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(c) Devolution Plan for true democracy

Formation of District Govts - Nazims - Financial & Political

powers given - A good system
(d) Why Devolution couldn't usher in democracy?
No real devolution - Financial and political power not fully given -Lack of authority-
Interference of Ministers - No education.
(e) How poverty blocked the coming of Democracy Concentration of wealth in fewer hands -
Majority poor - No vote power lack of education
(I) Abolition of feudalism to pave way for advent of democracy

Feudalism is undemocratic and un-Islamic - Pakistan in grip of

feudalism - Democracy can never come until feudalism is abolished.

The Text of the Essay: Once you have gained full grasp of the whole essay it becomes easier
to produce its narrative without much mental strain. Parts of the essay that have been broken
into inter-connected points ensure logical continuity, With only one point to discuss at a time
your mind remains clear, doesn't get mixed up, remains clear and gives its best. You take up
one point at a time and produce a paragraph on it. Such progressive treatment of your writing
helps to avoid repetition of ideas, sentences and paragraphs which improves the readability of
the text. It also enables you to line up only the essential matter dropping out what is irrelevant.
Building up your Vocabulary Stock
Repetition: You are required to remain acutely conscious that repetition has to be avoided
even in the use of 'words.' You tend to use a word over and over again when you are short of
vocabulary. Such writing becomes disgusting for the reader and the examiner. How to make up
the vocabulary deficit? Enrich your vocabulary stock by reading the editorial of a daily
newspaper. Make a list of unfamiliar words putting dictionary meanings against them. Within
twenty days or so you discover that you have grabbed Editor's entire vocabulary of three to
four hundred words with the help of which he produces an editorial of quality daily. A day
comes when you hardly find any new word in his writings. In this exercise, you have gained
quite a few other advantages as well. One: The editorials have kept you updated on important
daily events. Two: They have taught you how to appreciate, criticize, analyze, assess, evaluate
the problem at hand and also how to form your own opinion on the topic of discussion. These
two are most essential qualities that enable you to become an essayist of worth.
Chisel your Essay to Perfection
However, the real worth of an essay is determined by its exposition i.e. how the subject matter
is treated, presented and expressed. This command is gained through reading, observation,
discussion and thinking over the subject matter of the topic under consideration. The entire
spadework that you have done so far has now enabled you to produce the first draft of your
essay. But remember this is only the first draft, not the final one. Leave it as it is for a day or
two. Take it up again and start evaluating it critically with a strong µncharitable temper as if it
has been written by some one else. Try to improve it as much as possible. Clear up ideas that
are vague. Fill up the gaps if there are any. Cut out the sentences, the portions and parts of the
essay that appear to be irrelevant, superfluous and contradictory to the main argument of the
essay. Add new thoughts to enrich its worth. Look for faulty sentences and remodel them to
promotl,. economy of words, ensure appropriate use of vocabulary and remove grammatical

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