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faults. Make use of idioms and phrases. Idiomatic expression make your writing lively,
delightful and gives it depth, force, mobility and improves its readability. Having done all that
now is the time to rewrite it to make affair copy of your essay.
In the Examination Hall: With the command over the expertise of the art of essay writing
that you have acquired and the mental powers that you have developed, you are now well set to
make a successful attempt in producing an essay of high quality in the examination hall where
the first draft is your final draft and you don't have time to recast or improve it. The first
requirement of course is the framework of the essay in the form of an outline plan for which
about twenty minutes should be spared. Think hard and jot down relevant points in a logical
sequence to make your narrative coherent and progressive. The second is to make use of your
latent mental powers. Give your brain a determined command that it should come to your aid
to make your discussion analytical and critical. The narrative should be idiomatic and full of
creative ideas. The expression should be forceful and convincing. Have faith in your brain and
the powers it generates. It obliges like a faithful servant and never lets you down. The draft
that you have produced is the first and the last. In view of the spadework that you have been
doing months earlier, a well finished and properly polished essay emerges as a matter of course
to your entire satisfaction and the standards set by your examiner.
Length of the Essay: It is what you can write continuously, at normal speed, during hundred
and fifty minutes i.e. two and a half hours out ofa total period of three hours.
The Conclusion: The concluding paragraph of your essay summarizes what all you have
discussed at length. It has three outstanding features. One: It reiterates only important points of
the essay. No new matter is introduced or fresh discussion launched. Two: Repetition of
sentences and vocabulary is avoided. While ideas remain the same the vocabulary changes.
Three: Just as the Introduction is supposed to give an attractive and powerful start to the essay,
the Conclusion winds up the discussion in a manner that gives feelings of absolute satisfaction
to the reader since full justice has been done to the topic.

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