v10 Nur Alia Suraya Binti Mohd Hafiz

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17/12/2020 SESI PAGI / PETANG



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Self-concept is the image that we have of ourselves. Self-concept is generally thought
of as our individual perceptions of our behaviour, abilities, and unique characteristics, or a
mental picture of who we are as a person. For example, beliefs such as "I am a good
friend" or "I am a kind person" are part of an overall self-concept. Self-concept tends to be
more malleable when people are younger and still going through the process of self-
discovery and identity formation. As people age, self-perceptions become much more
detailed and organized as people form a better idea of who they are and what is important
to them.

On the other hand, personality is a characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and

behaving. Personality embraces moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly
expressed in interactions with other people. It includes behavioural characteristics, both
inherent and acquired, that distinguish one person from another and that can be observed
in people’s relations to the environment and to the social group.

Therefore, based on Susi’s behaviour in school, we can conclude that Susi is having
a negative self-concept. Due to Susi’s negative self-concept, she has low self-esteem as
she is passive in her classroom, she appears moody, overly sensitive, and anti-social with
her peers. Negative self-concept also contributes to anger. Even something seemingly
small can trigger Susi. This negativity snowballs. If we feel unhappy and dislike ourselves,
we are bound to protect our fragile self-esteem by defending it in ways that temporarily may
make us feel better, but ultimately make us feel worse about ourselves. Our defensive
behavior makes us think less of ourselves and the grim cycle is complete.

Furthermore, she also has negative personality traits. For example, she is being rigid
and selfish, unyielding to the needs of others. She is full of laziness and excuses which is
sure to drive others away as she avoids completing the school work given by her teacher
by giving unacceptable excuses. Her inability to empathize with others and being quick to
anger will also alienate her from her peers, thus people will turn away due to her
problematic personality as she has an aggressive attitude and scolds her peers for no

Therefore, as a teacher, we can help Susi in the formation of a positive self-concept

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that is appropriate for the well-being of life by focusing on the positive. This is because,
children with low self-esteem tend to focus on the negative. These children will show what
they cannot do, talk about their weaknesses, and dwell on their mistakes. Children like this
need to be encouraged to not be so hard on themselves. We should lead Susi through
positive example and demonstrate what it looks like to forgive ourselves for mistakes and
appreciate our own strengths. Hence, she will see that self-worth should be determined by
good traits rather than shortcomings. Focusing on the positive does not mean we cannot
ever give negative feedback, it just means that we should praise more often and give
negative feedback sparingly so Susi’s positive self-concept can develop.

Another way to improve Susi’s self-concept is a teacher should give constructive

criticism. As Susi is suffering from low self-esteem, she is unable to tolerate criticism, even
when it is meant to help her. Teachers should be sensitive to this. Always remember that
self-esteem is about how much children feel valued, appreciated, accepted, and loved.
Teachers should work to preserve a student's self-image and help them to see themselves
as we see them. Understand that as teachers, we play the biggest role in a child's
development of self. We can easily make or break a student's self-esteem, so always
criticize as constructively as possible when we must criticize and use our influence to have
the strongest positive impact possible.

Next, a teacher can help Susi in producing a positive personal personality by

encouraging Susi to choose a role model to follow. A positive role model serves as an
inspiring example for children and play an essential part in a child’s positive personality
development. For example, teachers can make a conscious effort to highlight positive
characters from science, literature, history, and arts as role models.

Let Susi elaborate, assess, and match her behaviours with the personality traits of
commendable characters in fiction or story. Discuss open-ended about current scenarios
and leaderships, celebrities, sports figures as role models as well. Therefore, these positive
roles model which Susi admired will encourage Susi to change her personality and develop
good quality traits.

Another way to improve Susi’s personality is, a teacher can set principles & discipline
in the classroom. As a teacher, it is our responsibility to set appropriate and practical rules
for classroom behaviour. Let Susi know what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in the

SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020242340192

premises. If Susi exhibits good character and good behaviour in her classroom, we should
praise her. Also, teachers can employ appreciation and reward system in the form of gold
stars, chocolates, and applause for good behaviours in the classroom. This activity will
encourage Susi to behave well in her class. Hence, Susi well get a clear perception of
ground rules and her character traits are built by every rule.

In a nutshell, fostering positive self-concept and guiding children in developing good

personality by setting students up for success and providing frequent positive feedback are
essential roles of teachers. Teachers should understand that every child is different, and
they need a customized approach to be developed well. Consistent love, support, and
inspiration will help to build confidence, etiquette, and empathy in children. Children will
also have better school experience, both academically and socially.

(933 words)

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Cherry, K. (2020, January 08). What Is Self-Concept and How Does It Form? Retrieved
from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-self-concept-2795865

Lincoln, S. (2019, October 30). Role of Teachers in Students' Personality Development.

Retrieved from shorturl.at/gGNWX

Thomas, L. J. (2014, September 09). When You Have a Negative Self-Concept. Retrieved
from https://www.coloradoan.com/story/mind-body/get-centered/2014/09/09/when-

Watson, S. (2020, January). How to Improve a Students' Self-Esteem. Retrieved from


Webber, C. (2020, October 28). 8 ways to overcome low self-esteem. Retrieved from

SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020242340192


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untuk meneruskan jawapan sehingga ke halaman berikutnya mengikut kesesuaian
panjang jawapan anda.)
Learning disabilities are disorders that affect the ability to understand or use spoken
or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct
attention. These disabilities can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization,
time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short-term memory and attention. It is important
to realize that learning disabilities can affect an individual’s life beyond academics and can
impact relationships with family, friends and in the workplace.

Although learning disabilities occur in very young children, the disorders are usually
not recognized until the child reaches school age. A learning disability cannot be cured or
fixed, it is a lifelong challenge. However, with appropriate support and intervention, children
with learning disabilities can achieve success in school and go on to successful, often
distinguished careers later in life.

Based on Razi’s difficulty to understand during learning session, the learning

disability that is faced by Razi is slow learners. A slow learner is typically defined as a
student with an IQ profile that falls between 70-85. A slow learner is a student that exhibits
the ability to learn necessary academic skills, however, at a rate and depth below that of
typical peers. It can be seen that Razi progresses through the curriculum at a slightly slower
rate and may struggle to keep up with concepts, despite working hard. Slow learners
typically have the most difficulty learning new academic material, especially tasks that
require much more cognitive energy, such as problem solving, reasoning and

Moreover, Razi will most likely struggles to possess the depth of general knowledge
to enhance new learning. In addition to academic struggles, slow learners like Razi also
share these common characteristics which are immature and poor social skills, exhibit a
poor long-term planning, have low self-esteem as they are aware of their academic
struggles, work on tasks more slowly and methodically, may have a short attention span,

SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020242340192

have difficulty in understanding directions or novel concepts, and have difficulty

generalizing learned material.

Therefore, as teachers, we can help Razi to overcome his learning problems with the
appropriate support by incorporate audio and visual materials. One common characteristic
among slow learners is that they often learn better by seeing and hearing than by reading.
This should be no surprise, because performance in basic skill areas, including reading
usually is below grade level among slow learners. Teachers can use various media to
repeat the information we want them to learn.

For instance, incorporating films, videotapes, and audio into lessons helps
accommodate the instruction to the strategies learning modalities for Razi. Teachers should
be creative in their teaching by exploring interesting videos to help Razi understand the
subject easily. Emphasizing concrete and visual forms of content also helps compensate for
the general difficulty slow learners have in grasping abstract ideas and concepts.

Another way to help Razi is develop our own worksheets and exercises. This is
because, textbooks and workbooks, when written for the average student often exceed the
functioning level of the slow learner and sometimes become more of a hindrance than an
aid. For example, when textbook materials are too difficult, or are too different from topics
that capture Razi’s interests, develop our own teaching materials. Sometimes only some
changes in worksheets and exercises are needed to adapt the vocabulary or difficulty level
to the ability of slow learners like Razi. Also, using textbooks and exercises intended for a
lower grade could ease the burden of creating materials that are unavailable at Razi’s
grade level.

Besides that, as a teacher, we can assign peer tutors and homework buddies for
Razi. Rather than encouraging competition among our students, facilitate a culture of
mutual helpfulness. Peer tutoring can be an effective ally to our teaching objectives,
especially when tutors are assigned so that everyone being tutored also has the
responsibility for being a tutor. As an example, put the students in pairs so they can help
one another learn new materials.

Through this activity, we may assist the students and use cooperative learning
exercises where slow learners like Razi receives help and support from a more skilful peer
as students are most likely to be more comfortable learning from their peers. It is important
SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020242340192

for us to make sure that the more skilful peer always encourage respect towards student
who simply do not understand certain information as fast as the rest to avoid the slow
leaners from being dispirit in learning.

In addition, we can help Razi to overcome his learning problems by guiding him to
the main points of lessons and tests. This is due the fact that Razi who is a slow learner
may struggle to identify the main points of a lesson or a test, and may be overwhelmed by
supplementary information. Namely, when teaching, we have to make sure to identify and
emphasize the learning points to Razi. We should avoid from overwhelming Razi by moving
on too quickly or asking him to learn many details beyond the main points. Forcing him to
digest many information in a short span will cause Razi to be more confused in class.
Before we start a lesson, summarize the main points so all of our students know what they
should be paying attention to. Also, we should provide study guides for tests so that slow
learners know what information they need to concentrate on.

In conclusion, slow learners need extra support educators. If proper guidance is not
provided, they often feel neglected and start resenting school. They develop a pessimistic
attitude, which ultimately affects their academic performance. Therefore, it is essential for
teachers to maintain a positive attitude and offer support to slow learners to eliminate many
factors that hinder learning, such as distractions, annoying peers, a fast classroom pace
and a competitive atmosphere. It is also important for further research to develop guidelines
to assist teachers in supporting slow learners.

(974 words)

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SULIT ANGKA GILIRAN : 2020242340192


Borah, R. R. (2013). Slow Learners: Role of Teachers and Guardians in Honing their
Hidden Skills. International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration, 3(2),
pp. 139-143. doi: http://www.ripublication.com/ijepa.htm

Emily Listmann, M. (2020, January 30). How to Help Slow Learners. Retrieved from

Horvath, E. (n.d.). Slow Learner - WestfallPsychology. Retrieved from



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