The Role of Senses

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The role of the senses

Human has 5 senses like: sight, feeling, taste, smell and hearing. All these senses
are important for a person to live and survive. But in my opinion, the most
interesting and various sense is taste. So, I‘m going to talk about the different
food, spices and taste of them.

Firstly, about the vegetables and fruits, which are colourful, can be crunchy, soft,
juicy, cooked or raw. Of course, they‘re highly beneficial for our health. Vast
majority of food experts said, that those greens make us stronger and increase
the imunne system. Also, all people are different. Someone like to eat sweet food,
other prefer to eat bitter.

Secondly, apart from bitter and sweet, human can detect and other tastes. With
our tongue, we can taste two more flavors: salty and sour. Actually, scientists
state, that girls have more sensitive buds and can differentiate flavours more
easily than boys.

Unlike everyone, though, food has to be wet or moist for it to be tasty. When we
notice and smell food, our mouth produce saliva and when we eat it, the saliva
transports its taste to our taste buds. If you dry your tongue with a cloth and
then put some food on it, you‘ll find it fairly tasteless. Without a doubt, our
mouth produce enough saliva before eating, so it‘s unlikely this will ever happen.

Futhermore, the texture of food on our tongue is also important in our

perception of its taste. Some people consider slimy, lumpy, thick or creamy
foods utterly repulsive, however it tastes. This is because our brain realize the
look or feel of something and sends a message to our tongue telling it not like
that food.

In conclusion, if you really don‘t like the look, feel or taste of those vegetables on
your plate, you can now claim that there is a universally accepted scientific
explanation for this. So, we will always want to eat tasty, moist enough and
warm food, which melts easily in our mouth.

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