARY kinds of films Write the kinds of film, 1 an action film 2ac 3adr 4ana Saw 6ah film PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm and intonation RD Listen and repeat the sentences Copy the rhythm, 1 Doyoulike Daniel Craig? 2 Yes, ido. 3 Like himalot. + Ithink he's great 5 Doyoulike action films? 6 No,tdon’t. 7 1don’t like them. Iprefer comedies 4 READING Read the love stories and match the parageaphs with the films, Five famous love stories 1 Ghost Molly loves Sam and Sam loves Molly, but he never says tlove you’. Sam dias, and now hes a ghost. He watches Molly every day, but she car't see him. Sam finds a psychic, Ota Mae, and he uses her to speak to Molly 2 Eliza Doolittle is a poor girl who sells flowers and Henry Higgins isa university professor. He teaches her to speak English ‘ike a princess. She falls in love with him, but he just thinks she is an interesting student. She is angry and she leaves him, 3 17-year-old Rose is on a Ship travelling fromireland tothe United States. She is engaged to a rich man, but on the ship, she falls in love with a poor artist, Jack Dawson, But one night, the ship hits an iceberg. 4 It'sNew York City in the 19505. There are two gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, and they are Bnemi6s. Ata dance, Tony sees Maria across the room andtheyfllinive. The problem's my thet bot Sava ite tte Sharks, and Tony is the ex-leader of the Jets. 7 5 it's World Werll Rick Blaine \\) tasotarhievacconcy ovesghcncks NA excgitrend, sa, comesinto the bar with her Ae husband, the resistance leader, Victor sal. Victor and isa want to 8SC8B8 from Europe. Rick has documents for two people to travel to the USA, buthe is stillin love withitsa. b_ Look at the highlighted words. W! it do they mean? Use your dictionary to check their meaning and pronunciation. 5 LISTENING EERE Listen wo the conversation. Mark the WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN sentences T (true) or F (false). Learn these words and phrases. 1 Alice likes Johnny Depp. L film director _/film do'rekta/ 2 James doesn't like Johnny Depp. scene /sizn 3 James doesn't like comedies. bequiet /bis kwarot 4 James doesn't like the Pirates of the Caribbean films. come in /kam in 5 Alice likes action films. talk about something /tatk a"bavt ‘sam 6 James likes action films. Don'tery idaunt kra 7 Alice likes Scarlett Johansson. Don't move /daunt muy. 8 James doesn’t like Scarlett Johansson. kiss fhis Idon't remember a dount r'memba nnextto /nekst tu nothing /na0ig) Practical English 1 MONTHS 3 SAYING THE DATE Write the months. a Match the dates. 1 CRAHM March 1 19/2 a 2stful 2 YHA, ; y f July aAORd ABUT, 2 2/9 b 7thNovember 4 TOBOCRE 3 |e © Mth January 5 UTGASU 4 up d6thMay 6 EMDBECRE 5 a4 © 8th October NURAJAY 6 on 8 UENJ Sa 4 SN EBRETER 7 6/5 g 27th April 10 PAILR 8 7/1 h 2nd September 11 EONBMERV 12 Ludy — b Cover a-h and just look at 1-8. Practise saying the dates. Remember to say the and of for example, the nineteenth of February. 2 ORDINAL NUMBERS © Write the answers, a Complete the ordinal numbers. 1A What’sthe date today? (9/3) B _ 9th March 1 2nd sec a 2 a 2. A What's the date on Saturday? (1/11) 220m w i B 3. A What's the date tomorrow? (2/6) 34th flor e 481s “f 4 A When's your friend’s birthday? (18/12) B 5 5th ff 5A When's Halloween? (31/10) B 6 On BLwtt 6 A When's your sister's birthday? (4/8) 73d ot B 812m w 4 4 TALKING ON THE PHONE 98h eg Put the conversation in order. 10 6th ss. LJ A Hello. CL A HiGioria. Listen, now isn't a good time. 'm ina meeting, Cant callyoulater? Da ves, itis. who's that? LA Ok Speak tater. Bye. b_ Write the next ordinal number, first, second tenth, seventeenth, 1 3 : fourmeent (1B Thisis Gloria Webster, from the New York office, 6 8 Yes, no problem. Call me on this number this afternoon. (18 Hetlo,is that Dave Freeman? twenty-third, fifteenth, You can't have your cake and eat it, too. English prover’ SA-—Can you start the car, please? 1 GRAMMAR can /can't a Complete the sentences with You can | can't and averb from the list. change drirk eat listen park swim wm ia z i = ay 1 _Youcan‘t park ___here. 2 here. 3 money here. 4 coffee here. 5 6 food here. to musichere. b_ Complete the conversations. Use can, the word in brackets, and a verb from the list. have play read sit swim watch 1 A _CanJ have — an espresso, please? (I) B Regular or large? 2A Pe) B No. les very cold today. 3A TV? (we) B Finish your homework first 4A Excuseme. here? (I) B Sorry, no. That’s my friend's seat. 5A golf on Saturday? (you) B Yes, Whattime? 6 A Look. It’san email from Sarah, B Really? ie) 2 PRONUNCIATION / /a:), and /oi sentence rhythm a GEE) Listen and choose the correct sound for can | can't in these sentences. a, Pag (el fo ||" 1 Canthelp your a 2 Where can! sit down? 3 Sorry,lcan’t. 4 Yes, you can. 5 Youcan learn. drive here. 6 Ican’t speak Polish. b Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 3 VOCABULARY more verb phrases Complete the phrases. 3h ac 4p_byer__e 5 ch m 6 sw 4 READING a Read the text and match paragraphs A~C with the photos 1-3. Three fantastic places with no cars Cars are great for travelling, but it can often be difficult to park. if you prefer to travel without a car, why not visit one of these places? (A Sark, Channel Istands Sarkis a small sland in the English Channel. t's neer the coast of France. Sark is a beautiful place with no cars and its perfect for walking or cycling. You can also go around tthe island on a horse if you want to. (1B Giethoor, Netherlands Giethoomis a town 88 kilometres northeast of Amsterdam. ‘Some people callit ‘Dutch Venice’ because it has a lot of Eanals. There are 180 bridges over the canals and you can travel around by boat. OC Feset-s. jorocco Fes el-Ball isthe old part ofthe city of Fes in Morocco and it has a Wall aroundit. You cant drive a car here because allof the streets are very Narow. InFes el-Ball you can walk around the old town and visit the beautiful shops and restaurants. D_ Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1 Sarkisin France. E 2. Youcan go for nice walks in Sark. 3 Giethoorn is in Amsterdam. 4 There aren't any streetsin Giethoorn, 5 There aren't any streets in Fes e- Bali 6 The shops in Fes e-Bali are expensive. ¢ Look at the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Check in your dictionary. 5 LISTENING STEED Listen o the dialogue ina tourist office in Plymouth. Complete the sentences, 1 The boat trip costs & 25 forthree hours. 2 The boat trip costs &. 3 Themuseum isn't open on 4 Theaquarium costs & 5 Youcanbuy the tourist office. for four hours. forthe aquarium at 6 Youcan eatin the restaurant or in the WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Learn these words and phrases. motorway /'mavtower traffic lights "treftk lat driving school /dratvin sku practicaltest /"pracktikl test passanexam /pats on 1g'zzem/ startthe ear /stast 9 ka: Yes, of course. /jes av kos

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