Vocabulario Traducido

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Accountant: Someone whose job is to keep or examine the financial records of a company or
organization. CONTABLE.

Acquire: To buy or take control of a company or part of a company. ADQUIRIR.

AD: An advertisement. ANUNCIO.

Advantage: A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior position.


Advertisement: A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product service.


Agenda: A list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting. AGENDA

Aim at: To produce something for a particular purpose, or a particular group of people.

Alienate: to cause someone or a group of people to stop supporting and agreeing with you.

Annual Leave: A paid number of days each year that an employee is allowed to be away
from work. PERMISO ANUAL.

Apology: A regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure. DISCULPA.

Apply for a job: To ask officially for a regular job. APLICAR PARA UN TRABAJO.

Appoint: To officially choose someone for a job. NOMBRAR/DESIGNAR.

Appraisal: When you examine someone or something and judge how good or successful
they are. EVALUACION.

Area of Responsibility: A part of your job that is your particular duty to deal with. AREA DE

Assemble: To build something by joining differents parts together. ARMAR.

Assets: Things such as money, property or land owned by a person, company or

organisation. BIENES.

Attach: To add a computer file to an email message. ADJUNTAR.

Audit: When an independent person examines all the financial records of a company to
produce an official report. AUDITORIA.

Autonomy: The right of a country or group of people to govern itself. AUTONOMIA.

Average: Usual and like the most common type of something. PROMEDIO.

Backup Copy: A computer file, document, etc. that is created to be exactly the same as
another one. COPIA DE SEGURIDAD.

Balance Sheet: A document that shows what a company has earned and what it has spent.

Be Let in Charge: To be the person who is responsible for someone or something. ESTAR A

Bear Market: A time when the share prices of a company are falling as a lot of people are
selling them. MERCADO BAJISTA.

Bill: A printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services. FACTURA.

Boardroom: A room where the people who control the company or organisation have
meetings. SALA DE JUNTAS.

Bond: An official document from a government or company to show that you have given
them money that they will pay back with a certain amount of extra money. FIANZA.

Bonus: An extra amount of money that you are given, especially because you have worked
hard. PRIMA

Bookkeeping: recording the money that an organisation or business sends and receives.

Boost: An act or event that increases or improves something. AUMENTO.

Branch: One of several shops, offices, etc. thar are part of a company or organisation.

Brand: A product that is made by a particular company. MARCA.

Brand Identity: A set of ideas and features that a company wants people to connect in their
minds with its products or brand. IDENTIDAD DE MARCA.

Break into an area: To suddenly start an activity. EMPEZAR DE REPENTE.

Broaden your product range: To increase the number of different things made by your

Broker: Someone whose job is to buy and sell shares equal parts of a company’s total value.

Budget: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. PRESUPUESTO.
Chain: Number of similar shops, restaurants, etc. owned by the same company. CADENA.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The main person responsible for managing a company or
organisation, who is also sometimes the company’s president or chairmand of the board.

Creditor: A person or organisation that someone owes money to. ACREEDOR.

Commission: An instruction, command, or role given to a person or group. ENCARGO.

Co-ordinate: To make different people or things work together effectively, or to organize all
the different parts of an activity. COORDINAR.

Competitive Market: The buying and selling of something when other business are trying to
be more successful than yours. COMPETENCIA DE MERCADO.

Complaint: An expression of discontent. QUEJA.

Consultant: Someone who advises people about a particular subject. CONSULTOR.

Corporation: A large company or group of companies. COORPORACION.

Cost: The price of something. COSTO.

Cover your expenses. To have enough money to pay for the things you need. CUBRIR LOS

Cut Costs: To reduce the amount of money that you need to buy or do something. REDUCIR

Customer Base: The group of people who usually buy or use a company’s products or
services. CLIENTES BASE.

CV: A document which describes your qualifications and the jobs you have done, which you
send to and employer that you want to work for. CV.

Data Warehouse: A large amount of information stored in one computer or on a number of

computers in the same place. ALMACEN DE DATOS.

Deadline: A time by which something must haven be done. FECHA LIMITE.

Deal With: To do business with a person or organisation. ENCARGARSE DE ALGO.

Debt: A sum of money that is owed or due. DEUDA.

Debtor: Someone who owes money. DEUDOR.

Decline: To become less in amount, importance, quality, or strength. DECLINAR/RECHAZAR

Decrease: Make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity or degree. DISMINUIR
Degree: A qualification given for completing a university course. CARRERA.

Delegate: Someone who is sent to somewhere to represent a group of people. DELEGADO.

Delivery charges: The amount of money that you have to pay for taking things such as
letters, parcels or goods to a person or place. GASTOS DE ENVIO.

Demand: A need for something to be sold or supplied. NECESIDAD.

Demanding: Needing a lot of your time, attention or effort. NECESITADO.

Demonstration: Showing how to do something, or how something works. DEMOSTRACION.

Depreciation: A loss of value, especially over time. DEVALUACION.

Discontinued: Cheaper than usual. DESCATALOGADO.

Dismiss: To officially make someone leave their job. DESPEDIR / DESTITUIR.

Distributor: A person or organisation that supplies goods to shops and companies.


Dividend: An amount of money paid regularly to someone who owns shares in a company
from the company’s profits. DIVIDENDO.

Economic Boom: A period when there if a big increase in sales or profits. BOOM

Emerging market: A part of the world where a product or service is starting to be sold.

Enclose: To send something in the same envelope or parcel as something else/to attach.

Entitled to: If you are entitled to something, you have the right to do or to have it. CON

Entrepreneur: Someone who starts their own business. EMPRENDEDOR.

Evaluate: To consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad is.

Exceed: To be more than a particular number or amount. EXCEDER.

Expand: To increase in size or amount, or to make something increase. EXPANDIR.

Expenditure: The total amount of money that a government or person spends on something.

Exploit: To use or develop something to profit or progress in business. EXPLOTAR.

Fee: An amount of money that you pay to do something, to use something, or to get a
service. CUOTA.

Field: An area of study or activity. CAMPO.

Fill in a form: To write the necessary information on an official document. RELLENAR UN


Fire: To tell someone they must leave their job. DESPEDIR.

Fit: To put or fix something in a particular place. ENCAJAR.

Fix a Time: To decide a certain and a particular point in the day or night to do something.

Flipchart: Large pieces of paper attached to a board on legs, which your write or draw on
when you are talking to a group of people. ROTAFOLIO.

Float: To start selling a company’s shares to the public. EMITIR.

Flood the Market: To provide too much of a product so that there is more of this product
available then there are people who want to buy it. INUNDAR EL MERCADO.

Floor: An area where a particular activity happens. SUELO.

Fluctuate: To keep changing, especially in level or amount. FLUCTUAR.

Forecast: To say what you expect to happen in the future. PRONOSTICO.

Format: The way something is designed, arranged or produced. FORMATO.

Forum: A situation or meeting in which people can exchange ideas and discuss things. FORO.

Founder: Someone who establishes and organisation. FUNDADOR.

Forward: To send a letter, email, etc, that you have received to someone else. REENVIAR.

Fraud: When someone does something illegal or order to get money. FRAUDE.

Fullfilling: Something that satisfies you and makes you happy. REALIZAR.

Gadget: A small piece of equipment that does a particular job, especially a new type.

Get in Touch: To communicate with someone by telephone or by writing on them.


Giant: A very large and important company or organisation. GIGANTE.

Globally mobile: Able to change your way of working to suit many different countries.

Go Bankrupt: To be unable to continue in business because you cannot pay your debts.

Go Into Liquidation: To close a business because it has no money left. LIQUIDAR.

Goods: Items which are made to be sold. BIENES.

Graduate: someone who has studied for and received a degree qualification from a
university. GRADUADO.

Grievance: A complaint, especially about unfair behavior. QUEJA.

Gross: Money that has not had taxes or other costs taken from it. BRUTO.

Growth Potential: The ability of an economy or business to produce a greater number of

goods and services. POTENCIAL DE CRECIEMIENTO.

Handout: A copy of a document that is given to all the people in a class or meeting.

Hard copy: Information from a computer that has been printed on paper. FOTOCOPIA.

Highlight: To make something a different colour so that is more noticeable, especially

written words. RESALTAR.

Hire: To begin to employ someone. CONTRATAR.

Human Resources: The department of and organisation that deals with finding people to
work there, keeping records about all the organisaion’s employees, and helping them with
any problems. RECURSOS HUMANOS.

In charge of: Responsible for something or someone. A CARGO DE.

In Stock: To be available in a shop. EN EXISTENCIA.

Inflation: The rate at which prices increase, or a continuing increase in prices. INFLACION.

Insurance: An agreement in which you pay a company money and the pay your costs if you
have and accident, injury, etc. SEGURO.

Interpersonal Skills: Particular abilities connected with relationships between people.


Invest Heavily: To give a lot of money to a business, or buy something which costs a lot,
because you hope to get a profit. INVERTIR EN ALGO GRANDE.
Invoice: A list that shows you how much money you owe someone for work they have done
or for goods they supplied. FACTURA

Joobseeker: Someone who is trying to find a job. BUSCADOR DE TRABAJO.

Labour Costs: The money needed to pay workers in a company or a country. COSTES

Launch a Product: If a company launches a product or service, it makes it available for the

Lay off: To stop employing someone, usually because there is no more work for them.

Lead the Team: To be in control of a group of people who work together to do something.

Leadership: The job of being in control on a group, country or situation. LIDERAZGO.

Lease: To make an agreement by which someone pays you money in order to use something
for a particular period of time. ARRENDAMIENTO.

Legal Requirements: Official rules about something that it is necessary to have or to do.

License: To give someone official permission to do or have something. LICENCIA.

Line Graph: A drawing that uses lies to show how different pieces of information are related
to each other. GRAFICO DE LINEAS.

Logo: A design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products. LOGOTIPO.

Look Forward: To feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen.

Look Up Information: To look at a book or computer in order to find facts about a situation,
person, event, etc. BUSCAR INFORMACION.

Lose Custom: When people stop buying things from shops or business. PERDER CLIENTELA.

Loss: When you do not have someone or something that you had before, or when you have
less of something than before. PERDIDA.

Low-end Worker: A person whose job is not well paid. TRABAJADOR MAL PAGADO.

Maintain Quality: To make something that is good or well-made continue in the same way.
Management Consultancy: A company that offers other companies’ advices about the best
ways of managing and improving their business. CONSULTORIA DE GESTION.

Make Inroads: To start to become successful by getting sales, power, votes, etc, that
someone else had before. HACER AVANCES.

Market Leader: The company that sells most of a product or service in a particular market.

Market Research: The activity of finding out what people like about products and what
things they want to buy. ESTUDIO DE MERCADO.

Merger: When two or more companies or organisations join together. FUSION

Monitor: To watch something carefully and record your results. MONITOREAR.

Office Politics: The relationships in a group of people who work together which allow
particular people to have power over others. POLITICAS DE EMPRESA.

Offshore Operation: A company that is based in a different country to the one in which it
does most of its business, often for tax reasons. OPERACIONES FUERA DE COSTA.

Operating Profit: The money that a company makes from its normal business activities.

Organogram: A diagram that shows the structure of an organisation and the relationships
between the different people, departments, and jobs at different levels within that
organisation. ORGANIGRAMA.

Outcome: The final result of an activity or process. RESULTADO

Outlet: A shop that sells one type of product or the products of one company. TIENDA.

Outsource: If a company outsources work, it employs another organisation to do it rather

than using its own employees. SUBCONTRATO.

Overheads: Money that a company spends on its regular and necessary costs, for example,
rent and heating. GASTOS GENERALES.

Overspend: To spend more money than you have, or more that was planned or agreed.

Overtake: To become more successful than someone or something else. ADELANTAR.

Owe: To have to pay money back to someone. DEBER.

Partnership: A company which is owned by two or more people. ASOCIACION.

Patent: A legal right that a person or company receives to make or sell a particular product
so that others cannot copy it. PATENTE.

Pay Off a Debt: To finish paying back money that you owe for something. PAGAR LA DEUDA.

Payroll: The activity of managing the money that is paid to employees. NOMINA DE

Peak: The highest level or value of something. PICO.

Per Capita: For each person. POR CAPITA.

Personal Assistant: A personal who organizes letters, meetings and phone calls for someone
with an important job. ASISTENTE PERSONAL.

Personnel: The department of an organisation that deals with finding people to work there,
keeping records about them, etc. RECURSOS HUMANOS.

Plenary: Relating to a meeting at which all the members of a group or an organisation are
present, especially at a conference. PLENO.

Postgraduate: A student who has one degree and now studies at a university for a more
advances degree. POST GRADUADO.

Prioritise: To decide which of a group of things are the most important, so that you can deal
with them first. PRIORIZAR.

Private Investor: A person who invests money, rather than a company or financial
organisation that does this for a client. INVERSOR PRIVADO.

Profitable: Making or likely to make money from selling goods or services for more than they
cost to produce or provide. APROVECHABLE.

Promote a Product: To advertise something that is made or grown to be sold.


Promote Growth: To encourage business activities to develop. PROMOVER EL


Promotion: When someone is given a more important job in the same organisation.

Qualifications: The skills, qualities or experiende that you need in order to do something.

Quality Control: The process of looking at goods when they are being produced to make
certain that they are of the intended standard. CONTROL DE CALIDAD.
Reach full Potential: To develop, achieve or succeed in the most complete way. ALCANZAR

Receipt: A piece of paper that proves that you have received the goods or money. RECIBO.

Recession: A time when the economy of a country is not successful. RECESION.

Recruitment: When you try to persuade someone to work for a company or to join an
organisation. RECLUTAMIENTO.

Referee: A person who knows you and who is willing to describe your character and abilities
in order to support you when you are trying to get a job. REFERENCIAS.

Reference: A letter that is written by someone who knows you, to say if you are suitable for
a job course. RECOMENDACION.

Refund: Pay back (money), typically a customer. DEVOLUCION.

Reminder: A thing that causes someone to remember something. RECORDATORIO.

Report: Give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done
or investigated. REPORTE.

Research & Development: The part of an organisation that works to improve its existing
products and develop new ones. INVESTIGACION Y DESARROLLO (I+D)

Research Project: A detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover information or

understand the subject better. PROYECTO DE INVESTIGACION.

Resing: To officially tell you employer that you are leaving your job. RENUNCIAR.

Responsible for: Having a duty to deal with or manage someone sor something.

Restructuring: The act if organizing a company, business or system in a way to make it

operate more effectively. REESTRUCTURAR.

Retirement: When you leave your job and stop working, usually because you are old.

Revenue: Large amounts of money received by a government as tax, or by a company.


Review: The process of considering something again in order to make changes to it.

Résumé: A document which describes your qualifications and the jobs that you have done,
which you send to an employer that you want to work for. CURRICULUM.
Risk: The possibility of financial loss. RIESGO.

Sample: Example. EJEMPLO.

Savings: Money that you have saved, usually in a bank. AHORROS.

Schedule: A plan of events or activities and the times that they will happen or be done.

Scholarship: An amount of money given to a person by an organisation to pay for their

education, usually at a college or university. BECA ESCOLAR.

Set Up: To start a company/to arrange for something to happen. EMPEZAR.

Signature: A person’s name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in

authorizing a document/ The action of signing a document. FIRMA.

Slogan: A short phrase that is easy to remember and is used to make people notice
something. ESLOGAN.

Sponsor: A person or organisation that gives money to support an activity, event, etc.

Stereotype: A fixed idea that people have about what a particular type of person is like.

Strategy: A plan that you use to achieve something. ESTRATEGIA.

Target: Your audience. OBJETIVO.

Tool: A piece of equipment that you use with your hands in order to help you do something.

Trade Fair: A large event at which companies show their products to people who might buy

Trademark: The name of a particular company or product which cannot be used by anyone
else. MARCA.

Trading Company: A business that buys and sells goods. EMPRESA COMERCIAL.

Turnover: How much money a business earns in a period of time. FACTURACION.

Under Pressure: Required to do something in a limited amount of time. BAJO PRESION.

Upgrade: To improve something to that it is higher quality or a newer model. ACTUALIZAR.

Venture Capital: Money that is spent on a new activity, or company, especially when there is
a chance that the activity or company will not be successful. CAPITAL DE RIESGO.
Wholesaler: A person or company that sells goods in a large quantities at low prices,
typically to retailers. PROVEEDOR.

Webinar: An occasion when a group of people go online at the same time to study or discuss
something. SEMINARIO WEB

Withdraw: To remove something, especially because an official decision. RETIRAR.

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