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Group Members:
Binay, Rizalyn
Busa, Ana Marie
Cabiltes, Claitte
Diano, Christine
Nasayao, jannin
Ramos, Sunny

Head-To-Toe Assessment
After 3 hours of classroom Discussion and Demonstration the
Level I students will be able to:
I. Define the FF. terms:
a. Nursing Assessment
b. Physical Assessment
c. Anthropometric Measurement
d. Health History
e. Health
f. Reflexes
g. Visual Activity
h. Interview
i. Signs
j. Symptoms
a. Importance of Physical Assessment
b. Purpose of Physical Assessment
c. Four basic techniques in Physical Assessment
d. Principles involved in Physical Assessment
e. Nursing responsibilities before, during and after
Physical Assessment
f. Materials and Equipment used in Physical Assessment
Demonstrate Beginning Skills in Physical Assessment.

Head to Toe Assessment

Define the Following terms:

A. Nursing Assessment
- Is a major component of nursing care.
- Is a process which includes both physical and
psychological aspect to evaluate client’s condition.
- Enables the nurse to make a judgment about the
client’s health status , ability to manage his/her health
care and need for nursing.
B. Physical Assessment
- Is a process by which a nurse obtains a data that
describes a person’s responses to actual or potential
health problems shich is analyzed to form pertinent
- Is a head to toe review of each body system that offers
objective information about the client and allows the
nurse to make clinical judgment.
C. Anthropometric Measurement
- Comparative measurements of the body.
Anthropometric measurements are used in nutritional
assessments. Those that are used to assess growth and

development in infants, children, and adolescents

include length, height, weight, weight-for-length, and
head circumference (length is used in infants and
toddlers, rather than height, because they are unable
to stand). Individual measurements are usually
compared to reference standards on a growth chart.
Measurement of size weight and proportion of the body.
- Most commonly used anthropometric measured are
height, weight, triceps, skinfold thickness, elbow
breadth and arm and head circumference.
D. Health
- State of being physically fit, mentally stable and
socially comfortable.
- It encompasses more than the state of being free of
E. Health History
- defined as the systematic collection of subjective data
(stated by the client) and objective data (observed by
the nurse) used to determine a client’s functional
health pattern status.
F. Reflexes
- Bent, turned or directed back; or produced by a reflex
without intervention of consciousness.
- Is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement
in response to a stimulus.
G. Visual Acuity

- The degree of detail the eye can discern an image.

- Is a quantitative measure of the ability to identify black
symbols on a white background at a standardized
distance as the size of the symbols is varied.
- Is acuteness or clearness of vision, especially form
vision, which is dependent on the sharpness of the
retinal focus within the eye and the sensitivity of the
interpretative faculty of the brain.
H. Interview
- An interview is a conversation between two or more
people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where
questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain
information from the interviewee. "Interview" word is
derived from french word "entirevior" it means
"glimpse" to each other.
- Therapeutic interaction that has a purpose.
I. Signs
- A sign is the physical manifestation of an illness, injury
or other bodily disorder. A sign is objective and can be
- Signs can be felt, heard, seen, and measured by the diagnostician or
nurse. These include pulse, respirations, blood pressure, and physical
evidence such as bleeding, broken skin, bruising etc.
J. Symptoms
- Subjective evidence of a disease of physical
disturbance observed by the patient.

- Is a departure from normal function or feeling which is

noticed by a patient, indicating the presence of disease
or abnormality. A symptom is subjective, observed by
the patient, and not measured.

Importance of Physical Assessment:

• To early detect and treat diseases and disorders.
• To identify actual and potential health problems.
• To establish a data based from which the
subsequent phases of the nursing evolve.
• To assess the client’s impact of activity and
exercise on the client’s overall level of health.
• To assess the client’s routine exercise pattern
and observe how the client’s body system response to activity
and exercise.
• To establish the client-nurse relationship
• To obtain information about the client’s health
including, physiologic, psychologic, sociocultural, cognitive,
developmental and spiritual aspects.
• To identify the client’s strength and weaknesses.

Purpose of Physical Assessment

• To supplement, confirm or refute data obtained in the
nursing history.
• To confirm and identify nursing diagnosis.

• To make clinical judgments about a client’s changing health

status and management.
• To evaluate the physiological outcome of care.
• To obtain and gather data about the client’s health basis of
data for future assessment.
• An excellent way to evaluate an individual’s current health

Four Basic Techniques in Physical Assessment

I. Inspection
It is the use of ones senses of vision and smell to
consciously observe the patient. It is also known as concentrated
watching. It is a close, careful scrutiny; first of the individual as a
whole and then of each body system. Inspection begins the
moment you first meet the individual and develop a “general
survey”. Then as you proceed through the examination, start the
assessment of each body system with inspection.

II. Palpation
It is the act of touching a patient in a therapeutic
manner to elicit specific information. It follows and often confirms
points you noted during inspection. Palpation applies your sense
of touch to assess these factors: texture, temperature, moisture,
organ location and size, as well as any swelling, vibration or
pulsation, rigidity or spasticity, crepitation, presence of lumps or
masses and presence of tenderness or pain.

Two distinct types of palpation: Light and deep palpation

• Light palpation
It is superficial, delicate and gentle. In light palpation,
the finger pads are used to gain information of the patient’s skin
surface to a depth of approximately ½ - 1 inch below the surface.
Light palpation reveals information on skin texture and moisture;
overt large or superficial masses; and fluid, muscle guarding and
superficial tenderness.
• Deep palpation
It can reveal information about the position of organs
and masses, as well as their size, shape, mobility, consistency,
and areas of discomfort. Deep palpation uses the hands to
explore the body’s internal structure to a depth of 1 to 2 inches or
more. This technique is most often used for the abdominal and
male and female reproductive assessments. Variations in this
technique are single handed and bimanual palpations.
III. Percussion
It is the technique of striking or tapping the person’s
skin with short, sharp strokes to assess underlying structures. The
strokes yield a palpable vibration and a characteristic sound that
depicts the location, size and density of the underlying organ.
These sounds also are diagnostic of normal and abnormal
findings. Any part of the body can be percussed, but only limited
information can be obtained in specific areas such as heart. The
thorax and abdomen are the most frequently percussed location.

Four types of percussion techniques: Immediate or direct,

mediate or indirect, direct fist and indirect fist percussion

A. Immediate or Direct Percussion

The striking hand directly contacts the body wall. This produces a
sound and is used in percussing the infant’s thorax or the adult’s
sinus areas.
B. Mediate or Indirect Percussion
It is used more often and involves both hands. The striking
hand contacts the stationary hand fixed on the person’s skin. This
yields a sound and a subtle vibration.
C. Direct Fist Percussion
It is used to assess the presence of tenderness in internal
organs, such as the liver or the kidneys. The presence of pain in
conjunction with direct fist percussion indicated inflammation of
that organ or a strike of too high in intensity.
D. Indirect Fist Percussion
Its purpose is the same as direct fist percussion. In fact, the
indirect method is preferred over the direct method. It is because
in this methods. The non dominant hand absorbs some of the
force of the striking hand. The resulting intensity should be
sufficient force to produce pain in the patient if organ
inflammation is present
Percussion elicits five types of sounds:
1) Flatness (dull) – bone and muscle
2) Dullness (thudlike) – liver, spleen, heart

3) Resonance (hollow) – air-filled lung/ normal lung

4) Hyperresonance – emphysematous lung
5) Tympany – stomach filled with gas (air)

IV. Auscultation
It is the act of active listening to the body organs to gather
information on patient’s clinical status. Auscultation includes
listening to sounds that are voluntarily and involuntarily
produced by the body such as the heart and blood vessels
and the lungs and abdomen. Auscultated sounds should be
analyzed in relation to their relative intensity, pitch, duration,
quality, and location.
Two types of auscultation: Indirect and direct auscultation:
1) Direct of Immediate auscultation
It is the process of listening with the unaided ear. This
can include listening to the patient from some distance
away or placing the ear directly on the patient’s skin
surface. And example is the wheezing that is audible to
the unassisted ear in a person having a severe
asthmatic attack.
2) Indirect or Mediate auscultation
It is the use of stethoscope, which transmits the sounds
to the nurse’s ear.

Principles involved in physical assessment:

Anatomy & Physiology

One has to know the different parts and functions of the

body in order to do a thorough and detailed assessment.
Through Psychology, we are able to make good assessments
because we can differentiate a normal mental state and an
abnormal one.
Privacy must be ensured during the Physical Assessment to
avoid the client from being anxious or uncomfortable.
Do medical handwashing before and after the procedure.
Instrument should be sterile.
Time and energy
Starts from lesser to the most sensitive part
Body mechanics
Nurse and patient should maintain proper body mechanics.

Nursing responsibilities before, during and after Physical


• Always dress in clean professional manner, make sure you
have your name pin or workplace identification.
• Remove al bracelets, necklaces, or earrings that can
interfere during the physical assessment.
• Be sure your hair will not fall forward and obstruct your
vision or touch to the patient.

• Ensure that all necessary equipment is ready for use and

within reach.
• Introduce yourself to the patient. Enlist the patient’s
cooperation by explaining what you are about to do, where it
will be done, and how it may feel.
• Explain to the patient why you may be spending a long time
performing one particular skill.
• Do medical hand washing
• Position the patient as dictated by the body system being
• Warm all instruments prior to their use


• Conduct the assessment in a systematic fashion every time.

• While performing each step in the physical assessment
process you may need to inform the patient of what to
expect, where to expect it, and how it should feel.
• Avoid making crude or negative remarks, be cognizant of
your facial expression when dealing with malodorous and
dirty patients or with disturbing findings.
• Proceed from the least invasive to the most invasive
procedure for each body system.
• If the patient complains of fatigue, continue the assessment

• Provide recognition to the patient when the physical
assessment concluded; inform the patient what will happen
• Place patient in a comfortable position.
• Do after care.
• Do medical hand washing.
• Document assessment findings in the appropriate section of
the patient record.

Materials and Instruments of Physical Treatment

Supplies Purpose
Flashlight or To assist in viewing of the pharynx and
penlight cervix or to determine the reaction of
the pupils of the eye.
Laryngeal or dental To observe the pharynx and oral cavity.
Nasal septum To permit visualization of the lover and
middle turbinates; usually a penlight is
used for illumination.
Ophthalmoscope A lighted instrument to visualize the
interior of the eye.
Otoscope A lighted instrument to visualize the
eardrum and external auditory canal (a
nasal speculum may be attached to the
Otoscope to inspect nasal cavities).
Percussion (reflex) An instrument with a rubber head to
hammer test reflexes.

Tuning Fork A two-prolonged metal instrument used

to test hearing acuity and vibratory
Cotton applicators To obtain specimens.
Gloves To protect the nurse
Lubricant To ease the insertion of instruments
(ex.Vaginal Speculum)
Tongue blades To depress the tongue during
(depressors) assessment of the mouth and pharynx.

Various positioning of the patient

Dorsal recumbent
Back-lying position with knees flexed and hips externally
rotated; small pillow under the head; soles of feet on the surface.
Supine (horizontal recumbent)
Back-lying position with legs extended; with or without pillow
under the head
A seated position. The back is unsupported and legs hanging
Back-lying position with feet supported in stirrups; the hips
should be in line with the edge of the table.
Side-lying position with the lowermost leg flexed at the hip
and knee, upper arm flexed at the shoulder and elbow.

Lies on the abdomen with head turned to the side, with or

without a small pillow.

Body Parts
Assessment of Body Parts Normal Findings
Head & Neck
For size, shape & symmetry The head should be round
(normocephalic) and symmetrical.
For contour, masses, depressions. The normal skull is smooth, and
without masses or depressions,
non tender.
For color, evenness of growth over Can be black, brown or burgundy
the scalp, presence of parasites, depending on the race, evenly
amount of body hair. distributed covers the whole scalp
(no evidences of Alopecia), no
parasites, and the amount is

Thickness or thinness texture and Maybe thick or thin, coarse or
oiliness. smooth neither brittle nor dry.

For Color, oiliness, presence of Lighter in color than the
scars, lice and dandruff. complexion, can be moist or oily,
no scars noted, free from lice, nits
and dandruff.
For lesions or masses tenderness. NO lesions should be noted,
neither tenderness nor masses.

For symmetry, skin appearance, Symmetrical, light to dark brown,
presence of rushes, scars or no rushes, scars and pimples.

For masses, lumps and tenderness Non-tender, no lumps and
absence of masses.
For shape and symmetry, The shape of the face can be oval,
presence of scars, pimples or acne round, or slightly square, the face
is symmetrical, absence of scars,
pimples or acne. There should be
no edema, disproportionate
structures, or involuntary

For any swelling, masses, lumps, No lumps and swelling of the face,
and the four sinuses (sphenoidal absence of masses and there is no
sinuses, frontal sinuses, ethmoid pain felt during palpation of face
sinuses and maxillary sinuses).

Inspection: Symmetrical or evenly placed and
For symmetry. inline with each other. Non
protruding and equal palpebral

For hair distribution and alignment Hair evenly distributed; skin
and skin quality and movement, intact. Eyebrows symmetrically
presence of pimples, dandruff and aligned; equal movement,
color of the hair. absence of pimples and dandruff,
maybe black brown or blond
Palpation: depending on race.
For the presence of lumps, pain
and nodules. No lumps, no nodules and no pain
felt during palpation


For evenness of distribution and

direction of curl and color Equally distributed; curled sightly
outward and black in color.
For color, moisture, texture and
the presence of lesions. The sclera appears white,
although blacks occasionally have
a gray-blue or “muddy” color to
sclera. It should be moist and
without lesions
For lesions, swelling, color and Both conjunctivae are shiny,
moisture. smooth, and pink or red, absence
of swelling, no lesions and it
should be moist.
Presence of pain There should be no pain felt
during palpation.
For clarity, texture and moisture
The corneal surface should be
moist, shiny and transparent, with
Iris no discharges and cloudiness.
For appearance, coloration and
shape. The iris is normally appears flat,
with a regular shape and even

For color size, shape and equality
of the pupils Black in color; appears round,
regular, smooth border and of
equal size in both eyes, normally
3-7 mm in diameter.
Muscle function
Corneal Light Reflex or the
Hirschberg Test
(Observe the location of reflected
light on the cornea) The reflected light (light reflexes)
should be seen symmetrically in
the centers of the cornea.

Cover Test
This test detects small degrees of
deviated alignment by If the eyes are in alignment, there
interrupting the fusion reflex that will be no movement of the either
normally keeps two eyes parallel. eye.
(Observe the cover eye for

Diagnostic Position test

Leading the eye through the six A normal response is parallel
cardinal positions of gaze will elicit tracking of the object with both
any muscle weakness during eyes. Both eyes should move
movement. (Observe for smoothly and symmetrically in
convergence of gaze). each of the six fields gaze and
convergence on the held object as
it moves toward the nose.

Muscle balance Normally you will see:

Test for pupilary light -Constriction of the same-sided
reflex(Cardinal Fields of Gaze) pupil (a direct light reflex).
-Simultaneously (a consensual
light reflex).

Test for Accommodation A normal response includes:

-Papillary constriction.
-Convergence of the axes of the
Record the normal response to all
these maneuver as:
P - Pupils
E - Equal
R - Round
R - React to
L - Light and
A - Accommodation

Visual Acuity
Snellen eye Chart
The Snellen eye chart is the most
commonly used and accurate Normal Visual is 20/20
measure of visual acuity. The Top number (numerator)
indicates the distance the person
is standing from the chart, while

the denominator gives the

distance at which a normal eye
could have read that particular
line. Thus 20/20 means you can
read that 20 ft. with the normal
eye could have read at 20 ft.
Peripheral Vision
Test Visual Fields The patient is able to see the
Confrontation Test stimulus at about 90 degrees
temporally, 60 degrees nasally, 50
degrees superiorly, and 70
degrees inferiorly.

External Inspection:
Inspect the nose nothing any The shape of the external nose
bleeding, inflammation, or lesions, can vary greatly among individual.
masses, swelling, and symmetry, Normally, it is located
discharges and color, sense of symmetrically on the midline of
smell. the face that is without swelling,
bleeding, lesions, or masses. No
discharge or flaring and uniform
color, there is a sense of smell.
External Palpation:
For tenderness and presence of
pain. Non-tender; absence of pain

Internal Inspection:
Inspect for nasal septum for
deviation, perforation, lesions and The nasal mucosa should be pink
bleeding. or dull red without swelling. The
septum is at the midline and
without perforation, lesions or
bleeding, the small amount of
watery discharge is normal.
Frontal Sinuses
For any swelling around the eyes
There is no evidence of swelling
Palpation: around the eyes.
Presence of pain and tenderness
The patient should not feel pain
during palpation and no
Percussion: tenderness felt.
Note any sound

The sound should be flat or dull.

Maxillary Sinuses
For any swelling around the eyes There is no evidence of swelling
Palpation: around the nose and eyes.
Presence of pain and tenderness The patient should not feel any
pain and tenderness during
Note any sound
The sound should be flat or dull.

Transillumination of the
You may use this technique in the The glow on each side is equal,
frontal and maxillary sinuses when indication air-filled frontal and
you suspect sinus inflammation, maxillary sinuses.
although it is of limited usefulness.

For color, texture, cracking, The lips should be pink, soft moist,
symmetry, lesions and hydration smooth texture with no evidence
of lesions or inflammation. Not
crack and symmetrical.
For any presence of pain, lumps There is no presence of lumps and
and tenderness. pain. It is tender.

For color, texture, swelling, The gums should be pink, moist,
bleeding, retraction form the teeth firm texture, no retraction, no
swelling or bleeding. The gum
margins at the teeth are tight and
For the presence of pain, There should be no pain felt
tenderness and lumps. during palpation, no lumps and

Inspection: The adult normally has 32 teeth,
For discoloration, numbers of which should be white, straight
tooth and texture. and smooth edges in proper

alignment or evenly placed, clean

and free of debris or decay.

Tongue The tongue is in the midline of the

Inspection: mouth, the dorsal surface should
For color, texture, surface be pink, moist, rough and without
characteristics, symmetry, lesions. The tongue is symmetrical
presence of lesions, and sense of and moves freely. The strength of
taste. the tongue is symmetrical and
The ventral surface of the tongue
ahs prominent blood vessels and
should be moist without lesions,
looks smooth and glistening.
There is a sense of taste.
For any nodules, lumps and There should be no presence of
presence of pain nodules, lumps and pain.

For the color, texture. It should be attached to the
tongue, pinkish in color and moist.
Sublingual Area
For color, moisture and presence It should be pink in color, moist
of lesion. and no presence of lesions.

Hard palate
For color, shape, texture, The hard palate is concave and
presence of lesions and lighter in pink in color, it has many
malformation. ridges and it is moist, without any
lesion or malformation.

Soft Palate
Inspection: The soft palate is also concave
For color, shape, texture, and light pink in color, it is smooth
presence of lesions, malformation and no lesions or malformations
For position, mobility and color. It normally looks like a flesh
pendant hanging in the midline of
soft palate. Tonsils are present

and pink in color.

Tonsils It is pink in color and smooth. Oval

Inspection: in shape. No discharge. Of normal
For color, shape, size and size or not visible, no
discharge. inflammation, and not swollen.

Palpation: There should be no pain felt

Presence of pain during palpation.

External ear
For position, color, size, shape, The ear matches the flesh color of
any deformities, inflammation, or the rest of the patient’s skin and
lesions should be positioned centrally and
in proportion to the head. The top
of the ear should cross an
imaginary line drawn from the
outer canthus of the eye to the
occiput with no swelling or
thickening. Cerumen should be
moist and not obscure the
lympanic membrane. There should
be no foreign bodies, redness,
drainage, deformities, nodules or

Presence of pain, tenderness, and They should feel firm (not tender)
lumps. and movement produce pain.

Auditory Acuity
Voice-Whisper test The patient should be able to
repeat words whispered from a
distance of 2 feet.

Tuning fork test Measures hearing by air

conduction (AC) or by bone
conduction (BC), in which the
sound vibrates through the cranial
bones to the inner ear.

Weber’s Test The patient should perceive the

sound equally in both ears or “in
the middle”. No lateralization of
sound is known as negative
Webster test.

Rinne’s Test Air conduction is heard twice as

long a bone conduction when the
patient hears the sound through
the external auditory canal ( air )
after it is no longer heard at the
mastoid process ( bone ). This is
denoted as AC>BC.

For symmetry of the The muscles of the neck are
sternocleidomastoid muscles symmetrical with the head at a
anteriorly, and the trapezius central position. The patient is
posteriorly. able to move head through a full
range of motion without complaint
of discomfort or noticeable
limitation. The patient may be
breathing through a stoma or
For the presence of masses and
tenderness. The muscles are symmetrical
without palpable masses or
Lymph Nodes
For any enlargement or
Lymph nodes should not be visible
Palpation: or inflamed.
For size, shape, dellimination,
mobility, consistency, and
tenderness Normally, lymph nodes should not
be palpable in the healthy adult
patient; however, small, discrete,
movable nodes are sometimes
present but are of no significance.

Space should be systemic on both

sides or on central placement in
Thyroid Gland midline of neck; spaces are equal
Inspection: on both sides.
For symmetry and visible masses.

Thyroid tissue moves up with

swallowing but often the
movement is so small it is not
visible on inspection. In males, the
Palpation: thyroid cartilage, or Dm’s apple, is
For nodules or enlargement and more prominent than in females.
No enlargement, masses, or
Thorax tenderness should be noted on
Chest Anterior palpation.
Inspection: For the breathing
patterns, rate, depth, the coastal
angle, shape of patient’s chest, Quiet, rhythmic, and effortless
and color. respirations. Breathing pattern
should be smooth. Costal angle is
less than 90°, and the ribs insert
into the spine at approximately a
45° angle. Normal rate of
breathing in adult is 46/16 per
min. red patches present, ribs
sloping downward with symmetric
interspaces. Colors should be even
and consistent with the color of
the patients face. Shoulder should
be at the same height. shape of
Palpation: thorax – elliptical shape
For respiratory excursion.
Tenderness, masses and
temperature. It should be full symmetric
excursion; thumbs normally
separate to 3-5 cm (1 ½ to 2
in). Equal expansion, no
tenderness, no masses, skin
should be warm and dry, no
pulsation should be present.
Fremitus is normally decreased
Percussion: over heart and breast tissue.
For its different sound

Normal lung tissue-resonant

Auscultation: sound, rib flat sound.
For full two breaths and sounds
Air brushing through the
respiratory tract during inspiration
expiration generates different
Lungs breath sounds.
For breath sounds over the
Trachea Bronchial (loud, tubular) breath
sounds heard over trachea;
expiration longer than inspiration;
short silence between inspiration
and expiration.
Alveolar Tube (large-stem bronchi)

Bronchovesicular breath sound

heard over main stem bronchi:
below clavicles and between
scapulae (inspiratory phase equal
 Lung Field (lung periphery) to expiatory phase).

Vesicular (low, soft, breezy) breath

sounds heard over lung periphery
Heart (inspiration longer than
Palpation: expiration).

Auscultation: No pulsation palpable over aortic

For murmurs and sound and pulmonic areas.

Apical has the loudest sound; it

Chest Posterior should be 60-80 beats/min. No
Inspection: murmurs should be heard.
For shape and symmetry, spinal
alignment for deformities, color,
abnormal inspiratory.
Anteroposterior to transverse
diameter in ratio of 1.2; chest
symmetric; spine column vertically
aligned. No patches, no abnormal
Palpation: inspiratory retraction of
For clients who have no interspaces.
respiratory complaints,

For clients who have respiratory The skin should be intact; uniform
complaints. temperature.
For respiratory excursion

The chest wall intact; uniform

Full and symmetric chest
expansion. [Ex. When the client
takes a deep breath, your thumbs
should be move apart an equal
distance and at the same time;
normally the thumbs separate 3 to
5 cm (1½ to 2 in.) during deep
For vocal and tactile fremitus palpation].

Bilateral symmetry of vocal

fremitus. Fremitus is heard most
clearly at the apex of the lungs.
Low-pitched voices of males are
more readily palpated than higher
Percussion: pitched voices of females.
For sounds

Percussion notes resonate except

For diaphragm excursion over scapula.

Lowest point of resonance is at the

diaphragm. (Note: percussion on a
Auscultation: rib normally elicits dullness)
For sounds

Excursion is 3-5 cm (1½ to 2 in.)

bilaterally in women and 5-6 (2 to
3 in.) in men. Diaphragm is usually
slightly higher on the right side.
Vesicular and bronchovesicular
Abdomen breathe sounds.

-Scars -Surface is uniform in color and in

-Flawless no scars is present. If
scars are present draw its location
-Striae in the person’s record indicating
the length in cm.

-Dilated Veins -No striae / stretch marks are

-Rashes and lesions -A few small veins may be visible
-Umbilicus normally.
-No rashes or lesions are present.
-Is normally in the midline and
inverted with no sign of
-The contour of the abdomen inflammation, discoloration or
-Hair distribution -Normally range from flat to
-Diamond shape in adult males,
-Symmetry inverted triangular shape in adult
-Respiratory movement female.
-Symmetric bilaterally and
-The abdomen rises with
Auscultation: inspiration and falls with
Auscultate the four quadrants for expiration.
basic sounds.
Auscultate over the aorta, renal,
iliac and femoral arteries. High pitched, irregular gurgles (5-
(Vascular sounds) 35 times/ min) present equally in
all four quadrants. No bruits, no
Percussion: venous hums, no friction.
Percuss the four quadrants to as
tympany and dullness.

Tympany is usually predominating

because of air in the stomach and
intestines. Dull sounds are heard
Right Upper Quadrant: over solid masses such as liver,
- liver spleen, and kidneys.
- gallbladder
- duodenum Left Upper Quadrant:
- head of pancreas - stomach
- right kidney and adrenal - spleen
- hepatic flexure of colon - left lobe of liver
- Part of ascending and transverse - body of pancreas
colon - left kidney and adrenal
- spleen flexure of colon
Right Lower Quadrant: - part of transverse & descending
-Cecum colon
-Right ovary and tube Left Lower Quadrant:
-Right ureter -Part of descending colon

-Right spermatic cord -Sigmoid colon

-Left ovary and tube
Midline: -Left ureter
-Aorta -Left spermatic cord
-Uterus(if enlarged)
-bladder(if enlarged)

Perform palpation to judge the
size, location and consistency of
certain organs and to screen for
an abnormal mass or tenderness.

Light Palpation (1/2 - 1 inch) on all

areas of abdomen moving
clockwise and in rotary motion.
Normally there is no pain,
Deep Palpation (2-3 inches) on all tenderness, rigidity and muscle
areas on the abdomen moving guarding
clockwise and in rotary motion.

Liver Palpation: Normally there is no pain,

Located in the RUQ (Right Upper tenderness, rigidity and muscle
Quadrant).Place your left hand guarding
under the person’s back parallel to
the 11th and 12th ribs and lift up It feels like a firm rectangular
to support the abdominal ridge. Often the liver is not
contents. Place your right hand on palpable and you feel nothing
the RUQ with fingers parallel to firm.
the midline. Push deeply down
and under the right costal margin
then ask the person to take a
deep breath.

Hooking Technique
An alternative method of
palpating the liver. Stand up at
the persons’ shoulder and swivel
your body to the right so that you Normally you should feel nothing
face the person’s feet. Hook your firm. When enlarged the spleen
fingers over the costal margin extends into the lower quadrants.
from above. Ask the person to
take a deep breath then try to fell
the liver edge bump from your

Spleen Palpation:
Search spleen by reaching your
left hand over the abdomen and
behind the left side at the 11th A person normally feels a thud but
and 12th ribs. Lift for support. no pain.
Place your hand obliquely on the Sharp pain occurs with
LUQ with the fingers pointing inflammation of kidneys or
toward the left axilla and just paranephric area.
inferior to the rib margin. Push
your hand deeply down and under
the left costal margin and ask the
person to take a deep breath.

Indirect fist percussion causes the
tissues to vibrate instead of
producing a sound. Locate kidney Lower pole of the kidney is round,
by placing hand over the 12th rib smooth mass slide in between
at the costoverbral angle on the your fingers.
back. Thump that hand with the
ulnar edge of your other fist.

locate kidney by placing your
hand together in a duck-bill
position at the person;s right
flank. Press your two hands
together firmly (you need deeper
palpation than that used to liver
and spleen) then ask the person to
take a deep breath.

Light palpation in all 4 quadrants
Deep palpation in all 4 quadrants

Upper and Lower
-Observe for size, color, contour,
symmetry and involuntary Both extremities are equal in size

-Look for deformities, edema, and


presence of lesions. Have the same contour with

prominences of joints.
- Always compare both extremities
No involuntary movements. No
Palpation: edema. Color is even.
-Feel evenness of temperature.
Normally it should be even for all Temperature is warm and even.
the extremities. Has equal contraction.

- Perform range of motion

Can perform complete range of
-Test for muscle strength
Can counter act gravity and
resistance in ROM

Balance Test
Observe as the person walk 10-20 feet, turns and
returns to the starting point. Normally, the person moves with a
sense of freedom. The gait is smooth, rhythmic, and effortless,
the opposing arm swing is coordinated, and the turns are smooth.
Romberg’s Test
Ask the person to stand up with feet together and arms
at the side. Once in a stable position, ask the person to close the
eyes and to hold the position. Wait about 20 seconds. Normally, a
person can maintain posture and balance even with the visual
orienting information blocked, although slight swaying may occur.
(Stand close to catch the person in case he or she falls)
Tandem Walking

Ask the person to walk straight line in a heel-to-toe fashion. This

decrease the base of support and will accentuate any problem
with coordination. Normally, the person can walk straight and stay
Coordination and Skilled Movements
Rapid Altering Movements (RAM)
Ask the person to pat the knees with both hands, lift up, turn
hands over, and pat the knees with the backs of the hands. Then
ask the person to do this faster. Normally, this is done with equal
turning and a quick rhythmic pace.
Finger-to-nose Test
Ask the person to close the eyes and to stretch out the arms. Ask
the person to touch the tip of his nose or her nose with each index
finger, alternating hands and increasing speed. Normally, this is
done with equal turning & a quick rhythmic pace.
Heel-to-shin Test
Test lower extremity coordination by asking the person who is in
a supine position, to place the heel on the opposite knee, and run
it down the shin from to the ankle. Normally, the person moves
the heel in a straight line down the skin.
It is an automatic response of the body to a stimulus. It is not
voluntarily learned or conscious.
Reflexes are tested using a percussion hammer. The response is
described from 0 to 4. Experience is necessary to determine
appropriate scoring of an individual. Several reflexes are normally

tested during the physical examination: a) the biceps reflex, b)

the triceps reflex, c) the brachioradialis reflex, d) the patellar
reflex, e) Achilles reflex, f) the plantar reflex.
Test the Reflex
The reflex response is guided on a 4 point scale:
4+ very brisk, hyperactive
3+ brisker than average, may indicate disease
2+ average, normal
1+ diminished, low normal
0 no response

Upper Extremity
Biceps Reflex (Flexion)
Support the person’s forearm on yours; this position relaxes, as
well as partially flexes, the person’s arm. Place your thumb on the
biceps tendon and strike a blow on your thumb. You can feel as
well as see the normal response, which are contraction of the
biceps muscle and the flexion of the forearm.
Triceps Reflex (Extension)
Tell the person to let the arm “just go dead” as you suspend it by
holding the upper arm. Strike the triceps tendon directly just
above the elbow. The normal response is extension of the
Brachioradialis Reflex (Flexion and Supination of the arm)
Hold the person’s thumbs to suspend the forearm in relaxation.
Strike the forearm directly, about 2 to 3 cm above the radial

styloid process. The normal response is flexion and supination of

the arm.

Lower Extremity
Quadriceps Reflex (patellar or knee jerk reflex)
Let the lower legs dangle freely to flex the knee and stretch the
tendons. Strike the tendon directly just below the patella.
Extension of the lower legs is the expected response.
Achilles Reflex
Position the person with the knee flexed and the hip externally
rotated. Hold the foot in dorsiflexion, and strike the Achilles
tendon directly. Feel the normal response as the foot plantar
flexes against your hand.
Plantar Reflex
Position the thigh in slight external rotation. With the reflex
hammer, draw a light stroke up the lateral side of the sole of the
foot and inward across the ball of the foot, like an upside-down J.
The normal response is plantar flexion if all the toes and inversion
and flexion of the forefoot.


Equipment and supplies used for a Health Examination

Flashlight or Penlight Otoscope

Dental Mirror Opthalmoscope

Tuning Fork
Cotton Applicators

Tongue Depressors Gloves

Lubricant Percussion Hammer

Nasal Speculum

Various Positioning of the Client

Dorsal Recumbent Lithotomy

Sims Horizontal Recumbent or Supine


Sitting or High Fowlers


Basic Techniques used in Physical Assessment

Indirect Percussion

Direct Percussion

Light Palpation Deep Palpation


Parts of the Eye


Snellen Eye Chart


Side View

Sinus’ Locations

Front View

Structures of the Mouth


Structures of the Ear

Lymph Nodes of the Head and Neck


External & Internal Lymphatic Drainage

Areas to Auscultate and Palpate on Chest


Palpation of Thoracic Expansion

Posterior Anterior

Intercostal Landmarks for Percussion & Auscultation of Thorax


Posterior Normal Percussive Notes (Posterior)

Normal Percussive Notes (Anterior)


Respiration Patterns

Type Description Pattern Clinical Indication

Normal 12 to 20/min & Normal Breathing Pattern

Tachypnea >24/min & May be normal response

shallow to fever, anxiety or
exercise; can occur with
respiratory insufficiency,
alkalosis, pneumonia or
Bradypnea <10/min & May be normal in well
regular conditioned athletes; Can
occur with medication
induced depression of the
respiratory system,
diabetic, coma,
neurological damage.
Hyperventila Increased rate & Usually occurs with
tion depth extreme exercise, fear or
Kussmauls’ respiration is
a type of hyperventilation
associated with diabetic
Other causes of
Hyperventilation include
disorders of the central
nervous system, an
overdose of drug
salicylate or severe
Hypoventilat Decreased rate & Usually associated with
ion depth, irregular overdose of narcotics of
pattern anesthetics
Cheyne- Regular pattern May result from severe
Stokes characterized by congestive heart failure,
Respiration alternating drug overdose, increased
periods of deep intracranial pressure or
rapid breathing renal failure. May be
followed by noted in elderly positions
periods of apnea during sleep not related
to any disease process.
Biot’s Irregular pattern May be seen with

Respiration characterized by meningitis or severe

varying depth and brain damage
rate of
followed by
periods of apnea

Adventitious Sounds
Sound Site Cause Character
Crackles Are most Random, Fine crackles are high-
commonly sudden pitched fine short
heard in reinflation of interrupted crackling
dependent groups of sounds heard during end of
lobes; right alveoli; inspiration, usually not
and left disruptive cleared with coughing.
lung bases. passage of Moist crackles are lover,
air more moist sounds heard
during the middle of
inspiration; not cleared with
coughing. Coarse crackles
are loud, bubbly sounds
heard during inspiration not
cleared with coughing
Ronchi Are Muscular Are loud low – pitched,
(sonorous wheeze) primarily spasm, fluid rumbling coarse sounds
heard over or mucus in heard most often during
trachea and larger inspiration and expiration;
bronchi; if airways, may be cleared by
loud cause coughing.
enough, turbulence.
can be
heard over
most lung
Wheezes Can be High – Are high-pitched continuous
(sibilant wheeze) heard all velocity musical sounds like a
over lung airflow squeak heard continuously
fields through during inspiration, or
severely expiration; usually louder
narrowed on expiration

Pleural Friction Rub Is heard Inflamed Has dry, grating quality


over pleura, heard best during

anterior parietal inspiration; does not clear
lateral lung pleura with coughing, heard
field (if rubbing loudest over lower lateral
patient is against anterior surface.
sitting visceral
upright) pleura

Palpation of the Heart

Locate the apical pulse with the palmar surface.

Palpate the apical pulse with the fingerpad.


Abdominal Viscera and Vascular Structures

Abdominal Quadrants
Abdominal Viscera and Vascular

Vascular sounds and friction rubs can best be heard over these areas

Palpation of the liver Spleen Palpation

Kidney Palpation

Common Tests for Coordination

Finger-to-nose test

Heel-to-sheen test

Testing rapid alternating movements of palms

Common Tests for Reflexes

Briceps Reflex Brachioradialis Reflex

Triceps Reflex

Testing for ankle clonus

Plantar Reflex

Expected Auscultation Sounds (Anterior) Sites for Auscultating the Abdomen

Sites for Auscultating the Abdomen Percussion Sites for all Quadtrants

Tactile Fremitus (Posterior) Expected Auscultation Sounds (Posterior)

Diaphragmatic Excursion

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