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Marek St. Węglowski

Electrolytic etching in welding metallography

Introduction trochemical phenomena which cause the sur-

An increase in the types of applied met- face of a metal, i.e. the anode, to dissolve.
als and the related growth of various re- Cathodes play here the role of an element
quirements for structural materials used which enables closing the current circuit by
in welded structures or cast elements cre- the electrolyte and are responsible for proper
ate a number of new metallographic issues distribution of the current density. Cathodes
such as, for instance, testing alloy steels, used in electrolytic etching do not wear even
nickel alloys or titanium alloys. Proper after a longer period of time [1].
preparation of metallographic specimens of This method can be applied for most
such materials using classical etching meth- metals and their alloys making it possible
ods poses numerous difficulties and some- to obtain a properly etched surface. Figure
times proves impossible. In addition, when 1 presents the dependence between the den-
it becomes necessary to test a great number sity of current flowing through a specimen
of specimens, e.g. in batch production, etch- and voltage. The process of etching takes
ing metallographic specimens is too time- place within a voltage range strictly spec-
-consuming. Therefore, it is essential to im- ified for given conditions. Applying higher
plement new, more efficient methods. One voltage is followed by a polishing process,
of the ways of allowing a significant re- whilst applying too high a voltage triggers
duction of the time needed for etching met- excessive gas (oxygen) emission, causing
allographic specimens without deteriorat- non-uniform removal of specimen material
ing their quality is electrolytic etching. If and the formation of pits on the surface [2].
materials have a complex chemical or, more
importantly, structural composition, it is of
great importance to develop proper etching
procedures making it possible to reveal only
selected microstructure components. And
also for this purpose, one can use electro-
lytic etching.

Principle of electrolytic etching

The process of electrolytic etching of met-
als is a complex electrochemical phenome-
non. As an electric current flows through an
electrolyte, strong polarisation and proper Fig. 1. Dependence between the density of current flo-
distribution of current density trigger elec- wing through specimen and voltage [2]

Marek St. Węglowski PhD Eng. - Instytut Spawalnictwa, Zakład Badań Spawalności i Konstrukcji
Spawanych / Testing of Materials Weldability and Welded Constructions Department
One of the most popular theories explain- ries have been developed in order to explain
ing the phenomenon of electrolytic etching/ this and other phenomena. Yet they all share
electrolytic polishing is the theory devel- the same disadvantage, i.e. they explain
oped by Jacquet [3], according to which phenomena in a temporary manner and are
etching/polishing is caused by the anodal usable only in individual cases [3].
action of electrolyte on, first of all, the
peaks of surface roughness of a metal sub- Factors affecting electrolytic
jected to etching/polishing and, to a lesser etching conditions
degree, on cavities. Such diversified dis- The most important factors affecting
solving can be explained by the formation etching conditions include the potential dif-
of an anode film known also as a viscose ference (PD) and the density difference of
film. This film covers the metal surface, current, electrolyte temperature, electrolyte
with projecting surface roughness peaks be- stirring, surface pre-treatment, heat treat-
ing covered by a thinner film layer than the ment of the specimens, treatment time, di-
cavities (Fig. 2). The resistance of the thin- mensions of the electrolyser used for etch-
ner film layer (on the peaks) is lower than ing and electrolyte consumption degree.
that of the thicker film layer (in the
cavities). Difference of current potentials and
Usually during electrolytic etching it is
possible to obtain better results if during the
process the difference of potentials is per-
manently monitored rather than the densi-
ty of current. Independent of the difficulty
in maintaining constant current density, a
Fig. 2. The formation of anode film and distribution of
ions in the inter-electrode space [3]
longer time of electrolysis combined with
heightened current density cause the emis-
For this reason the peaks of surface sion of a gas which may trigger the forma-
roughness dissolve to a greater extent than tion of pits on the surface of a specimen.
the cavities. In this manner, the surface ir- Moreover, at the initial stage of anodal dis-
regularities are gradually made even until solving, prior to the stabilisation of etching
polishing or etching. This theory clarifies conditions, current density should signifi-
the basic course of electrolytic etching or cantly exceed the normal value for a peri-
electrolytic polishing, yet it does not ex- od sufficient for the stabilisation of etching
plain individual cases. The Jacquet theory conditions. It is important that at the initial
is right only for a certain group of phenom- stage of etching the difference of potentials
ena; it properly explains the processes of on the electrolyser should be within the
electrolytic etching/electrolytic polishing boundary values used for etching.
of copper and steel in an electrolyte com-
posed of phosphorus acid and organic ad- Temperature of electrolyte
ditions as well as electrolytic etching/ elec- The resistance of the electrolyte decreas-
trolytic polishing of steel in a chloric-acetic es along with an increase in temperature.
electrolyte. In these cases one can observe Consequently, the voltage necessary for ob-
the formation of a dense colloidal or liquid taining the same current density decreases.
film from the reaction products. Many theo- The voltage corresponding to a given cur-
rent density is defined by an experimentally face of objects subjected and those unsub-
determined equation: jected to heat treatment. The heat treatment
has a positive effect on the quality of the sur-
U= face intended for etching, provided it has led
a ×T + b to the formation of a uniform structure. If a
where: heat treatment has triggered the formation of
K, a, b – constants dependent on electrolytic carbides, as is the case with alloy steels dur-
conductance, electrolyser dimensions and ing electrolytic etching for instance, the so-
current flowing through the electrolyser, called point corrosion may occur as a result
T – temperature. of the intense dissolving of areas around the
The equation reveals that the power nec- carbides.
essary for maintaining given current density
decreases along with an increase in temper- Etching time
ature [1]. The time of electrolysis necessary for ob-
taining the desired condition of the surface
Electrolyte stirring changes depending on a metal and electro-
During the process of electrolysis in stabi- lyte used. According to a general principle,
lised conditions, the products of the reaction the time of etching is inversely proportional
accumulate around the electrode. In some to current density. In this manner, in the case
cases the inflow of fresh electrolyte is insuf- of solutions containing orthophosphorous
ficient , and stirring is necessary to remove acid, for which low current density is used,
some of reaction products. However, one the treatment requires a longer time than in
should avoid excessive stirring as it could the case of the solutions of tetraoxochloric
destroy the film and prevent the stabilisation acid, for which high values of current densi-
of optimum etching conditions. Moving and ty are usually used. In general, etching lasts
stirring also prevents excessive local heat- between several seconds and several minutes
ing caused by the flow of current through [1].
the high-resistant layers on the anode and
favours maintaining a more uniform electro- D imensions of elec t rolyser for
lyte temperature. In many cases the best re- e tching
sults are achieved by rotating and swinging An important factor associated with elec-
the anode rather than by stirring the solution. trolytic etching is the dimensions of an elec-
trolyser, as their changes may significantly
Impact of heat treatment on the out- affect the process conditions.
come of electrolytic polishing
The structure of metal significantly affects Impact of electrolyte consumption
its properties and consequently its behav- During etching iron, for example, the con-
iour during treatment. This impact is visible tent of Fe ions in the electrolyte increases
during mechanical working and in particular gradually as the amount of metal deposit-
during electrolytic etching. The change of the ed on the cathode is much smaller than the
structure and of the mutual relations of indi- amount obtained from the dissolved anode.
vidual components causes changes both in Depending on the shape and dimensions of
the potential and dissolving degree, affect- the cathode, this amount makes up 5% - 15%
ing the surface appearance. The difference is of the dissolved anode metal. An increase
particularly evident while comparing the sur- in electrolyte density is accompanied by
a worsening quality of the surface subject- the surface of a metallographic specimen.
ed to etching. In consequence, the solution This can easily be observed if upon changing
becomes useless. Although a slight etching the abrasive paper grade one also changes
effect can be observed, the phenomena ac- the grinding direction by an angle of 10°-
companying the process render the micro- 20°. During grinding with abrasive papers it
scopic observation of the etched specimen is necessary to neither deform nor overheat a
difficult. The etching ability of the solution specimen being ground. For this reason it is
can be slightly extended by using a slightly advisable to wet grind specimens using wa-
higher current density or by adding between ter-resistant abrasive paper and devices en-
5 ml and 10  ml of distilled water per one suring permanent wetting of a grinding area
litre of solution. A greater amount of water [4]. The process of precise grinding finishes
also worsens the etching effect. with abrasive paper of a granularity depend-
While using chemical or electrochemical ent on the type of a material out of which a
etching one should bear in mind that used given specimen is made. It is assumed that
chemicals ought to be disposed of in accord- such granularity should amount to 600 for
ance with environmental protection regula- steels and 1000 for non-ferrous metals.
tions. The process of mechanical polishing is
carried out with a rotating disk covered with
Preparation of specimens for electro- a special cloth, onto which one applies di-
lytic etching amond-based polishing materials of various
The quality of an electrolytically etched gradation (e.g. 6÷0.25 μm). Polishing usually
surface is much more dependent on the finishes with liquid slurry of aluminium ox-
stage of mechanical polishing and grinding ide Al2O3 (grade e.g. 0.25 μm). The proce-
than that obtained through chemical etching. dure of polishing is strictly dependent on the
Electrolytic etching is a process which can type of a material being treated. The selec-
be initiated only at a certain specified surface tion of optimum conditions requires prelimi-
roughness. If the roughness is too high even nary tests. It may happen that due to improp-
properly selected process conditions will erly selected mechanical treatment, scratches
not result in a properly etched surface (the after electrolytic etching are not removed
process of electrolytic etching ”highlights” but, on the contrary, become more visible. In
scratches formed as a result of mechanical such a case, the scratches that are revealed
polishing). This is probably because the film, are those which during polishing were cov-
instead of filling the surface cavities, covers ered up by metal, which during electrolytic
both the peaks and the cavities with the lay- etching are dissolved more intensively than
er of the same thickness. While considering the remaining part of the specimen [3].
the applied gradation of abrasive paper, pri- A better effect from electrolytic etching is
or to electrolytic etching surfaces should be achieved sooner if the surface to be etched
precisely ground using abrasive paper, start- is better prepared in the process of mechan-
ing with the paper of the greatest granulari- ical polishing. Objects intended for electro-
ty (e.g. 80 or 100), and next using paper of lytic etching should be carefully cleaned and
lower granularity (280, 500, 800 etc.) Each degreased. If impurities such as aluminium
grade of abrasive paper should be used until oxide Al2O3 remain, the films floating on the
all marks (especially scratches) coming from surface may disturb treatment by causing
previously conducted grinding with the pa- the formation of stains on the surface being
per of a greater granularity are removed from polished.
An indication of properly conducted de- A simple easy-to-use design guarantees
greasing is uniform water wetting of the failure-free operation also for less experi-
whole specimen surface after its rinsing. Theenced personnel. This is a unique selling
specimen should be subjected to electrolytic point and a competitive edge over devices
etching immediately after the last rinsing asoffered by other companies. A person car-
it prevents accidental soiling and corroding rying out tests can precisely adjust etching
of the surface [3]. time and voltage.
The device for electrolytic etching Elek-
Exemplary results of electrolytic troMat ET1 can be used in the following in-
etching stitutions:
Table 1 presents examples of electrolytic • metallographic laboratories of universities
etching results (device ElektroMat ET1). and research institutes,
Table 1. Exemplary results of electrolytic etching

Alloy steel; X5Cr- Austenitic weld, Hasteloy C-2000, Hasteloy X,

Ni18-10, electrolytic electrolytic etching, electrolytic etching, electrolytic etching,
etching, HCL + metha- HCL + methanol, 5ml H2SO4, 95 ml H2O, 5ml H2SO4, 95 ml H2O,
nol, time 4 s, voltage 4 V time 4 s, voltage 4 V time 2 s, voltage 6 V time 2 s, voltage 6 V

Steel 18-8, Transition zone of steel Steel 1.4404, Steel 1.4404,

electrolytic etching, grade 18-8, electrolytic electrolytic etching, electrolytic etching,
HCL + methanol, etching, HCL+ metha- HCl + methanol, HCl + methanol,
time 6 s, voltage 3 V nol, time 6 s, voltage 3 V time 4 s, voltage 3 V time 4 s, voltage 3 V

• industrial quality control laboratories,

Device for electrolytic etching • industrial DT laboratories.
In order to satisfy customers’ require- The device can be used for most metals
ments, Instytut Spawalnictwa has devel- and their alloys. It ensures obtaining a prop-
oped a device for electrolytic etching El- erly etched surface and allows electrolytic
ektroMat ET1 (Fig. 3) [5]. The device is etching of the following materials:
of complex portable modern design en- • iron alloys i.e. alloy and unalloyed steels,
suring the full repeatability of electrolytic • aluminium alloys,
etching process parameters. In addition, • nickel alloys,
ElektroMat ET1 is resistant to operating • titanium alloys,
conditions usually present in the industry. • copper alloys.
welded joints in order to eliminate errors
already at the stage of specimen prepara-
tion as such errors could adversely affect
the interpretation of obtained test results.
To this end, while carrying out microscop-
ic metallographic tests, it is essential to
pay particular attention to the manner of
metallographic specimen preparation. It is
especially important to use a proper etch-
ing technique so that on the basis of mi-
croscopic metallographic observations one
Fig. 3. Device for electrolytic etching ElektroMat ET1
can reveal the presence (or absence) of a
The ElektroMat ET1 is composed of an given microstructural component. In many
adjustable laboratory power supply unit and cases chemical etching is insufficient or so
a system of electrodes with a vessel for con- problematic that the only solution is to use
ducting the electrolytic etching. The device electrolytic etching. Yet, also in this case,
does not require a complicated installation the use of a proper metallographic reagent
procedure, and its design features high-pow- is insufficient and should be supported by
er transistors. The electronic control system a proper device for conducting electrolytic
ensures operation with optimum efficiency etching.
and output parameters. The output voltage
can be adjusted in an infinitely variable man- References:
ner within a 0 V ÷ 30 V range. The device 1. Tegard W. J.: Elektrolityczne i chemiczne
operation (etching time) control is set up by polerowanie metali. WNT, Warsaw, 1961
means of an electronic time relay, ensuring 2. Cebula D., Widermann J.: Badania meta-
the repeatability of an electrolytic etching lograficzne. Wyd. Biuro Gamma, War-
process. The device operation status is sig- saw, 1999
nalled by means of LEDs placed on the front 3. Dobrowolski J.: Polerowanie elektroli-
panel. In addition, the operator can read out tyczne. Państwowe Wydawnictwa Tech-
current and voltage values on a digital dis- niczne, Warsaw, 1952
play. 4. Łomozik M. et al.: Makroskopowe
i mikroskopowe badania metalogra-
Summary ficzne materiałów konstrukcyjnych i ich
Using highly-alloyed materials, devel- połączeń spajanych. Instytut Spawalnict-
oping technologies for welding structures wa, Gliwice, 2009
of critical importance, and manufacturing 5. Węglowski M. St., Czylok K.: Wniosek
products meeting more and more demand- o udzielnie prawa ochronnego na wzór
ing customers’ needs has caused that the użytkowy: „Obudowa urządzenia do
recent years have seen an increasing role ujawniania mikrostruktury metali metodą
of microscopic metallographic testing. For trawienia elektrolitycznego”. Instytut
this reason it is necessary to develop prop- Spawalnictwa, W.120687
er testing procedures for parent metals and


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