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4 Signs your Liver may be damaged

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body like the other ones. It is about the size
of a football and sits on the right side of the abdomen under the ribs. It helps in the digestion of
food. Also, a liver perform activities to keep your body healthy and at the same time it acts as
the filter to push out the toxins from your body.

But, liver can get week and unhealthy because of excess drinking, chronic viral infections, or
taking a diet that is not good for your health for a longer period. But the question is how you
will analyze that your liver is not in a good condition and need treatment. Let’s see those 4
signs that show your liver may be damaged.

Many people see signs and know when their liver gets damaged or failing and it can go worse.
Also, they may experience some serious weakness.

In most of the cases, people who have met the situation where their liver get fails have more
chances and risk of developing liver cancer. But there are many people who don’t know about
the liver failure causes and symptoms too.

Read these points that show the most common signs of the liver failure and the treatment for
it. If you notice something of these, consult a doctor for liver biopsy.

What actually liver do?

The liver works as a filter in our abdomen and regulate chemical levels in the bloodstream. Also,
excretes bile that helps to carry out the waste from the liver. The blood flow that leaves your
stomach and intestine passes through the liver. Then liver processes this blood and creates the
nutrients that become easier to use for the rest of the body.

If you notice any problem regarding the liver or any other medical issue then you can consult
Surjen health care, for Liver Function Test in Nigeria from best diagnostics centers. We offer
medical support that includes Ground and air ambulance services, laboratory tests at home,
medical tourism packages, surgery packages, and etc all at an affordable cost.

4 Signs your Liver may be damaged

1) Water retention
Water or fluid retention is a very common sign that your liver has any disease. In this condition,
the healthy liver tissues get replaced by the scar tissues. According to the researches, 50
percent of people who have liver disease met with fluid retention situation.

In this situation you may experience in your abdomen and some cases swelling in the legs is
also seen.

This situation arises when the blood pressure develops in your liver veins or at the tie when the
liver stops producing albumin.

Water or fluid retention Treatment

A diet including low sodium may help you in getting out of this situation. If this situation goes
severe then the doctor may prescribe the water pills. Also, in many cases, doctors prescribe to
drain abdominal fluid with the help of a needle.

2) Jaundice
The most common sign that everyone knows is a change in the color of skin to yellowish and
the whites of eyes. But fever, chills, pain in the abdomen, and darker or clay-colored urine are
also the symptoms and signs of jaundice.

The yellowish color appears when bilirubin pigment (a pigment that forms when red blood cells
break down) starts building up in the blood. The nature of a healthy liver is that it absorbs
bilirubin and converts it into bile. Then our body excretes that in the stool.

Jaundice Treatment
Jaundice is one of the severe symptoms that your liver is not working well and is in a very bad
condition. In that case, your doctor may prescribe you for a liver transplant.

3) Bleeding
Our liver usually cycles about 25% of the whole blood present in your body from the portal
veins. If the liver of the person is not working well or not in a good condition may experience
blood vomit or blood in the stool.
Normally blood flows in the liver smoothly without any problem but when you have cirrhosis,
the way from where blood flows becomes like bumpy roads and the blood tries to find detours.
The detours supply blood to the spleen which enlarges as it tries to relieve the congestion.

A healthy and fit liver produces clotting proteins that a week or sick liver can’t do. The enlarged
spleen collects platelets from the bloodstream. Low platelets make the patient more
susceptible to bleeding in the nose or in the gums.

Liver Bleeding Treatment

In the case of blood vomiting, immediately visits the medical emergency. Doctors will first stop
your bleeding and then treat the further things.

If they fail in stopping bleeding or the bleeding is severe then they will go for the procedure in
which they will fit a stent to connect veins running in and out of the liver and make a path for
the blood.

4) Confusion
As we have seen above the liver helps in digestion and works as a filter for toxins. But when the
liver gets damaged and fails to filter toxins they may travel and reach your brain. This may
cause confusion, memory problem, lethargy, and coma.

Confusion Treatment
Laxative lactulose is the standard treatments that binds to toxins in your colon and removes
them out from your body before they get enter your bloodstream.

Choose Surjen for the best treatment

Surjen, the best medical healthcare provider in Nigeria provides all the medical services that
include ground ambulance services such as basic life support ambulance, advance life support
ambulance, and air ambulance services, doctor consultation services, laboratory test at home,
surgery packages, and medical tourism service at an affordable cost. If you need anything
regarding medical healthcare then you can contact Surjen for the best advice and cure.

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