Conditional Sentences

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If + present simple, present simple

“If you mix red and yellow, you get orange.”

“If I study hard, I always pass the exams.”

We use zero conditional to express a state that always applies, for

example, for general truths or for natural laws.

Instead of if we can use when:

“When it’s very cold, I don’t cycle to work.”


If + present simple, will + INFINITIVE

present continuous, imperative
present perfect, modal verb + INFINITIVE

“If you finish work early, we’ll go for a walk.”

“If you are expecting visitors, the flat will need a good clean.”
“If you have finished with the computer, put it away.”
“If Mathew is going to a job interview, he should wear a tie.”

We use this type of conditional sentences to talk about possible present or

future actions.

Unless can also be used as the conjunction, meaning if not:

“Unless you tell me his name, I won’t let you go.”


If + past simple, would + INFINITIVE

past continuous, could, might +INFINITIVE

“If Rachel got up earlier, she wouldn’t always be late.”

“If he were playing his stereo, it might not be so quiet in here.”

In a second conditional clause we use were instead of was.

“If I were you, I’d ask a lawyer for advice.

We use this type of conditional sentence to talk about imaginary or unreal


A- Put the verb into the correct form in these conditional

1- If you took more exercise, you ____________ (feel) better.
2- If they offered me the job, I ____________ (take) it.
3- Unless it ____________ (rain), we’ll eat outside.
4- If we ____________ (meet) at seven, we would have plenty of time.
5- I ____________ (not pass) my exams if I don’t practise.
6- If I sold my car, I ____________ (not get) much money for it.
7- We won’t have a picnic unless it ___________ (be) fine.
8- If we don’t hurry, the others ____________ (leave) without us.
9- Liz gave me a ring. She ____________ (be) very upset if I lost it.
10- Would Tim mind if I ___________ (borrow) his bicycle.

B- Put the verb into the correct form. Zero, first and second
conditionals may be used:
1- If you ____________ (eat) too many chocolates, you ____________
(be) ill.
2- If I ____________ (come) in five minutes, ____________ (you/be)
3- You ____________ (not be) so tired if you ___________ (sleep) more.
4- If I ____________ (be) you I ____________ (tell) them the truth.
5- Unless the weather ____________ (be) warmer tomorrow, we
____________ (cancel) the trip.
6- If you _____________ (put) pizza in the oven for 3 hours, it
__________ (burn).
7- If you ____________ (go) to the exhibition next week, I
____________ (join) you.
8- You always go by car to work. If you ____________ (walk) to work,
you ____________ (get) more exercise and feel much healthier.
9- Unless you _____________ (apologize) to her, she _______________
(never/speak) to you again.
10- If Melissa ____________ (not work) harder next term, she
____________ (not pass) her exams.
11- If I ____________ (be) you, I ____________ (not speak) like that.
Your tone is offensive.
12- If Tina ____________ (have) time, she ____________ (help) us bake
some cakes, but she’s too busy.
13- If it _____________ (rain), I _________________ (not/ride) my
motorbike to work.
14- Lisa gave me a book. She ______________ (be) upset if I
____________ (lose) it.
15- I ________________ (not/go) on holiday in October if I __________
(be) you.

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