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BTMA 301



Calculus of Complex Variables


1. The necessary condition for a function f(z) to be analytic is

u v u v u v u v u v u v
(i)  &  (ii)  &  (iii)  & 
x y y x y y x x x x y y

2. If f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function then u and v are

(i) Harmonic functions only (ii) Conjugate functions only (iii) Orthogonal only (iv)
All of them.

 x 3 (1  i )  y 3 (1  i )
 , z0
3. The function f ( z )   x2  y2 is not analytic at the origin because
0, z  0

u v u v
(i)  &  not true (ii) u and v are not continuous thereat (iii) limit
x y y x
u v u v
does not exist (iv) , , , are not continuous.
x y y x

Q. If f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function where u = (r + 1/r) cos then find out f(z).
4. The images under the transformation w = z2 of the first quadrant of the xy-plane

(i) upper half (ii) lower half (iii) left half (iv) right half of the u-v plane.

5. The value of the integral
 ( z  a) n
, n  2, 3, 4,..... and C is any closed curve

enclosing the point ‘a’ is

(i) 2  i (ii) 4  i (iii) 6  I (iv) 0

6. The Cauchy Integral theorem is applicable if and only if the region enclosed by
the closed curve is
(i) simply connected region (ii) multiply connected region (iii) any region (iv) none
of these.

7. The value of the integral of z3 over the rectangle with vertices -1, 1, 1 + i, - 1 + I

(i) 2 i (ii) 4  i (iii) 4  i (iv) 0


1. Prove the necessary condition for a function f(z) to be analytic.

2. Prove that if f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function then u and v are harmonic


3. Prove that if f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function then u and v form an orthogonal


4. Prove that if f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function with constant modulus then f(z) is

5. Show that the function f ( z )  xy is not regular at the origin even though
Cauchy – Rieman equations are satisfied.

 x 3 (1  i)  y 3 (1  i)
 , z0
6. Show that the function f ( z )   x2  y2 is (i) continuous at the

0, z  0
origin (ii) even though C-R equations are satisfied at the origin f / (0) does not

7. If (i) w = log z (ii) w = then check whether they are analytic functions.

sin 2 x
8. Find the analytic function whose real part is .
cosh 2 y  cos 2 x

9. If w =   i is an analytic function and   x 2  y 2  find  .
x  y2

10. If 3u  2v  ( x  y )( x 2  y 2  4 xy) then find the analytic function f(z) = u + iv.

11. If f(z) is an analytic function then prove that

 2  2  2
 
f ( z)  4 f / ( z)
 x 2 y 2 
 
12. State and prove Cauchy Integral theorem.

13. State and prove Cauchy Integral formula.

14. Evaluate the following:
 (z  a) dz where C is the circle z  a  r and n is integer.

2 i

(ii) dz along (a) the line y = x /2 (b) the real axis to 2 and then vertically
to 2 + i.

(iii)  z dz along (a) the line from – i to i (b) left half of the circle z  1 from
– i to i.

 (z  z ) dz over the upper half of the circle z  1.


(v)  tan z dz where C is the circle z  2 .


(vi)  ( z  a) n , n  2, 3, 4,..... and C is any closed curve enclosing the point

sin z 2  cosz 2
(vii) 
C ( z  1) ( z  2)
dz where C is the circle z  3 .

(viii)  z 2  2z  5 dz where C is the circle z 1 i  2 .

(viii)  ( z 2  4) 3 dz where C is the circle z  i  2 .

15. Verify Cauchy Integral theorem for the integral of z3 over the rectangle with
vertices -1, 1, 1 + i, - 1 + i.
16. Find the Taylor series expansion of

(i) f ( z )  about z  i
( z  1) 2

2z3  1
(ii) f ( z )  about z  i
z z
17. Expand f ( z )  in the region
( z  1)( z  2)

(i) z  1 (ii) 1  z  2 (iii) z  2 (iv) 0  z  1  1

7z  2
18. Find Laurent’s expansion of f ( z )  in the region 1  z  1  3
( z  1) z ( z  2)

19. Evaluate the following:

2  2
cos 3 cos 2 d
(i) 0 5  4 cos d (ii) 0 1  2a cos  a 2 d (iii)  (5  3 cos )

(iv) a
 sin 2 

20. Evaluate the following:

  
x2 x sin x dx
(i)  2 2 2 2 dx (ii) 0 x 2  a 2 dx (iii) x 1
  ( x  a )( x  b )

 
sin mx cos x
(iv) 0 x dx (v)  (x
 a 2 )( x 2  b 2 )

Probability Theory and Random Process
1. Poisson distribution is a limiting case of Binomial distribution for

(i) p  0 (ii) p  (iii) none of these

2. The Variance of the Binomial distribution is

(i) npq (ii) npq (iii) np (iv) pq

P  X  30  5
3. If X is a Normal variable with mean 30 and S. D. as 5, is

(i) 0.5 (ii) 0.3174 (iii) 0.4123 (iv)


4. If a random variable X follows Poisson distribution such that P(X=1) = P(X=2)

then P(X=4) is

(i) e 1 (ii) e 2 (iii) 0.4123 e

(iv) 0.667 e

5. If the mean and variance of a binomial distribution are 4 and 4/3 respectively
then P ( X  1) is

(i) 0.5 (ii) 0.9 (iii) 0.4123 (iv) 0.2135

6. The total area under the normal curve is

(i) 0.5 (ii) 0.3174 (iii) 0.4123 (iv) 1.0

e 2 then find
7. X is a Normal random variable with p.d.f. as f ( x) 
 2
its mathematical expectation.

 1 , a  x  b
8. X is a random variable with p.d.f. as f ( x )   b  a then find its
0, Otherwise
mathematical expectation.

9. X is a Binomial random variable then find its mathematical expectation.

10. X is a discrete random variable with probability distribution as P(X = 0) = a,

P(X = 1) = a/2, P(X = 2) = a/3, P(X = 3) = a/4 then find the value of a and
mathematical expectation of X.

11. If the chance that one of the ten telephone lines is bust at an instant is 0.2

(i) What is the chance that 5 of the lines are busy?

(ii) What is the most probable no. of busy lines and what is the probability of
this number?
(iii) What is the probability that all the lines are busy?

12. If the probability of a bad reaction from a certain injection is 0.001, determine the
chance that out of 2000 individuals more than two will get a bad reaction.

13. The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be defective is 0.1. If
12 such pens are manufactured, find the probability that

(i) exactly two will be defective.

(ii) at least two will be defective.

(iii) none will be defective.

10. In 256 sets of 12 tosses of a coin, in how many cases one can expect 8 heads
and 4 tails.

11. In a certain factory turning out razor blades, there is a small chance of 0.002 for
any blades to be defective. The blades are supplied in packets of 10. Calculate
the approximate no. of packets containing no defective, one defective and two
defective blades respectively in a consignment of 10,000 packets.

12. A car hire firm has two cars which it hires out day by day. The no. of demands for
a car on each day is distributed as a Poisson distribution with mean 1.5.
Calculate the proportion of days (i) on which there is no demand (ii) on which
demand is refused.

14. A source of liquid is known to contain bacteria with mean no. of bacteria per
cubic centimeter equal to 3. Ten 1 c. c. test tubes are filled with the liquid.
Assuming that Poisson distribution is applicable, calculate the probability that all
the test tubes will show growth i.e., contain at least one bacterium each.

15. In a B. E. degree course the probability that a student after admission completes
his degree in four years is 0.7. If one year 1000 thousand students take
admission in that course then how many can be expected to complete the course
in four years.

16. The probability that a bomb dropped from a plane will strike the target is 1/5. If
six bombs are dropped find the probability that (i) exactly two will strike the
target, (ii) at least two will strike the target.

17. Out of 800 families each with 5 children, how many would you expect to have (i)
3 boys (ii) 5 girls (iii) either 2 or 3 boys? Assume equal probabilities for boys
and girls.
18. If on an average 1 vessel in every 10 is wrecked, find the probability that out of 5
vessels expected to arrive, at least 4 will arrive safely.

19. In a bombing action there is 50% chance that any bomb will strike the target. Two
direct hits are needed to destroy the target completely. How many bombs are
required to be dropped to give 99% or better chance of completely destroying the

20. 500 articles were selected at random out of a batch containing 10,000 articles
and 30 were found to be defective. How many defective articles would you
expect to have in the whole batch.

21. The following data are the no. of seeds germinating out of 10 on damp filter
paper for 80 sets of seeds. Fit a binomial distribution to these data:

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

f: 6 20 28 12 8 6 0 0 0 0 0

22. Fit a binomial distribution to these data:

x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

f: 13 25 52 58 32 16 4

23. Fit a Poisson distribution to the following:

x: 0 1 2 3 4

f: 46 38 22 9 1

24. Prove that the mean and the variance of a Binomial distribution is np and npq.

25. Show that Poisson distribution is a limiting case of Binomial distribution.

26. Write short notes on the chief properties of the normal distribution.

27. If X is a normal variable with mean 1 and standard deviation 3 find P

 X  1  3.
28. In a normal distribution, 31% of the items are under 45 and 8% are over 64. Find
the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.

29. In a test on 2000 electric bulbs, it was found that the life of a particular make was
normally distributed with an average life of 2040 hours and S. D. of 60 hours.
Estimate the no. of bulbs likely to burn for (i) more than 2150 hours (ii) less
than 1950 hours (iii) more than 1920 hours and less than 2160 hours.
30. The mean height of 500 students is 151 cm. and the S. D. is 15 cm. assuming
that the heights are normally distributed find how many students have height
lying between 120 cm. and 155 cm.

31. In an examination taken by 500 candidates, the mean and the S. D. of marks
obtained(normally distributed) are 40% and 10%. Find approximately

(i) how many will pass if 50% is fixed as minimum?

(ii) what should be the minimum if 350 candidates are to pass?

(iii) how many have scored marks above 60%?

32. The mean inside diameter of a sample of 200 washers produced by a machine is
5.02 mm and the S. D. is 0.05 mm. The purpose for which these washers are
intended allows a maximum tolerance in the diameter of 4.96 to 5.08 mm,
otherwise the washers are considered defective. Determine the percentage of
defective washers produced by the machine, assuming the diameters are
normally distributed.

33. Assuming that the diameters of 1000 brass plugs taken consecutively from a
machine, form a normal distribution with mean 0.7515 cm. and S. D. 0.002 cm.,
how many of the plugs are likely to be rejected of the approved diameter is 0.752
 0.004cm.?

1. Define the following:

Stochastic Process, Markov Process, Markov Chain

2. Derive the differential difference equation of the Poisson Process and hence
solve it.

9. Suppose a simple coin is tossed for n number of times. The possible outcomes at
each toss are two: head with probability p and tail with probability q. A random
variable which is the outcome of

1, if the outcome is head

the n-th toss and defined as Xn   and
0 , if the outcome is tail
S n  X 1  X 2  X 3  .......  X n

Show that S n , n  0 is a Markov Chain and hence find the transition matrix.
(m )
10. If P is the transition matrix (one step) and P is the m-th step transition matrix
then P
( m)
 Pm

11. If a Markov Chain with state space {0, 1, 2} has the t. p. m. as given below

 0 1 / 2 1 / 2 
1 / 2 0 1 / 2 and the initial probability distribution p  (0, 1, 0) then find
 
 1 0 0 
the following:

(i) probability that process will change from state 0 to state 2 in two steps.

(ii) Probability that the system will be found in the state 2 after 2 steps.

(iii) Probability that the system will be in the state 0 after a long run.

( n) ( 0)
12. Prove that p p Pn

13. The tpm of a Markov chain X n , n  1having three states 1, 2 and 3 is

 0 .1 0 .5 0 .4 
0.6 0.2 0.2 and the initial distribution is p (0)  (0.7 0.2 0.2) . Find
 
0.3 0.4 0.3
PX 2  3 and PX 3  2, X 2  3, X1  3, X 0  2

14. There are two white balls in bag A and 3 red balls in bag B. At each step of the
process, a ball is selected from each bag and so chosen two balls are
interchanged and put them back. If the state i of this random process is the
number of red balls in bag A then find (i) the probability of two red balls in A and
(ii) the probability of two red balls in A in long run.

15. A salesman goes to one of the three markets A, B and C everyday. He never
goes to the same market on consecutive days. If he goes to A then the next day
he goes to B. But if he goes to B then he is twice likely to go to C than to A. Also,
if he goes to C then he is equally likely to go to A and B. If on a Sunday he goes
to A then find the probability that he will be in C on next Friday.

1. Find the correlation coefficient between x and y for the given data. Find also the two
regression lines.
x: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

y: 10 12 16 28 25 36 41 49 40 50

2. If the two regression lines are x = 19.3 - 0.87y and y = 11.64 – 0.5x then find (i)
mean of x and y (ii) the correlation coefficient between them.

3. If  is the angle between the two lines of regression then show that
1  r 2  x y
tan   .
r  x2   2y

4. In a partially destroyed laboratory record only the lines of regression are available as
4x – 5y +33 = 0 and 20x -9y = 107. Find (i) mean of x and y (ii) the correlation
coefficient between them.

Fourier series

1. Check existence of the Fourier series of the following functions with reason:

(i) f(x) = x (ii) f(x) = cosec x (iii) f ( x )  1

2. State Dirichlet Conditions.

 2l
mx nx
3. The value of
 cos
dx is when m  n is

(i) 0 (ii) l (iii) l /2 (iv) 2 l

4. If a periodic function has sine series then the value of n is

( 1) n 1
(i) 0 (ii) (iii)
n2 n2
5. If a function is symmetric about origin then it is

(i) an even function (ii) an odd function (iii) a periodic function

6. If f(x) = f(x + nT), n  0,  1,  2,....... then the function is

(i) Even (ii) Odd (iii) Periodic (iv) Discontinuous.

7. A discontinuous function has a Fourier series if the type of discontinuity is

(i) Removable (ii) Non removable


8. Draw the periodic extension of the given functions and then find its Fourier series
 x 2 ,    x  0 1 1 1 2
f ( x)   Hence show that    ....... 
 x 2 , 0  x   12 22 32 8

 k ,    x  0
f ( x)  
k , 0  x  

 x ,    x  0 1 1 1 2
f ( x)   Hence show that    ....... 
x , 0  x   12 22 32 8

9. Find the Fourier Series of the following functions:

a) f ( x)  e x , (0 , 2l )

b) f ( x)  e x , (l , l )

f ( x )  x  x 2 , (  ,  )

d) f ( x)  1  x 2 , (1,1)

e) f ( x)  cosh ax , ( ,  )

f) f ( x)  x sin x , (0 , 2 )

x , 0  x  1
f ( x)  
g)  (2  x) , 1  x  2

  ,    x  0 1 1 1 2
f ( x)   Hence show that    ....... 
h) x , 0  x   12 32 52 8
2  x ,   x  2 1 1 1 2
f ( x)   Hence show that    ....... 
i) x , 0  x   12 32 52 8

0 ,    x  0 1 1 1 1
f ( x)   Hence show that    .......  (  2)
j) sin x , 0  x   1.3 3.5 5.7 4

 T
0 ,  2  t  0 2
k) f (t )   where T 
 E sin  t , 0  x  T 
 2

f ( x)  cos x , ( ,  )

 2x
1   ,    x  0
m) f ( x)  
1  2 x , 0  x  
 

f ( x)  x , (2 , 2)
10. Prove the following:

 (1) n
cos nx
(i) x
 4 for    x   .
n 1 n2

Hence show that

2 2 4
 (2n  1) 2  n2  n4
1 1 1
(i)  (ii)  (iii) 
8 6 90

2 sin a
 (1) n 1 n 2  a 2
n sin nx
(ii) sin ax  for    x  

n 1

4  x 1 2x 1 3x 1 4x 

(iii) x   sin  sin  sin  sin  ........ for 0  x  2
  2 2 2 3 2 4 2 
8 1 x 1 3x 
(iv) x  1   cos  cos  ........ for 0  x  2
 2  12 2 32 2 

 2 1 1 
(v) f ( x)    cos 2 x  cos 6 x  ........ where
4   12 32 
 
 x , 0  x 
f ( x)  
  x ,   x  
 2
10. Find the half range sine and cosine series, both, of the following functions:

(i) f ( x)  x , (0 , 2)

(ii) f ( x )  x 2 , ( 0 , 2)

11. Find the complex form of the Fourier series of the following functions:

 x 2 ,    x  0 1 1 1 2
f ( x)   Hence show that    ....... 
 x 2 , 0  x   12 2 2 3 2 8

 k ,    x  0
f ( x)  
k , 0  x  

 x ,    x  0 1 1 1 2
f ( x)   Hence show that    ....... 
x , 0  x   12 2 2 3 2 8

Fourier Transformation

Prove the followings:

Property Signal Fourier transform

Time Shifting x(t  t 0 ) e  jt X ( )

Frequency shifting
e j t x(t )
0 X (   0 )

Time Scaling x(at ) 1

X a 
Time Reversal x(t ) X ( )

Duality X (t ) 2x( )

Time Differentiation d
x(t ) jX ( )

Frequency differentiation  jtx (t ) d

x( )

Integration t X ( )
 x(t )dt   X (0) ( )

Convolution h(t )  x(t ) H ( ) X ( )

Multiplication h(t ) x(t ) 1

H ( )  X ( )

Find F. T. of the following:

1 for x  1

sin x
(i) f ( x)   . Hence evaluate dx
0 for x  1 x

1  x 2 for x  1 x cos x  sin x

(ii) f ( x)   . Hence evaluate cos dx
0 for x  1 x3 2


(iii) f ( x)  e 2

1 for x  a

(iv) f ( x)   .

0 for x  a
Find Fourier Sine Transform of the following:

 em
 1 x2
x x sin mx
(v) f ( x)  e . Hence show that dx  ,m  0

e  ax
(vi) f ( x) 
Find the Fourier Cosine Transform of the following:

(vii) f ( x) 
1 x2

(viii) f ( x)  e 2

cos x, 0  x  a
(ix) f ( x)  
0, xa

Find the Fourier Sine and Cosine Transform of the following:

1, 0  x  a
(x) f ( x)  
0, xa

 
cos x
f ( x)  e  ax , a  0 . Hence evaluate
 a2  x2  a 2  x 2 dx
x sin mx
(xi) dx &
0 0

1   , 0    1
Solve the integral equation
 f ( ) cos d  
0,  1

Partial Differential Equations

Partial differential equations

1. The partial differential equations are formed by eliminating

(i) arbitrary constants only (ii) arbitrary functions only (iii) arbitrary constants and
arbitrary functions

2. The one dimensional heat flow equation is

u  2u  2u  2u u u
 c2 2  c2  c2
(i) t x t x t x
2 2
(ii) (iii)

3. The wave equation for a vibrating elastic string in the u-t plane is

u  2u  2u  2u u u
 c2 2  c2  c2
(i) t x t x t x
2 2
(ii) (iii)

Formulate partial differential equation from the following functions:

1. z  f ( x  y )
2 2

2. f ( x 2  y 2 , z  xy)  0

3. f ( x  y  z, x 2  y 2  z 2 )  0

x2 y2 z2
  1
4. a b2 c2

5. z  f ( x  ct )  g ( x  ct )
Solve the following partial differential equations:

1. ( z  y ) p  ( x  z )q  y  x

2. p cos(x  y )  q sin( x  y )  z

3. p  q  log( x  y )

z z
4. (mz  ny )  (nx  lz)  ly  mx
x y
5. xp  yq  y  x
2 2

z z
6. x( y  z )  y ( z  x)  z ( x  y )
x y

7. x( y  z ) p  y( z  x )q  z ( x  y )  0
2 2 2 2 2 2

8. ( x  y  z ) p  2 xyq  2 xz
2 2 2

9. ( x  yz) p  ( y  xz)q  z  xy
2 2 2

2 z z
10. y  xy  x( z  2 y )
x y

11. ( z  2 yz  y ) p  ( xz  xy)q  xy  xz
2 2

12. pq  p  q  0

13. x p  y q  z
2 2 2 2 2

14. z ( p x  q )  1
2 2 2 2

15. z ( p  q )  x  y
2 2 2 2 2

16. z  1  p  q
2 2 2

17. yp  xq  pq  0

18. p(1  q)  qz

19. q  z p (1  p )
2 2 2 2

20. p  q  x  y
2 2 2 2

z  px  qy  1  p 2  q 2

Solve the following partial differential equations by the Charpit’s method:

1. z  p x  q y
2 2
2. pxy  pq  qy  yz

3. z  pqxy

4. q  xp  p

5. 1  p  qz

6. ( p  q ) y  qz
2 2

Prove the following for linear higher order homogeneous partial differential equation:

1. If m1 and m2 are the only two distinct roots of the A. E. of a linear higher order
homogeneous partial differential equation then the complementary function is
f1( y  m1x)  f 2 ( y  m2 x)

2. If m is the only root of order 2 of the A. E. of a linear higher order homogeneous

partial differential equation then the complementary function is
f1( y  mx)  xf2 ( y  mx)

1 eaxby
eaxby  provided f (a, b)  0
3. f ( D, D1) f ( a , b)

1 1
e ax  by ( x, y )  e ax  by  ( x, y )
4. f ( D, D1 ) f ( a, b)

Solve the following partial differential equations:

2 z 2 z
  cos x cos 2 y
1. x
2 xy

3 z 3 z 3 z 3 z
4 5 2  e2 x  y
2. x x y xy y
3 2 2 3

3 z 3 z
2  2e 2 x  3x 2 y
3. x x y
3 2
2z 2 z 2 z
  6 2  cos(2 x  y )
4. x y

2z 2z 2z

  2 2  y cos x
x 2 xy y

2 z 2 z 2z
4 3 2  x  3y
6. x y

Solve the following equations by the method of Separation of variable:

u u
2  u such that u ( x, 0)  6e 3 x
1. x t

2 z z z
2  0
2. x
2 x y

 2u  2u
 c2
3. t x 2

u  2u
 c2 2
4. t x

5. An elastic string is stretched between two of its fixed ends L unit apart. Initially the
string is displaced in the form of f(x) then it is released from the rest and set in the
motion. Find the displacement at any point x at any time t.

6. A tightly stretched flexible string has its ends fixed at x = 0 and x = L. At time t = 0,
the string is given a shape defined by f(x) = x(L - x), where  is a constant and
then released. Find the displacement of any point x of the string at any rime t > 0.

7. An insulated rod of length l has its ends A and B resp. at different temperatures to
have the initial temperature distribution as f(x). Suddenly the temperatures at both
the ends are dropped to zero and maintained thereat. Find the temperature at any
point x at any time t.
8. The ends A and B of a rod 20 cm long have the temperature at 30 0C and 800C until
steady state prevails. The temperature of the ends are changed to 40 0C and 600C
respectively. Find the temp. distribution at any time t.

9. An elastic string is stretched between two of its fixed ends L unit apart. Initially the
3  x 
string is displaced in the form of f(x) = a sin   then it is released from the rest
 l 
and set in the motion. Find the displacement at any point x at any time t.


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