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SAS 11




Multiple Choice

1. d. salt added to food by manufacturers

Rationale: The main source of sodium in our diet is salt. Nearly three fourth of sodium in our diet comes from salt added to the food
by manufacturers at the time of preparation. Food items like bread, rolls, pickles, and chips contain high concentration of

2. c. Potassium
Rationale: Potassium is significant in maintenance of optimum fluid and electrolyte balance in body. It is pivotal for keeping the heart
beat steady. It is the major positively charged mineral inside the body cell. A potassium rich diet may help in reducing
blood pressure, water retention, protect against stroke, and prevent kidney stones.

3. d. maintain a lifelong adequate calcium intake and engage in weight- bearing physical activity.
Rationale: Calcium intake is critically important to bone health. A diet rich in calcium contributes to prevent age related bone loss.
Diet low in calcium contributes to decrease in bone density and adds an increase in risk of fractures and bone loss. Optimal
physical activity is endorsed for maintaining bone health during lifetime and it is known to increase or restore bone mass. It
reduces the risk of fractures due to falling. Physical activities and exercises can majorly contribute to healthy bones.

4. d. meat and dark green, leafy vegetables

Rationale: Foods that are high in iron include meat, dark leafy vegetable beans, fortified cereals, and certain fishes. Iron is available in
two forms such as heme and non-heme. Good sources of heme iron rich food are meat, poultry items, and fishes. These are
easily absorbable than non heme iron rich food items. Our body absorbs more iron from animal sources in comparison to
plant sources.

5. b. iodine
Rationale: The most important disorder induced by iodine deficiency are brain damage and mental retardation. Iodine is a chemical
element present in the human body. When iodine requirements are not met, the thyroid may no longer be able to synthesise
enough thyroid hormone. It results in low level of thyroid hormones in the blood and is the principal factor responsible for
brain damage and mental retardation.


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