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Jl,ph~n.J''e ~Tl1lt.h

:1&+ :JIL",
1i/;.,/..''1"-"1'{ '}au'l' "eW: Ui 13lhYearl No.15
Il~:rt'"j\..f' &."(I~ ~.'I'ltl/..""_f'(r. tT-llft.h
~~UI'hOfJ{'I,,/:-l' Iff "") ~.9" {'ihWIl +(/)I,\,,',Y. !/"hc fl.'1' mq<l:~'l' {'lOnl ADDIS ABABA- 19" February, 2007


1\tp~:41'rc: ?1fl(}/lUx:H1 ~.9" Proclamation No. 515/2007

{'Io..Y..t.(.\ {JIJ')"/,P"1' ,p/...,'7t\?j" 1\CP:~...11\ ':i'i.GfcjJfj , Federal Civil Servants Proclamation Page 3534


h'P~ cJI'1'C~ f I~/Il1f2J1
f4..1r.IrIA uv't"l F+ lPt-1' i1 "fhCP ~ PROCLAMA TlON

r.lA.,Y../;./.\ dD't°IP"r IP/;..,..7f'''y. "tp~ 4rTC WHEREAS, it is appropriate to address ~he problems
fll~fl/Ijjf1Q Op'/;.- ",e htpt\ 0:\" f1moD'-r'} identified during the implementation of proclamation.

r hL '1"9" ~y.°Il": ~}" t\ "7f1m11: hr.' .,/.\iJ ,f /.\tf~. No. 262/2002 and give the later sufficient clarity;
hi" /;; {":",t, °1/.\ iJ "71:1. °1 0 "7 fIL t\ 1. i

r.l£ftJ')OIP':" IIJt..,-7f'",}"., UD'O;r:f{J}'

f°'l.hOCO-r'} WHEREAS, it is necessary to strengthen the justice system
r.' ro. ii./.\ so as to give civil servants better protection and it is essential
r.l"'<""mL f~'}'UflC'i'}' NJ7mr.'hC
" to incorporate in a new law the changes occurring as a result
oCfi,fI "77i7jJ.I T{~'0It.9" 000'- '),eA "fI''''~f.C
of the implementation of the. human resource management
117'ta'7jJ.I 1.11.' .ft)Y.W':Cl1") t\O"{I1"y. oot [}.'1.:r
sub-program ofthe civil service reform program;
r.l"'l.ft).l'-r ihol 117O'."t-r 0"7f1Lt\1. j
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
Oh.'rf"*" f«P. ~.quht.o.f«P. tr-ot\.h ih1
55/1/ of the constitution of the Federal Democratic
011')"1P"r ') 4>1\ 9.(; /li / UD IP I.-r f07. h ,,- t\ (J)'
, :r(J}.i>' A::
" I Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
hfi:~ h't1:
en:""" General
Ii h 6J.1> C C 6f1
1. Short ,Title
,eu "cp~: "fA.,Y..t.t.\ OlJ'}oIF:" Ult..,,7f':y. "tp~
<1t'l'CGflli/luf1J!" ,,..-Ot\.. ttm4>fI ,e"Y.ItA:: This proclamation may be cited as the "Federal
Civil Servants Proclamation No. 515/2007"
2. Definitions
r ,Pt\. "1(111 t\.1t -rC1.9" r07..fomCl)- t)Atf~
HfI"'<I'C OH.U "tp~ (J}'fI'l': In this Proclamation unless' the context requires


.n?'. I":.) ~_~t-r :)11."1 ;","1.41 -j(. i'i.

Unit Pnce , ~ Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
1'1 i!lilirWi !..,Y.t..A ',:J/.:" :J/I,nl ","'C. Hi 1",,.,:..,. Ii{ "'"}Ii!K:!.il ~.111' Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007.. Page .3535

?!/ "fun'}"/~:'~ IP","'~" 1'"/1\'''' fM...e..".A 1) "Civil Servant" means a person employed
un'} "/~ 1- un ~ I, ..f' 0. 1- aJ-h l' . d?.~1-
n* ,,.,, permanently by federal government
"'4'1'{~ fOVp". ()aJ< ~aJ<::

(fc;'?" 'institution; provided, however, that it shall

roUH'I\<')~') h.e,..1.?"C9": not include the following:

01 °'l.'1,f1''''C .e..f,,:r!P:f') ?"n1-A cpci ~.e a) governmel1t officials with the rank of
~n'he:f'} h'}~.V<?" O.t-uouW/.e- state minister, deputy director general
f-t.j;f "1,ci hllnf' O".e f(f~. and their equivalent and above;
b) members of. the House of Peoples'
1\1 r,-),1Hl .f-lDI'Jr-:f 9"nC 0.1-'}e; Representatives and the House of the
.r t...e..~ o,}9"nC 0.1- tHlI\.. :)"-1": Federation;

,-111 f~Y..".A c{:C~ 0.'''' ~p'>:f '}£,. c) federal judges and prosecutors;
h.TOnf'~ ,-),"J'}:
d) members oLthe Armed, Forces and the
funh'lh,f' IP".~1-£" rt".e..".A TI\.h Federal Police includingotheremplo-
h(]l\.. :f'} h ,}~~O,W' ounh"h.c-' m.e?" yees governed by the regulations of the
O;rl\.h f. '}11' rO?t-~f.?. fbl\..:f Armed forces and the Federal Police;
Il' "..t- p,>:f '} :
e) employees excluded from the coverage
,-),"/ cp~ of this Proclamation by other appropriate
'Pl h "/ fI -(1 lll\ aJ~ 1\-" 011.U h
p,>:f '} :
h '}~.e i1L~. r.t- f-t. 1. IP "..t- laws.

ft.I 1.It ,f'~

IV"..t- ~ II
I'? 1\1- 0 un '}"/ ~ 1- 2) "Temporary Civil Servant" means a person
un~t,f' .0.1- aJ-hT r""~~1- flut who is employed in a government office fora
Ofbl\tJJ. h". OJ.e?" lJ.'1.;rf)J:f ()..f'h1~~ job which is not permanent in ,nature or
0*0'1. f~". unf-11 ",e 01.1t.f'~~1- where circumstances so require to a
.t-+1'{": r°'l.()'" ()aJ' ~aJ-:: (fer?" permanent position; however it shall not
fOUt,t-I\.1-') h.e~9"C?": include, the following:

tl/ O+'} 'lUf11 hr.HM."TaJ- f °'l.IP? a) persons. employed as ,daily labourers Who
r+'} 'P".+q':f'}: are paid on daily basis;

AI nun '}"J~ 1- un P' t.f' 0. 1- aJ-h l' b) persons who are assigned for internship
AOU'.f' QlJ'Aunj;f. OJ.e'l" I\hAme; or training;
f.f'unf-n. .t-N~7u7»Z:f1T
c) persons who enter into a contract with a
lhl hQQ1"'~''''' un ~t.f' fl.'1: ."JC 010.1-
government office as an independent
oJ'A CP.? hr'HtL,,:faJ- O".ltTaJ- contractor for consideration;
r1°1.f: F". (n,e9"rou. .f' ;}l\t. ~1-
r°'l.(t~ .t-*".(;f>b:f'): d) persons who enter into a contra~t with a
government office due to their special
unl fllj:,:aJ-, A{{ haJo+1-e; :fl\,.:r 9"n1
skills and ability on part-time basis for
fiT 1IOD""1P'-r un~t,f' 0.1: ,"JC
(lJ-A 00 1Pt. 1- q>."1 "1,r.t- tt consideration.
Oat 10,:"
cf.1j:fm- O:"CC{: 1.It,f'TaJ- rOt()?
fll\ ou-.f'l'J:f., ::
3) "Government Institution" means any
federal government office established as an
CI "foo""J~"" oo~t.f' 0.1-" "71\1- ".().'}
autonomous entity.. by' a proclamation or
:fl\.. Oh'l'~ m.e?" .Of-'}-(1 r.t-**ooe;
regulations and fully or partially financed by
OU'I\. (100.1\. (v.e?" Oht.A hoo"",~:"
government budget; included in the list. of
(I~ODf.'flt\1- 01:1- ra7.T.cIf-C (fc;'
government institutiqns to be drawn up by
fot~.h""'{-::f 9"nC 0.:" ootfOJIJIOJ-
. the Council of Ministers.
fOD""'FT OD~t.f' (I.''':f 1ICl1C m-h'J'
r"I'S}"f'T f~J'..6-A oo1"~1-oo/-ptf
0. 1- ~m-::
..n, ,
~ ~-. . --. . -1;;' ' ------ --40;>
'. - -. -~..- - - -
"'-" '"

A( r ~I' 11""--,,,,,,,- ,..- , -,

"~II '11' 11-' "n.' '/ r--'''-'
:I~{J}' . ~"dDVtVtf,~T OJ\m?i\,e ftJJA fV'~ classification in which a group of position~
dDmtf f'°?fln':fo" .,.uoVtVt,e T9"l which are similar in duties an<
C+1 f'pl/,. /:\9"1:1 bO"~T1 ~f"_~hC: responsibilities are classified so that (
L'..", .It- nnH ---1I~n~~..- .~ I" r"'nn'1rnn" ",11::::JiC"C' 1-,..10 I"'1on ho IIC'O~' 'tho

, h--U' --'II I . "~,.J -. ".."., ... II r 0 '-' --, ,.._,..- -- -- ,

" experience, knowledge, ability and skill can
fl.'C~ fD? ~fl\. J\ ,1: i\,e f~"'''ll(}O.
fpl(,. oof..(1~f "71\T ~O,.:: 'equired and the same salary rate, range;
h", 1;"'0 to thp.

I.'" r... ..,. ,.., .., . "Dnsition" means a set of current duties anc
to;;: OD'I\. f Pt., 1.H. ',';'lD~ ,onsibilities assigned by a competenl
."1.. 11 Ad" '--hA. o_,,.A-,- _"'0111 :..." + hL

.... ,. , --.
.- -'''r'-J

- ,_u u ..,
,"if A 0.11:"'''
0---"0 - --, -- --- ,---,
(, --., 1'.,1 IIUI 1'- cr ,,&..4'---' 'I~ "-'-'11 to a higher grade;
PPJ(,. f..('~ "711f..,? ~O,.::

... r"" 1 n: " .-_n_ro "'hr

~:")(}. lD,e9" "fJ'r. ~,e~h1'C" "71\:t "
... "---
~ ~ "O-"-J -- --.----.
m;II.1I I'bF.1U. UIJj'l" -r', "'-'Jjc..,,""l. Director, respectively;

obI "1"'11'1'-' ?'16," "71\T ruu rIF..' 1 u"r UJ -. - -. " "",..

t.e o.T OOi\,e~T f",/.OOt.. lD,e'}" means a government official who directs the
'}'thTI\..:f. r.:fo":: institution and includes his deputies;

"f,nh9"' "7~('~" "71\T OIJ'lC "A Medical Certificate" means a certificate

- . L .. oJo~'f
-- that describes the hMI+h ~M~;+;M rH
_~II__- lll\o"..-' 1lI\PA""
___8- " ~ : ,... ,...;,...1, l.a.n".l3.

urbl,D I"'-r'f 1"1 111\T IfIf1\''-1''r. 1\- 'II 'InUI L ".._" , ,...,--- -J - "......
1l1\P'A"'") f1'(.:J1m T ~I\ licensed by the appropriate authority 01
- ----- u.,h.a...a .,.ho roort;hru::.ta. ;c t;lf'1"1111r.orl f"rnm ~hrno.:lr

fUY.,f1'r rihm'u,,- Y"O"£; (JJ{.<P'T )Ur:: n ;>lIall VI;< V"1111~U lJJ -.. ~ ---J .

- -.,. 10. ..,," n'1p.~

"f..oolD1I" "71\T OJ\")~
l\1'oof..O. ht;:1\ p'('.sP~f r't'(JJO'1 ou'1fJ ~ --- -- 0 --

ht;:f'l Of1.H.OJo f°7.(}T 6f!>"7t ~oJo::

"Conditions of Work" means the entire
.c: I,..1 -+ ...,.,.1,.,,+:__,... ha.+' ""',..,.,,0.'1 rr ~-
~ I"~~" °7fIT OOO")"1P'T oop'tf o.-t. - -~-"- -

OOO")"1P'T 1P~.,.;;:a)' ool1hA fit m.p'l~ --"-r--.,I-- -

.. ..L-"'- _.. 0-' "
include hours of work, wage, leave, health
III. ,.'r PO,'" p., ,..
"---1.' r' -. I' &T'" '1~'~"" and safety, compensation to employmen1
m. ")" T 'i' ~U")"T")I fUl'")"1P'T IPI,..,.7/'i. ry, dismissal, retrenchment and severance
hp'~ f°7..,." OT") 1J.~:J''i' hC;:J>I ..1: :_1: 1 rr...: ", roarl1IriC
f~.""TIt.") ~t."09"'i' f.p&..T ~"'~(.'f1 P'''-
p'C'H'.i.") 'hr. fUlJl~IPIt'T") ,fm:l"A'IA::
"~A~A" "71\T OH.U J\fJ'~ J\")~1\ @
"Redeployment" means assigning a civil
oolJ.l(. T r f..('~ O~1T "7~:1'OJtf servant to a higher position without
II,elDll' J\") t:") fOli"),? P'T announcing the position for promotion
01'ooUfUf,e f..t.~Cj f..oolD1I lD,e9" he;: according to article 30 of this proclamation,
lll\ f..(. ~Cj f.. 00 OJ11 lD,e 9" 0 lJ.I/,.'"~ OJ- Qr to similar position of an equal grade and
~9"9"~T 11~ lll\ f..(.~ 00 ~n "7(}/,.T salary, or to a lower grade where the civil
C'Oo.""/o._" co"- I']Irr...o.oco
'It.' ;:it'?; t ~1:i, t..Y./..A 't:J{.'''' :m,a, 41'1'C. H; f't"t;-1. jj{ ,"'} 1ii.tHi '}.9" Federal NegaritGazeta No. 15 19thFebruary. 2007.. Page 3537

Irl "hft'h~f.t.~ a"'",~." ""11\'}~ OUJ} "tp.~ 13) "Administrative Decision" shall mean for
OhC;:A I I\.t-ool\h'l:-r 1.~r-:f oJIA the purpose of par~ (10) a decision given by
fooFt.f 0..,: fOi\,e ;}i\~. 0<l>~;1' 0°"1. the Head of a government institution, either
tl°?'f; m,e9" O~.O. TI\. '} tl°"l.'f; .t-ale orally or in writing, on a recommendation by
.t-m' O"'l.O. 1.~r-:f i\,e m,e9" O~.O.T disciplinary or grievance handling committee
I\:} tI07.'f; 00 :rY-r 0°"l.1IVfa)- 1.~r-:f in accordance with the power conferred by
i\,e F~ Fe~'I:,} I),em-o<l> m,el}" 0.,. law or a decision given by the Head of a
'f':r 0,.),°/ O','om.-r Ibl\u:f 1.~r-:f i\,e government institution without following the
O~,.h'C;: m,el}" O:J>A f°"l.omm' a)-I)',. required due process.
~(J)': :

IQI ''',e"1f1~'' ('"lI\-r oooFtf 0.'1: fOi\J~. 14) "Appeal" means a procedure whereby
;}i\~. f.t-om "ft.t-~f.t.~ a)-I)',.') Ooo:J> administrative decisions are to be reviewed
())9" l\"ft-t-~f.C c;:e~ o.-r fO?4>C-o by administrative tribunal upon complaints of
"o.-I::r~a)-:: employees aggrieved by decisions of the
head of a government institution,
f. f-t-~'Dt~+ (1)""
J. Scope of Application
,eU "'P~ "fOO,}"1F;'~ ooFtf o.-r" "hri
"fOO,}"1F-r IPt..t-~" .t--ol\u O.t-oma)- -rC This proclamation shall be applicable on
1.l}" O°?i'i~~. foo1"1F-r ooFt.f o..y.:f'l "government institutions" and ;'civil servants"
fOO,}"1F:" lpt..t-?t:f i\,e .t-~'O? ,etf'lA:: covered by the definition given under article:: of
this proclamation.
f~F6r C1..of
"fJ\gGRT!f'F.6-J!1Jf.9"lI'i.I PART TWO
f'g OD-JI)lllth.A.A£A'LA.'~hUlto T Position Classification, Salary Scale and Allowances

i ftftdDF6! O,.,."f J\"t.1{I+ 4. Organizational structure

?il ('"I'}~(J}'9" fOO'}"1F-r ooFtf o.-r f-t-* 1) Any government institution shall undertakes
*ooO-r') ~i\""1 fth.;t-(''/ f\l''/~1."1 fot.fft studies and decide its own organizational
~A 1t,J-'} "f.1.~"1: -rr,' fo°)- ;},eA C;:i\1o-r structure and staffing plan to enable it to
h'f''}.f ,emflfi A:: achieve its goals.

II (I'1,}~o)-9" fOO,}"1F-r ooftt.f o.-r I1U.U

2) If the organizational structure and the staffing
h'}+1i '}O.ft h 14>~ l!il oowl. -r fmfia)- plan prepared under the authority given by
hf.l.jf~ + -t-Q;l.""lt O~ -r fattm,e4>oJ- sub article /1/ of this Article requires
htf~ "S'.l.jf~-I:,} -t-"1f1/~f£ h°"l~1.1. additional budget, a government institution
O~-rf~!/)~A10)-'} -t-Q;}.°"lt O~-r shall first obtain the approval of the Ministry
.1\1'}Uo(l'I J\.f1t;°?A °'1 + °1.'1. fl1; C "<l>c
of Finance and Economic Development
.7ft~4>~ hI\O-r::
before implementing it.
rj hl'}ft.a,. foo'}"1F-r ooFt.f o..y.:y.') 3) The Agency shall issue detailed directives
hS'.t.JfI+fi fOw- ">~A C;:i\1o;t-TW-'} regarding the preparation and implementation
ftI\OY"tl),U.o+ tJ.'1.;t- lIClIC ooolJ/,f of organization structure and staff planning
.f-aIA:: by government institutions.
i BA .P'.~r~!l 5. Classifications of Positions
lil OY1~a)-,.. f'OO,}"JFT. ooF6f o.-r Oh
i;:l\ ft~sP'"f BJ-{)'f' f-t-f)-t-i: ft.Ao"f -t-uoUJ
1) When a government institution creates new
positions that are similar to positions that are
~~ fFt.-. OIJS'.(1T n.J'.7TOD--r -t-fl°'/att
ntr~6J- h~l\ ~t.-.oJ-ia1' (Jl"lfl111-r -t-"111 already classified under a class, it shall
l «p' f S'.C.-.JA::
allocate the positions under such class and
implement the same.

'11\' ri'i.(; Kif};!: ~Y.t.A ~;lt..,. ;l1/,n,
H; f't,.t:..,. H .,.'} Iilr'.Hi 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3538

II tl7,~aJ"9'1J rdb1"'p1~ noptf o.~ Oh 2) Any government institution shall complete

tt:/t pt. OJ"h1' fArf'dbf.O. i't~.f) f Pt- positions classification questionnaire aryd
UDf.(1"f o.f-'1'OO.~ fpt- 9"f.CJ nom submit to the Agency for evaluation and
,e:" 'fP A .y. 1\n. ~ 1 O.aJ" 0"'1 :"1.1l classification when a totally new job is
fhdb'UlJt\:: created.

I hit 1..C1IJlD1I hb.&\ 6. Salary Scale

iiI n.~10.0J" Oi'tm:P'I,e. ItO.ii.A ncn.n. f°2, l) The Agency shall prepare a salary scale to be
J'1A1A ff.dbW1l f)tI.A itfmCJ 1t°2,'1.f) applicable to the Civil Service in general and
T(":"f 9')hc o.-r It ""11. feftCCJA T n.L submits the same to the Council of Ministers,
." 1:9'1 hL .,000'1 ,e.$fllmt.A:: and supervises its proper implementation
upon approval.
II ff.uoW1l f)t1.1t. Ithf1~1~ f.l.)f no'1ifc;'
uo1:l.if f.noW1lT h1~.U.9" Of 1.H.a" 2) The salary scale shall contain the base,
fO?f.1.1aJ"1 ff.noeD1I tif]>"'1t fO?..Pnolt maximum pay and step increments of each
hrl: hche:'''f ,ee:'-r:1"A:: grade.

r.l fH.U i't1eft1\ 10.f) i't1eft1\ liil 1:1;11. 3) Notwithstanding Sub-Article 1 of this Article
0. e:'C9') fno1"'p~ noptf o..y.T1 and upon permission of the Council of
A~ fpt. CJiIlt UOlPl.-r W'?1:l..., A~ Ministers, the Agency based on the specific
A~ ff.noW1I f)h.It"T h1~:m'1. nature ofa government institution shall
0 02,'1.f)-r (":T 9"hc 0. -r n. L eft1: undertake studies of salary scales and
n.~1n.a" kr1.y. lt9"hC o.rl: Ita"',,~ submits the same to the council; and upon
.PeftCCJAT n.L eft1:9') i'tL"ooo'1 ,e$fllm approval, supervises their proper
t.A:: implementation.

9.1 n.~ 1n.aJ" i'tf)L'I1. lfe:' n.f17aJ" 4) When necessary the Agency shall undertake
fa? f.l. 1. f h.tIe:'°2, ItOJ"tn"f1CJ It.ft..T periodical revisions of salary scales based on
U.~:rsP"f1 f1CJHO ff.noW1I f)h.A economic changes and other relevant
"'1ifif.p 1'CJ-r hft)~f. Itat, tf)-rc-:"f 9"hC conditions and submit same to the decision
o.-r ar"'~ feftCCJAT n.Lcf>1:9" of the Council of Ministers.
hL.,oou'1 ,e$fllmt-A::

z hh-A 'P;J '"Tar P&-sP'f h.h-A f.uoW1I 7. Equal Pay for Equal Work

no '1if All positions of equal value shall have equal base

hh.A 'P;1 .Pl'\Tar pt.9)"f hh.A
f.noW1I ,ee:'t.:f'PA::

~ f f. nolD1I ht;:f
8. Payment of Salary

",/1;;:ar9" fno1"'p~ noptf o.~ OfW-r Any Government office, shall, at the end of every
no tJ.1.l. if It lP I..'" 7f:f. W ,e 9" It ill ;1
«e month, make payments of salary to civil servants
Wh.It"~Tar ff.noW1I h~f ,eL1\",/A:: or their legal representatives.

jj hltf.UOlDlI ~tPJ(. 9. Increment of Salary

iil fno1"'p~ IPt..,.7f"f ff.noW1I tif]>D?t l) Periodical salary increments to be made to

f°2,f1"j.~ Opt. i'tL.,09" 9"HCJ OJ"m.~ civil servants shall be based on their
',e ononof)l.~ ,elfCJA:: performance evaluation results.

II i't1';J05 hH.f Ol'\,e fplr i'tL.,09" 2) Civil servants obtaining an evaluation result
9"",1 arm.~ I'\1"j. fno1"'p~ lPt..,.7fT of satisfactory or above satisfactory shall be
f°2,nmar f f.noW1I tif]>D?t OfU.It~ entitled to a salary increment to be made
«}norl: ,elfCJA:: every two years.
/;1.' ti'i. (; J; ~iiil A..~ut..A '1:Jt...,. :J/I, (1/ </I'I'C. H; f't"f:''''
Ii{ .p'} liltjil 'H" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3539

II f ~ ODCD1f h'f:.f (}/\OD .f1f'i"{}IlODcJ&t..T to. .<\ttachmentand Deduction of Salary

?il rll'11~aJ-9" rUD1"1IP~ ,p/~""'~ f.UDOJ1f: 1) The salary of a civil servant may not be
attached or deducted except in accordance
01 ,pt...,..~aJ- fl9"9"'rI:1 O.1A~: with:
a) a written consent of the civil servant;
1\1 Ott:c~ n.~ ~O'11':
b) court order; or
rhl OU"1 O""'f."1110)' UDlP~~:
c) the provisions of the law.
tJAlf"1 Ofl""'~C I\..f1f OJ.e9" I\.~~T
-h.e "fA9"::

gl OH.U h1~~ 10.fI h1~~ ?i1l\1 OJ.e9" Irhl 2. Monthly deductions from the salary of a civil
UDIP~~ h'Pt...,..~ f.UDOJ1f orOJ-r servant to be made pursuant to Sub-Article
r°1.c~~maJ- hf.ODOJH. h1~ ~fI""'~ (l) (b) or (c) of this Article shall not exceed
h.eOAT9":: one third of his salary.

Ili, {}/\ A" A" hOt\uT 11. Allowances

?il 1I'11~aJ-9" hOA f°'1.hctl\aJ- rUD1"1IP~1 1) Any allowance shall be paid only for the
IP t. 1\t''1hlj' OJ1 hflct" 1. lftJ O.1~ 1I:F purpose of carrying out the functions of the
"1aJ-:: civil service.

gl h.J?:1o.aJ- fA~ A~ rhHA h.eH""f1 he; 2) The Agency shall undertake studies on the
htt:.fP)"f1 hfmlj' I\°'l.'l.fI~{J"f 9"hC types and payment of various allowances and
n.~ I\aJ-I)'" f~CflA: o.ct~~9" submit the same to the Council of Ministers
hctfllJoo'1 .e~{J'm/~A:: and, upon approval, supervise their

h'f:A 'r(}~ PART THREE

{}/\f'laJ- :>~A b:'>g. I Jl/\~k~~{)9"~~ . 215" Human Resource Planning, Staffing and
~(r. .1'1k,,,r Performance Evaluation
?"b&-'f:h'l1: CHAPTER ONE
Selection and Recruitment
.IfLn/\ .ltfJJ-:>~A_/Jtl:. 12. Human Resource Planning

1) The purpose of Human Resource Planning

?iI roaJ- ').eA ():,. ~ tJ" 11'1 "'11;;:OJ-9" fOQ1
shall be to enable a government institution to
"1IP~ (TOIPt.f n.~ Ofl~t.1;
():,. ~ take measure to meet the objective specified
".er""'+UDm.~1 tJ"II'1PJ"f
N'71)f}T roOJ- ->.eA If:'' 1u""'t\(TO..,..10.e i in the strategic plan, to forecast its human
resource demand, to acquire human reSource
r°'l.f(}LA10J-1 rOO", ->.eA Hf}.e":"'i"
I\1I'1AII'1~T Oh"1f10. in the right numberand type, tp develop and
H1Jt1+ I\"'1~"""'T
properly utili:ze it, monitor and evaluate its
I\UDm+9" r°'l.fP'JtI. 'hC9"~PJ"'f1
I\QOOJ-01;lj' aJ-m.1:19" result and make corrective measures from
'hf1OD1(TO "77'f'li! t\"71;~"1 .,OJ-:: time to time.

1171 i1 oJ-9" f(TO 1"7 F"'" (TOIP tfn. ~ 2) Any government institution based on its
()+t.-t~.h o:"~ 1 (T01P~+ O"'11;~"1 strategic plan shall prepare and implement
short, medium and long term human resource
CoT f tmt)h/\ 11'i" r (. ~ 9"1. ~ r 0 aJ-
f h (>f!'
:>.eA 0:"-').1 h1'1'" """1f1t.~ 1171;(,"1
.,,,. en.?i X?J d..'.I"A 't;M'}- ,'JII,tll "''''c:. Hi f.,'!:'}- n ""J runU ~.?" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.
]5 ] 9'h February. 2007... Page 3540

r.I ht;:..,. f'h &. UD 1. f1~f'} OIP &..,..;;: "7hf l' - 3) Vacancies may be filled through recruitment,
!Ff'"7.ha" f'nll" :) ~A ,,:,.1.',} UD,V(.:" promotion, transfer or deployment on the
(J) basis of the human resource plan.
0"71.'(,"1 01.G~ "1.'1"" ~'J'- O:"1'C
w~~ O~~~C (J)~r 01.'A1.'A
, 4) The Agency shall issue detailed guidelines on
RI ~:f:')n.(J)' fna" '>~A ,,:,.1.',} Orf'OOt\hrf'i human resource planning.
1IC1IC ooUDtf fWilIA::

IC h~+_ff\&. oogn-.y., OIPt-1"1i' nft"7ilJ'1f 3. Filling of vacancies

iiI 011,.11.(.011: 0J';r: n,.h~1I7Cf:": OTt\ 1) There shall be no discrimination among job
1:tr hoot\l'Jh:": Ohl'JA 1.~:"T Oh.~f. seekers or civil servants in filling vacancies
h~."fi.lh.1.'fa (JJ~,cr ot\."r LI.~.+ OP'&. because of their ethnic origin, sex, religion,
UD '}'7P':" IP &.rf' ?f' :f political outlook, disability, HIV/AIDS or
L" 1.1"~f?'- t1~ 0
ool'JhA A~~:" ('71.'(,'7 r.,\ht\ ~o":: any other ground.

II m..,c;::" rp'&, 001.11 ,,~ IP&..,..;;: ra?oo 2) A vacant position shall be filled only by a
1.00" ftp'&, 001.0. ra?mr+o"') rf'L" 1. person who meets the qualification required
~ft\";r ra?fDJ. "Ii' ht\.t\,,:f ""(J}~~tsP'f for the position and scores higher than other
;JC .,..w ~ 1.'(~ 11A Qi}. f t\ 0)0 tfCf O.1~ candidates.
11!F ~(J)o :

f:1 rH.U h'}+1\ '}o.fa h'}+1\ Ihl "q III 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
1.' ') ;J 1. 9):f O.Cj'<'cr roo'}'7 P':" 'v &,""?f' "rf Articles (1) and (2) of this Article, in
:"1' C -: 1.(. ~ "1.' 1:" " r,' 1.' A 1.' A f'I.L O'J'- recruitment promotion and deployment
0O,.1.'1.'C O)om.;rTO)o "h.A (J}~r .,..+&. preference shall be given to:
t.n. t\ tf~. -:
a) female candidates;
ul (\:,. h 00
A 1'J¥:f-: b) candidates with disabilities; and
t\1 hl'JA 1,~""?f'''rfT c) members of nationalities comparatively
,.hl Oh,}~&.'P. LI.~;r ooo'}'7P':" OOp' less represented in the government
t f (1.rf: 0)0fal' h ~fa"";;: 11,.11.&.'P. office,
rf'",1\" ""To)o 11,.11.(.0{1 "rfT having equal or close scores to that other
~f:a?f ~OflIA:: candidates.

RI h'7l111 11t\0)o r hl'JA 1,~""?f'''rf r P't. 4) The definition of disability applicable in the
fart:" h"'~ fat\ hl'JA 1'~"";;: r.,°)o appropriate law relating to disability shall
TC=iOtL t\H.U h'}+1\ rf'L~a? ~tfqA:: also apply for the purposes of this Article.

Ii OOiJ")'7P"T lP~.,.Ij'_~Tlloo+IJ)C f''''lt.i1T& 14. Eligibility

1) The following shall not be eligible to be civil
hi ra? h rf't\. T roo '}'7 P':" IP &..,..;;: tf ~O)o servants:
ft.+m~ h~ 'ft\.rT
a) a person under the age of 18 years;
LlI "1.'OIJ.(J)o hI~ ~OiJT O;rT rtf~T b) any person who has been convicted by a
itl r"r~T "71.1. A T rfac~:"q r"71if!> court of competent jurisdiction of breach
ococ (J},}~A L1\CfP faAfll') 11t\0)o oftrust, theft, or fraud;
c;:C 1.' (1.T r.,.. L (.1. 0 :,. (17,);;:0)0'1'- c) any person who is unwilling to take oath
(0)0 T
fidelity according to Article 18 of this
,.hl OH.U 1\"'~ h'}+1\ I~ OOIP(.:" :Pt\ Proclamation
OO,.h" t\UDLor L:P1.;;: fAtf~
(0)0 T
lA' j.'i'il;Y.~ii L"Y.".A~;J"T .")'/'"' </I'rC. I?; fit,.,:..,. Ii{ .,..t liif:Hi 'H" Federal NegaritGazeta NO.]5 ]9IhFebruary,2007... Page 3541

oo! fll.U ,0.'" ~.f..A +t.. !ft! d) Wrthout prejudice to Sub-Article (1) (b)
~~f..+mn.,. tfer h"7'~iD"SJ" oop of this Article a civil servant who has
/,f 0.+ O~.f'I.Tit.' 1-1:1\+ SJ"h' been dismissed on grounds of
J'+ h"'t-- f+(a~(1+ 1Pt--+~ hpt-- disciplinary offence, before the lapse of
h+(a~O+(1+ 1.11. ~SJ"C" "SJ""'+ five years from the date of his dismissal.
f}oo+ hooop'''1: O~.+:: .

2) Notwithstanding Sub-Article (1) (a) of this

II fll.U "''''1\ '0.'" "''''1\ l/il 101 1:';11. Article, the Agency may issue directives on
erC9" 'h1:0IJ.f:f OJ- h"p t.. "t.. + circumstances in which young persons above
f}oo+ O".e ftf~TOJ-~ "Pt.. "'9"'+ the age of 14 under 18 may be appointed as
f}oo+ fA tfP"T iD" (J}flH""f "'1\°7".,. m ~ (1 civil servants and on the conditions of service
+~"'ft Pt-- O'-":l'TOJ- Jb~''''.OJ- DDDD applicable to them.
/,yft.f(J}fll .e :'1-".A::
15. Employment of foreigners
I~ (h\ dJo~ h1C Jf.1"f :,o1'C
. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article
f h. +r--A' f +{J)"~ fO'~. fCD.6}.btI."'-f1 11"'" 5(2) of the proclamation providing foreign
OJ'A y'" 111t--:t~CD'f + t\ f f. {/D'0.,. :f -t.m:PO? Nationals of Ethiopian Origin with certain rights
/t"'.f:IP"I f{J)fl'(J}' 11tp~ <h1'C Iftf1Ii!f1Q to be exercised in their country of Origin
h'J.piJ ~ 11/ 'ht; fll.U "tp~ "''''1\ 111 III Proclamation No 270/2002 and Article 22(2) of
'h'Jf..+mO+' tf~(J)o 11."'"11:",""'r-* f~ fAtf"l this proclamation, a person who is not an
(aOJ- ooo,..,p+ 1Pt--+~"I"'" it. "'mC Ethiopian national may not be eligible to be a
h.e"fA?":: Civil Servant.

II. "'Ilt:l'OJ't.f. .nAOJJ!!'IlJ_~r;_M.Tk. "'ft"t~ 16. Vacancy Announcement and Examination

LTCL for Recruitment
~/1I7'~0J0?" fOO'",p+ oop/,f 0.+ he;:"'" 1) Government institutions shall advertise every
f F t-- f1:l' iD" OJ"':l'(J)t f 0"7iD" vacant position to be filled by new civil a
fll+ "ooAI1:r:"f' 00;J01l "1\0+:: servant.

1/ fll.U ",+1\ '0.'" "''''1\ l/il 1:';11. 2) Notwithstanding Sub-Article /1/ of this Article,
0 erc?" 117'~iD"SJ" roo,..,p"'" DDptf whenever there is shortage of professionals in the
0:+ 010f ".e 'h1'~"'" fll\flTiD" 00..f labour market, a government institution may
solicit graduates of higher educational institutions
":'1- hhe;:+~ +SJ"OC"'" +*tfP"f ;JC
(1ooe;:mC SJ"i-.:P" 000 ;JfllI for recruitment in cooperation with the
""1""+ institutions.
h(J}~f:C" :,o1'C OOLOSJ" .e"f"A::
3) The Agency shaH issue directives with regard to
~ ,..ft "7n:l'(J}tf h(J}~1" L+~ "1I1W advertising vacant positions, and the preparation
~+, 1ilPfll1'~ iD"m.+ "1"1\1\ Jb~' and conducting of examinations and disclosing the
f'l.iD" oooo/,f f(J}flIA:: results thereof.
-~.t "'ftootf, 17. Medical Certificate and Police Record
fOf. ."'f1l..~T
Without prejudice to Article 1313/ of this
OIl.U "tp~ h'+1\ Ic ICI f+DDfth+iD" Proclamation, the candidate who has scored the
'h"'f..+mO+ tfer L+~iD'" 111\4-"'" ool1hA
highest mark from among the competitors and
h~+~ iD"m."'" J'110J0 +(J}~~t +ooCfJ1 passed the examination, shall submit medical
000'''''''''+ Ft-- ++1'C" ft"71A 1A -O+. certificate except HIV1AIDS' test to proye his
ftootf.,. hJb"f.h.e.ii./h.1:la SJ"coot-- O,..+.,.C
fitness for s~rvice and written testimony to prove
f m. '''T "7 ~;J 11ifiJ. f ill h?"~ SJ"coot-- 'h~ that he has no police record with regard to crimes
OIl.U "tp~ ",+1\ IQ ,0.'" "''''1\ l/il referred to in sub-Article/l/ /bl of Article 14 of
~.f..A +t-- 11\1 h+m+lI.+ (J}'~ft..T "I' this proclamation.
ootf.,., fll7"f~;1"'1' f 71\.'" "7,..~W
f"7:"~-o OJFu:l' "1\0""'::
~f.t..A ~:Jt..,. ,~".fll <#ITC. !?; ft"I:'''' jj{ .,.'J !iinii 'UIU Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3542
'If, ri'i.?i X~'if{

. .
!:C, UJ &0 ""Ii' ') "t\dD if'to ct; itt\ :J't\ dDth" 18. Appointment and Oath of Fidelity

b~/ r,,"'OO(.l11(JJ<"au I) A newly appointed civil servant shall be

r pt,. UO~O., uom
&/T r..,.ou~oo+, ~(.~T ~uomll"C; served with a letter of probational
plt,.aJ<, r°7.~9"CO+' .,., f07.1A?\ appointment, signed by the Head or any other
Oh"&(J)' oupl&f 0.+ fOIt,e ;}It&.m,e9'J authorized Qfficial of the government
tPt,..,.r,:, t\uo:'>mC a>-hAC; O''''f'lma>- institution, stating the title and grade of his
f J.Pt,. ;}It&. ri'L('uo fOD'ht. f:"1'C position, his salary and date of h°<~(J}' I'Pt. lIClIC cOl11mencementof his appointment, together
UOD}t\6IiJ. ."JC ,ef'lmlf'A:: with job descriptions of his position.

fI./ f""+m(.a>- ruo',?r+ tPt,.i'r,: pt,. 2) The appointed civil servant shall, before
huo~:uo~ O&.-r f07.h.,..t\a>-, :Pt\ uo"hlt commencement of his work, take the
1!sL?\I'7A: : following oath of fidelity:

~}\~ 0 uo, '? p -r IP t. "I being a civil servant solemnly and
.,..;;:'1'1; tW.t\. 9" Olt,e 0 f: C 1. sincerely swear to faithfully serve the people and
0" a>-'1-rC;
0:rtl7~"+ ,,~\'HlI' N'71A 1A T OO7'r,: execute government policy, and to respect at all
aJ<9" 1.tI. ,,~\'l uo',?p().t:'li' fo1t't:' times the Constitution and the laws of the
"~1'lu"f t\1I7hOC~ Opl,.f.. 9JJh'.f'-r Country and not to disclose to any party
.pm~'LJ.+'li' Oth'? IO,e9" OOlPt-C O°?() information that is revealed to me by reason of
1'C"+ f'''uo ~O.+, t\t\1t N''i1r,:a}'9JJ my duties and is classified as secret or
(1)1' Itt\uo'?t\?\ "'~.tI.9'J fuo',?p-r' confidential by law or standard transparent
?'t\.f'I.p)~f t\uoLfJ?" :PA "111t\lJ.::" procedure"

Iii. uo+m&1 ~uotD1f htDft.'" 19. Determination of Starting Salary

?if 117,r,:aJ<9" o~.() ,"''''fllt fuo',?p-r 1) Any newly appointed civil servant shall be
tPt..,..;;: OUO''?p-r IPt,,''''?f~f I'~uomll paid the base salary as fixed by the civil
()h.A UOlP(.-r fO?.uo ~ 110-r I'Pt. service salary scale for the position he has
uo~lI t\°7.1~0+ h~t\ pt,. f.,'l'1a>- been appointed.
uo.,if ~uomll ,ehLt\tf>A::
2) The agency shall issue detailed directives on
g/ h.~'(a.a>- fuo,,?p-r uoptf o..y.:f the circumstances in which government
huo'1if ~uom1l111 11t\.. (l.uohLA t\UO:" institutions may decide to pay a higher base
mC ()t\°? ~ft\.llTa>- I' pt,. UO~(1:fT f°? salary to new recruits and the directives may
hLA(l.-r' ~(.~T fl!1(.."J11' f07.111Ta>-, include the types of position, the extent of
:,.f:UO lJ.~:rli' t\t\.. ~f'9JJ lJ.~:r9':f departure from the base salary, the eligibility
o()UOAh'Y' 'HC'HC uouot,f' fmflIA:: criteria and other relevant matters.

1). roo-h&, 1.~ 20. Probation

?i/fOD'ht. 1.H. ~1t°7 h~.() f"""'m(. fuo, 1) The purpose of probation shall be to prove
'?p-r IPt,..,..r,: ()t\ pt,. oL~fJOD' h-r the competence of a newly appointed civil
-rA. }\f""~('1 11:Prf:' t\I'7(.."J11' servant through follow-up of his
,elJ'li' A:: performance.

g/ flPt,..,..r,:a>- foo-ht. 1.H. O'''''''m(.O-r 2) The period of probation of a civil servant on

fpt. uo~11 It,e t\()f:()-r mc lJ'tj the position of his appointment shall be for
I'Pt. oL ~fJ9'J a>-m..t:. ho1'."JO . a>-m.-r six months; provided however, if the
O:r"f lJ'tj' h.,..17 fOD.tM. 1.II.a>- performance result is below satisfactory, it
"''''Q.)/'7t Y'()-r mc ,et,.W'7A:: may be extended for an additional period of
three months.
tit?; Y.~'it ~Y.t..A ".~t..}o :J/I.n/ "''rC.!?; rt,./:.}o If liinii Federal NegaritGazeta No. 15 19lhFebruary. 2007... Page 3543
'/~' ""J 'H"

rl 01't.tfooa" f'oo'ht. 'l.tI. IPt.1'~a" h1' 3) The' service of a probationary civil servant
;JO. f'p'I,. hL'09" a,.m."'" 11'1'l7 hp't- shall be terminated where the performance
,e(tlJO..rA: : evaluation result is below satisfactory for the
extended period of probation.
9.1 f'H.U h"~ h1~1\ !lr 10.fa h1~1\ III
"ItlJ Irl 1:1;J1.sP:f "It1f.1'mO<#l 0''10,. 4) Where the civil servant on probation is absent
Ooo'ht- 'I,e fit f'001'?p'''''' IPt.."~ from his work due to employment injury and
hP't. Ooon, (h009" m,e9" hfat.a,. ;1C without prejudice to the provisions of sub.
01' f fH 0f.~(t0-r 'l.~"'" 9'Jh1f"'" hp't- Articles (2) and (3) of Article 53 of this
f'+~ "It1 f.O''1 f AQ;l.~(ta"'f' 'l.tI. proclamation, he shall be allowed to
h(hoooo' m,e9" h'l.~": h~'10"'" 'l.tI. complete the remaining probation period
111fa+ "It1~.Q;l.Cfa ,ef.~;JA:: following the date of his recovery.

'{;/ Ooo'h/,. 'I,e f'°t1~ f'001'?p'''''' IPt.1'~ 5) Where the civil servant on probation period is
hh.p9" O'l,e 00''1 9"h1 f"'" hh 1 I: mc absent due to force majeure for a period less
O..rT OP't-dJo i\,e I1A1'17 OP't-dJo 'I,e than one month, the performance evaluation
f'1''l70-r 1.lI. 11;1= ..rfafJ f'P't- hL'09" will cover only the period in which he was
,elfP'IIt..rA: : present at work.

il f'H.U 111~1\ 10.fa h1~1\ I'{;I 1:1;11. 6) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-Article (5)
o/rC9" omlt.1: 9"h1,"'" hh11: mc of this Article, a civil servant on probation is
O'l,e 000f.0~ P't." 'I,e .fA1' 17:f absent due to maternity leave, for a period of more
f'oo'h/,. IPt.1'~ f'mlt.1: L~ "It1 f. ."m than one month,' she shall be allowed to complete
'" the remaining probation period following the end
lJ~~ ~ta", f'oo'ht- 1.lI. "It11:""'Q;l.Cfa
of her maternity leave. However, that if her
,ef.~;JA:: O'Cj9" 0.1""1,. 'I,e fA1''l7T absence is less than a month, her evaluation will
0"'" 'l.lI. hh1f: me O..rT hO''1 f'P't- cover only the period in which she was present at
hL'09" 9"HlJ a"lt\.:I: 0P't- 'I,e O~f'T work.
0"'" 'l.lI. ..rfafJ ,elfP'I'I..rA::
7) Unless otherwise provided in this
~I OH.U hlf'~ 0t\.'1 hl).:\1 I1A1'f.'1'l'l Ofa1' proclamation, a civil servant shall have
~C; Ooo'ht- 'I,e fit f'001'?p'''''' 1Pt-1'~ during the probation period, the same right
Q;l.~ (t 00 1'? P''''''
f' 00' h t- 1.lI.0"1 f' 07. f' and obligations that a civil servant who has
flta,. ooll""'lJ '?Yu..r ,eCj~"A:: completed his probation.

fUi. t"'1.fOO'"7PT~~T~_~1l'1 .
21 Permanent Appointment

iii OOD-ht- 1.lI.a,. h1';Jo. m,e9" hH.f O'lf. 1) Where the civil servant on probation has
f'O''1 f'P't. hL'09" 9""tJ dJom."'" recorded satisfactory or above satisfactory
ffaoDH'lO f'001'?p'''''' 1Pt-1'~ *Dt performance result, a letter of permanent
000''1.1 f'Dtf ~;J'?1' f.lI~o. ,e(tmlf'A:: appointment shall be issued to a civil servant.

II Ooo'ht- 'I,e f'°t 1~ 1Pt-1'~ f'P't- 2) If performance evaluation result of the civil
hL '09" 9"HlJ dJom."'" 1.lI.dJo1 mll~ servant. on probation is not evaluated before the
I1A1''P''IIt'"'' f'Dt oolth 1'0" ~'I~. 'f'o'!.Cj expiry date of the probation period and without
CO..,.. ~tn.fti""'" "It1f.1'mO~ O'Cj Oh11: prejudice to the responsibility of the official
mc 'l.lI. ..",,1' f JPt~ hL '09" "It1~.lfP concerned, the performance ,evaluation shall be
'I1t""'f.g~;JA:: carried out within one month following the
probation period.
fli. 1.fl.J''e ,p..~...'1'laAODfmC 22. Temporary employment

6/t;Jtul1,}4'1\ ,}()'r'a 11,}4'1\ I~I 1:'};J1. ",}1.1'm I) Without prejudice to Sub- Article 2 of this Article,
0 4' O'Cj D7,};;:OJ-9" r oo'}'7 P'-r 00 P' 6 f 0."" a government.institution may appoint a temporary
1.fl.f~ 1P~1';;: t\.4''I'C' r"~t~""
civil servant only for a job which is not of a
flih6 OAttOJ- P'~ ~.e ~OJ-:: 1f':'9" 1"~'+9':r. permanent nature, provided, however, that a
,'a11:~ mllDt r P'~ OO1..n ~,e. 1.fl.f~ government office may, where circumstances so
IP~1';;: oo:J>mC .e1'~A:: require, appoint a temporary civil servant to a
permanent position.
'/1\' Eit?;.~~i!i ~Y.(;'A ~:Jt,,,, ,:JII.n/ "''''C. !.?; f't,'t,,,, H ""J
liiY1V. 'Ulu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3544

fl/ h,)1: pUO")'?PT uopt,P o.T htt:.,.~ 2) A government office may appoint a foreign
11t\t10" t\tl7.m,e."" t17li':':0J<9')
htt:T f pi,. national on temporary bases, where it is
uo .( 11 n ~ (. if 1: ., T T () 11 OJ<OJ<C lD f-. 9') proved that it is impossible to filI a vacant
" position that requires high level professional
O""-rr. h. Tr-*, lCP. (]t\ 00. ,P N'7"17T
ht\uo ~t\.") Otllll;J'l'T' f°}<i'ill' h 1C tI.;J by an Ethiopian through promotion, transfer
0 'l.tI. .PCP.~"" t\. t/>1'C .e. ~f"A:: or recruitment.
r./ >..)1:'},...0J< h"'l.H.''P. IP/,..f''1f':f h4>nlmCT 3) The agency shalI issue detailed directives on
ftt\°'l.'i't-:foJ< uor()'Y.:flf (J/J!..;J-9J"f "')~. recruitment, right and duties as well as work
lJ.9') ftl\°7.m()4tIt:':oJ< f Ft- lJ.'1.;J-?J"f conditions of temporary employees.
lIC1fC ODUO t.P ,PlDfll';:~:
SJD/)t-c;: (}.t\ T Promotion
f ,,(.J{/)1:1T

ftr. p~(.J{ ,)1:1Tt}It", 3. Objectives

f .((.jf 61: 1T p°7.'" m OJ< fuoht,P 0. .f:') Promotion shall be given for the purpose of
f pi &. (J)' m. ..". t\ "7 'lj'lj A if IP I,.'" ~ ") enhancing the performance of government
l\1I70l:r:r:'. ~0J<:: institutions and to motivate the employees.

11§. ill\ g(.J{/)1:'1+ ht'tnl'T'. 4. Selection for Promotion

Ii/ rOI)'ht. 1.H.OJ.') fmr,.,..,. rUlJ,)"lp''''' ,Pt,."'~ 1) Any civil servant who has completed his
O.l',t.;f of:'l"" 't,C'"C h&. 'MU UlJUlItf OJ'/)'I' probation, may compete for promotion,
I\OJ'f:f:C r01fO<l1"" t'.'b,.j'9'"f' hI\. 1\. OUI)') unless he is prohibited by relevant directives
"IP''''' UlJp'tJ' OA: OJ'/)'I' 1\tOnI htt:"" r P't,.
on promotion.
UlJ.l'.'j) O.l',t.~' of:""" I\UlJ{M'r.l'.C .e"f'''A::

2) The Agency shalI issue detailed directives on

~f It,)1:'}o.oJ< f~(.jf 61:1T ftl\°7.0'T'OT the promotion of Civil Servants. .
lJ.'1.:r 'HClIC uouo/,f ,PlDnlA::

11~. f,,(.J{ /)1:1.T nt\Dtt't('1fOT(}.~;f'

5. Revocation of Promotion

flJOT 117ft(.jf W'7'-"t.r()9') O'~ ()(b"1 ()07lf A promotion obtained on the basis of fraudulent
T OJ' 9') lJ.'1.;J- ,.)1"1'} ()uo.,. Itl\ tt: f ,,.17 f ~ (. jf evidence or granted in contravention of the law
tJY:1T ()~.O. T l\. '}Cj' ()lD') )1:A f°'l.lfthTl\OJ< shalI, with out prejudice to disciplinary and
'f'm,Pt~T ',,}~"'m()4> O'er 'f'01'-f f~()(.OJ< criminal liability, be revoked any time.
ff,(.jf tJY:1T ()07lfTOJ<9') 1.tI. f-.O(.tJA::

9'),)t-c;: V'nT CHAPTER THREE

1ftD-tD-elf I: A1: IA Transfer and Reassignment

11.~. ftD-ftT 'HtD-tD-C 6. Internal Transfer

!if h'}Y: fUO,}"1FT uoFtf o.T l\Ft,.OJ< 1) A government institution may, whenever
hft~lt1. O'er o.f170J< "1A?\ fO'~ necessary, based on a transparent procedure,
hlPt,.C') ()UOh.,.A h')Y:'} fOD,}"1FT transfer a civil servant to another similar
IPt,..,. ~ ()H..POJ< uo F t ,Po. T OJ<ft 'T' position of an equal grade and salary or to
"h.A ()O'~ f Ft,. ~(.jf.Cj' ~uolDlI another place of work within the government
.,. uo UfUf f-. lD ~ 0' ~ f F t,. uo ~ .fl lD f-.9') institution.
h h '}Y: f F t,. (l;J- lD~ fb It f Ft,. (l;J-
W'7ttlDC l\. ,POt,. f-.:flt A::
.,,,. 1:J'i.?i t ~'j?; !?; f't,.,:..,. Iii
""J Iiir:H!
t...f.I..A ~.~/...,. 4I'I'C. lJ.~ Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February. 2007... Page 3545

fl/ On.., h1"'1\ 1().fa h1"'1\ l(il f1'1."110J- 2) 'Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
l1.tjC9" 000p'61 0.'1: I\,e h1.;J Article "(1)of this Article, a civil servant may,
o,.';,e1.Cfa ltoot.I\hA (I),er h1.;JOJ- without affecting his salary, be temporarily
.f'1.~OO"') 1'.';Plt"7f)'I't)hA h11:1 assigned to another position, for not more
rOD1"} p' P lPt.1';;: 1.DU(I)n. IJ,e.,..,fa T than a year, irrespective of the grade or type
1.~~OJ' (I),e9" fp--t.OJ- f},e.,:'" lJ,emO:" of functions where it is required to prevent
hh11: f}oop I\AOltm 1.11. 01.H..P~"P the occurrence or rectify the damage of any
hIIOJ'{~ "71Pt.P ,e~I\A:: disaster to the government institution.

;:/ 1.11.0J-1 .Pm"''''''' foo')"}p--:'" 3) Where it is proved by a medical certificate that a
IPt."'~ 0(1\,'-,' 00 ;.NlJh 9"h1.PP 01nOJ- civil servant who has completed his probation is
- fp--t. 001.11 (I),e9'J flltO:'" fp--t. 11:1' unable to carry out the functions of his position or
I\,e It.ot. hltoo~lt. 0 I"hh. 9" "7fa~~ to reside in his place of work due to his health
condition, he shall be transferred to another
(t. t.,:J 11' T
suitable position or place of work with:
IJI 01'OO'1'1,e 1.~~ It.oo1.110:''' f°? a) the same grade where such vacant
..t.A htj: P f p--t. 00 1.11 t)1t 01 nOJ-
(I),e9" position is available; or
f.~~T b) a lower grade where a vacant position of
Itl O"'UP~Uff. ~G~ It.up~'n f°7.1'AO-r
the same grade is not available and he is
h,,:-r fp'1r Up~11 hft.ltl",' 1P1r.,.r.:OJ' 1':'-
qlt~ G ~ l\ f. It UP P' Ir -r t,.? ~ r.: tnn
willing to be transferred to a position of
~G~OJ' .,."",'aT OJ~ °7.ia°7°7OJ. f P'1r lower grade.
OIJ~'n (J)f.'I" fp'1r f1:J' f.t'(J)IrA:: .
4) Where the position of a civil servant is
§/ fh11: f001'"}p--:'" IPt..I'~ f P--t- 001.11 abolished, he shall be transferred to another
f l' (t~" 1 1.0''' 0 00 P--6 1
0. -I: OJ-fal' position of an equal grade within the
1'OO'1"1,e " 1.~~ (I).';ItOJ- f P--t. 001.11 government institution.

Wi. nTmfl()cf:~:'" lltt"'l~k-T 27. Acting- Assignment

(i/ O.~:1'sP...,.. (t.Ifa 11:.';." h11:1 f001,"}p--p 1) Where circumstances so require a civil
IPt.'I'~ hh11: f}OOp I\AOltm 1.11. htj: servant may be assigned to a higher po~ition
lit f.~~ flltOJ- fp--t. 001.11 I\,e 0'1'01 in an acting capacity for not more than a
fI'1~"p "'.';.'Pt. "71:~"1 ,e~I\A:: year.

g/ fff.tJ h ''''1\ 1().fa h

''''1\ l(il 1:1.:J1. 2) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-Article
C9'J hh11: f}oo:'" Ol\,e It°?/"~ P9"U (1) of this Article a civil servant may be
CP (I),e9" faAm" f~1.1 f001'"}P--P assigned to higher position in acting capacity
lPt.1'~ ltuo1't)p fP9"UC-I: (I),e9" to replace a civil servant who is on education
f P--Am" OJ- 1.II. "fa h. 01".,.:,. 1: ~ fa f P--t- or training program, that lasts more than a
001.0.1 01'mflfl~ lPt.1'~ "7(tt.:'" year.
[/ "71~OJ'9" f001"JP--:'" lPt-1'~ 01'mfl'1~ 3) Any civil servant assigned in an acting
'I:'" "'.';,IPtl' O,1.~"J f1'mfillt.,p ~OA capacity shall be entitled to acting allowance.
,eh/,.It'PA:: faito?h/" ItOJ- f1'mflflt.,p The Agency shall issue directives on the
hOA 00011 h.~1(t.0J- 000061 l(1)alA:: amount of such allowance.

W~. ht\." uop--6f 0.+ rDtU"7 'lWtIlJ-C 8. Transfer from Another Government Institution

(i/ h11: fuo1"1p--:'" 00p--61 o.p 1tP--t-OJ- 1) A government institution may, whenever
hfa/,.I\ 1, O'er "",1";0J-" 1\h5 1'.,.fI,e necessary and the recipient and sender
uo P--61 0..,. ...,.. 1.';,0.9" lPt-1'~ OJ- fa
" . government institutions as well as the civil
1'7°0, h11:1 f001"Jp--p lPt-1'~ "h.A servant so agree, transfer a civil servant to a
(10''1 1.~ ~c; 1. UOOJ1I l' 00 '1'1,e
1. 0''1 similar position of equal grade and salary
fp--t. uo1.l1 h.~1""OJ-1 0071J(I):" htl from other government institution by
O),(~ "71Pt.p ,e"""I\A::
notifying the Agency.
ri'i.?;Y.!'J~ ~'.'rA ~;J(,.1- .'JII.tli "',,'c. X?'; rtl'/:'')- II{ 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3546
""J HJf'jP' IUI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15

II wt..,.r.:aJor rhAft- rOO')'?F~ OOF(,f 2) Where the concerned civil servant, regional
n. ..,. r; f A..1..&.A 00 ') '? F ~ F (, f 00 government institution and the recipient
n. ~ (a."'''70u< "'}A.U.9" OhAI\. lIaJeaJeC') federal government institution so agree and
ft"71\ ~:" "'Anl') r.,.(amaJo h I1A fO when the appropriate auth9rity in the region
1:+m- h')1:') fOO'}tIJ!»:" IPt.,,.r.: hh approves it, a civil servant may be transferred
A A m f. A..1..teA f 00 ') tIJF.} 00 F (, f from the regional government institution to
n.~ "h.A OlYij f.l.~c,. f.OO(lJlI "'OOUf the federal government institution to similar
(lJ f. lY~ f F tc 00 f,lI h tlOJe(~ "7IP position of equal grade and salary.
t.~ .e~I\A::

fl OH.U h')~~ OOIPI.:'~ f'O~tI(lJC IPt..,.;;: 3) A civil servant transferred under this article
f A..1.. t.fA it
(a. A (Ic ri.'" I'h'l. 0 O~ f HOJe shall not lose the salary and benefits acquired
tlDIPl.T O!HOJe r Ftc f.1.~C; Oh'lA'? by virtue of his grade and service before the
I\"~ Hooij. 9"h')fT f'l~ fijOI.OJe f.OO transfer.
lIJ1iC; ooll.y.:f. h.e~~(a.O~9"::
29. Secondment
It fl. r TaJc", T 1faJcaJcC
1) A civil servant may, where it is necessary and
?if hilL"'" tJ'(i 1\ 1:-S "h.oJc fOO,)"lP'T oop'tf the government institution and the civil
O,:".r,. IP6-1' »;:0)" 1\11°700" ); ') t:') fUlJ')" P'T
servant so agree, be seconded to another
IP 601';;' 04\." f 00')"1 P' T 00
P' t f 0. T to~ 'J" government institution or regional
fh~~ OO')"lP'T UlJp'tf o.T (JJ~'J" government institution or public enterprise or
fOO')u,p'.r f~07T t:C~T to'~'J"
OO')"lpI,oj'lf, tOf.);~tJ'''" t:C ~'F-1' h); ')t: non-governmental organizations to perform a
~UlJT It°7~O~'I' 1."' OTm"IIT "'tIO)"r.' specific duty for a period not exceeding one
~')~.u"" °7t:G"I ~~,,~:: year.

II ('7')r.:OJe9" rOO')'?F~ OOF(,f n.T hi'aL 2) Where it is necessary, any government

1\1. lYe; (a,!'I10Je hOO')'?FT 1A"7T ~C institution may second an employee from
:P:~ m .e 9" hh IAIA 00 ')'? F T 00 F (,f public enterprise, regional government
n.~ to"9" OO')'?F;r~ I1lAlYij ~C:P:T institution or non-governmental organization
h')~') IPt..,.r.: hh')~ 'iOOT t'\f'7.eOIA'I' for a period not exceeding one year.
'I.tI. OTOJei'aT htlOJeC' "7(1t'T .e :1-I\IA::

r/ OH.U );').,.,. ,)().II );')+,. /Ii/ f.,. f. "11OJ' 3) Notwithstanding Sub-Article /1/ of this
n. lfC'J" f ~Yv6oIt. 00')" P'T OtJ1C to ~'J" Article, upon the decision of the federal
0;"'''11 ,,~ );f.;J ~,)~~f.CII t\oohl\h~ government a civil servant may, without
to ~'J" );f.;JOJ' f f.G/'IOJ"') 1"~T t\ °711.,. t}h~
affecting his salary ,be assigned to another
I\fI~ );')f:') fOO')"P'T 1P601'I1 Of"O)"
government institution or based on the
f.OO(O'" h);,)f: fOO')" P'T
UlJp'tf tOf. 1\.1\ f~.~.6o~ OO,)"lP'T request of a regional state to a government
oop'tf o.T (JJ~9" Oh~t\" OO,)"P'T 'I' f<k institution of such state, for a period not
UlJ'PI.T (Of. 1\.1\ fh~~ OO,)"lP'T OOp'I.f exceeding one year.(
o.T h);,)f: f}OOT t\°7~0~'I' 1.", );tlm"r.'
°7'P(.'T ~1'I\~::
4) Where a civil servant is seconded in
QI OH.U h,)~1\ ')O.i'a h,)~1\ l?il OOIP~T accordance with Sub-Article /1/ of this
OTOJei'aT r.,.tltOl. IPt""'~ 'I
UI f.OO(lJ'HC; "7,);;: OJe9" 'I'~OD' 01l0Jc0Je';" a) his salary and other benefits shall not be
9"h')fT h.e~f.IAOT9"'I '
affected because of his assignment;
1\1 r Ftc hL '°9" 9"W, OJcm.'f: OhIP(,OJc b) his performance shall be evaluated by the
00 F(,f n.T 'f''fPIA.y. l\~fll(,OJe
government institution to which he is
OOF(,f n.T .e,,.1\1\401A'I
,hI r~ TI\,') 'I'4oT rLOOO h,)f.lYij r~. c) he shall be subjected to disciplinary
(I.TI\, ') hC9"~ rO~(lJ"'~OT ~fll('OJc measures to be taken by his employer
oop'(,f n.T .elYc,'IA:: whenever he commits disciplinary
.,x' Ci'ik~~:~ ~,Y."'A ~;lt.} ;lll.a, "''PC. l?; ft"I:'} If
""J liir.~H! 'J.Y" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15
19thFebruary, 2007".. Page 35

fJJ. ~IA~IA 30. Redeployment

?il O"7')~(I}'9'" f001"?FT ooFtJl o.T f°? I) "The,fiI~ingof a vacant position in any governmer
1~ hfj:T fF6. oo~-o hAil f001"?FT InstitutIOn through redeployment of a permaner
ooFtf o.T O°?~I\~A f001"?FT civil servant from another government institutio
IP6'T~ ~1~.fll f07.~~ 1aJ- ooFtf ~hal,1 ?e ,made only where the governmer
InstItutIOn ISclosed or it has redundant manpowe
0.-1: fTn;J m~9'" TCfj: fftOJ- -)~A
or the position of the civil servant is abolished an m~9'" fF6- 00,(0. fTf't~n
the Agency so decides.
tnr~'i' 1:A1:I\.1 h.J!1f't.a). C\m..., ~aJ-::
2) Any government institution may redeploy it~
J.I -"71~aJ-9'" f001"'FT ooFtf o.T n~.'" employees on the basis of competition when
n.(~~J!T nT1+ T"?q6-~ C\f.(C"? W6- it implements a new organizational structure.
.,.7f-:f.1 007m~.(c .(A1:l\p "71P6-T
3) A civil servant redeployed under this Article
'tl On.u n1<1>11OOIP~T f°?.(I\.(A W6-T~
shall be entitled to his previous salary and
<I>f..9') f't.A ~"T o~o~aJ- ,(~~C; On 1A
O}l\pT nOlI". 9'"h1 fT f1~ f"O~OJ- benefits acquired by virtue of his grade and
~ooml1'i' 00-0"':': "'~~"f't.OT9'"::
Performance Evaluation
rp'~ _hL!B~
J. Performance Evaluation
wi. fFt,. hL'or rnc;
I) Thepurpose of performance evaluation shaH be:
?il fF6. nLfllJ9'" 9'"nC; nll07T
a) to enable civil servants to effectively
01 WII'T7f-"'r- F6-:fOJ-1 O°?mO~aJ- discharge their duties in accordance with
OOm1T fT6-T .(~~T 1.11. ~C; m(;Q.
the expected level, quality standards and
OTOXII U'~;r ~1"lJlhC;OJ-~. 1\°7
time and expense;
1:~ "?T b) to evaluate civil servants on continuous
1\1 Th;r;r.e fJ-06. nL'09'" 9'"nc; 08111 . basis and identify their strengths and
weaknesses with a view to improve their
'/,1: fW6-T7f-T1 m1116-C; .(1181 future performance;
'1'iT Oool\fT +n,,,- fF6- nL'O
°7:fOJ- ~ 1~. ififA 0811:~"? OJ-m..;r01
c) to identify training needs of employees;
~ 1~.1f~. 1\°7-0:1-+ T
dll fW6-T7f-T1 f'" A m'i'C; rooififA
d) to give reward based on result;
fj:II'1+0+hhAI\~+ 1\07m:"T
001 OOJ-m..+ II.e rToolP~'" 81+1.f
e) to enable management to make its
IPI f F6. noo6-~ OTa;tq6f.l" oo~~ "I.e
administrative decisions based on
TOO ()c.yo aJ-1)~ P>T
concrete evidence.
n'" T ~.( 6-If
~ 1~.ftT I\D?"';FAT
.,OJ-: :

2) Performance evaluation shall be carried out

II fF6- nL'09'" 9'"n'i' "?A1I flf., J-OCf}+1
in a transparent manner.
OoohTA r°?L09'" .e1fC;A::
3) The Agency shall issue directives on
rl h.J!1f't.aJ- r J-O&-nL'09'" 9'"n'i' ooootf
fmnIA:: performance evaluation.
~. ri'i.?d~1~.: ~'u/.'A ~.:lt..,. ,:lII,n,
"''PC. H; rt,,/:,.,. Iii .,.'~ Iv.riU
'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19'hFebruary, 2007... Page 3548


r P_Ir('e'iT~_A'LAf._L~t.T Working Hours and Types of Leave
9"()t-ti: h,}1: CHAPTER ONE
"'t\~lr (l«t-r Working Hours

wi. 00,(011 rFt- c'1~T 2. Regular Working Hours

r"UO'}OIF~ IJ-J6,'I'"if'~f UO~(1~ PF6:. f'I~~

. Regular working hours of civil servant shall be
'\')~PF6.m' tJ.~:r pOVDO'') lftJ (1Uf9u')~ determined on the basis of the conditions of their
h39 f'I~~ OO11f\'1' Pf\(1'r9":: work and shall not exceed 39 hours a week.

wf. rP't- OO'?; ooOJ-Iilic'1~T 3. Office Hours

Poo'}'?F~ IP?'I'"if'~f. PFl,. oo,?(1.f'l The time when the office hours of civil servants
UOO>-fi6j, f'I~~' pO?'~~"'.+(:~f 9"hc C1.~ begins and ends shall be determined by
(1°?.f'mnlO>- i1-n ,'i'lA:: Regulations of the Council of Ministers.

@~. PTCti: c'1~T Fir 4. Overtime Work

(i/ P~Ct;: f'I~~ Flf. f\f'l6. "7,)~ 0>-9" 1) Any civil servant who has worked overtime
P 00 '} 01F ~ IP 6. T ~ (1IP6. T;;: a>- 9" r. fi6j, is entitled to compensatory leave or over time
ooIPt.~ p"7t,t,if "t.t;:~ m,e.9" P~Ct;: pay based on his preference.
f'I~~ ht;:.f' ,e.f'lin'PA::

g/ P~Ct;: f'lt}~ Ft,. faf\°?L~~fJ:fO>- lJ.~ 2) The Agency shall issue directive on the
:rp>~f-: faf\ht;:f°>- oom'}' p"7t,t,if conditions of overtime work, amount of
"t.t;: ~ faf\07.f'IIf'(1~ tJ.~ :r h. ~ ,}f'I. 0>- payment and compensatory leave.
l1ClIC ooootf fmnlA::

@l;. faf\ ihl1-n O'J"T ~' fUf9"'}T f()t.ti:T ~c;T 5. Public Holidays and Weekly Rest Day
(i/ 1'7,}~0>-9" poo'}'?FT IP6.rf'~ (1ihll-n 1) Any civil servant shall incur no reduction in
(1t}A-: (11}9"'}T P"t.t;:~ ~'~ m,e.9" his regular pay on account of having not
(1oo'}'?FT O>-I)~ oop-'tf C1..y-.~f 1I'? worked on public holiday or weekly rest day
lf~O>- (1o?O>-f\.(1~ ~') fJf\oofat,.of: or on a day offices are closed by the order of
00 ~(1~ P~ooml1 ht;:f ",e.~~fa(1T9":: the government.

g/ PF6.0>- tJ'~:r
hfa.,1:}'. (1ihll-n (1'JA 2) Any civil servant ordered to work on a public
m,e.9" (1oo')'? F ~ 0>-1}~ 00 F t f T
C1..y-. holiday or on a day government institutions
11., lf~O>- (1o?O>-f\.(1~ ~') "'}~.IPt,. are closed by the order of the government,
P;rHH poo'},? F~ IPt,.rf'~ 9"Cfi6j,OJ-'} due to compelling circumstances, shall be
ooIPt.~ (1"71:t.., P~Ct;: f'I'J~ ht;:f entitled to overtime payor compensatory
m ,e.9" PI'7t, t, if "t.t;: T ,e.f'Im 'P A : : leave based on his preference.

r./ PH.V ,,«p~ ",}~1\ @~ /;;/ f;'};J1. n.C;C9" 3) Notwithstanding the provision of Article
PF6.0>- tJ'~:r "fa.,1:}'. (1Uf9"')~ P"t. 34/1/ of this Proclamation a civil servant
t;:~ ~'~ "'}-'tIPt,. P:rHH poo,}"F~ ordered to work on a weekly rest day, due to
IPt,.rf'~ (1Th:r~ Uf9",)~ PFt,. ~'~ compelling circumstances, shall be granted a
0>-faIf' PO?t,t,if h t.t;: ~ '} -'tf'Im OJ- compensatory leave during working days of
. " the next week.

'11.' L'i'iAK~jj ~~ut.A ~;J/,'''' ;JILa, -II'I'C. Hi fll'/:'''' nt ""J Iv.nv. CUI" FederalNegaritGazeta No. 15 19thFebruary. 2007... Page 3549


f~ODT c)t.c;:+ L2~ Annual Leave

clJl. f~ODT c)(.C;:T L?~O!'_UJ"--t--'l~lI 6. Objectives

(il f~ODT ~(.c;:..,. /"~f: f01£"'mm- fOD,}"I I) The purpose of annual leave is to enable a
P''''' lP&-..,.t;:m-
I\""CD"'~ 1.11 0"7('C;: civil servant get rest and resume work with
h1A"lI\..i:') O;t-~'" OD'}/"fa "'}"l"'TA renewed strength.
1\1I7fa;FA ~m-::

~I °7 '} t;: OJ-9" ..,..,. alt f OD'}"I 2) Any newly appointed civil servant shall not
h "l fa P'''''
,p t;: f h fa&- h '} f: CD&-..,. h 1 A "I ""..,. be entitled to annual leave before serving for
hODfami: O~...,. f~OD"" b(.C;:"" /"~f: eleven months.
fl'7°17"" 0011"" fI\OJ-9"::

EI f~OD"" ~(.c;:..,. /"~f: 01'}Hl1 h,e.I\CDT9"1 3) There shall be no payment in lieu of annual
tflf9" flp&-..,.t;:m- h 1A "I"""" OOD* (.m. leave; provided, however, that payment may
fA""CD"'~ f~OD"" ~(.c;:..,. /"~f: 01'}Hl1 be made for unused annual leave due to
",}~.I\(J}T ,e.~('~A:: termination of appointment.

clJi. f~OD""'C)"-§:+~k--~ 7. Duration of Annual Leave

(i I h ') f: lP&-..,.t;: I) A civil servant shall be entitled to annual

~OO..,. f11\ 11\ fOD,}"I P'''''
?;' f fa&- .,. "..,. f~OD"" ~(. c;:T /,.~ f: leave of 20 working days for his first year of
f1t;:A:: service.

~I hh'}f: ~OD"" O'\,e. f11\11\ lP&-..,.t;: I\"f 2) A civil servant having a service of more than
')~'}~ ""Q;).°7~ ~OD"" h'}f: fp'&- .,.'} a year shall be entitled to additional leave of
"f;t-hI\O"" f~OD"" ~(.c;:..,. /"~f: f1 one working day for every additional year of
t;: A I If c.,°9" f01£"'m m- f h ') f: ~OO..,. service; provided, however, that the duration
f ~(. C;:..,. /,. ~ f: hclJ f P' &- .,. 'i".f OD 111\ T of annual leave shall not exceed 30 working
fI\O""9":: days.

rj Ot\.1\ fOD''1P'T ODp'l,f C1.T he; fhAA 3) Previous service rendered in any government
00,}""1P':,. 00 P'tf C1.:'~ +1. 9" 1\t\ f.,.flm institutions and regional government
h 1t\ "II\"T I\IlU h '+1\ '().r) h '+1\ III institutions shall be considered for the
ht. '09" f°7.,:t"fllI f.I1'Cjt\:: application of Sub-Article(2) of this Article.
clJ~. f~OD"" c)('C;:.TL?.1:.MalT
8. Granting of Annual Leave
(il f~OD"" ~(.c;:..,. /"~f: fOOp'~f o.-I:')
I) Annual leave. shall be granted within the budget
~~f: ODlP(."" O"7f:('"I" O""~I\ ODm'} year in accordance with a leave made known to
flP'I'..,.~m-'} C;:'\..,..,. 007ODtJH'} 001£H~ the civil servants and leave made and prepared on
~m-" lP&-..,.t;:m-SJD"'}"lfm-.,.m- 001£~ the basis of due consideration of the interest of the
(,"1 TC'"I&-9" ODlP(."" OO~..,. ~ODi: government office and, as much as possible, the
m-faT ,e alA:: preference of each civil servant.

~I lP&-..,.t;:OJ- /,.~~') ootCDfaf:O"" 1.11 O~(. 2) A civil servant shall be entitled to advance
C;:-r '\,e. fot~,e.O""'} CDC~OOCDH-'}O~f: payment of his monthly salary at the time of
°tf "-CDfaf: ,e.".f'\A:: taking his annual leave.

rl fH.U hCP~ h'}"'?\ clJ~ I~I ",}~""mO'" 3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article
If'i h '}f: fOD,}"lP''''' lP&-""~ hfa&- 36/2/ a civil servant after the completion of
h '}f: CD~'} 11m""'''' 0:\'\ O"""'m(.O"" II months shall be granted annual leave
0 ~ ..,. ~oo I\"'m m- h 1 A "I ""..,. f~OD"" based on the service rendered.
~(.c;:..,. /,.~~ Oh1A "1""-1: ODm') .., A'"
"'}"l"'mm- ,e.~('~A::
',y.' l'7i.?d.'i /"'Yu/..A '1:)6'''' :J/I.fll -IITC. H; {'t"f:'''' lit ""} fU.nU 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No 15 191hFebruary. 2007.. Page 3550

Q/ OH.U ~,}cf>f\ '}(J.I) ~,}cf>f\ l?il OOIPl.T f'0 4) A civil servant who resigns after taking his
~:T ~OO'I: hOOmlj'cf><IlO&.T /..~ f: WI)Jl. annual leave in accordance with Sub Article
~1ADJ/\o'l:,} 01tJ /..~~ .f'*t.m f'oo'}olFT /1/ of this Article before the end of the budget
IjJ{,..,.~ ~ 1ADJ/\oT ,f'Ar'lmOT 1.H. :1'1)(1 year shalI be liable to pay back part of the
O/..~ f: ~.e h!/\ f""h/../\m.'} J.'.OOOJ11 advance salary for which he has not rendered
h '}~. OOAI) .eJ.'.t.:.JA:: servIce.

ijjU, f ~OO"" ()t. c;:..,. ~? 1: r." oy ,.."'" c;: 9. Postponement of Annual Leave
?if f'H.U ~cP~ ~ ,}cf>?t. @t liil f:'};11. 1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article
n. c:'C?'" f' p'{,.aJ- lJ.'1. W'71)1J.'.~ 9"n'} 38( 1) of this Proclamation, the head of a
,f'T OOFt,f' fl.'1: /\1P{,..,.~aJ- f'~OOT government institution may authorize the
tlt.«t:T /..~~'} OO~T ~oorf: aJ-l)1' postponement of annual leave for two budget
/\.r'lmaJ- ,f'A:f/\ h ,}J.'.o'~ f'OOFt! fl.'1: years, where the government office, due to
f'0~.e ~~". hU'/\T f'O~T ~OOT compelIing reasons, is unable to grant a civil
~AO/\m 1.H. /\..f'I)"'~A/..OJ- .e :f~A :- servant his annual leave within the same
O'c:'?" ,f'A"'mcf>ooOT f'~OOT tlt.«t:T budget year; provided however, that the
/..~f: O~I).,.~OJ- O~T ~OOT /\IP~'" accumulated leave shall be granted to the
;;:aJ- OOr'lmT ~/\OT:: civil servant in the third budget year.

~/ f'H.U ~cP ~ ~ '}cf>f\ ill~ lEI y,:'},'11. 0. c:'C?" 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article
('7'}~aJ-9" f'OO'}DJFT OOFt.f' fl.T -OH.U 36(3) of this Proclamation, a civil servant
~,}cf>f\ '}o.1) ~,}cf>f\ l?il OOIPt.T' f'~OOT whose leave is postponed for two
/..~~ /\07.'''~/\C;:OTlj' ~~~ 01'}Hr(l years in accordance with sub-Article (1) of
"'I\(J}'(O h ,}~.r'lmaJ- /\°7.m.e,:" IP{,..,.~ this Article, may claim payment, and the
O~: T 0:" f:°7..f' 007I),f'11 h.,.~/\/..aJ- government institution shall make the
f'~OOT /..~ f: aJ-I)1" f'oo~oot!aJ-'} payment forthe first year of the accumulated
f'~,}~,} ~OOT f'F{,. cf>Cirf:f r(l:f W'7 annual leave from a budget alIocated for sllch
(}r(l 01'}Hr(l .,./\aJ-(O h '}~llmaJ- °7 f:t. DJ purpose,
40. Unused Annual Leave
~, ,.." J\~TOJO"f~OD""()t.C;:""

?if f'1P{,..,.~aJ- ~1ADJ/\oT Ooo*t.m' OH.U 1) Where the appointment of a civil servant is
~cP,~ ~,}cf>f\ ill!! liil OOIPt.T '''~Al::/\T terminated, the payment shall be made for the
,f'A.,.m(}f. f'~OOT tlt.«t:T /..~ f: f' F{,. number of working days of unused annual
cf>lj'.y.'.f r(l:f :l'1) 0 aJ- 01 '}Hr(l .,. /\ aJ-(0 leaves which are postponed as specified
.er'lmCPA:: under Article 39/1/ of this Proclamation.

~/ f'H.U ~'}cf>f\ '}O.I) ~,}cf>f\ l?il f:'};11. OH.U 2) The provision of Sub Article /1/ of this
~cP~ ~,}cf>f\ t!t /\"'tJOJt. OJ.e?'" O~'} Article shall not apply to the civil servant
cf>f\ ill /\"'J.'./\J.'./\ f'OO,}DJFT IP~'''~ transferred under Article 28 of this
.,./..'°7. ~ .e 0' '}?'":: 0' c:'9" IP {,.,,.~ OJ- Proclamation or redeployed under Article 30
O~Ot.OT .
f'OO,}DJFT OOFt! fl.T OH.U of this Proclamation. However, unused leave
~cP~ ~,}cf>?\ ill!! l?il OOIPt.T that had been postponed as specified under
f''''~/\/../\T f'~OOT tlt.«t:T /..~ f: OJJ.'. article 39 /1/ of this Proclamation will be
.,. tl(J)t. 0 T (J)
.e9" (J) J.'. .,. J.'./\ J.'./\ 0T transferred to the government institution to
f'OO,}DJFT OOFt,f' fl.T .e.,.~/\«t:/\:1'A:: which he is transferred or redeployed.

?'" (){,.c;: ~,.. T CHAPTER THREE

A~ A~ ~~p."f Other Leaves

~li ,rmf\.f;,nL?f; 1. Maternity Leave

?if ~«t:r'lm'C f'O'~"f f'OO,}DJP'T IP{,."'~:- 1) A pregnant civil servant shall be entitled to:
'IK' i:~.?; Y:Ui ~Y./..A ~;J"'''' :)11."1 </I'I'C. !?; f'~I'I:'''' H ""} Iflr:iij '}.\I" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3551

ul h~\C<>J11C,'q>
;JC f'l' f .fH 9'1COOlr /t1'7 a) paid leave for medical examination in
f: I..°1 ,.hh. 9'1 0 O1..fII(J)' 00 lJ.11.. T f.00 accordance with a doctor's recommend~
(J}11 f°1.hLAOT L:P f: ~f'8nl:l'A-= dation;
/tl hooOJ-/t~ O& ~\'}f: :rf.C<>J b) paid leave before delivery if recommended
,.MI.9'1 t)HH f.oo(D'tl . f°?,hLAOT by a doctor. .eOn,:rA::

!?/ ~tt:om'C ftf~:'f foo'}o/'!pT 1J,Jt,..,l'~ 2) A pregnant civil servant shall be entitled to a
ooOJ-/t~CP O.f.Cf) heDA~/tU. 11"\ h100 period of 30 consecutive days of maternity
'l':'fOT 4>,} O&.T qj Th:l':l'~ 4>C;T leave with pay preceding the presumed date
f'-" f:OO (D/t.f: L:P f: -= h '}~.U'9" f)TeD of her confinement and a period of 60
1Af: heD/tf. :'fOT 4>,} ~9"{~ :t 'l'h:l' consecutive days of maternity leave after her
:l' ~ 4>C;T Ohm:P"\~ :I 'l'h:l':l' ~ 4>C;T confinement.
f.oomll f01.hLAOT f(n/t.f: L:P f:
3) If the pregnant civil servant deliver on before
f/ OH.U h'}4>?\ '}O.f) h'}4>?\ !? oolJ.1I..T the completion of prenatal leave which is
1J,Jt,.,'l' f 'I' 0 I'll T f'-" f: 00 eDIt.f: L:P f:
~ cP granted under sub-article 2 of this Article,
hl'7/t</: O&.T hm/tf.:'f .fATm4>oo:'fOT'} the unused prenatal leave will granted after
4>t. f'-" f:OO eD/t.f: L:P f: heD/tf. ',f 0;\"\ her confinement.
h ,}f:Tm4>9'10T ~f.I..;JA::

'Q/ 1J,Jlr'l'~q> feDOf. '.foJ- f'-" f:oo (n/t.f: L-:P f: 4) If the pregnant civil servant does not deliver
O..fA'-" .fAeD/tf."f h ,} hf)h9"T on the presumed date, the days subsequently
(nAf:OT 4>,} f:1..f) Oh/t'T f ,!Pt,.. 4>C;T taken before her confinement shall be
f9'1'}~~OT OO~T l}OO'1: t)"\T replaced by the annual leave she is entitled to
l}OO,': fl}ooT
L:P f: L:Pf:
(D~9'1 OO~ T
ft\."\T h,}
within the budget year or that of the -
following budget year if no annual leave is h01. 4>1'/t OJ- fO~ T l}ooT left.
L:P~ ~'l't)A::

?; / 1J,Jt,..,l'~CP OH.U h ,}4>?\ '}O.f) h ,}4>?\ I!?I 5) The civil servant shall be entitled to sick
f','(n(J~oJ-'} feD/t.f: L:P f: hlJJ. I..0 :'f 0;\"\ leave in accordance with Article 42(1) of this
11T :r00 9'1C,' TlJJ.I'7t. L:P f: f°1.ff)L Proclamation, if she becomes sick after
A,':JT ootf~. Orhh.9" hTI..;J1m OH.U completion of her maternity leave under sub-
hCP~ h'}4>?\ ~!? llil OTf.~110J- oolJ.1
Article (2) of this Article.
I..T flhUD9" L:Pf: oooJ-of: T:'f"\/t:'f::

~/ foo,}<>J'!pT lJ.1t,.,'l'~0J- fT~C =if.~ 6) Any civil servant shall be entitled a paternity
h(n/t.f: .':JC OT.f .fH O.'l'OO.'}C; fI/to.,I:'} leave with pay for five working days at the
/too'}hfltJr(l f.OOlnll f°1.hLAOT h9"f)T time of his wife's delivery.
f ,!Pt,.. 4>,} L:P f: ~omq>A::
. 2. Sick Leave
~fl. f lhOOIJD L? 1:
1) Any civil servant shall be entitled to sick
Ii/ 1'7,}~ OJ-9" foo,}<>J'!pT 1J,JlrT~ OlhOO9" leave where he is unable to work due to
9"h'}.fT ,!Plr OO,!P""T .fA~/t h,} sickness.
flhOO9'1 L:Pf: ~omq>A::

1/ OH.U J\,}4>?\ '}O.f) h'}4>?\ llil oolJ.1I..T 2) The duration of sick leave to be granted to a
f au. ht,.. 1.II.OJ-'} "\mc,' 4>4> f 00 '}<>J ,!p T
permanent civil servant in accordance with
1J,Jt,.,'l'~ f07.01' f (hoo9" L:P f: Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall not
O,HI:r:r ~ m~9'1 O'l'/tff 1,11. 9'1 exceed eight months in a year or twelve
,.},UDOU. hf.I..OOT foo~oot.f 4>,} h'}f)-f
months in four years, whether counted
fI/tl.J- hf)t,.. U./tT OJC 1,11. OJ-f)1' consecutively or separately starting from the
hf)9"'}T mc (D~9'1 OJ\lrT l}ooT oJ-f)1' first day of his sickness.
hh,!Pt,.. U./tT (nc h~OA1'9"::
'IX' Crt?;f:lM ~Y.".A ~:Jt..,. ,'lll,n, -II'I'C. !?; f't}.t:..,. 1M ""J lIirHi 'UI" Federal NegaritGazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3552

r/ OH.U ",)4>~ ')0 ",)4>~ /J./ OOlP(.T 3) Sick leave to be granted in accordance with
ro~ 1'11' r ;h 00 9" t...:t' I: 1\00 ~ 00 t f sP:f. Sub-Article (2) of this Article shall be with
Y''''T cDt--T hoo'l\. 1. OOcD'H ;JC: full pay for the first three months, half pay
1\07. 4>1'1\...,. Y' h T cD t. T h'?"'/71 1.00 cD'H for the next three months and without pay for
;JC 'he; 1\00Q;}.(.7isP:f. O.I\T tDt--T fl\ the last two months,
f.OOtD'H ,e.lfe;/A::

§/ roo-ht. 'I.ltoJ-') f'lmr,'4>~ fOO,)'?P'T 4) A Civil Servant on probation shall be entitled

IPt...,.r,: f,hh.9" °7h(.;q f°?~C110T to one month sick leave with pay.
f1\')1: OJe f,)l009" t...:t'1: hf.OOtDlI ;JC
5) Where any civil servant is absent from work
l;/ (17')~oJ-9" fOO,),? P'T ,pt.i'r,: fI.;roo9": due to sickness:

0/ h1\:'>9" O'l,e. flf~ 9"h') fT tJ'I;Jm a) he shall, as soon as possible, notify the
00 OJ- Ohi'4>C 0..,.;F1\ lj:1'~T government institution unless prevented
;hoooo.') 1\00Ftf 0.1: °7I}tD:'> by force majeure;
b) he shall produce a medical certificate in
1\/ O..,.h;r;r,e. hY'hT ~') tD,e.?" 01\')1: case of absence for three consecutive
ro~ T t}OOT OJ-h1' hhl:hT ~') days or for more than six days within a
O'l,e. O;hOOOO,9"h')fT OFt. -f~(' budget year.
",) I\oo;roooo. fihh9"e; ('7h(.;Q
('7:'>(.11 1\I\OT::
3. Leave for Personal Matters
!1r. I\'?IA "'.II.erOf.(ITL~1;
Any civil servant shall be entitled leave for
"7')r,:OJ-9" fOO')'?P'T lPt.i'~ l\,hH') 1 personal matters such as mourning, wedding,
1\:J 11;F 1 1\t.....,.e; e; 1\00 Uf(a t\. T 01\') I: examination and the like for a maximum of seven
ro~ T t}OOT OJ-h1' fflflT ~') t...:t'1: days within a budget year.
h1.ootDlI ;JC ,e.flmlfJ/A::

~§. h"ooO)lI ,7C ht\Of.I'I1' IA~ t...:t'1: 4. Special Leave With Pay
"7'}r,: OJ-9" foo'),? FT lPt.i'r,:: Any civil servant shall be entitled to special leave
with pay where:

lif h~cl: o.T tD,e.9" ht\.l\o:f h/A"l') 1) he is summoned by a court or any other
h",.fI"l:foJ- 1\tJ'IT 001'tf fI.1.CflOJ- competent authority, for the time utilized for
f""mt.OT 'I.~,e. 1\°?m,e.~OJ- 'I.It : the same purpose;

J.f 0,)11111 9"C6liJ. h/A"" f°?,e.H. foo') 2) he participates in the election of government
'?FT :)',{.sP:f') 1\009"(,1' fl.If ') officials, for the duration of the voting.
9"CfiliJ.tD. 1\~?tDhI:OT 'I.It :
hf.ootD.U ;JC /A~ t...:t'1: ,e.flmlfJ/A::
5. Special Leave without Pay
~?;. fl\ "000)11 ht\"t(aT IA~L:t'1:

lif foo.tM. 'I.It oJ-') fme;4>~ foo')'?FT 1) A civil servant who has completed his
,pt..,.r,: OO~9"h')fT 1.oocD'H f07,e. probation, u'pon sufficient ground, applies for
ht...AOT cIA~ t...:t'1: ",)~_flmoJ- fI.m,e.:,>e; a special leave without pay; the head of the
foo Ftf 0."1:,) 1':'>9" f('7 ,e.1~ fI.lf,) government institution may authorize the
fooFtf 0.1: fO'l,e. :)''{. 1\.t...:'>I:I\T grant of such leave if it does not adversely
,e.'f'l/A:: . affect the interest of the institution,
'11\' r~.?djr t..Yut..A ~:J"'''' ;J/I.fll </ITC. H; ft..,:..,. II{ .p'} XiifJii 'Ulu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3553

J./ fOD'h~ 1,II.OJc'} YmCJ4>.,. fOO'}"lFTlPt.- 2) A civil servant who has completed his
T~ 0;h1l11 9"C6l>J, 1\000J~f.C 't-OJ~~~ probation period and runs for election shall
If C; 0,4> C 11 f?U C 6l>J, :,.{) 4>... 0 u?'.'l ~.e.- 0 T be entitled to leave without pay during the
OJ:"T "'I ?"C6l>J,OJcOU7"l1lJOJ'}OT 1,11. election campaign and for the duration of the
YI\ f.ooOJ1I /,.:p.e.- "'}~,OmOJc ~f.t.;JA:: voting.

~ I. f ihhsP'lJ Ji 1A "7t\->."f- 6. Medical Benefit

ii/ fop'ht, 1,ttOJc'} YmCJ4>.,. foo'}"lFT 1) A civil servant who has ,completed his
lPt'T~ OH,U h ,}4>f\ '}O'{) h ,}4>f\ l-gl probationary period as specified under Sub.
ooIPt.T OfOJ~ hU7"h/,.I\OJc f.ooOJH' 'I~ Article 2 of this Article: -
l)u7"Y f.C10Jc 00"'(Jib:
a) shall have the right to get all medical
01 ,t-t;L\."7t fh1A"ll\oT hCJ:Y "'~mf:" services in government medical
OOO,}"lFT fl'}lh?"CJ T*qu'f fU7"f'lm institutions without incurring additional
OJc'} "7,}~OJc'}9" f;hh9"CJ h1A"ll\oT costs;

1\1 fT~C =if.~,}r,' I\hl')l\ oom'} b) shall have the right to get med ical
YAf.t.O' A~:f.'} ooo'}"lFT f.-nh services, with half pay, in government
9"r,' 'Nl:qu"'f oJc{)'P fI"I"77i h<f:Y medical institutions for his spouse and
l'}lh9"CJ "'}~,Y17' f"7.e.-t."I: minor children.
0011:'-' ~C;t."'A::

- -g/ OH,U h,}4>f\ '}O'{) h,}"'f\ IiiI OOlPt.T 2) The Agency jointly with other relevant
fop'ht, 1,ttOJc'} YmCJ4>4> foo'}"lFT government institution shall undertake
IPt.'t-~ 1\u7".f170Jc f I'nh?"CJ h 1A "ll\oT studies regarding the amount of monthly
OfOJ~ fU7.Y f.C1oJc'} f1'}Hl1 00"'(Jib contribution to be made by civil servants
oom'} ib~,}f'I,oJc hU7"ool\h;rTOJc foo'} towards the medical benefits they are entitled
"'FT hl')'IT ;JC 0"7'PCJT l\u7,,'1,{)T~"'f to under Sub Article (1) of this Article and
9" hc 0. T OJc",'1. .f 4>CfI A : 0, /,. .,. .e.-?" submit the same to the Council of Ministers
h/""fJop,'} ~~fl'mt,.A:: for approval and supervise its implementation
up on approval.
htj;A JisP'h+
fFIr- J1"l](l-gU'~+'i"m.'~+ PART FIVE
Occupational Safety and Health
~Z. OPt. ".e{)l\OO£~Cil'J.ST
7. Employment Injury
ii/ "OFt, ,,~ fU?,f.C{) "'~T" "?I\T OFt,.
'I~ {Ju7"f.C{) hf..'J tD~?U OFt. 9"h'} 1) "Employment Injury" means employment
.fT fU?,OOfl' 07i;r '10Jc:: accident or occupational disease.
-g/ "OFt, 'I~ fU7"f.C{) hf.;J" (I?I\T foo') 2) "Employment Accident" means any organic
"IF:" IPt,'''~(IJc ~ f.O~, Ft,OJc'} O"?h injury or functional disorder suddenly
'1m'} 'I~ ",}~I\ tD~9'J hFt.OJc -.'JC sustained by a civil servant during or in
O't-Y YH 9"h'} .fT Ohl')l\. (D~?" Ohl')l\, connection with the performance of his work,
f.t-/" 'P(~ ''''''<1C "~O.e.- ,}1T fU? f.~{) and shall include the following:
"'~T""lf,} fu?"t.,t-I\'T'} ~Q.L?" t.A:
a) injury sustained by a civil servant
01 fOO,}"1FT IPt'T~OJ' hoof.O~ outside of his regular work, or outside of
JPt,(JJctD~9'J (TD.f.O~ f Ft. l1;rOJ' his regularworking place or hours, while
m~9" f'lf}T OJc6f}>()Afl' '1, OU?/":".e.- carrying out orders by a competent
"'r 0 OJ' fTomOJc' 'TVll1l ooo/"fJ9" authority;
".e' "'.fl\ f f.t.fI,}1'~T:
'If,' ri'i,n .i!!Ui ~'..MA ~;Jt..,. ;JH.ffl
"''!'C:. Hi f't},t:'''' 11( ""J Xiif'ijj 'H'" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3554

1\1 flAnl~. O°7,L:".(-I\.}o nOJ- r1'nmOJ- b) injury sustained bya civil servant
..,.6 tf1f II,e c; c?" roo') "Ip"" IPt-."I' during or outside of working hours while
Ifo}-,ooopt, fl.rf: 'OJ-faT r~(.n') attempting to save his work place from
.(- ') 1+ ~ h1.;Jen,e?" T 4."" 1\00 h destruction of imminent danger, though
"hA OP&. n~"" m,eer hpt-. n~"" without order by a competent authority;
OJ-6fl> 0 °7, L ~ 00 OJ- "I'"Ill C er h') , ..,.
r ~(.n' 1.""""r
c) injury sustained by a civil servant while
rhl roo'),?p"" IPlr'''~OJ- m~ Pt-. he is proceeding to.or from his place of
11:1'0)- en,e?" hpl;" n:1'oJ- oopt, work in a transport service vehicle
fl. '1: 1\IP &.1'"if' "f it 1A "I 1\ ,. A') "".n T proviOed by the government institution
000 ~Oo}- roo~~"if h 1A '11\ ,. m,eer which is available for the common use of
oopt.e fl.rf: I\H.U 1''?ClC 01'h its employees or in a vehicle hired and
&.fOJ-Cj' O'?A~ 000 ~OOJ- rOO:}:}'}f 'expressly destined by the office for the
h 1A '11\ ,. 000:}1f ",e 0~01.0"" 1.H. same purpose;
r ~l.n') 1."""" I
d) any injury sustained by a civil servant
001 roo'),?p"" IPt-.1'~OJ- hpt-.OJ- ;JC before or after his work or during any
0'" .f"11 '?~:1' r'''~t'J hpt-.OJ- Ot."" interruption of work, if he is present in
m,e9" 0:\" m,eer PlrOJ- 1\1.H.OJ- the work place or the premises of the
'''WCfl1 0~01.0"" 1.H. Op&.oJ- 11:1' undertaking by reason of his duties in
m,e9" ooopt, fl.-I: '?O~ Gi-flT - 000 connection with this work;
11"" r~l.nO""') (I'l')~oJ-')9" 1.""""1
e) any injury sustained by a civil servant as
IPI roo'),?p""IP&.1'~oJ- P&.oJ-') O°'lh
a result of an action of the employer or a
'i'm') ",e ClI\O"" 1.H. OhlPtOJ- en,e9" third person during the performance of
0 Y' fa"I'~ en1') .(-C 1. ..,. 9"h ') .f''''' his work.
r~l.nO""') 1.~""::

E/ "Op&. 9"h'),""r°?oonl 071:1''' t''ll\'''' 3) "Occupational Disease" means any pathological

roo'),?p"". IPlr1'~OJ- h°7,n&.OJ- r Pt-. condition of a civil servant which arises, as a
~,e~"" en,eer p&.OJ-, h°7,.ehCj'oJ-')O"" consequence of the kind of work he performs or
ht)Clfl. r.,.~t'J 071:1'') 1\°7"flh""l\. u.~:1' because of the agent that causes the disease for a
9)'.f -":JAfl1 ooo~r'l: 9"h')''''' r~l.n certain period prior to the date in which the
rm.'i' 00 :1'enh n.lI',) P&.OJ-1 0°7,' disease became evident; provided, however, that it
h'i'oJ-')O"" l1;r r°7,tfOlJrf:Cj' r°'1.,eH' ~tpt does not include endemic or epidemic disease
071;r9':f') h,e{J;b9"cer:: which are prevalent and contracted in the area
m,e9" '''''''t.
where the work is done.

2/ Opt,. 9"h'),..,. r°'l. 00 nl 071:1'Cj' rht)A

4) The extent of disability and disease caused by
1.}',"" oom') f'OlJ'),?P"" 1P&.1'"if''f
an employment injury shall be determined
m.(.:1' htp~ <IITC rf~G/Ijjf1G
under Article 24 of civil servant pension
h ').,.~ tl9. O°'1.ennlOJ-lP')m1.1r 001P1."" Proclamation no. 345/2003.

?i/ OH.U h-}"'~ ')().fI h')"'~ l!il r1'oul\h 5) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
1'0J- O.crcer 1P&",,~oJ- lI'~ rfll\.. 01'1\
Article (1) of this Article, any injury
,e9" 000 pt.f' fl.rf: hfa.,..(-l(P O'?A~
sustained by the deliberate act of the civil
r1'nm.""') r ~U')~"" oomO~' oooot, servant, in particular, by his non-observance
9):f ooonlfa en,e9" ht)I\.') en,e9" hAer
(~oJ-') 1\00~fJlmC Ot''l,e :fAO"" U.~:1' of express safety instructions or by reporting
OoomT en,e9" Oh~ ')ti1r nh(~ Op&. to work in a state of intoxication shall not be
"" deemed an employment injury.
",e 00011'(: r ~(.no"" 1.}',''''' Op&.
erh').e"" A,)~~l.n 1,"""" h,e~mCer::
i:i'i.?;t~u; /"".(..1:1. ~:J(.'} :JJI,fl/ "I'/'C. Ik ft"I:'} If{ ""J; 'HI" Federal NegaritGazeta No. IS 191hFebruary, 2007... Page 3555

,~. n"h1..;J ODh"hl ~c~1{sP"f 8. Safety Measures

(i j "'/');;: OJ'SJ" f OD')'? F:t- uP F t.f (1...,. T 1) Any government institution shall have the
responsibility to:
1)1 ,f Ft. fl;ra,. Ol~.t,."i'f':f f.U,)'I:t-r;
m.,)'I:t- 'a,e hf..'J f"'1.f{}h:t-A onlf a) ensure that the work place does not cause
'I.') f"'1 t..'J 11' T hazard to the health and safety of civil
1\1 fhf..'J onh'ah.f onUft.fP':f')£,' 41...
41t\ :f ') 1\lJlt..,.1f :f. ftJ'1~'~ 'Wi' (}I\hm b) provide civil servants with protective
:»"''''1:':OJ. onont.f fon{}m:t-T devices and materials and give them
~'a~.'I:t- hl\O:t-:: instructions on their usage.

gj t''1,)~ OJ'SJ"fon'),? F:" lJl.t..,.~ T 2) Any civil servant shall have the obligation to:
01 f.U,)'I:t-')r, m. ,)'I:t-') I\onmO~' ftDm. a) observe directives issued in relation to
onont.fp",f') ft''1hOC T safety and health;

1\1 f.""'m.:t-') fhf..'J onh'ah.f onUft.f b) properly use safety devices and marteri-
p':f')£,' 4I...4It\:f') Ohll,IlO. fonm als; and
.,. 9') T "hr,

rhl hf..'J I\.I{}h:t-I\. f°7. :fl\. 1).'b79':f c) promptly inform the concerned official of
onctt'TaJo') (1.19'):t- 1\°7. on 1\h." a,. any situation which he may have reason
fonFt.f {1..1: ~'a~. OJ~.fa"'I. to believe could present a hazard.
ftJ'1"'OJ~ J
1I'~:r hl\O:t-::

r./ h.~:'),...a" Oon')II'F:t- onFtf (1..f:f 3) The Agency shall supervise occupational
a,.{}1' f Ft. ht"JIlO. f.U,)'I:t-£,. m. ,)'I:t- safety and health in government institutions
."II"]t.'P. on 11''1.') ,e~fllmt.A T f hf..'J and shall issue directives regarding safety
onh'ah.f "hC9')1{p':f') O.,.onl\h.,. onontf precaution measures.

Q/ h.~'),...a,. f Ft. ht"JIlO. f.U,)'I:t-r, m. ,)'I:t- 4) The Agency shall undertake studies on the
fontnOt.f£" fonh'ah.f H~9':f') .fmr,A T occupational safety and health of work places
fon'),?,/P:t- OD,/ptl {1..,.:f ,/PI,. 'a,e and facilitate training for its implementation
"h')~..fa"I\.:t- {}Amr, ...1\°7."'1'O:t- 1)''''7 in the government institutions.
49. Principle of Disability
,i. fhl1A '1--'1+ ODIP(.'" Ult1J

?if "fht"JA 1.~:j." (''//a:t- fon,/Pt'T '.fl\"7 1) "Disablement" means any employment injury
on"''I{}') (O,e9') t',/flI:t-') O°7.f{}hTA as consequence of which there is a decrease
0,"':1- OFt. 'a,e f°7.f.C{} 1.~:t- "',a,.;": or loss of capacity to work.

gj Op.(,. 'a,e ff.('''' fhijA 1.~:t- 1.ftf~ 2) The effects of disablement are temporary
fht"JA 1.~+T .H"th~.A fht"JA 1.~:t-T disablement, permanent partial disablement,
H'at OD'I\. fht"JA 1.~:t- "hr, CJO:t-') permanent total disablement and death.
f°7..f{}hTI\. a"m..,.:f ,eCj~;rA::

!l. 'LH.l'e fhl1A 'l-"S+ O. Temporary Disablement

"1.H..f'Cf. fht"JA 1.~:t-" t''11\:t- lPt..,.~a" "Temporary disablement" means the reduction for
Ft.a,.') 1\."(0"''' 1.ft OOD'I\. tD,eSJ" otM.A a limited period of time of the worker's capacity
1\"'111£"(')') ~')~,e:fA f°'/..ff.C1a" fht"JA for work partially or totally.
1.~.'" .,OJ'::
'IX' i:i'ikt.;;:i. ~.Yul..A '1;J/.'''' ;J/I.n/"I'/,C. H; ('I,.,:,). Ht .,.'J HiK:O.i '}JI" Federal Negaril Gazela No. 15 19th February. 2007... Page 3556

:Ii. H~t htC.A r}\t)A "'~T 1. Permanent Partial Disablement

""~t h~.A('}\t)A 1'~""" "71\"" 1.~"" (,'(l. "Permanent partial disablement" means incurable
lI(H~') lJ.t..,~~ ('ooPt."" :fl\..:1- ('O?.,.'}fa employment injury decreasing the injured
('tJll~f:,) Opt. ~~ ('o"!.f.Cfa 1.~"" ~m':: worker's capacity,

:If. H~t 1JDof\.r}\t)A "'~T 2. Permanent Total Disablement

""~t OD./\. ('}\t)A 1.~""" "7/\"" 1.~"" (,'(l. "Permanent total disablement" means incurable
lIn"'~1 1J.~t..,,~ 117lj';,:m',}9" '.00(1)11 ('o"!.ffa employment injury, which prevents the injured
1:5- Pt. /\unp/.."" ('o"!.h/\h/\m' ('1I7~f:,) worker from engaging in any kind of remunerated
n/Jlt. II~ ('o"!..(Cfa 1.~"" ~O":: work.

, 2r. hp't. noon, 1-~T9'"h'}J'T "'t\~01' ihh9'"'i'i 3. ~edical Benefits and Injury Leave
1) The government institution shall cover the
?if Opt.(I)' 91Jh'}.f"" 1.~"" ('.(l.lIO"" ('un'),?
following medical expenses incurred by a
PT 1J..t.-~~ /\°?t)-~/\."', (';hh9'Jlj' }\1A
civil servant employment injury:
°1/\...,.:f ('o"!..ffaLA 10,,') tDaJ. un pt,.f
0.-1: ~:fIlA::
a, general and special medic,al treatment
01 ('m""lIlIlj' (,A~ ,,11h 9'J'I' h ,}~.0.91J
and surgical care expenses,
(' <I' ?:- ,11 h 9'J'I' tDaJ, 9):f :

b. hospital and pharmaceutical care

/\1 ('tffa'f.:1-AlJ ('unf:;}~.''''' (uaJ,9):f:
"hI r"'1I7'}~(J"9'J i'lfaL1I1, 00" lIt.7i 9'J""h c, any necessary prosthetic or orthopedic
(I)~9'J -~tQ.1I7t i'lt)/\..:flJ ('kr'}""
'J'1lj' tDaJ.9):f::
appliance expenses,

2) Any civil servant who. has sustained an

fl/ Opt. 9'Jh'}fT 1.~"" ('.(l.00"" ('un')
employment injury .shall be entitled to injury
'?P""''T~ h1'~'1: f:cr tD.( pt.o)-
leave with pay until, he recovers and resumes
hfah°"!.unftfa (J)~9" 01,~'1: 9'Jh'}.f"" "H/\
4::1- unPt."'~ ('1I7~:fA untf~. O"hh9'J'I'
work or until it is medically certified that he
117fal.~ hfah°"!.l.:J1'J' f:l.fa (,,,11un9'J is permanently disabled~ however, on the
L:P f.' hOD'/\, .(un(J)'U:JC ~lImfl'A:: event of medical determination that the
tflj'9'J /\11/\4:;1'0" unfat,'r f/\un!f/\. .~mployee is unable to work permanently, he
0 ,,11h9'J'I' "7 fal.:( h -"l.,7 1m 0 H,U i'lfI'~ shall be entitled to the benefits provided for
i'l,}<I'~' Y!l ('T'(~11."" 'J'..,.qu:f ~mO+' .under Agicle 54 of this Proclamation.

3) Where the ..civil servant intentionally delays
his recovery by not following the treatment
E/" ,,11h9"lJo)-') Oi'l'?llO. ll/\unh
properly or by his non-observance of doctor's
:1--1'/\' (I)~9" O"hh.9" ('-N'Imo)-') ""61111
1l/\1I7hO~ "Ml9'JlJO)-') .f~-~-~ h '}.(tf~ instructions, his entitlement of medical
OH,U . i'l,}<1'?\ '}(J.fa i'l,}<1'1\ llil hr,' If I benefits and leave under Sub- Articles /1/ and
un,J.l(."" ('O?lIm0)- ,,11h9'J'I'r, L:P f: /2/ of this Article shall cease.

:I!l. ni\ "'~T m-t.;t- hOA "''I r.,.~+ }5t.1T 4. Disability Pension and Gratuity
1) Any civil servant who has sustained
!if hpt. ounnl (,i'lt)A 1'~"" 9'Jh'}f"" H~t
OD./\, (JJ~9'J tM.A ('unpt."" :fi\o;1'o)-') permanent total or partial disability due to
.fnl 117';;:0"9'J('un''1,PJT wt.-,,;;: oun'} employment injury shall be entitled to
'?PT,-~"if':f ('m,l.;J- ;h'? ('Tom,""
benefits provided for in the public servant's
dPo{l.f,:fr, 'J'..,.qu:f ~mOcll/\;1'A:: pension law,
[rUd:/:;, ~Y.{'.A ~,:Jk'" , "'-rC.!?; ft,.t:'''' Ii{ Ijjf:oi ] 91h February, 2007.., Page 3557
'I~' ""J 't?" Ft:deral Negarit Gazeta No. 15

g/ hll~ fhI'JA tJJf.?" hll~ fOOAh OOO"i'i 2) ~njuries. which, although not resulting in
-r'} J'f)hrf'ft 1.~-r foopt.-r "ffto;r incapacIty for work, cause serious mutilation or
"?fJ,-r'} llff)h-rA?" ft1.~-r I'JUf disfigurement of the injured civil servant, shall be
considered permanent partial disablement ,for the
hh~LA lj" ftt\.fto"f 'J'~>(17'J':"'fO"f hIPfJ,'J'
purpose of payment of compensation and other
o.llA "'},, ""4: h&.A fhI'JA 1.~-r

Ooo'}OJp-r IPt..;,..?/,".frm.l.;r htp~ 3) The assessment of the extent of employment

injure under Article 28 of Public Servant's
~'J'C F:f~G/ljjfjG h'}<1>1\ ?;'~ "f.
fr,..<I>OOmaJ- f hI'JA 1.~-r oom'} htJJltO'} Pension Proclamation No. 345/2003 shall
also apply for the implementation of Sub-
ftll.U h '}<I>1\ '}():f) h ,}<I>1\ Ig/ hL liO?"
Article /2/ of this Article.
T"111t.~ f.tfC,'A::
4) Where an employment injury resulted in the
§/ fOO,}"1P-r IPt.rf'~aJ- O"l.OO-r 1'~T
death of the civil servant the survivors shall
?"t1'}.f'-r f'fOrf- ,,'} "tf~ T h"1ri.O Clfta~
receive gratuity provided in the relevant
fm.l.;r ih"1 ooIPl.-r fm.l.;r hOA
pension law;
ft.,...f'h.UJ' f.h&.ili:\::

!I~. h"111C ~, f)t\OOIT'}

5. Exemption from Tax
Any payment to be made pursuant to Article 54 of
Oll.U htp~ h,}4'1\ y§ ooIPl.-r f01."l.oJ
this Proclamation shall be. exempt from taxation
h~.f' hOJl1C ~Ii f.tfc,' AT" ,}~.U'?" Oo~
f.?,J W'?;F;F .f'~-r ft. <I>~f) tJJf.?"
and may not be att~ched, deducted by way of set
ft.hOC tJJ
off or assigned by die beneficiary.
llftoo1H: ft..f'f)''''''ALaJ- hf."fA?"::

!II. hV'f)T~ cD1'}itt\"''''' h~J'

6. Claims of Compensation from Third Party
1) Where the injury sustained by the civil
Ii/ OIPt..,..~aJ- ",e f"l.oaJ- 1.~-r 0Y'f).,.;;: servant is caused by the fault of a third party,
tJJ1'} 'J'~ -r 'I"h'} ~f'-r f" l. 0 '} tf ~
the government institution shall be entitled to
foo'}oJP-r oop/,f o..t: 01.~.t: "?"h
claim compensation from rhe third party an
'}.f'-r ftIPt..,..~aJ-llmfJ,aJ- m(;Q. oom.'}
amount equal to the expenses, which it has
~.~.t:'} t'j"t.oaJ- m1'} I'JUf foomf:"
00 11.}- f. A: : incurred due tothe injury.

2) In the event that the civil servant receives

g/ IPt..,..;;:aJ- 1.~1:,} 1'J"t.OO-r m1'} I'JUf compensation from the third party who caused
f.,.. <I>
Oft "'}'(tf~ oop/,f 0.1: OIl.U injury, the government institution may deduct
hCP~ h'}<1>1\ 2F: '}().f) h'}<1>1\ l{il "lj" from the. salary of the civil servant the expenses
III UOIPt.-r fcDfJ,aJ-'} m(;Q. hIPt-rf';;:aJ- incurred pursuant to Article 53 Sub-Articles (1)
"oocJ)lI "f. f.<I>'}ltA:: (fer?" IPt.rf'r;aJ-' and (2) of this Proclamation. Where the amount of
frf'4'OftaJ- fI'JUf oom'} ooP/,f 0.1: compensation received by the civil servant is less
I'JtJJfl,I.J- tJJ(;Q. f~O htf~ A~~.t:,} oop-'/,.f' than the cost incurred by the government
o..t: hY'f).,..~aJ- tJJ11 oomf'''' f.:f"A:: institution, the. institution can claim the .difference
from the third party.

hlf:A f)1:f)T
foo'}"1 PTlPt-T7fTP'AmC;
Training of Civil Servants

!Ii. fFAmC; ,,,,,, 7. Objectives

A Civil servant shalJ be trained to improve his
f 00 '}OJP -r IP1,.,,..;;: '}~. 0 ft'J' '} f°?" l. 1aJ-
" capability and attain better performance or to
fpt- "ffto;raJ-'} h7i7ifto 'Orf'oo"Oo-r pt.
prepare him for higher responsibility based on
".e frf'7ift f pt. aJ-m.-rft"1f)17-r "'}~ career development.
"fA mf.?" OOD..f' OOO"A "f. rf'oof)C'y. ftO
ftm~"&.~-r lI~~-r"'}~.crl.aJ- ft"1~1."1
t"YuMA '1;1/"''''' ; </ITC. Hi ['t,.,:..,.. 1M .,..t DkHi 'U/" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3558

!I:t, foo"}"IFT 1Pt-1"7f'f"} f""OAm"} ~".c.~T 58. Responsibility to Train Civil Servants

?il h,f,}~,}~ fOO"}"/P'T oop't.f C1T f\OO 1) A government institution shall have the duty
p'tl C1~ h~ f\1P~"'~~ f~lnLA to identify the training needs of the institution
10J-"} P'AmC,' W'7'f'C,'TT (,:J>Y: W'7oJ- and the civil servants and to prepare plans
n'Tc,' O:f.T O1l7nL4>Y: IPt.1"1f:f. ~nL and budget for training and thereby ensure
"1.CJJ-') P'AmC,' h'}~.J'17' fl'7Y:t.'7e; that civil servants receive the necessary
t\~~:'}O.OJ- f1l7l}tD:J> ;}'M.~T ~f\OT:: training and furnish information thereon to
the Agency.
fl ~:f.'}(}.OJ- foo"}"/P'T IP~.,.7f'''f p'Ame;
OJ-m.:}-oI'7 h ,}~.lf"} f\1I7Y:t."/ 0~1C OJ-n 2) The Agency shall, with a view to make the
1J'c,' OOJ-6f' ~1C f07.(}f\'f'~.OT'} v.~:t' training of civil servants effective, prepare a
007.00f\hT Tf\.O. ~";J~'y. f\07. ~.nT(~:f policy with regard to conditions of training
?"hc C1T 14>CfJA T O.L4> Y:9" ~L.,tJ locally and abroad and submit the same to the
ou."} ,e~nlm,,.A:: Council of Ministers and supervise its
implementation upon approval.
ht;:A. (aqT
foo"}"IFT 1Pt-1"7f'ffoo{.)Jb2 111 PART SEVEN
Managing Information Profile of Civil Servants
!Iii, f"lA ".,;1.C
9. Personnel Records
!il 1'7"};;:OJ-?,J fOO,}"IP'T oop'tl C1T _he;
~:f."}(}.OJ- nf\h.f")~"}~ *°7.9" lf~ 1) Any government institution and the Agency
1.H..f~ IPt..I'~ ~"IfJ-o~T .f"TOJ-'} shall keep personnel records containing all
oo'.~9)"f f07.,e'H f"/A 1'7U~C h"}~/fC relevant information regarding each civil
.ff.C:Jf\.:: servant as well as temporary employees.

fll 1'7"}~0>'?,J fOO"}"/P'T IPt..I'~ O"/A 1'7U

~cr OJ-n'f' f07.17'T'} 1'7nt.~9):f fOOOO 2) Any civil servant shall have access to all
Ah,T lD,e?,J :J>~.OJ-"} fOOOJ-()Y: OO'fiT information contained in his personnel
,ec," t. CPA:: records or to have a copy thereof.
f.1 h07.00f\h:t'TOJ- f~n.I'~~C IPt..,.1f:'f on
.,.4>C foo'}olP'T OOp'tl C1~ fO",e 3) Any person other than the concerned
;}".c. l},eL:J>Y: °7"};;:OJ-9" OOJ- fOO'}"/ administrative staff shall not have access to
P'T IP',,'I'~oJ-"} f"/A °7U~C °7fT personnel records unless authorized by the
~,e:'fA?,J:: head of the government institution.

9.1 fOO"}"/P'T IP~"'~OJ- h '}~.I°J-4>oJ- IA.,. 4) It is prohibited to deposit any document in

~t.1 lD,e9" IA'I'1f\fMT'} f~..h.C;: °7n the personnel records of a civil servant
t.~ O"/A 1'7U~cr OJ-n'f' 1I7n4>OO'f' without his knowledge.
hAhA ~OJ-::

f; I 1'7'};;:OJ-9" roo"}"/ P'T 00 p'tl C1T O;h"/ 5) Any government institution shall be
nAnn f"'om~ ~t)A 0°7.1lDnlOJ- 0000 responsible for keeping personnel records of
tl oolPt.T f\"'lDO~ 1.H. foo1'7p'~ civil servants for a period determined in the
1Pt-.,.7f':f"} 1I7U~C m1)~ f07~fT directives issued by the government
;}".c.~T ~f\OT:: institution authorized by law.

~. foo"}"IFT 1Pt-1"7j>'f"} 00 t.)J fU?1.t-"f. T o. The Responsibility of Organizing Profile of

~".c.~T Civil Servants

?il ~:f."}o.o~: 1) The Agency shall have the duty to:

Vi 0~1C ~4>C;: f.t.~ fOOJ- ;}'fiT P'~ a) implement uniform human resource
~oot.C oot.~ P'C<}T OlD'J'~T management information system at a
h'},'Vl'10C I~C;JAT national level ;
ri'i.?;J~~W ~.fu('.A ~:J(.''''' :J/I.u/ -II",C. Hi f't"1:'''''
If{ ""J Iun" 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No, 15
19th February, 2007.., Page 3559

"I tJ"M.<p.
oo~}f *T
f "t.}fA t
fom- b) organize civil servants human resou-
rce data base at national level;

rhl fOO1"lFT lPI,.rf'7f"f1 f°?oo"h1: c) colle~t and compile statistical data

{};rT{}rl:l]<p' oo~}fsP"f1 .enO{}CJA T relating to civil servants.

ft./ "71~m-91J fOO1"lFT ooFtf o.T 2) Every government office shall send
01b':,n.OJo "°7. "t.':m- fnOJo ~11T information on timely basis to Agency's
oo~}f *T oo(.}fpJ:f1 cn:"rl:1 m'O~ human resource database,
foo"h "lJ!..;r ""OT::
3) Any government office shall have a duty to
r/ "71~OJo9" foo1"lFTooFtf o.T send information on time to the human
f,pt.rl'7f:t:1 lIClIC oo~}f "1b~1n.oJo resource data base established by the Agency.
oo"h ""OT::

htt:A il9"1T PART EIGHT

foo")"lF+ 1P&.1'Ii', "l1v:rY'Tc;F~-9"..,f)C Obligations and Ethics of Civil Servants

~li, foo")"lF+ 1P&.1'1i' "lJ!..:rY'T t, Obligations of Civil Servants

"71~OJo9" foo1"lFT ,Pt.rf'~: Any civil servant shall:

,(i/ ",-n1fO.r, ";h1 oo1"lF1: :rtI7~ oolf11 1) be loyal to the public and the Constitution;

ft./ 00" 1.AOrI:1lj' :f",,;rOJo1 "ih1l0. ".,A 2) devote his whole energy and ability to the
"l""T "7CPA: service of the public;

r/ OFt. 1fClI~ oolP~T f°?nm'T1 f Pt. 3) discharge the functions specified in his job
,,:,.p.:f "C; ",,,,,"f O,-n;J<p'00111: fa?n description and accomplish other tasks
m'T1 '-"otllf:foo&.09": ordered legally;

Q/ foo')"lPT1 Pt. f°?oo"h1: ih"'''f1 4) observe laws, regulations and directives

""1:flj' ooootfsP"f1 t'7hOC1 related to the civil service;

?i/ foo1"lFT1 T".O. 01l~T 00&.09"1 5) have a duty to perform government policy
""O-r:: efficiently.

~f, fOO")"lF+ ~&-1'Ii'F~~?""2I)J:: 2. Ethical Conduct of Civil Servants

OU,U htp~ Oh")+6 :sli r'''Y.~11(l}o ],)Y. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 61
'''mn~ O'C;' r UO')~pr}. (J't-."-lf>f rOtJ.rf'~ of this proclamation, the Council of Ministers
Y.~n'}") lIClIC ril~-9"~CJC Y:Hl rOtJ.'l.far}' shall issue detailed code of conduct Regulations
C'f 9"tJC o..}. fmfflt.'\:: of the Civil Servanst.

~f, "ihh9"c;9"C:OO&-f(IIJ:"{'1L~ 63. Compulsory Medical Examination

1) Any civil servant shall have the obligation to

(i/ t'71~OJo9" fOO1"lFT lPt.rf'~ h1b"f.
take medical examination, with the exception
".e.7i.l1b1:{} 9"coot. O{}rf'4'C hpt,.oJo
for HIV/AIDS, when required by the
.'JC Orf'ffH OO~ '9"h1fT f;hh9"C;
9"CooI,. "'~.f"C"l Ooo1"lPT ooF government institution on sufficient grounds
tf o.rl: "'.mf:" "9"coot-. foo:"~ll related to the service.
''If..:r ""O-r::
'IX' ri'i.?L~;.; ~ful..A '1,:lt,,,, , "1'rC. H; ft"t:'''' lit .p') IJir:!ii '}.?" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary. 2007". Page 3560

fl/ OH,lJ "'4>71 '}(J,'" ",}4>71 l(il oo,Pt.:'" 2) Expenses incurred pursuant to Sub-Article
a?~f.t. O} f ,-nh9" 'I ?1JCoo (,. fa?~ f'" (1) of this Article shall be covered by the
" government institution.
LA 1aJo') mlJJ, foo,}"1F:" ooFtf
o.'f: ,e :''''''A::

~Q. f1111.:" ~.r.r1fr; ~m:J'+9" 64, Handling and Use of Property

"7'}~aJo?,) foo,}"1/A':" ",,(,..,.1'1 "F(,.aJo "7h Any civil servant shall have the responsibility to
tf'mr,: f'''''Im.:'''} ooUft.f9):''''' 001A 1f9):'''' properly handle and use the equipment and
o~"}fln.: foomO~' foom4>9" ~,,&.~:" materials provided to him for the carrying out of
his duties.

~~. 0c),IJ fODmf+ ~,*&.~-r

65. Extent of Liability

"7');;: m'?,) foo'}O} F:" ,p(,..,.;;: "F(,.aJo Any civil servant shall be liable for the damage or
117htf'(nl'1 O'''''''m':'' uoUft.f9l:..,.tf' OO1A 1f9):'''' loss of equipment and materials provided to him
for the carrying out of his duties, where such
".e O"?f,C'" 1..'5:" m,e?" ".~:,. 06.'5 Tm damage or loss is caused by his negligence or
,f4: f"?O'~aJo 1..'5'f: m,e?" "'~'I: OlP(,..,.r,:aJo
intentional act.
:I:A"'~~"'" (D,e?" O'') '"-0,,.. O'''LOoo f:C
'I.'}' ?,'h'}.f"'" ff.(."" h,}f.O'~ ~aJo::


f"lf't. Tit '} ~C:9"~sP'fr;. f~~;r h+&-l.ll Disciplinary Measures And Grievance Procedure

~I,f"lf't. Tlt1 +nl-r ''*''7 66, Objectives of Disciplinary Penalties

f.~,"", T", '} ~)nl:"<}"t'7 foo'}"1F:" lP(,..,. The objectives of disciplinary penalty shall be to
r,:m. OLoooaJo f .'5,"",T". '} 1.f:":" ,,.1.711'- rehabilitate a delinquent civil servant when he can
h ,}.'5.:rt.?')tf. -0 <II lP(,..,.r,: h '}~.O''} "1I7f1;fA learn from his mistakes and become a reliable
m,e?') ft'7,e:rt.?') O'er "".1~ N'7 '0:" ~aJo:: civil servant or to discharge him when he
becomes recalcitrant.

~i. f"l(LTtl.1.«1otrIT ,~~",,~c;bt1D~ll 67. Types and Classification of Disciplinary Penalties

1) Depending on the gravity of the offence, one

(i/ f.'5."".T". ') 1.f:":" fLOoo foo,}"1F:"
,p(,..,.r,: h ,}f."'~'f: of the following penalties may be imposed on
hllf."'" h"?hT"':"
a civil servant for breach of discipline:
~nH"'''' "'}~ ".m '}o"'" ,e""'''A=
a) oral warning;
01 f:J'A tl7flm,}c/>~.f=

f71, t'7"'m,}4>~.f=
b) written warning;
c) fine up to one month's salary;
,-hl h...h "'}f: mc f.00(D1I f"7.f.C'"

001 h...h rr...:" (DC f.OD(DlI d) fine up to three moth's salary;

00 4> :

,pI hOti V.,,:,. <}oo-r f:t.fI""7.f.C'" 1.11. e) down grading up to the period of two
tlF(,. f.t.-n'l f.oomll 1I~ °7f:t."1: years;

1.1 hfl(,. °7""'0-r:: t) dismissal.

2) The penalties specified under Sub-Article (1)

fl/ OH.lJ ",}4>71 ,}(J.fI ",}4>71 l(il Ivl-hhl
(a)-(c) of this Article shall be classified as
f'''Ht.H~:'' 4>"A f .'5."".T". ') ~nl1'- if
,,,-0,, aJo ,e 00 f. fIIi. : : simple disciplinary penalties.
'IY.' r~.?d ;J~?i /...?/..A ~:Jt,.'" -"T!.. H; 1'11'1:'''' Xi{ ""} X!!n!! 'H" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February. 2007. Page 3561

r/ OH.U l,}cf>f\ '}O.() it'}cf>f\ //i/ /OD/-/t.! 3) The penalties specified under Sub-Article (1)
f'f'Ht.H~T htl~ f ~.t'l. Tt\.1 :""1''':-;' (d) - (t) of this Article shall be classified as
'f'11t\OJ< ~OD ~tlt\.:: rigorous penalties.

Q/ OH.U it1cf>f\ 10.() it1cf>f\ /ii/ /,p/ OD,p 4) A civi I servant who is demoted in accordance
t.T hp'/,. f.t.~C; ~ODm11 11:" W'' with Article (1) (e) of this Article and upon
f'f'cf>fll fOD1'7P'T ,p(kf'~ f:""IT the lapse of his period of punishment, shall
1. H. OJ<1 t'l. J-'m 'I.:,.:,.: be reinstated:

0/ h£lDcf>""'~ O&.T ~,IT h~Ot. f P'/,. a) to a similar available vacant post,

OD~-(1 :JC 'f'ODVfVf~ h~T fp't. without any promotion procedures;
OD~ -(1 t}t\ .f't\91>191> 'f'a-V''1t f ~t.~
{)~1T P'~-P'Cf}T:

t\/ hODcf>""'~ O&.T ~'IT h~Ot. f P'/,. b) in absence of a vacant post, he shall be
OD~-(1 ,"JC 'f'ODVfVf~ fO'~ fp't. reinstated to a similar post without any
OD~-(1 t}A'f'17 h~T fp't. OD~-(1 promotion procedures when it
0'f'170T 1.H. .f't\ 91>
191> 'f'~Q/''1t becomes available at a later time.
f~t.~ ()~1T P'~-P'Cf}T:
OP'/,. OD,f.O. /t~ h1~.OD,f.,tl ~~t.;JA::
5) After a disciplinary measure has been taken
l;/ it 1 ~ 'P/','f'~ O~.t'l. Tt\.1 h'f'cf>"1 0:\'1 on a civil servant, such measure shall remain
:""11: Ott.C ~~T t\..f>~c,' t\.m 4'()OT in his record:
fa? :-;.t\ OJ<:-

0/ "'/tA f~.t'l.Tt\.1 :""IT hO'~ :""I'~ a) for two years, where the penalty is
hT(I)t'l~OT cf>1 ~:?,J{~ t\O.t\T simple;

t\/ htl~ f~.t'l.Tt\.1 :""IT hO'~ :"nl-t: b) for five years, where the penalty is
h'NDt'l~OT cf>1 ~?'){~ t\it?')()T rigorous.

~~. hfl'(- f"lf\. Tt\.., ~nlT fl7l£.f'llhTt\- TtJ...f-T 68. Offences Entailing Rigorous Penalties

f°'1.h.f't\'T 'J'tJ ,.:-;. htl~ f~.t'l.Tt\.1 :""IT

Rigorous disciplinary penalties may be imposed
f°'1..f'()hTt\. c,':foJ<:: for the following offences:

/i/ T{)Wtl tlt\l''1hOC: O:fA"'~~T: OODt\1?" 1) to undermine one's duty by being

m~?" 0'1 -(1t\.. fit,pt.C P'~-P'Cf}T disobedient, negligent or tardy or by none-
m~?,) fOD1'7P'T1 Tt\.t'l. tlt\ODhTA
observance of working procedures;
OP' /,. /t,~ 0 ~A (''1~ t.():
2) deliberate procrastination of cases or
g/ 1.~r- :-;'1 0'1 11t\.. (''1H'7fT m~?') mistreatment of clients;
tlt\ 1.~r- :-;'1 (''11./t/t'T:

r/ P'/,.
1~~t'lt. 0'1 -(1t\.. (''1mh m~?,) 3) to deliberately obstruct work or to collaborate
hO?.f'oJ<h'T ."JC OD'f'tlOC: with others in committing such offence;

Q/ Ocf>/tA f~.t'l. Tt\.1 .

:"n'T hC?"~9'"f 4) unjustifiable repeated absenteeism or non-
tl t\ OD;r t. 9" .f't\ 0 ct ?" h1.f' T O'f' ~,"J ;J 0'1. observance of office hours in spite of being
hp't. OD:"t.T m~?,) f P'/,. t'lf}T -penalized by simple disciplinary penalties;
it t\l''1hOC :
r1i.?;.i~~M ~Y.I..A ~;ltT ;111."1ofITC. Hi I"t).t:.}oIf
'I~' ""J Hini 'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. IS 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3562

1';/ OiM. (1~ Omll htilOlt~-r OD~Il~lIT 5) to initiate physical violence at the place of

~/ OA"7WP. f)t}C tD~1}" Oh~ 'tJV "iJ ",.f) 6) neglect of duty by being alcoholic or drug
OODOD~1f P't-' ODO~AT addict;

Z/ 1.(1 OD4>OA (O~I}" "'~."'ma" ODmf""T 7) to accept or demand bribes;

J;/ OP'&' (1~ l\ih1fll CfPt-A i':J'&.~ flf~ 8) to commit an immoral act at the place of
Y:C1. -r OD~OI}"T work;


fl\.lI~-r (O~I}" f"I}"~-r °71.~A Y:C1.-r 9) to commit an act of theft or breach of trust;

1/ f07.rJ. 1\A (O~I}" f"76£1>0COC Y:C1.-r 10) to commit an act of misrepresentation 'or
OD~OI}"T fraudulent act;

11) to inflict damages to the property of the

Ili/ OODp'tf 0.-1: '1I~-r 4\~ If' 111\0
(D~I}" O:fAi'~~-r 1.~-r °7Y:~f)T government due to an intentional act or

11/ Of)Aan ht\h'7llll ODm4>I}"T 12) abuse of power;

Ic/ OP'&. (1~ 4\.e P~'P. 'I':J'-r OD~OI}"T 13) to commit sexual violence at the place of work;

IQ/ OH.U "''''1\ hi'H~H~-r ;JC i'ODUfUf~ 14) to commit any breach of discipline of equal
hll~-r fl\a,. 1\.4\ f~"" Tt\.' 1.Y:1\-r gravity with the offences specified under this
OD~OI}":: Article.

~ ji. f.ctct TI\.' "Cl}"~ hCU"(lY: 69. Taking Disciplinary Measures

Ii/ °7'~(O'1}" fOD''7P'-r ODp'tf o.-r flPt- 1) A government institution shall establish a
i'~~' f~""TI\.' hf) h~C~ f~"~ disciplinary committee which .shall investigate
0"11 t\p7.ODl\hi'a" f P'&- P4\d. fP?f disciplinary charges brought against civil servants
and thereby submit recommendations to the
"'ClI f~.(a.TI\.' I1P7.1: "7**1}" hI\O-r::
concerned officials.

2) Disciplinary measures may be taken

1/ f~ct Tt\.' a,-r f"7'~~'1}" C;:CY:o.-r
(O~I}" irrespective of any court proceedings or
O""~ "~mll"" "~hi'A 1\.(0""
~:f4\A:: decision.

it. "'&-1'11'1b, ,t-h"-P.M"7~f'_T 70. Suspension from Duty

1) Any civil servant will be suspended from

Ii/ °7,~a",9" fOD''7, ,-r lP&.i'~ hp'&-
h'7P. "7~f-r fP7.:FI\O,.T duty if it is presumed that:

01 hi'm~m~O-r ,.~~ ;JC h'7llll~-r a) he may obstruct the investigation by

f4\:fO", °7i1~~P'"f 0"704\;1-rT OOD concealing, damaging or destroying
~o (D~I}" O"71'4.-r I}"CODt-~' evidence related to the alleged offence;
f...t;h4\A T (D~I}" or
1\1 OOD''7P'-r 'lI~-r 4\.e i't;Q.°7t b) he may commit additional offence on the
1.~-r f~C"AT (D~9" .
property of the government institution;
thl hi'h"''''O-r 'I'4--r hll~-r h"C fl\. or
t\p"f' lPt-i'7{>"f CfP&.A fP7.~t) (D~9" c) the alleged offence is so grave as to
i'1A;Jf. ih1fll OODp'tf 0.-1: 4\~ demoralize other civil servants or
(j negatively affect the public trust towards.
1\. ~~ fP7. 1110'" "9"~:;' ftJllA T
(D~9" civil servants;
'/1.' ri'i.?it~;r t"f.t..A ~.:lt...,. .:III.n/ </I'I'C. Hi ftl'l;'''' If[ rjjf~iU'H'" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007". Page 3563

UOI 'I'&.tJUO p01JIf\O" 1'4-.:'" hpt. d) the disciplinary offence may lead to
.f()(JJn,A, l' dismissal.
'I'1M.. n.1UO:'" ~O,.::
f{/ OH.U 1\,}<I>1\ '}(J.() 1\ ,}<I>1\ Iii I UOIPt.:'" 2) A civil servant can be suspended from duty
1\'}f: IPt..I'~ hpt.e; hf.uom'H ;r"?p. and may not get his salary according to Sub-
fl. ~.e p01.:ft\m. tw.f\:'" me f\"1.e0A,1' article (1) of this Article only for a maximum
1.H. ~OJ':: period of not exceeding two months.

E/ 0 II. U 1\ ') <I>1\ '}(J.() 1\ '} <I>1\ If{ I uo IP t.:'" 3) The decision given in accordance with Sub-
hPt. ;r OJJl. h'}"t~.e p01.f.t."? article (2) of this Article shall be notified to
puo'}oJP:'" IPt..I'~ huo.e.O~ p/~O" the civil servant in writing, with the grounds
- ;rOJI'. p°?~.eo:'"' hp't. P;r1f.0:'" and duration of his suspension signed by the
9')tn.f:'" ouoP6.f (1.,1: PO/t.e ~/tt. Head of the government institution.
(J).e9') 0,"(J)t)~ 01\ fIl.lj: h '}~.1f\1\f\:'"
.e.e.t. :JA,::
4) Unless a decision of dismissal is rendered
!i/ PU01°JP'~' Orf'tlf'lnO:'" P~n
IPt..I'~o" against a suspected civil servant, the salary
Tf\j. 1'4-.:'" 9')tl1f:'" hpt. h'};o"': withheld at the time of suspension shall be
t)A,'I'(J)n~O:'" O()'I'<I>e OhoJ~ m:J>:'" paid to him without interest.
f}.eh&.f\o" P<I>t.o,. f. UO(JJ'" ff\OJf\f:
5) The suspension of a civil servant shall not
?';/ puo'}oJP':'" IPt..I'~o" hpt. uo:r1f: deprive him of other rights and duties that
h'loJ~ .~e .fArf' ffH. f\.f\..:fuo11.y.:f.'}e; are not affected by the suspension.
OJ J.'.. ;J. $)1:1: '} '1' &. ., °1. ~:,.. 1\ .f () <I>e 9') : :

c:ii .()f\ .eC;J 1.H. 71. Period of Limitation

?if <I>/tA, p~.n. Tf\. ') :J>n,:'" p°?.f()h:"'A, 1'4-.:'" I) Disciplinary measure shall not be taken against a
P&.tJuo pUO'}OJP':'" IPt..I'~ P&.tJuoOJ- civil servant who has committed an offence
1'4-.:'" h;t-m<l>O:'" <I>'} ~9')(~ h()h ()f:():'" entailing simple disciplinary penalty unless such
me he9')~ t)A,'NDnf.O:'" O~.n.Tf\.,} measure is taken within six months, from the time
the commission of the offence is known; provided
rf'mft. 1\.e0''}9'):: 0'~9') Orf'<I>UOmOJ- , however, that the official who has failed to take
P1.H. 1f.r(l O"()1' he9')~ fA,mnf.O,. the disciplinary measures within the time limit
PPt. ~/tt. 'I'mf4: .e0'e;A,:: shall be held responsible.

fl; 0(J)'}~:A, 61!'9"e P°?.f()m.e:J> hfJf: p~. 2) No disciplinary charge shall be brought against a
O. Tf\. '} :J>n,:'" p°?f()h:"'A, 1'4-.:'" P&.000 civil servant who has committed an offense
puo'}"?p:'" IPt..I'~ pm,}~f\.,} h() entailing rigorous disciplinary penalty and such
f\"1:J>t.r(l om'}~A, U1. 0 rf'<I>UOm 0" offense also subjected to criminal liability,
O,.()1' Unless the disciplinary charges is brought within
P .ee;J 1.H. O~.n. Tn. '} t)A rf'hnn
the time limit provided in the criminal code for
01'4-.'1: rf'mft 1\.e0''}9')::
such criminal offense.

E/ om'} ~A, P"1.f()m.e:J> hfJf: P~.O. Tn.'} 3) No disciplinary charge shall be brought against a
:J>n,:'" p°?.f()h:"'A, 1'4-.:'" P&.8uo civil servant who has committed an offense
puo'}"? P:'" 1P/~rf'~ P f. '}r(l uorf'/tf\lj: entailing rigorous disciplinary penalty and such
h()'} f\111:J>t.r(l om'}~A, U1. 0rf'f.~110" offense is not subjected to criminal liability, 1.11. o"()1' O~,O. Tn. '} t)A,rf'hnn Unless the disciplinary charges is brought within
the time limit provided in the criminal code for
01'4-.'1: 'I'm.ft 1\.e0''}9')::
petty offenses.
!i/ OH,U 1\'}<I>1\ '}(J.() l1,}<1>1\ 1f{1 he; lEI 4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-
Prf' f. ~11':'" P~.o, Tf\, '} h() °1:J>t.O,f Articles 121and 131of this Article the official,,~ 1.H..f:'"') P~,O,Tf\,'} h() who has failed to take the measures within a
f\l'1:J>t.r(l ~/t~.~:'" ff\O:'" po?uof\hrf'OJ- peiod of one year, shall be held responsible.
P()t, ~/t~. 01\'}f: C}UO:'" O"()1' hn.'}
t)/t<l>t.O O~.O. Tf\, '} rf'mft .e0'e;A,::
'/~' i:i'i.?it;.;!i ~.J!.t..A ~:J{.'''' .'JII,fll "''I'C:. Hi ft"I;'''' If{ ""J :Wnii 'i.?" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19'hFebruary. 2007... Page 3564

(;I "7'}r,:a)o9" poo')"? F:t- lP&..,.~ h'l'}HfI 5) Any c1aim by a civil servant for payment of
.~e p.,..r fll. OOfl.y.:f.'} t\°?oot\h.,.OJ- money shall be barred by limitation after six
htJA Of)~f):t- me a)of)'J' tJ".,.{.O O.eC;J months from the date it becomes due.

itl. f~~:r hnM 11"!.-tllt\Cfl/J'JI:"- 72. Establishment of Grievance Handling.Committee

"71r,:a)o9" pOO'}"?F:t- 00 Ftf o.:t- lP&-'" Any government institution shall establish a
Cf:f. p°?f"'CO.:t-'} P:"~:1' ho.-I::1' "p.,..,. grievance handling committee that conducts
Ot\ 0"7nll,.:t- pa)oUf~ ltf)'" fP:t- t\oo Ftf grievance inquiry, and submits recommendation
0.'1: PO".e ~".(. p°?f.,.CfI P:"~:1' hnlt to the Head of the government institution.
tlD7.of: "7**9" ht\O:t-::

,it;:.. O:"~:r hnMI1"!.-k f"!.:1'" "'~~T 73. Duties of Grievance Handling Committee

P:"~:1' hnlt tl°Y,of:T The grievance handling committee shall investigate

complaints lodged by . civil servants and submit
recommendations relating to:.
/il h,-n"..:fC;. ooootf~"f h"'t.~"..9" m.e9"
1) interpretation and implementation of laws
and directives;
fl.1 hoofl.r. :fc;' 'J'~lfP:f hlllllO:"T
2) protection of rights and benefits;
f.1 hF&. htJllo. tn. ') '1:t-" ~ '),}'1:t-
3) occupational safety and health;
(J."1.:1' 9):f T

ill hF&' 9"~1lt; ~t.~ h(anl'J'l

4) placement and promotion;
?il hF&. hL~"'9" 9"11"1 5) performance appraisal;
ZI Of)&. ~".(. h07.LfJoo. .,. '10. fA 11''1.
6) undue influence exerted by supervisors;
"'Y\otj~:f T

11 OH.U h'P'; h'}"'Y\ ~1 ,}O.f) h'}.,.Y\ /i

7) disciplinary measures provided under Article
h/ol "f)h I,-hl o,,,oot\h-l::t- P~.l\. T 67/11/a/./c/;
t\. '} "c9"~~:f T

f;I pF &. 0."1.:1' 9)"f '} h°Y, oo~ h'l: t\. t\o "f 8) other issues related to conditions of service.
'l.~r- "f 1 .

.~e 0.,. f .rH poo'}"? F:t- lP&-.,.r,: p°?f"'C

oa)o'} :"~:1' hnlC.y. pa)ol)~ 'l)fI P"":"{'fI
~".(. '1:t- ht\O:t-::
. .

hfi:1\ Jille:
fhn-l'~1.C t;:C.('o.+ Ad ministra tive Tribunal
it!!. f1\n-l'~gC fi:C.(' 0.+ nt\"'1_1:~r 74.. Establishment of the Administrative Tribunal
/il poo'}oIF:t- lP&..,.7f'"f OH:UhIp'; h'}.,.Y\ 1) An Administrative Tribunal, which hears,
t:li OOlP{.T p07.f.,.Co.T'} f F&- hc litigates and decides cases brought to it on
he h.e.y. po?mf)'} Phf)+~"'C t;:C~ the basis of Article 75, is hereby established.
o.T OH.Uh'P'; .,.*<ltOXA::

II f"Ii"'~~C t;:c~ 0.-1: f°Y,+Cflt\T'} 2) The Administrative Tribunal shall have

.e"?ll~ OOC9"(.OJ- ~Uf~ f°Y,(am. chambers, which examine and decide on
"ft\...y."f .etj~:1'A::
appeal cases.
:i'ik~~?i ~'.t..A ~.7"'''' ,7/1,"1 </ITC. Hi {'I"I:'''' III ""J liinii 'i.II" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. IS 19th February, 2007... Page 3565

1:/ hf1~1~ :ff\"~ OCP~ ~,e~h1'~ 3) Each chamber shall have a chairperson and
r07.(.rOD. h 1 f: f'll1ttOS (}.f\ ~ hfJi\ ~ two members designated by the General
.(If\.~ ~?f':f ,ecr~;rA:: Director.

Q/ "/'Ii'~1.C CJ:C.(' 0.-1: f°1."'maJ'1 aN'I',. T 4) The Administrative Tribunal shall have a
.n.e1T ""otl'n' f\°7i'l~09" 'he,' fCJ:C.(' 0.'1:1 power, given to an ordinary court under civil
f'f.f\ ,. .P'''-.P'C~'''' f\o7/'1hOC OCJ:""(h procedure code, to execute its own decision,
.n(h.C .P'''-.P'C~'''' ;111. f\uP1.0~ CJ:C.(' decree, order and the court procedure.
0."" r"''''maJ' .P'Anl1 '''''''''''';I'A::
5) The Agency may issue directives relating to
?i/ rhft.,.~1.C CJ:Cf:o.~ ~?f':f p't-:fO", the way the judges perform their functions,
ftf\°?f'I~O~: oomO-1> ftft°7.1l,l.:fo" the code of ethics they shoul.d observe, and
P''1-S'''',fJ C~ ft.ft..:f (}.~ ;r 51J:f 0," 00 ft other related matters.
h1' h.~1f'1.0" ooootf fWfllA::
75. Jurisdiction of the Administrative Tribunal
;:-1;. Ohn.,.~f.C t;:C~ J1.T llt\DJ.:t,. .,.~r-T
The Administrative Tribunal shall have the power to
rhft1'~1.C C;:Cf: 0.-1:: hear and decide on appeals brought by a civil servant
relating to:

!i/ hill'? 0" Q;I. h P' t- 00 ;r1f: (V ,e?" 1) unlawful suspension or termination of
h1A'?ft..~ oo*l.T: service;

g/ hfJf: r~ Tft.1 -1>fll~ r1'Wf'I'10~ 2) being penalized by rigorous disciplinary

0000''1. : penalty;

1:/ hr""'? 0,.6J!' 1.OOWH. w,e?" ft.ft..'f 3) an illegal attachment or deduction of his
hC;:.(l51J:f r1' fHO~ w,e?" r1'~l.mO~ salary or other payments;
000 In. :

Q/ OP'I,.O" ?"h1.(1~ h1.l.f'lO~ 1'~~ ;.JC 4) infringement of his rights arising from an
01'.(1 fH 0011-1: OOO=i1.ft. T employment injury;

?i/ O~u hCP~ h1~~ ~r: 1~ft h1~~ I 5) except provided in Article 73/7/ of this
h1'QDfth1'o" Oft1'~C 0-1>~;r hfllt Proclamation ,cases investigated and decided
tlo7.-t ;r "1'0" o,.tt.,. r"'f'lmfJ:f0J-1 upon by grievance handling committee;
1.~r- 'f T

~/ 0P't- ooA~ct.(I~ h1A'?ft..~ °7ftl.~ 6) matters arising from his request for
i\,e r°?'1f'1. 1.~r-:f1T termination letters and testimonials of
1'ooAh.y.. o,.tt~ rooftm~ P'Afln service.

t:1.fnil"'''''(C ~Cf: 0.+ (Do"'" 76. Decision of the Administrative Tribunal

!if rhft.,.~1.C C;:Cf: 0.-1: ,e'?fJ~ r1'fJft 1) The Administrative Tribunal may, after
0~1 hft'''~1.t-1f. OJ-tt~ hool.ool. hearing the appeal, confirm or reverse the

0:\'1 O,.tt",o", ft°7~~~T ftoo7ic decision or vary the decision in favor of the
w,etJD ft°77i7iA ,e'fi\A:: appellant.

g/ c;:c f: fi.-I: oc;:~ '11C hChc r07.f'lmO" 2) The decision of the Administrative tribunal
0"tt~ roo at l. 7i ,e0'c.'AT 0' 'i 9\1 on question of facts shall be final; provided,
rhft1'~1.C CJ:Cf: 0.-1: o,.tt~ rih'? however, that anyone of the parties may
ftu'''~ hft°,. 11ft.. r°?f?"1 W11 appeal to the Federal Supreme Court on
c;:C1: 0.-1: o,.tt~ Of'lm OlPi\~ ~1 question of law within 30 days from the date
O,.ftT ,e,?fJ"i.1 ft~Y..t-A m-1>i\,e C;:Cf: of the decision of the Administrative
o.~ °7-1>l.11 ,e'fi\A:: Tribunal.
'I~' ri'i.?; f?;Z A.."Y.t..A ",:.I{,~'" , "''''C. H; ft"f:'''' H ""} Hif:ii! 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15
19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3566

t:i. fm-un. hI. '61" 77. Execution

!iIB?,~a)'9" aN"-,, f""f"ImH-r fuo'''p'-r 1) Any government institution against which a

UDp'I.J~ o.-rf1\ili'~f.e ~ef: 0.-1: decision is given by the Administrative
ft'tmtJJo' aN,.,. (D~.1aJo", fuoL09" Tribunal shall have the obligation to
"1F...T 1.1\HT :: immediately execute the decision.

2) Where the beneficiary of a decision pleaded

'-I (lH.UnlfJ: 1\'''',. G'.~ UOlPl.-r ~ef:
0.1: fi1maJo aN'-""ilh IPi\" 4>, that thedecisioli of the Administrative
J\A""L(JUDA~r' 'O"71\-r faJo,,-"oJo ""m Tribunal given in accordance with Article 76
;-°7.fl.,fuol\h-r h{}""~KC ~C~o."t: of this Proclamation is not executed within
- t'7onAh~(lJo" """'111\,. O)',,-,.oJo' ,filL 30 days, the Administrative Tribunal shaH
,/\"7A:: execute the decision.

[I fh{}''''~f.C~Cf: 0.-1:, oJo"~ ,fAL 3) The Head of the government institution who
(JUDOJo UDPI. ,f o.-r fHi\.e ~i\~. failed to execute the decision of the
OUDp'I..J~ ll.-I:"r, (lIPb'."~O" i\.e Administrative Tribunal shall be liable for
i\D7"f.ctto,. 1.~-r ""m1«#: .etre; A:: the damage sustained by the institution and
the civil servant.

hfj:A hiM.J\, f: PART ELEVEN

h 11A8J.f\.+ .ni\"7Rl.-"'5 illl-u..lIV'" Termination and Extension of Service

lf~. 011t 1.?1: hp~ oull'iO+ 78. Resignation

fi I O;h°1 aJ.e9" 0 °" Afi'''' uo m. "11..:r,,"f 1) Without prejudice to the obligations provided
, K.1'm (l4t tr.,o,. "71;;: (1)09" I"uo1 in laws and contracts any civil servant may,
"1P'-r lPb'.I'~ (It'71;;:a''9'' 1.11. f1\1f: by giving a one month prior notice, resign at
CDC :,. f:°t ,{I ",{} :raJ«#:1 (Iuo {}m-r any time.
Pb'o", 01... I.;-~ l\.t\:" .e"fi\A::

~I on.u 1\1~f\ 10~ h1~f\ liir r.,.oot\h.,.ro'1 2) Any civil servant, who has terminated his
r1\1.r: mc r:t.f:°7.J' "7l1m'.,.tJ' 1J.e1'l1' service without giving a one month prior
h1A"lt\..":1 .r~{.m roo1"1p'T lP~"'~ notice, provided in Sub- Article /1/ of this
"I~.:J-(J}'1 Ilt\ ooCPfJl-I:t\°7.f.CI'IO}' 1.AT Article, may be subjected to civil and
,,'Jy..,-1Q'1-1: fI't:T,.h1Jm.C ""i om,1':A criminal liability.
,..,.."} UlJ'P(.T "'mJ'+...etfCfA::

3) Where the service of the civil servant is

rl .fUO')"lp-r IPb'.I';;:O" i\pI,.O,. 'hJ:"1 indispensable and he could not be replaced
1\{}L i\ 1/i" (14)i\i\. i\ uo..,. tJ-r 1"/'7.e ~ A easily, the Head of the government institution
trtj' f"I.1>t fuopl.1 0.-1: f(li\.e~i\~,
may delay his release for a period not
fuoAcf>«#:10", ~ 1<1: 'Pb''''';;:O'' tJUOi\
exceeding three months including the date of
h"'(1 -r cf>1 ~:9" C' hY' {}-r aJe t\ "7 application.
.e(lA'I' 1.11. t\.1b.lIUOOJ- .e"fi\A::
79. Termination Due to Illness
c:i. O,bOD9" 9"h1.r+ "''IIA""Il\o:"{)t\oy*l.!I'
1) Where a civil servant is unable to resume
fiI 1'71;;:a"r' fuo1"1P-r IPho"";;: (lH.U work with in the time specified under
hq>~ 1\1+,. ~~ 10.{) 1\14>1\ /~/ 'he; Article 42/2/ and /4/ of this Proclamation,
/9.1 (I"" uo i\h ..,.°" 1.II. °" {}'I' mK {}ho he shall, be deemed unfit for service and
i\UDUOi\{) tJAY:i\ O,nU09" 9"h11-r
be discharged.
1\1A"1i\,.-I: 'h1~.*1.'I' .eKI.;JA::
:i'i.?d;J;:i, t...f./..A, ~:)/.'.,. , "I'I'C. H; 1"1"/:'''' H .p') Hit:Oi 'H'" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19th February, 2007". Page 3567

~I rll.u htp~ h')cf>?\:/f ')o.fI h')cf>?\I~I 2) Without prejudice to the provisions of

f:') ,')1. h ') ~ 't'mOcf> O'er OP'to(l}< Article 53/21 of this Proclamation, where
9" h ') f :,. 1.~:,. r ~ t. 0:" roo i"l P':" a civil servant who has sustained
IPt.'t'~ f\1If\<k;r0J- ooP'I,.:" hf\oo:Ff\. employment injury is medically
0 r)lh9"CJ 1'7f1t.~ (}.t..'J11' hp't. determined to be permanently disabled,
h ,)~.(}'i'0:" ~~t..'JA:: his service shall forthwith be terminated.
fl . roo'ht. 1.1I.0J-') fmCJcf>cf> roo')ulP':" 3) If a civil servant who has completed his
IPt.'t'~ OH.U htp~ h')cf>?\ ?;~ 1[1 1f\1 probation period does not agree on the transfer
ooIPt.:" 0°1. LoooOJ- 110J-0J-C that could be undertaken in accordance to
2'JA.t'fl1I7117 hP't. ~(}CJO:rA:: Article 26/3/'0/ of this Proclamation.. his
serviceshall be terminated.
ft. (1"f{\.>;r lP/~it S"'t'l1fT hp &-..itt\OOf'L~nT
80. Termination on Grounds of Inefficiency
?il roo'ht. 1.H.OJ-') .rmCJcf>4> rOO')"lP':" I) The service of a civil servant who has
IPt.'t'~ .rf\oJ-') "OJ-cf>:"'i' ".ff\..:r hr,t' completed his probation period may be
mcf>oo o.t'oo ~OO:" P't. ,,~ r P't. terminated due to inefficiency where his
hLIJ09" 9"Wi ()J-01.'1: O'HI:r:r~ performance evaluation result is below
f\lJ.f\:" 1.11. hh1' ,')0. O:r '.f hO'~ satisfactory for two successive evaluation
0 :f.f\..:r 1I7~fI 9')h') .r:" hp't. lIUI'i'O:" periods despite exerting all his knowledge
~:r"A:: and ability to accomplish his work.

~I r II.lJ h ') cf>?\ ')o.fI h ') cf>?\ I (i If:') .'J1. 2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Articlell/
0. erC 9" f\ .t' h;r :r ~ h 9" fI:" l}oo ;r:" of this Article, a civil servant' whose performance
hCJ:'t'~ r P't. hLlJfJ9" 9"HCJ OJ-01.:" evaluation result is above satisfactory for five
(}..r1~ r~ot. rOO.hI,.. 1.II.0J-') fmCJ4>4> successive years may not be dismissed on grounds
roo')"lP':" IPI,.",,~ rp't. hLIJ09" of inefficiency unless his performance result
becomes below satisfactory for the following three
9" HCJ 0)' 01.'1: o.t' h;r ;r ~ f\." fI:" 1.II.
successive evaluation periods.
hh'f' ,')0. O;r ".f 2'JAO'~ Ofl't'cf>C hP't.
h ~() CJ0:" 9'): :
3) The termination of service of a civil servant
f.1 O~U h')cf>?\ ,)~fI h')cf>?\ m ~CJ ml
under Sub-Articlelll and 121 of this Article
00 IP t. :,. rOO ')"1P' :,. II.'to.t' ~ OJ-') h P' to
shall only be effected for the achievement of'
1'7(}'i'0:" r°1.:Ff\oJ- h ') ~hflL" 1.~rf:
the purpose of performance evaluation under
OH.U htp~ h')cf>?\ @(i ,,~ r.t'cf>oom
OJ-') r P't. hLIJ09" 9')H'i' l}"~
Article 31 of this Proclamation where it is
deemed necessary.
Oooh.t'A ~O'CJA::

itli. hh:"S'" o",e (1tr~S"'t'l1.rT hit&- flt\(ID(a~nT 81. Termination due to Force Majeure Situations
I) A civil servant who has completed probation
?iI roo'ht. 1.II.oJ-') .rm'i'cf>cf> roo')ul P':" and is absent from work due to force
IPt..t'~ hh:'>9" O,,~ OO'~ 9')h'),r:"
majeure, shall inform the situation within one
OP't. 10;r0J- ,,~ 2'JA-t'17 9"h').r'l:,) month to the respective government
0 h ') f: m C 1.II. OJ-fI'f' f\ 00 P' t.r 0.'1: institution.
1'7'"m:,> h f\ 0:" ::
2) The government institution that has received
~I 0 H.U h') cf>?\ ')o.fI h ') cf>?\ I (iI 00 lP t.:"
the reasons of absence of a civil servant in
t T C:,. r -t' ~ t. 1f\ :,. rOO')"1P':" 00 P'
accordance with sub-Article (1) of this
t.r 0.:" IPt.-t'~OJ- hP't. 10;r0J- ,,~
r,t' f\ r 0:" 9"h') f :,. roo P' t,r Article shall, after verifying the validity of
0. rf: the reason, keep the post of the civil servant
ro"~ ~"t. (D~9" .t'(Di}~ hh:'>9" o,,~ vacant for six months. Provided , howe ver ,
ooO'~.') 2'Jt..'J1m roo,)"lp':" lPto't'~oJ-
~II:" r~ot.OJ-') r P't. 00 ~-n f\flf:fI:" that the service of a civil servant may be
(DC h~:" terminated if he is unable to resume work
hf:C1.. oomO:'> hf\O:"::
rOO ')"1P':" lPt. -t' ~ OJ- 0 fIf: fI:,. within the six months.
0' c;'9"
mc 1.11. m'fI'f' (D~ P't.OJ- 2'JA.t'OOf\()
hp't. 1'7(}'i'0:" ~:r"A::
'l~' ri'i.?;.~~~~ /...Y.I,./I\ '1;1{.'''' ;1/1."1 ",...C. If. ft).t:.'" If{ ""J Iv.l'1u Q.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 191hFebruary,2007... Page 3568

r./ r~u~'+~ '~h ~,+~ ~I ~,~~ 3) Without prejudice to the provision of Sub-
"'f.~mO+ tf«l foo'ht. fmCJ 1.11.0'" Article (1) of this Article, when a civil
++ fOO''?FT lPt.~~ fJA;NO+ 9"h servant who has completed his probation is
'fT It''I'h;r;r,e ~FC +CJT hoo~ absent from his work for ten consecutive
O~ fFt. (1;r0" I'\,e h'I'ltf Of~hC workings days due to unknown reasons the
+~'T A~~T O'I'h;r;r,e ltU.ltT 1.11. government institution may terminate the
0"7h;rm~f ~mC'" ltooFtf (1.'1: employment after calling him in two notices
t7CT t)1'\~~ 1 hFt. ,e()CJO;rA:: in ten days' interval.

Q/ fn.U ~"'+~ 'O.h ~,+~ 1f.1 ~,~~ 4) Notwithstanding the Provisions of Sub-
O/iC9" lPt-~~O,. hFt- h~()CJO~ Article (3) of this Article, a government
0:\1'\ hFt- h+~OT +, ~9"C" Oh~ institution may reinstate the civil servant to
hT mc r1.11. 1~1l m'h'P hFt- f+~ his job if the civil servant applies for his job
OT 9"h'fT h~:"9" Ol'\,e ltootf~. O~ within six months after the termination of his
"7h~~ t)+~OCJ oooFtf (1.'1: OJ-h'P employment, produces sufficient evidence to
~oo,..,..,e ftf~ he;:T f Ft- 00~1l prove that his reasons of absence was due to
hT11 foohtf (1.'1: fOI'\,e ~I'\~. m,e9" force majeure and there exists a similar
TtOt)~ ""L:"~ m~Ft- It.oolth vacant position within the institution.

?i/ on.u~'+~ 'O.h ~,+~ 1f.1 OOlP~T 5) A civil servant who responded to the notices
0"7h;rm~f .'Pt f~~~ 1ltT foo,,? made in accordance with Sub-Article (3) of
FT lPll'~~ hFt- h~ltfOT +, this Article within a month from the first day
~9"{~ ~'1: mc hoooo'I'\'I: O~.T m~ of absence shall be placed on his job and the
P't.o" ltoooolth ltOOFtf (1.'1: Head of the government institution shall
t7CT t)~~1 m~Ft.o" "'~.oolth decide afterwards on the case after examining
~~c.,.. fooFtf (1.'1: fOI'\,e ~I'\~. the reasons and the supporting evidence
lPt.,,..~o,. hFt- f+~OT' 9"h'fTCJ causing the absence.
"7h~~ ooooocooc 0"'1). ,e()nlA::
6) The service of a civil servant who has not
i/ roo'ht- 1.n.o~, fl'\mCJ++ fOO''?FT completed his probation shall be terminated
lPt.~~ h~:"9" Ol'\,e Otf~ 9"h'fT without any additional formality, where he is
h~'~ mc Ol'\,e OFt- 10;rOJ- I'\,e absent from work for one month due to force
t)A~11 fltTQ;1."7t F~-FC~T hFt. majeure.
"'-'t()CJOT ,e~~;JA::

ft. ~1'e'ltltOD~('1f 2. Nullification of Appointment

frh()T fT9"UGT m,e9" fFt- A9"~ Any appointment obtained on the basis of false
"7h~~ 0"7~~1l m,e9" FAn" Ol\.ltOJ- ()o,. representation regarding educational qualification
m,e9" ,eU' ~tpJ: m,e9" ~tp:q:, It''7hL89'' or work experience or made by unauthorized
fmnl°,., ~ ,1lCJ ooootf to,e9" 1\.1'\ "7CJT person or in contravention of this Proclamation,
0"'9" ill'? ooo~l'\lte;: f~L800 :"'PC 000 regulations and directives issued hereunder or any
Ftf (1.-1: fOI'\,e ~I'\~. m,e9" 0h.~'''''OJ- other law shall be nullified by the decision of the
,e()~tfA:: head of the government institution or the Agency.

iff lPt-.,..a;:, ltltOD+~n 83. Retrenchment

(i/ "7'~0"'9" fOO''?FT lPt-~~: 1) . Any civil servant shall be retrenched where:

Ul fl».t. 00 ~O. ().()~ 11: a) his position is abolished;

ltl ooptf" (1.'1: ""H~: b) the government office is closed; or

rhl Tee;: r()o" ~,eA fl.q>c: c) redundancy of man power is created;

r i:i'i.?;.i~;~i! t..J!u/,.f;\ ~.:I/,'''' .:lII,n, o/I'I'C. H; rt,.t;..,. If{ ""J ljir~ii! 'UI" Federal NegaritGazeta No. 15 191hFebruary,2007... Page 3569

Oll.U ~lf}: ~'}c#>1\ @ /{i/ ODIPI.T and where it is not possible to reassign him in
l\OD~A~A I1Ai';Fl\ (D.e?" fOD'}"PT accordance with Article 30/1/ of this
IPt--i'~aJ- 11~ lll\ f p6. ~l.~ i't.e Proclamation or where he is reluctant to
l\ODp6.T L:P~"?f I1A0", hp t-- accept a position of a lower grade.
.e(J'IO:.rA: :

~I nll.u ~'}c#>1\ '}(}.{) h'}c#>1\ /{i/ /rh/ ODIPI.T 2) Retrenchment of a civil servant in accordance
"'J'Il) PO?~1.1aJ- POD,}"IPT 1P6,~""?faJ- with Sub..Article (1) (c) of this Article shall
OODpt.r o.T aJ-{}'r Oi'ODUfUf.e fpt. be made when it is proved that his
OD~..n i\.e 11l\. /bl\p-.rf POD'}"PT 1P6. performance and qualification are lower
~"7f':f ;JC (J.m~~c OPt-- aJ-m. 1: 'I when compared with other civil servants
(}l\1JJ- :fl\p:l' 1I~i'~ ODtf'l. (J.1.;.J1'r holding the same position.
'"J- ::

'@. 0-\"" Tt\.1 ?Vh11T hIP&- nt\OD(}Cj"UT 84. Termination of Service 011Disciplillary Grounds

{i I (17'} ~ "J-?,) POD'}., P T IP 6,~""?f -=

I) The service of a civil servant shall be
terminated where:
0/ Oil U ~ fJJ}: ~ '}c#>1\ ~Z '}(}.{) ~ '}c#>1\
/fi/ /1./ ODIPI.T p~.(J. Tl\. '} ~fJIT a) a disciplinary penalty under Sub-Article
p..,.m(J'IO T -= "hc,' 1/f/ of Article 670f this Proclamation is
imposed on him; and
l\I .e"ll~ m.e~ OH.U ~fJJ}: ~'}c#>1\ e'Z
'}(}.{) ~'}c#>1\ /{i/ ODIPI.T ~fJ/~1: b) the penalty is not revoked on appeal
.rA~"IPI.Hl\T -=
made under Article 76 of this
"h ,}~tf" ~ 1A "l\p1: ~'J: I.fJ/A:: Proclamation.

~I POD'}"PT mt",i'"?faJ- Pi'i'tl\LOT OJ-l)~ 2) Where the penalty is mitigated or revoked on

O.e"ll~ hi'7i7il\l\T m.e9\J h~"(JI.Ht\T appeal the civil servant shall be entitled to
"J-l)~OJ- h..,.i\l\LOT 1.H.~?"{~ l).etM. without interest, the payment of his unpaid
l\OJ- fc#>I.OJ- ~ODmll :l'{}n 1l\ ml\f: salary withheld during the appeal.

if?;, 06f:tnt ?Vh11T h1/A.,I\oT /It\oyWI.'f' 85. Retirement

{il fOU'h6. 1.1t."J-'} Im'lc#>c#> fOD'}"PT I) The service of a civil servant whose service
1P6,"""?f Oll.U ~fJJ~ h'}c#>1\iffi" ODIPI.T is not extended beyond retirement age
~1AOll\p~1: I1Ai'6.rlOD O{}~"c#>C O;h" pursuant to article 89 , shall be terminated on
h~" m(J"CIJ- f OD (l1 t1 "f: OJ/. h ~ I. (J0 T the last date of the last month in which he
fODatl.7i (DC c#>,} ~:?"~
attained the retirement age determined by
1l\~"lJ.b(I7t P".,PCl}T ~1A"l\p~1: law.
"h'}~)t)(.'r OD~I." ~l\OT::

~I fOU'h6. 1.1t."J-'} Im'lc#>c#> POD,}"PT 2) The civil servant shall be notified of his
1P6,'''"?f m.l.:l' hODOJ-fJl~1: h"{}T mc retirement in writing three months prior to his
O~.T 01\ rh.lj: "h'}~..roJ-c#>"J- OD~l." retirement.

n. OIJPT?Vh11T h'J~"l{}.._Tnt\D'f_*-t.._T 86. Termination on the Ground of Death

iii (I?'}~OJ-?,) fOD'}"PT IP6-~"~ hIJP~"OT I) The service of a civil servant shall be
C#>,}~?"(~ ~1A"l\p1: .e'J:l.fJ1A:: terminated on the day of his death.

~I ~1A"l\p"l: OlfVT ?"h'}.rT P~"'J:l.mOT 2) The full salary for the month in which a civil
fOD'}oIPT IP6,~""?f rlfV",.OT mc OU'l\. servant has passed aWay shall be paid to his
f.ODmll' l\T~C ~~"?faJ- m.e?') l\U.~«P, spouse or legal heir.
m6,7t' :1: ..ehLi'tA::
1?';:i'iA f i:- ~Yu/.'A ~:Jt..,. :JJ/.nl 0/1",1.. Hi f'tl'l:'''' n .,..t Iij}'~H! '},SIu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page .3570

n.,f'1\ 1A'7l\o"" f',..,..hc CDt.+"" 87. Certificate of Service

"?'J~tlt-9" f'oo1D1P~ LPt.''''~ Opt. i\,e Where the service of a civil servant on service is
"n.fl\ m,e9" (1"?CJ:fat-9" 9"h1,f~ h1A.,I\,. terminated for any reason or where he so requests,
't:'}",..fWC1'f'Pt. A9')~ "?(}t.~ hmf'<I> he shall be provided with a certificate of service
"'..fh'i'at-1f~0t.tlt-1 f pt. ~,e~~ f f' h 1A., indicating the type and duration of service as well
I\,.'}' lIoo~.CJ""b~l\ J.'.oom'u fa?~ as his salary,
1A~'f'h1AD11\"~ f9')fahC mt.<I>~ ,e"'mtpA::

ff. 1\11A'7A-+ (jJtt.1''''A~L8~ht;:.r 88. Severance Pay

fil -foD'hl,. 1.11.CD'1 .fm'i'<I><I>foo1D1P~ I) Any civil servant who has been retrenched
,Pt'..,,..~ on.o htp}: h1<1>1\ iif ooLPt.~ under Article 83 of this Proclamation and is
n+~l} lJ')h1 ,f"'.. h.,.,s''i'O.,.' not entitled to pension allowance on the date
r p' /,. CD'1\. (].,.W~ tn(]'r ,.,I\"} f m.t..T of the termination of the employment
1\OA f"?,ehLl\at- tnr~f contract. shall be paid:

01 I\ooj!:oot.f h1~ l}oo~fV'(}~ CDC a) his salary of three months for the first
f.oom1lf year of his service; and

1\1 O,"'Q;t,'?t I\h11\11\0~ 1\"n,f'1~1~ b) one-third of his monthly salary for each
l}oo~ f'mc J.'.oomn. h1~ V'(}"'.~ additional year of his service provided,
"nf;rhl\,eh~t\tpA:: lflj9" f'°t"'m however, that such payment shall not
at- ht;:,f'hLPt-.,.~at- f'hfat- u.t\~ exceed his salary of 12 months.
mc J.'.oomll. 00-01\1' f't\0~9"::

II fOD'ht- 1\Q;tt CJ h1\1~ l}oo~ 2) A civil servant who has completed his
O;r:f i\1t\1t\ foo1"p~ LPt."'~ probation and served for less than one year
f'°tLoooat- ht;:,f' hh '1A'71\,.1; ;JC shall be entitled to severance pay in
"nf., i\ ,elfCJA:: proportion to his service.

CI 1\.,11-0 111\at- f'm.t.;r fh'7f'1' J.'.~11at- 3) Without prejudice to the provisions of the relevant
"n,}J.'.Tm04> lfc:' O?'}~at-9" f'OD'}"p~ pension law, where the service of a civil servant is
LP~:"-"~ OCP>~ 9"h'}J'~ h 1A .,t\,.1: terminated due to death an amount equivalent to
l\otLPI,.O~ UlJptf o.~ his three month's salary shall be paid to his spouse
"'. *t. l' or dependent who have been made known to the
01\,.h.C;:. i\l}m:p:fat- f'~~C :}J.'.~at-
O(}~ ,e"'~J.'.~ t\~0~ o.., n:f. government institution in writing, Where the civil
tIJ,e9" .
servant died without notifying the name of his
f'V'(}~ mc J.'.ODtlJlI 01\,}~ 1.11. spouse or dependants in writing payment will be
.ehLi\A:: lfc:'9" f'~~C =}J.'.~at-'} made when the spouse or the dependant(s)
m,e9') O(}~ fot "'~J.'.~ o.., n:f.'} produce a valid title of succession from the
'I,f'(}ODII.,-o fCP>'" "n'}J.'.lf~ pA an competent court or authority.
tJ.t\at- htJA m,e9" t;:C~ ~~ O~"'1'
"?(}t.~ ODLPt.~ ht;:.fat- ,eLOO?A::

QI OIl.U h,}<1>1\ '}o.fa h'}+1\ ICI ODLPt.~. 4) Any payment to be made pursuant to Sub-
fO?"'mat- hc;:,f' h.,-ocCJ hm.t.;r Article (3) of this Article shall be exempt
ootp{!ib~" ,elfCJA:: h'}~.tJ.9" O"n~ from taxation and may not be attached or
I\J.OC m,e9" OO?;F;F,f'~~ t\,,f'1I deducted.

ilfI. 1\1A '7doTl1l1"'l&-lI1" 89. Extension of Service

lil fOD.tlt.'} fmCJ+<I> fOD'}"p~ 1) The' service of a civil servant who has
LPI,.",~ fOD{11tf "~l'IIlat- hJ.'.t O:\i\ completed his probation may be extended
Oh'}~ 1.11. "fatl h9"(}~ l}OD~ Om beyond his retirement age for a period up to
""i\i\at- h1\(}C l}OD~ t\O?,eOA1' 1.11. five years at a time and for a period not
h1A.,t\..1:'} 0?t-1I9" ,e;Fi\A:: exceeding ten years in total.
~. i.'jf.?it ft;i ~.Y./..A ~:J/.'''' :JJI.n, 0/1','r.. !?; f"":''''
XI( "") Iii.tOi
'U" Federal Negarit Gazetli No. 15 191h February. 2007... Page 3S71

J./ 01l.U h14>1\ 1(J.f) h14>1\ l(il UDIP{.T 2) The service of a civil servant may be
fh1'(-') faD' hI.. 1.11.0'" .fmci4> 4> extended under Sub.Article (1) of this Article
fUD1°/P'T IPt..,.~ h1A.,I\"T "71..119" where:
a) his qualification, special skill and ability
01 flPt..,.;;:O" T9"UCTT A'- 00)- is found to be essential to the
4>Tc; '.fl\":)- I\UDp't! 0.'1: P'I,. government institution;
m:P°7. tfer "'.1~T
b) it is not possible to replace him by
1\1 O~{.jf 0.(-1TT O'H°"O"C tO~9" another civil servant through promotion.
O""1'c. ''''''h. IPt..,.;;: N'7"7T transfer or recruitment;
hI\UD~I\. 0.{..~11'T
c) he is proved fit for service by medical
(hI IPI,.,,,~O" l\P't.tO. 11c/t Ob lf~. certificate;
0;hh9uCj' "7f){.jf "'.{'~11' T
d) he has agreed to the extension of his
UDI IPt..,.~o" h1A.,I\,,'1:1 I\Ob4>mA service; and
0. f)"7"7 T Cj'
" e) the extension is approved by the Agency.
"'1 fh1Ao/I\,,'h UD/..tl9U I\"'~: 1,... to.
4>Cll "'.~4>~' T
htt:A h f)to tJot':,. M iscella neous Provisions
A~ A~ 1:');J1.sP"f

j. r:'»1'CT r ~(.Jf iJ1:1:"T r ~OD(J}1f6Jl>"'1('A'i 90. Effects of Nullification of Appointment, Pro.

1\." 1';'f»F ODlP{'lI r~J''''horI\O)- m-m.orT motion, Salary Increment and Other Benefits

(i/ f~1'CT f~{.jf 0'(-1TT {'~UDtO'H 6f!>"7t 1) Without prejudice to his criminal liability, a
(J)~9utb'l 1'~9u ("""'l.HOT fUD1"P'T civil servant whose appointment, promotion,
ISJt."'~ 0(1)1~:A ;h" ODmf<lt "'~"'m salary increment or other benefits has been
04> tferfUDIP{.1I. "C9"jf "f)h"'(I)"'~OT nullified may not be requested to pay back
1.11. .(-{.f) f'"h~I\O''' ~UD(I)'HCj' tbl\,,",f
the salary and other benefits he has received
1'~«fD"'f "'~.UDAf) h~mf~9":: up to the date of the nullification measure.

J./ h"no/ 0"6f!> ~1'C T f ~{.jf 0'(-1T T 2) An official or member of a committee who
f ~ UD(I)'H 6f!>"7ttb'l to ~ 9"
l' ~9" intentionally or negligently authorizes
"'~.01' tf1 001\" tO~9" O:fA"'~~T unlawful appointment, promotion, salary
f~+~ fp't. ;)'IA. tO~9" fJ'1D?1; htlA increment or other benefits shall be liable
h.,tl'(1 tll\o" 0~."'.TI\.1T Ot011:A (1,., under the relevant criminal and civil law.
Cj' 0 c;:T (h 00(11.C (1,., .(-? .~1.l1)",f
UDIS'I.T '''m.f+., ~tfCj'A::
3) Where the Agency finds out the commitment
f./ 01l.U h14>1\ 1(J.f) h14>1\ IJ.I UDlP{.T ('.,. of the fault specified under Sub-Article 2 of
m+o('" 1'~T OD~fJOO'') ",1:10.0" h~{. this Article, it may submit the case with
"'OT 1'~i:1 1\"7{'9" (1)~9" ;)'IA.o", pertinent evidence to the relevant government
(J)~9" htll\.1 0(1)11:Ac; OC;:T(hrO(h.C
body that has the power to initiate criminal or
;h"l '''m!+., 1\"7'(-{'''. P'An" '11\0" civil proceedings against the persons
fOb1"1P'T ht)A f'"~9ODO''' '(-C1. T
responsible for the fault.
0"7f)t.jf hf)~o/(;: 1\"7~{'rO ~"'f'lA::
I~' ri'i.?; r.r.-It ~Yvt..A ~;Jt..,. ;JI/,fl/ -II'rC. H; r""I:'''' If{ ""J liir'.Hi 'HI" Federal NegaritGazeta No. 15 19'hFebruary,2007... Page 3572

. j6. r1»'A,n". ~bAS'uj)tt~lWLT 91. Delegation of Power

h. ~: 10. aJ- f 0.0. A 0 C ii. 0.1 h {}rf'~ 1.C The Agency may delegate its powers and duties
+An/~'i' aJ-m.;r1'7 "(l7f:t."I h{}L'I1. tfer under this Proclamation to government institu-
0.,f'1laJ- OH.U hfJ'~ frf'OmaJ-1 (}AnnC; tions where it deems it necessary for the
~'&.~T "ODFt.f flA..:f oaJ-hA'i' 1'7{}rf''''C;: efficiency and effectiveness of the civil service.
,e :f'lA::

jl. fhffl:(') hL'OVU {}llOD~n'mC 92. Supervision of Implementation of the Procla-


Ii h.l10.aJ- ,eU1 hfJ'~C; Ohtp~S'" ODLPt.T 1) The Agency shall have the powers and duties
foY,OJm'T1 1.1(1"fC; ODODt.f91"f OTh to supervise the implementation of this
hA OFt. ',e ODtpit:fOJ-1 fOD~nlmC Proclamation and regulations and directives
FAnI1C; ~'&.~T ,eert.tpA:: issued hereunder.

f[ h.~10.aJ- OH.U h1cf>1\ 10.{} h1cf>1\ llil 2) The Agency, in exercising its powers and
frt-OmaJ'1 FAnnC; ~it&.~T rf'"lllt.'e duties under Sub-Article (1) of this Article,
"1'7 f:t."I 0(17'1:faJ-S'" 1.tI. T may at any time:

III OODFt.f O,ry."f OOD11T OJ,eS'" "'~ a) examine files and other records by
'h'''T O(l7HlI (l7U1.~:'f1C; ""fto"f sending inspectors to government
ODt.~91:f1 ODODCODCT "C; institution or by ordering them to submit
such files and records; and

It! 1.~~ fOY,OD"hrf'aJ- f Ft. ~'&. OJ,eS'" b) require the concerned official or other
"",,,.:f fOD1"1FT LPt.rf'7f"f O~A civil servants to give oral or written
OJ,el}" 01\(h.C;: "'~..f'{}t.~ ODmf+ T explanation.
,e :f'lA::
3) Where the Agency, through its investigation
( h.~10.aJ- OH.U h14'1\ ')O.{} h1cf>1\ 1f[1
under Sub-Article (2) of this Article or
OD'Pt. T oay,f 1.C1aJ- l}"CODt. OJ,eS'"
otherwise, discovers that the law is infringed
0,,"'1 01'7c;:faJ-S'" OD11f: ih"l ODn,O.1 or a discriminatory act is committed, it shall
OJ,e9"hf:",. ODLOOo.'} h1.t.OOTt have the power to:
III ThhA fAtf~aJ- hLPt.C "'~.{}rf' a) order the rectification of the
f1hAf(l7HlIT irregularities;

"I 1.~~ aJ-f)'b "{}tl.f1~ 1:t.{} hL'O b) suspend the execution of the matter
lIP''} f"711:t
until decision is made thereon;
rhl I\1:C1.1: rf'mft Otf~OJ- f Ft. ~'&. c) caUse the taking of administrative
m,ep" fQP1"1FT LPt.l'~ '.f!. rf'1
measures against the official or the
0.0" hf1l'~f.t.'e "CS"'~ "'}~.OJ'" civil servant re$ponsii:>le for the act,
1: {1"" f"? f: t ..,T

ODI OH.U h.~ h'}4'fi j 1(1 ODLPt.T d) enforce powers entrusted under article
90/3/ of this proeIamaticm,
FAnl'} ,eert.tpA::

,)1lt; (lfUlJJ~1 r~m-n,-r (}Anz1 93. Power to Issue Regulations and ])irectins
1) The Council of Ministers may issue
Ii .eu'} h~ j!- I\tl.,f1L09" ftltff1LA 1. 1.1
regulations necessary for the prc)per
nT'} faY,~.f"""'{?:f S"'hc o'T ".fOJnl
,e"f'lA:: implementationof this Proclamation.
'I~' fi'i.{;X{tf t.,yu&.t:\ ~;1t..,. ;111."' <IITC. La rt,.t'-'" H ""J :Wrjjj 'Uln Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 15 19thFebruary, 2007... Page 3573

g h.~10.0>- .eu1 nCP~CJ OnCP:( oolPt.7o 2) The Agency may issue directives necessary
rOVDm.""'1 f.1(1"f /\07ftL89" rOtfft for the proper implementation of this
LA". 0000tfP'"f1 /\.fCDfll .e"f"A:: Proclamation and Regulations issued
pursuant to the Proclamation.
E o.n.A ocii.o.1CJ roo>- ~ll7o nm:Pc#>
9"1 r"7ififA n,,07 f"TO>-1 i-qohC'P'"f 3) The Agency may waive the application of some of
/\ooLi-7iCJ TC'''It-qo"''f1 /\ooi-"IOC the provisions of this Proclamation and directives
o.cIA 1l~ h.~10.o>- OH.u nCP~ hCJ issued under its authority for the purposes of
nCP:(1 i-h""'/\o>- O~CDm. ooootfP'"f undertaking reform programs that aim at
rOt~ ~1'" U.~;rP'"f1 /\..fif7i/\. rOt "..f/\1 improving the utilization of human resources and
implementing government programs for the same
n~~.ft r nIP~,C p'c~.y.. ""f1CJ Yf)(1""f1 purpose and as such may also pilot test new
-P°?'),ft7oC'""f 9"hc 0.701 W'7ftLc#>~ concepts and procedures developed there under in
o001"1p'7o oop'tf o..y.."..f ".e rOD'h~, government institutions after approval by the
7o"IO~, /\,f f.C"I .e "f"A:: Council of Ministers.

1Q.. rooi'i;J'ltf ~1;J1.sPT 94. Transitory Provisions

{ij OH.U nCP~ n1c#>1\ f;/(i/ oolPt.7o 1) Government institutions, in accordance with
h.~10.0>- r001"1P'7o oop'tf 0..y.."f1 Article 4/2/ Proclamation No.262/2002, shaH
r P'~' 9"HCJ oooot.f hfthOtfCDfll ~t.ft submit to the Agency's approval their
1'71~0>-9" r001"1P'7o oop'tf 0.70 organizational structure and jobs for
O~~~,A 001"1P'7o IPt-i-?f'"f nCP~ evaluation and classifications until the
cIl'J'C gf~g/Ii!f1Q n1c#>1\ Q/g/ oolP~7o Agency issues directives on job grading
r P' Ir 00 f.1l 11C 11C 00 "I /\ 6liJ, /\ h. ~ 10. 0>- pursuant to article 5(1) of this Proclamation.
n:J>C(1 fft 00 1ICJA :

g/ ClH,U ~tp~ ~,)"'1\ i!![ un'Pt.T J\.~:'M.m' 2) Temporary civil servant shall be governed by
1,It J' 'P. 'Pt.".. 7f'l' ') CI°7,un fth"'" r"..." un un
the relevant provisions of Federal Civil
6J' h()h°7.J'Wfllf:t.() CI&..J>..t.Aun')"JP'T Servants Proclamation No.262/2002 until the
,pt."..7f'"f ~tp~ ~"'c ![f~![/Ii!f1Q unlPt.T
flft 1,It J' 'P. 'P t.".. 7f'l' un 11T "JJ>.. :J' CI"..
C; ft.e Agency issues directives concerning them
r'I' 1. '111,:" ~ ').,. J'1' -t&. "°7, 'I:J':fO}' .e.,.",,, A ::
pursuant to Article 22 of this Proclamation.

Ej r001"1P'7o IP~,i-?f'""f rp't- 9"f.CJCJ rf. 3) The relevant provisions of Legal Notice No
00 CD11 f.t.~ f.11l cIl'J'C g r ih"l h~A 419 of 1972 Public Service Position
"7ft:rm4:fcll'J'C QfIi!/Ii! f~Q hr,' h.~ Classification and Scale Regulations NO.2
10.0>- .fCDfll:fo>- Af! Af! ooootfP'""f and other directives, in so far as they are
rH.u1 nCP~ ~1;J'tP'"f hftt,Ai-:Pt.~. consistent with this proclamation, shall
hr,' OH.U nCP.~ n1c#>1\ 1E oolPt.7o remain enforce until replaced by regulations
OOVDm. f.1(1""f CD.e9') 0000t.(9)""f hfth and directives issued in accordance with
a? "t-tJ' ~t.ft "I'L 'A? ~:rTO>- .ec#>'J'''A:: article 93 of this proclamation.

11i. fi'q-t. ih11- 95. Repealed Laws

(ij rlf.u n'P~ n"}plJ 1Qj(ij hCJ j~j 11 Without prejudice to the provisions of Article
h"}~i'm(]ch ""(1}' f&...l'nt-A uP1'?p'7o 94(1) and (2) of this proclamation, Federal
IPt-i'7f'":f' n'P~ chTC gf~gjIi!f1Q Civil Servants Proclamation No.262/2002 is
hereby repealed.
1) No law, directive or practice shall, in so far
gj .eU"} n'P~ f~:Pl"} OIJCJ:fCD'~ ih'?T
as it is inconsistent with this Proclamation,
uPuPt.ff fnlPt-C A~.f.' ()1f.U n'P~
have effect in respect of matters provided for
CD.ftT f-t~"'l'''7o"} '''~f'":f' (]~uPt\h7o
in this Proclamation.
-t&."~ .,"}; lm'~::
"~' i.;/i.?;Y. it!i A..P.",(;\. ~.'J6'''' .'JIIl" ""I'C,. :0'; (""1;'''' Ift XUf:Oi 'tv.. Federal NegaritGazeta No. 15 19'hFebrual)'.2007... Page 3574

71, 1..,:< r"t8~0+ 1.tL 96. Effective date

.eu h~»: O~...e..&.A j;l6+ ;IlL"' ;r+tfO This Proclamation shall come in to force up on
fUJ)"IO+ +1 1:9"(:' roc; .etrC;t:\;: Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

h-\,. 1.011''li:+ I' +, .all'Jli 't."'. Done at Addis Ababa, this 19th day of February, 2007

."C"? OJI\I.1."C1."


r1\.+"*1 .f.~~"-e ~""h~t\'-e 6Tl1l\h DEMOCRATICREPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA

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