OVERLOAD FUSE - Catalog 1B11143G08 PDF

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Drawout Expulsion Fuse Links

Type DO-III Fuse Links, Oil Immersed


Technical Guide

100 Amp Current Sensing Fuse Style 1B11143G16

50 Amp Dual Sensing Fuse Style 1B11144G12

8 Amp Dual Element Fuse Style 1B11145G05

General Description Fuse Curve Selection

The DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link is an oil immersed, expulsion There are two methods that can be used to determine the
type, fuse assembly for use in the ABB DO-III draw out load correct DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link that will properly
break expulsion fuse holder or equivalent. It is designed for coordinate with other protective devices in the system:
use with single and three phase pad-mounted transformers
filled with transformer oil or other approved fluid and is de- The first method is to use the time versus current character-
signed to protect the distribution system in the event of an istics curves (TCC Curves) of the DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link
internal transformer fault, secondary fault, or severe overload. and the TCC Curves of related system devices and confirm
It must be used in series with a current limiting fuse or isola- that the DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link curve lies between its
tion Link. nearest upstream and downstream device curves.

Application Information The other method is to use Tables 2 through 7. Select the
proper fuse link based on the kVA and primary voltage of the
transformer to be protected. Use Tables 2 through 4 for single
Multiple Ratings phase and Tables 5 through 7 for three phase transformer
DO-III Expulsion Fuses are manufactured in Current
Sensing, Dual Sensing, and Dual Element types of fuses per
Table1. Current Sensing Fuse Links sense secondary faults,
extreme overload currents and transformer faults, while the Single Phase Transformer Applications
Dual Sensing and Dual Element Fuse Links additionally de-
tect excessive transformer fluid temperature to keep dam- Table 2 Current Sensing Fuse Link a
age caused by extreme temperature environments and long-
term overloads from occurring. Primary Voltage in kV
2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 7.62 8.32 12.0 12.47 13.2 13.8 14.4
Table 1 DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links 10 06b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b
15 08b 06b 06b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b
Current Sensing Dual Sensing Dual Element 25 10b 08b 06 06b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b 04b
37.5 10 08 08 06 06 06 06b 06b 04b 04b 04b
Fuse Style I Fuse Style I Fuse Style I 50 12 10 10b 08b 08b 08b 06b 06b 06b 06b 06b
1B11143G04 6 1B11144G03 3 1B11145G03 5 75 14b 12b 10 10b 08b 08b 08b 08b 08b 06 06
1B11143G06 10 1B11144G05 8 1B11145G04 6 100 14 12 12 10 10 10 08 08 08 08 08b
167 17b 14b 14b 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10
1B11143G08 15 1B11144G08 15 1B11145G05 8 250 - 16 16b 14b 14b 14b 12 12 12 12b 12b
1B11143G10 25 1B11144G10 25 1B11145G06 12 333 - 17b 17b 16b 14 14b 14b 12 12 12 12
500 - - - 17b 17b 16 14 14b 14b 14b 14b
1B11143G12 40 1B11144G12 50 1B11145G07 15
1B11143G14 65 1B11144G14 65 1B11145G09 25
1B11143G16 100 1B11145G11 40
1B11143G17 140 1B11145G12 50 Table 3 Dual Sensing Fuse Link c
Primary Voltage in kV
2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 7.62 8.32 12.0 12.47 13.2 13.8 14.4
See TCC Curves 1C11102 for min. melt current sensing 5 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
See TCC Curves 1C11103 for max clear current sensing 10 05 05 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
See TCC Curves 1C11104 for min. melt dual sensing 15 08 05 05 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
See TCC Curves 1C11105 for max clear dual sensing 25 10 08 08 05 05 05 03 03 03 03 03
37.5 12 10 08 08 08 08 05 05 05 05 05
See TCC Curves 1C11106 for min. melt dual element
50 12 10 10 08 08 08 05 05 05 05 05
See TCC Curves 1C11107 for max clear dual element
75 14 12 12 10 10 10 08 08 08 08 08
100 14 12 12 10 10 10 08 08 08 08 08
167 - 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10
250 - - - 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12
333 - - - 14d 14 14 12 12 12 12 12
500 - - - - - - 14 14 14 14 14

Table 4 Dual Element Fuse Link c, e Table 6 Dual Sensing Fuse Link f
kVA Primary Voltage in kV Primary Voltage in kV
2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 7.62 8.32 12.0 12.47 13.2 13.8 14.4 kVA 12.0, 13.8,
2.4 4.16 4.8 8.32 13.2 20.8c,d 22.9 c,d 24.94 d
5 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 12.47 14.4
10 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 45 10 08 08 05 03 03 03 03 03 03
15 07 05 05 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 75 12 10 10 08 05 05 05 03 03 03
25 09 06 06 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 112.5 14 12 10 08 08 08 08 05 05 05
37.5 11 09 08 06 06 06 05 05 04 04 04 150 14 12 12 10 08 08 08 05 05 05
50 12 09 09 07 07 07 06 06 05 05 05 225 - 14 14 12 10 10 10 08 08 08
75 - 12 11 09 09 09 07 06 06 06 06 300 - 14 14 12 10 10 10 08 08 08
100 - 12 12 09 09 09 09 09 07 07 07 500 - - - 14 12 12 12 10 10 10
167 - - - 12 12 12 11 11 09 09 09 750 - - - - 14 14 14 12e 12 12
250 - - - - - - 12 12 11 11 11 1000 - - - - 14e 14e 14e 12e 12 12
333 - - - - - - 12 12 12 12 12 1500 - - - - - - - 14 14 14

Table 7 Dual Element Fuse Link f

Single Phase Application Notes Primary Voltage in kV
a. Fuse recommendations are based on fuse melting at 3 to 4 times kVA 12.0, 13.8,
transformer rated current at 5 minutes. Recommended fuses 2.4 4.16 4.8 8.32 13.2 20.8 c,d 22.9 c,d 24.94 d
12.47 14.4
meet inrush requirement of 12 times transformer full load current 45 09 07 07 04 03 03 03 03 03 03
for 0.1 second. 75 12 09 09 06 04 04 04 03 03 03
b. Recommended Fuses provide more than 4 times 112.5 - 11 09 07 06 06 06 05 04 04
Transformer rated current for 5 minutes. 150 - 12 12 09 07 07 07 06 05 05
c. Recommendations are based on 200% transformer 225 - - - 11 09 09 09 07 06 06
loading for 2 hours, 160% loading for 7 hours and thermal 300 - - - 12 09 09 09 09 07 07
characteristics of typical ABB Transformers. Recommended 500 - - - - 12 12 12 11 09 09
fuses meet inrush requirement of 12 times transformer 750 - - - - - - - 12 11 11
full load current for 0.1 second. 1000 - - - - - - - - 12 12
d. Recommended fuse will result in some loss of overload capacity.

e. ABB DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links 1B11145G09-G12

should not be used at voltages greater than 15500 V for Three Phase Application Notes
delta configuration. a. Fuse recommendations are based on fuse melting at 3 to 4 times
transformer rated current at 5 minutes. Recommended fuses
meet inrush requirement of 12 times transformer full load current
for 0.1 second.
b. Recommended Fuses provide more than 4 times Transformer
rated current for 5 minutes.
c. ABB DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links alone should not be used at
voltages greater than 17100 V for delta configuration or 24940
gnd Y/14400. For application through 23 kV delta or 34500 gnd
Y/19920 a 23 kV rated current limiting fuse is recommended in
series with the DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link.
Three Phase Transformer Applications d. Recommended fuse is limited to gnd Y /gnd Y transformer with
less than 50% delta loading.
Table 5 Current Sensing Fuse Link a e. Recommended fuse will result in some loss of overload capacity.
f. Recommendations are based on 200% transformer loading for 2
Primary Voltage in kV hours, 160% loading for 7 hours and thermal characteristics of
kVA 12.0, 13.8, typical ABB Transformers. Recommended fuses meet inrush re-
2.4 4.16 4.8 8.32 13.2 20.8c,d 22.9c,d 24.94c
12.47 14.4 quirement of 12 times transformer full load current for 0.1 sec-
45 10b 08b 06 06b 04b 04 b 04b 04b 04b 04b ond. ABB DO-III Expulsion Fuses 1B11145G09 through G12
75 12b 10b 08 06 06b 06 b 06b 04b 04b 04 should not be used at voltages greater than 15500V for delta
112.5 12 10 10 08 06 06 06 06b 04b 04 configuration. ABB DO_III Expulsion Fuses 1B11145G03 through
150 14b 12 12b 10b 08b 08 b 08b 06b 06b 06 G07 alone should not be used at voltages greater than 17100 V
225 16b 14b 12 10 10b 10 b 08 08b 08b 06 for delta configuration or 24940 gndY/14400.
300 17b 14 14b 12 10 10 10 08 08 08
500 - 17b 16 14b 12 12 12 10 10 10
750 - - 17 16b 14b 14 b 14b 12 12 12
1000 - - - 17b 16b 14 14 14b 12 12
1500 - - - - 17b 17 b 16 14 14b 14b
2000 - - - - - 17 17 16b 16b 16b
2500 - - - - - - - 17b 17b 16

ABB, Inc.

Fax: 731-696-5269
1128 S. Cavalier Drive
Alamo, TN 38001, USA
Telephone: 731-696-5561
IZUA 5670-201en Replaces TPL 44-836 dated March 01. Printed in USA by Tennessee Industrial Printing Services Inc.
Type DO-III Fuse Links, Oil Immersed
Drawout Expulsion Fuse Links
Installation Information

Removing the Existing Fuse

1. WARNING: VENT THE TRANSFORMER BEFORE 4. Quickly pull the fuseholder out approximately 6 inches to open
OPERATING THE BAYONET FUSE HOLDER. FAILURE the circuit. Wait a few seconds for oil to drain back into the
TO DO SO CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY, DEATH OR tank, then completely withdraw fuse holder. (See Figure 3)

Vent the transformer to atmosphere by manually operating

the pressure relief device normally provided, or by removing
the vent plug. The transformer should be vented before it is
energized if it has been pressurized for leak test or if the unit
has been opened and resealed.

2. Attach Hot-Line tool to handle eye, Stand to one side and

unlock the handle. (See Figure 1)

Figure 3
5. Use a 3/4 inch and 1/2 inch wrench to remove the end plug
from the fuse cartridge. (See Figure 4)

Figure 1

3. Push down and rotate the handle 90°° clockwise in the

housing to break any adhesion between the gasket and the
housing. (See Figure 2)

Figure 4
6. Use a flat head screwdriver or other tool to straighten out the
castle end of the fuse so that the fuse may be removed.

7. Use a 3/4 inch wrench to remove the fuse cartridge from the
puller assembly and remove and discard the damaged fuse.
(See Figure 5)

Figure 2

Figure 5

8. WARNING: INSURE THAT THE CORRECT FUSE IS Remove the end plug and ensure that the catle ends have
OR PROPERTY DAMAGE Replace the end plug and retighten to 50-70 inch pounds.

Place the Fuse in the fuse holder and thread the fuseholder

Printed in USA by Tennessee Industrial Printing Services Inc.

onto the puller assembly with the flared end toward the puller 10. To Reinstall Fuseholder:
assembly. Tighten to 50-70 inch pounds.
Attach hot-line tool to handle eye, stand to one side and
9. Thread the end plug against the fuse’s castle end of the place the fuse holder end just inside the housing.
fuseholder and tighten to 50-70 inch pounds.
(See Figure 6) Rapidly push the fuseholder in until dust cap seats against
the housing (See Figure 7.)

Figure 7

Push down and rotate the locking handle, hooking it over the
shoulder of the housing.
Figure 6

IZUA 5670-203 en Replaces IL 44-836 dated March 01.

ABB Inc.
1128 S. Cavalier Drive
Alamo, TN 38001, USA
Telephone: 731-696-5561
Fax: 731-696-5362

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