D-Link Router Setup and Installation Using Dlinkrouter - Local Login

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D-link Router Setup and Installation using dlinkrouter.

local Login
Any D-link router setup and installation involves establishing of wired or wireless
connections on the router with computer, though it is recommended to set up a wired
connection for D-link router setup. Also, the D-link router should be connected to either
the DSL or cable modem, whichever is being used, for the wireless network.
Dlink router login via dlinkrouter.local using dlink router default password is used to
configure the dlink wifi router for D-link router set up and establish an internet connection
on the router.

To Setup dlink wifi Router:

● Power off the modem by disconnecting it from the power source or dislocating its
battery backup.
● Connect your modem to the dlink wifi Router making use of an Ethernet cable.
● The Ethernet cable used for dlink router setup should be affixed at the Ethernet
port of modem at one end and to the WAN or internet port of the dlink router at
the other end.
● Connect the D-link router to the power source using its power adapter plugged to
power source.
● Power on the D-link wifi Router.
● The power LED on the dlink wifi router should have lit.
● Also, connect the modem to power by affixing the power adapter to the power
● Connect your computer to the D-Link wifi Router with an Ethernet cable for dlink
router setup.
● Join the Ethernet port on your computer to any one of the four LAN ports on the
D-Link wifi Router.
● Allow D-link router setup either wirelessly by establishing connecting of your
computer or mobile device to the Dlink wifi router.
● Wireless connection dlink router setup is set up through Wi-Fi settings - Wi-Fi SSID
name and the wireless network passphrase.
● Open a web browser on your computer for D-link router login.
● Navigate to the dlink router login to enter the D-link router login default web
address dlinkrouter.local in the address bar.
● On the contrary, try dlink router ip for default dlink router login using the default
IP address
● Enter the default dlink router login default password and username.
● Enter admin in dlink router login username field
● Leave the dlink router default password field blank.
● Click login to allow dlink router login via dlinkrouter.local.
● The dlink router Setup Wizard shows up automatically after dlinkrouter.local
default login.
● This D-link router Setup wizard guides through dlink router setup.
● It configures D-Link wifi router to allow Internet connection setup.
● The setup wizard proceeds dlink router setup by automatically detecting your
wireless Internet connection type.
● Continue with the D-link wifi router’s Setup Wizard on screen instructions to finish
wireless network setup and configuration.
● The internet connection will be setup and dlink router setup completes.
● The router’s behavior Internet LED status will be light green indicating that your
dlink wifi router is connected to the wireless Internet.
Your D-Link wifi Router is then finally installed and set up using dlink router default
password via dlinkrouter.local d-link router login access from a web browser.

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