Hadith 2

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Mustalah al-hadith is the science that emerged to protect the hadith of the prophet from fabrication,
lies and mistakes.
The terms ulûmu hadith, dirâyetu'l-hadîs, ilmu mustalahi'l-hadîs or shortly mustalahi'l-hadîs are used
synonymously with each other in terms of hadith method science.
Basic terms: Sunna, Khabar, Athar, Hadith and Hadith Qudsi
Sunna literally means “the way followed, method, exemplary practice, custom and tradition”.
The meaning of sunna in our pdf is a trodden path, or tariqa, a precedent exemplary conduct.
For Muslims, Sunnah means "the way of the prophet". Sunnah try to follow his words, actions and
although sunna can mean a bad example or precedent as well as a good one, it is often the latter which
the sunna conveys. bid‘at means "something that has been unprecedented before, but emerged later.
Bidʿah, in Islam, any innovation that has no roots in the traditional practice (Sunnah) of the Muslim
community. Ahmad ibn Hanbal rejected bidʿah completely, arguing that the duty of a Muslim was to
follow the example set by the Prophet (Sunnah) and not try to improve on it.
Although many people think that hadith and sunnah are synonymous, these terms differ from each
other. hadith is the verbally transmitted record of the teachings, deeds and sayings, silent permissions
or disapprovals of Muhammad. Sunnah is what all the muslims of Muhammad's time, evidently saw
and followed and passed on to the next generations, without any doubt (for example, the method of
offering five daily prayers). In short, sunnah is used for practical examples and hadith for verbal
expressions of the sunnah.
hadith literally means 'speech' and also 'new', which is the opposite of 'qadim'. As a technical term, a
hadith is basically any report of the Messenger of Allah's saying, action, tacit approval, manners,
physical characteristic or biographical information. In other words, it is any report about the "sunnah,"
as defined by the scholars of hadith.
After the death of the prophet, the word hadith mean the words of the prophet as well as what people
told about the prophet. As a result, the words of the Companions and Followers were included in the
According to imam al-Shafi every sunna must be verified with a authentic hadith that is supported by
a reliable isnad (the chain of transmitter).
This opinion was accepted by the scholars of hadith, especially the latecomers (muta’akhkhirun) who
thought that the sunnah and hadith are two words that have the same meaning.
Although some have stated that the sunna did not contain verbal expressions but this was not
accepted. Quran and sunna complement each other. When revelation comes to the prophet, he
explains the revelation both verbally and actually. sunna has meant different things to the hadith
scholars, the jurists, and the usul scholars respectively. According to usul scholars, sunnah is a source
along with the Qur'an to make judgments. Although some scholars follow the Qur'an, sunnah and
their own ijtihad, they included the acts of sunnah and the precedent of the companions. Imam malik
supported this opinion, so Imam Shafi criticized his for mixing the Prophet's Sunnah with the

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