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Reading Course First Semester

Quiz ( 2-a )
Name: Group:

- Read the passage carefully and then answer the following questions:
John and Paul lived in a nice house at the seaside. It was a great place to live in, especially if the weather was
nice. Sometimes they sat in Paul’s bedroom and looked out of the window. If the weather was good they
could see all sorts of things, children who were running around on the beach, or swimming in the sea or
building sand castles. If they were lucky they could also see lots of different ships.
One day they were sitting on Paul’s sofa and were looking out of the window, when suddenly they heard a
terrible noise. They looked up into the sky and saw a plane burning. Then they saw how it crashed straight
into the sea. A few seconds later they also saw the pilot. Fortunately, he was coming down with his parachute.
The boys ran to the phone and called for help. A few minutes later they saw a helicopter flying around and
looking for the pilot. Luckily, they found him and pulled him out of the water with their special equipment.
Some days later, the pilot came round to the boys’ house and gave them a reward for saving his life.

Q1) What happened to the plane?

Q2) Circle the correct answer:-

1- The word sorts in line 3 means…
a) kinds b) ships c)fish
2- John and Paul lived near the…
a) sand castles b) sea c) mountains
3- The weather in their area was nice
a) some of the times b) always c) rarely
4- They in line 9 refers to..
a) boys b) pilot and his friends c) people in the helicopter

Good luck,,
Reading Course First Semester
Quiz ( 2-b )
Name: Group:

- Read the passage carefully and then answer the following questions:
John and Paul lived in a nice house at the seaside. It was a great place to live in, especially if the weather
was nice. Sometimes they sat in Paul’s bedroom and looked out of the window. If the weather was good they
could see all sorts of things, children who were running around on the beach, or swimming in the sea or
building sand castles. If they were lucky they could also see lots of different ships.
One day they were sitting on Paul’s sofa and were looking out of the window, when suddenly they heard a
terrible noise. They looked up into the sky and saw a plane burning. Then they saw how it crashed straight
into the sea. A few seconds later they also saw the pilot. Fortunately, he was coming down with his parachute.
The boys ran to the phone and called for help. A few minutes later they saw a helicopter flying around and
looking for the pilot. Luckily, they found him and pulled him out of the water with their special equipment.
Some days later, the pilot came round to the boys’ house and gave them a reward for saving his life.

Q1) What did Paul and John like to do if the weather was nice?

Q2) Circle the correct answer:-

1- The word reward in line 10 means…
a) car b) gift c) punishment
2- John and Paul likes to sit in…
a) John’s room b) the beach c) Paul’s room
3- They in line 6 refers to..
a) boys b) pilot and his friends c) people in the helicopter
4- The weather in their area was nice
a) some of the times b) always c) rarely

Good luck,,

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