Comprehension Answer The Questions: (25 PTS) : A+ Skills Forward 1 Name: - Date

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Forward 1
Name:____________________ Date:____________________

Answer the questions: (25 pts)
1. Where is the Dead Sea located?

2. According to the test how long is the Dead Sea now?

3. What are the 2 main reasons for taking off part of the Dead Sea’s water?

4. How does the local industry add to the Dead Sea’s problems?

5. Think of a solution to the Dead Sea’s water. How could it be saved?

Grammar: (25 pts)

1.Use the verbs in the brackets and form Conditional sentences type 2 or type
2. Mind the underlined verb forms.

1.If you come with me, I__________ ( do) the shopping with you.

2.Walter__________(help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this
3.If it __________(rain), I will stay at home.

4.Our teacher will be happy if we__________ (learn) the poem by heart.

5.If they had enough money, they__________(buy) a new car.

2. Rewrite these sentences using UNLESS

1. If we do not stop flying, we won’t reduce global warming.
2. If we do not change the way we travel, we will have serious environmental
3. If you do not practice, you won’t speak English fluently.
4. If you do not leave home at once, you will be late.
5.If she does not stop eating, she will be ill.
Vocabulary: (10 pts)
Write sentences using the words below:
1. Conserve: ________________________________________________
2. Survive: __________________________________________________
3. Precious: _________________________________________________
4. Issue: ____________________________________________________
5. Shortage: _________________________________________________

Writing: (25 pts)

Some people believe that nature has become less important for us as
technology has become more advanced. Do you think nature is still
important to you and the future generations? Why do you believe that? 

Best of luck! 

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