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Nur Alia Suraya binti Mohd Hafiz V10

EDUP3023 Week 2 Tutorial:

It is a fact that nature and nurture influence the growth and development of a
child. Therefore, I will explain briefly how these factors influence the growth and
development of me. Nature refers to the hereditary factors or the genes of a child,
which not only defines a child’s physical appearance but also helps in building a
child’s personality traits. My height is 163 cm as both of my parents are tall.
Unfortunately, even though I am the first child with two younger brothers and a
younger sister. I am the shortest in my family, sadly. My race is Malay but with a mix
of Javanese as my father’s parents are Javanese people. Also, I look a lot like my
father. I have a large body frame just like my father too. Another fact about me is I
have thalassemia trait, I knew about it when I did a blood test three years ago.

On the other hand, nurture refers to various environmental factors that impact
our personality traits, our childhood experiences, how and where the child is raised,
social relationships, and culture. My father is from Johor while my mother is from
Pahang. I am not familiar with Johorean dishes as I was born and raised in Pahang.
It was hard for me to adapt to the food as I am not familiar with the taste and most
Johorean dishes are too spicy for me, I couldn’t handle the spiciness. Next, my
family financial condition was not so good when I was a child, thus, my parents didn’t
get to buy me toys and we never bought takeaway foods as we need to save money.
These days, their financial condition has improved as they are able to afford us
things that we couldn’t have. Therefore, I learn to be more grateful with my life as
there are still unfortunate people who are still suffering. Due to my strict and
overprotective parents, I was really rebellious when I was a child as my parents
would forbid me from playing with my neighbours until dusk and I was not allowed to
watch television at night.

In conclusion, nature has a big influence on nurture and nurture has a big
influence on nature. All of us are born with specific genetic traits and are nurtured in
different environments and thus we all develop different traits.

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