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Chapter -1
As I sat on the windowsill, I waited impatiently for my best friends.
The weather was cold. This was the first time we made a plan to go
out of our city without parents.

I got up and sat closer to the heater. It was our Christmas vacation.

I heard a car in my front yard. I ran and gazed outside the window. I
was relieved to see that my friends had arrived.

My friends –Ahana and Anusha.

I knew Anusha from the past 6 years, when I was 7 years old………
although we became best friends 3 years ago. We can understand each
other well. Anusha is a tall girl with extremely curly hair and

I knew Ahana from the past one year, but we can understand each
other very well .Ahana is a tall girl with dark brown wavy hair and
drooping shoulders.

I ran upstairs to get my luggage and came back as soon as I could. I

opened the door and ran to talk to them. We were so excited about
our little vacation, that we decided leave at that moment.

We said goodbyes to our parents and Anusha and I waited for

Ahana’s parents, as they gave her a long list of instructions about
what to do and what not to do. They were always overprotective
about her, sometimes she would get really annoyed but we somehow
convinced them with a lot of pleading and …….in short, we had a lot
of trouble convincing them to let Ahana come with us, but it was
worth it!

We unchained our bicycles from my backyard and left.

It was going to be a fun ride with our bicycles to the resort. The place
we were going to was an adventure camp at the border of a big forest.


Ow! I let out a painful, loud cry. I had fallen down from my bicycle
and it was very painful. I looked back to ask help from my friends.
But there was no one in sight. I thought that maybe both of them
were probably far away, because we were racing and I was winning.

I felt strong pain shoot through the back of my head. I lifted my hand
and felt the place where it was hurting. I realised that I was bleeding.
I had no idea what to do, I couldn’t see anything clearly. Everything
in front of me was going blurring felt as if the world is closing itself
before me.

I could not see anything now, but black light.


“I’m sure she’ll wake up soon, we shouldn’t panic, and this is not the
right time.” Someone said.

I could recognise this voice, this was Ahana.

“Are you really sure that nothing is serious about Apoorva’s hurt?”
This was Anusha.

I opened my eyes slowly; I found that I was lying on a small bed.

I tried to sit, but I felt weak.

“Thank god you’re ok.”Anusha said.

“What happened? “I managed to ask.

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