Section B - Project Response Template

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Business Communication Skills Project Unit – Section B – Response

Project Unit - Section B – The Interview

Full Name: <enter text here>

Email Address: <enter text here>

Task 1 – Identifying Underlying Questions

Question 1 – “What attracts you to our company?”

Underlying question(s) <enter text here>

What do you think the
employer really wants to
know or find out by asking a
particular question?

Structure of your response <enter text here>

2 Personal Scenario 1. <enter text here>

Think of suitable answers for 2. <enter text here>
each question that apply to
you personally. You do not
need to elaborate on them,
just make a note of
situations/examples that you
can refer to substantiate your

© 2017 Internshala Trainings | Tripta Singh

Business Communication Skills Project Unit – Section B – Response

Question 2 – “Describe a challenging task that you had to complete

under time pressure.”

Underlying question(s) <enter text here>

What do you think the
employer really wants to
know or find out by asking a
particular question?

Structure of your response <enter text here>

2 Personal Scenario 1. <enter text here>

Think of suitable answers for 2. <enter text here>
each question that apply to
you personally. You do not
need to elaborate on them,
just make a note of
situations/examples that you
can refer to substantiate your

Question 3 – “Elaborate on a project you have done in a team.”

© 2017 Internshala Trainings | Tripta Singh

Business Communication Skills Project Unit – Section B – Response

Underlying question(s) <enter text here>

What do you think the
employer really wants to
know or find out by asking a
particular question?

Structure of your response <enter text here>

2 Personal Scenario 1. <enter text here>

Think of suitable answers for 2. <enter text here>
each question that apply to
you personally. You do not
need to elaborate on them,
just make a note of
situations/examples that you
can refer to substantiate your

Task 2 – Congratulations, you have been shortlisted!

© 2017 Internshala Trainings | Tripta Singh

Business Communication Skills Project Unit – Section B – Response

Answer the following interview questions as if you are responding in a live

interview. It would be helpful to keep in mind the lessons from Task 1 and the
SOAR/STAR framework when answering.

Question 1
“Tell me something interesting about yourself.”
<enter text here>

Question 2
“Can you describe how you would go about solving a problem?”
<enter text here>

Question 3
“I would love to know what motivates you?”
<enter text here>

Question 4
“What would you say is your greatest achievement?”
<enter text here>

© 2017 Internshala Trainings | Tripta Singh

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