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 john joseph dalton — an english school  law of definite proportions — states that

physical science teacher, a chemist and physicist greatly elements always combine in a similar
extended the man's idea about an atom by proportions by mass regardless of the size of
atoms from the eyes of philosophers and performing a series of experiments that led the sample. example: if you examine the

scientist him to the formulation of the well-known carbon dioxide gas in manila and carbon
atomic theory today. his postulates may be dioxide in baguio, they are just the same
 empedocles — according to this greek summed up to what is known as "dalton's carbon dioxide with same ratio of carbon to
philosopher matter are made up of four atomic theory" oxygen, which is 1:2.
elements namely fire, air, water and earth.  elements are made up of small particles  law of multiple proportions—the third
 aristotle — he supported the idea of called atoms. postulates of dalton also supports this law.
empedocles and added a fifth element he  in any given pure element, the mass and which states that if two or more different
called aether or ether - his ideas were other properties of all the atoms are the compounds are composed of the same two
supported by alchemist during 300 bc until same. atoms of different element differ in elements, then the ratio of the masses of the
the end of 17th century. mass and other properties. second element combined with a certain
 alchemist — comes from the word alchemy,  compounds are composed of atoms of more mass of the first element is always a ratio of
which has an origins in the greek word than one element. the constituent atoms in a small whole numbers. example: co and co2
khemeia "which means art of transmuting given compound are present in a constituent  law of conservation of mass — this law
metals." considered as the very early or constant whole number ratio. states that mass is neither created nor
chemist because of their work of trying to  in a chemical reaction, atoms are neither destroyed during a chemical reactions.
transform base metals into gold, discover a created nor destroy. they simply combine,  dalton's last postulates supported this law.
universal cure for diseases, and discover a separate or rearranged. example: when a reaction is done in a closed
means of prolonging life, however none of
 ❖ the third postulate of dalton was container, the total mass before and after the
these aims succeeded.
supported by joseph proust about the reaction is the same.
 democritus — believed that all matter is
composition of matter.
made up of very small particles called atoms
 in 1779 proust proposed an important structure of an atom
came from the greek word atomos means
principle that revealed quantitative analysis
indivisible, indestructible and uncuttable. -  atoms - considered as the tiniest particle of
of chemical reactions which is a law of
this idea of democritus was purely based on an element that retains the chemical
definite proportions.
hypothetically mental experience and properties of that element. - all atoms are
Postulates made up of the nucleus and the electrons.
 nucleus - is at the center of an atom atom. The quantum numbers of all the electrons in a Principal Quantum Number
given atom, when combined, must comply with the
composed of protons and neutrons called
Schrodinger equation.  Principal quantum numbers are denoted by
nucleons. the symbol ‘n’. They designate the
 wilhelm conrad roentgen or wilhelm rontgen What are Quantum Numbers? principal electron shell of the atom. Since
the most probable distance between the
- discovered the x-rays on nov. 8, 1895. The values of the conserved quantities of a quantum nucleus and the electrons is described by it,
system are given by quantum numbers. Electronic a larger value of the principal quantum
 john joseph thomson - discovered the
quantum numbers (the quantum numbers describing number implies a greater distance between
electrons and proposed the plum pudding electrons) can be defined as a group of numerical the electron and the nucleus (which, in turn,
values which provide solutions that are acceptable implies a greater atomic size).
model of an atom. which illustrated how the
by the Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen
negatively charged electrons (plums) are atoms.  The value of the principal quantum number
can be any integer with a positive value that
mixed with smeared out positive charges is equal to or greater than one. The value
(pudding). n=1 denotes the innermost electron shell of
an atom, which corresponds to the
 James chadwick - discovered the neutrons a lowest energy state (or the ground state) of
neutral charged particle. an electron.
 Thus, it can be understood that the principal
 ernest rutherford - discovered the protons a
quantum number, n, cannot have a negative
positively charged particle. value or be equal to zero because it is not
possible for an atom to have a negative
Quantum Numbers and Atomic Orbitals value or no value for a principal shell.
Isotopes Four quantum numbers can be used to completely  When a given electron is infused with
describe all the attributes of a given electron energy (excited state), it can be observed
 isotopes - elements with the same number of belonging to an atom, these are: that the electron jumps from one principle
shell to a higher shell, causing an increase in
protons but different in number of neutrons  Principal quantum number, denoted by n. the value of n. Similarly, when electrons
or with the same atomic number but lose energy, they jump back into lower
 Orbital angular momentum quantum number shells and the value of n also decreases.
different in atomic mass. (or azimuthal quantum number), denoted by
l.  The increase in the value of n for an electron
is called absorption, emphasizing the
 Magnetic quantum number, denoted by ml. photons or energy being absorbed by the
 example: hydrogen has 3 isotopes namely
 The electron spin quantum number, denoted electron. Similarly, the decrease in the value
protium, deuterium, tritium and these by ms. of n for an electron is called emission, where
the electrons emit their energy.
isotopes are the first forms of matter after
the big bang explosion. Azimuthal Quantum Number (Orbital Angular
Momentum Quantum Number)
Quantum Numbers  The azimuthal (or orbital angular
The Four Quantum Numbers that Describe an momentum) quantum number describes the
Quantum numbers can be used to describe the shape of a given orbital. It is denoted by the
trajectory and the movement of an electron in an
symbol ‘l’ and its value is equal to the total
number of angular nodes in the orbital.
 A value of the azimuthal quantum
number can indicate either an s, p, d, or f
subshell which vary in shapes. This value
depends on (and is capped by) the value of
the principal quantum number, i.e. the value
of the azimuthal quantum number ranges
between 0 and (n-1).
 For example, if n =3, the azimuthal quantum
number can take on the following values –
0,1, and 2. When l=0, the resulting subshell Shapes of Orbitals (as per the corresponding
is an ‘s’ subshell. Similarly, when l=1 and Quantum Numbers)
l=2, the resulting subshells are ‘p’ and ‘d’ The value of the magnetic quantum number is
subshells (respectively). Therefore, when dependant on the value of the azimuthal (or orbital
n=3, the three possible subshells are 3s, 3p, angular momentum) quantum number. For a given
and 3d. value of l, the value of ml ranges between the interval
 In another example where the value of n is -l to +l. Therefore, it indirectly depends on the value
5, the possible values of l are 0, 1, 2, 3, and of n.
4. If l = 3, then there are a total of three
angular nodes in the atom. For example, if n = 4 and l = 3 in an atom, the
possible values of the magnetic quantum number are
-3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, and +3.

Azimuthal Corresponding Possible

Quantum Number of Values of
Combinations of the Principal and
Number Value Orbitals (2l + 1) ml
Azimuthal Quantum Numbers
The allowed subshells under different combinations 0 (‘s’
of ‘n’ and ‘l’ are listed above. It can be understood 2*0 + 1 = 1 0
that the ‘2d’ orbital cannot exist since the value of ‘l’
is always less than that of ‘n’.
1 (‘p’
2*1 + 1 = 3 -1, 0, and 1
Magnetic Quantum Number
The total number of orbitals in a subshell and the 2 (‘d’ -2, -1, 0, 1,
orientation of these orbitals are determined by the 2*2 + 1 = 5
subshell) and 2
magnetic quantum number. It is denoted by the
symbol ‘ml’. This number yields the projection of the
angular momentum corresponding to the orbital along -3, -2, -1,
a given axis. 3 (‘f’ subshell) 2*3 + 1 = 7 0, 1, 2, and

The total number of orbitals in a given subshell is a

function of the ‘l’ value of that orbital. It is given by
the formula (2l + 1). For example, the ‘3d’ subshell To learn more about quantum numbers and their uses
(n=3, l=2) contains 5 orbitals (2*2 + 1). Each orbital quantum number, l etc.) , (n-1) ≥ l ≥ 0 in writing electron configurations, download the
can accommodate 2 electrons. Therefore, the 3d BYJU’S mobile application on your smartphone.
subshell can hold a total of 10 electrons. Total number and
Magnetic quantum
Electron Spin Quantum Number
number, ml
orientation of orbitals, Electron Configuration
Because of the force of attraction between objects of
 The electron spin quantum number is Electron spin opposite charge, the most important factor
independent of the values of n, l, and ml. The direction of electron
quantum number, influencing the energy of an orbital is its size and
The value of this number gives insight into spin, ms = ±½
ms therefore the value of the principal quantum
the direction in which the electron is number, n. For an atom that contains only one
spinning, and is denoted by the symbol ms. It is important to note that it is impossible for two electron, there is no difference between the energies
 The value of ms offers insight into the electrons of the same atom to have exactly the same of the different subshells within a shell. The 3s, 3p,
direction in which the electron is spinning. quantum state or exactly the same values of the set of and 3d orbitals, for example, have the same energy in
The possible values of the electron spin quantum numbers, as per Hund’s rules. a hydrogen atom. The Bohr model, which specified
quantum number are +½ and -½. the energies of orbits in terms of nothing more than
Solved Examples the distance between the electron and the nucleus,
 The positive value of ms implies an upward
therefore works for this atom.
spin on the electron which is also called
‘spin up’ and is denoted by the symbol ↑. If What are the Possible Subshells when n = 4? How
ms has a negative value, the electron in Many Orbitals are Contained by Each of these The hydrogen atom is unusual, however. As soon as
question is said to have a downward spin, or Subshells? an atom contains more than one electron, the different
a ‘spin down’, which is given by the symbol subshells no longer have the same energy. Within a
When n = 4, the possible l values are 0, 1, 2, and 3. given shell, the s orbitals always have the lowest
This implies that the 4 possible subshells are the 4s, energy. The energy of the subshells gradually
 The value of the electron spin quantum 4p, 4d, and 4f subshells. becomes larger as the value of the angular quantum
number determines whether the atom in number becomes larger.
question has the ability to produce a  The 4s subshell contains 1 orbital and can
magnetic field. The value of ms can be hold up to 2 electrons. Relative energies: s < p < d < f
generalized to ±½.
 The 4p subshell contains 3 orbitals and can
hold up to 6 electrons. As a result, two factors control the energy of an
 The 4d subshell contains 5 orbitals and can orbital for most atoms: the size of the orbital and its
In order to simplify the details of the four different hold up to 10 electrons. shape, as shown in the figure below.
quantum numbers that are related to atomic physics, a
 The 4f subshell has 7 orbitals and can hold
tabular column detailing their names, symbols, A very simple device can be constructed to estimate
up to 14 electrons.
meanings, and possible values is provided below. the relative energies of atomic orbitals. The allowed
Thus, a total of 4 subshells are possible for n = 4. combinations of the n and l quantum numbers are
Name and Meaning and Possible organized in a table, as shown in the figure below and
What are the Possible ml values for l = 4? arrows are drawn at 45 degree angles pointing toward
Symbol Values the bottom left corner of the table.
Since the value of the magnetic quantum number
Principal quantum ranges from -l to l, the possible values of ml when l =
Electron shell, n ≥ 1 4 are: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
number, n

Azimuthal Subshells (s=0, p=1,

the aufbau principle, which assumes After the 1s and 2s orbitals have been
that electrons are added to an atom, one filled, the next lowest energy orbitals
at a time, starting with the lowest are the three 2p orbitals. The fifth
energy orbital, until all of the electrons electron therefore goes into one of
have been placed in an appropriate these orbitals.
B (Z = 5): 1s2 2s2 2p1
A hydrogen atom (Z = 1) has only one
electron, which goes into the lowest When the time comes to add a sixth
energy orbital, the 1s orbital. This is electron, the electron configuration is
indicated by writing a superscript "1" obvious.
after the symbol for the orbital.
C (Z = 6): 1s2 2s2 2p2
H (Z = 1): 1s1
However, there are three orbitals in the
The next element has two electrons and 2p subshell. Does the second electron
the second electron fills the 1s orbital go into the same orbital as the first, or
because there are only two possible does it go into one of the other orbitals
The order of increasing energy of the orbitals is then
read off by following these arrows, starting at the top values for the spin quantum number in this subshell?
of the first line and then proceeding on to the second, used to distinguish between the
third, fourth lines, and so on. This diagram predicts electrons in an orbital. To answer this, we need to understand
the following order of increasing energy for atomic
the concept of degenerate orbitals. By
He (Z = 2): 1s2 definition, orbitals are degenerate when
1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p <4s < 3d <4p < 5s < 4d < they have the same energy. The energy
5p < 6s < 4f < 5d < 6p < 7s < 5f < 6d < 7p < The third electron goes into the next of an orbital depends on both its size
8s ...
orbital in the energy diagram, the and its shape because the electron
Electron Configurations, the Aufbau 2s orbital. spends more of its time further from the
Principle, Degenerate Orbitals, and nucleus of the atom as the orbital
Li (Z = 3): 1s2 2s1 becomes larger or the shape becomes
Hund's Rule
more complex. In an isolated atom,
The fourth electron fills this orbital. however, the energy of an orbital
The electron configuration of an atom
describes the orbitals occupied by doesn't depend on the direction in
Be (Z = 4): 1s2 2s2 which it points in space. Orbitals that
electrons on the atom. The basis of this
prediction is a rule known as differ only in their orientation in space,
such as the 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitals, arrow pointing up and an electron for The tenth electron completes the
are therefore degenerate. which s = -1/2 with an arrow pointing 2p subshell.
Electrons fill degenerate orbitals
according to rules first stated by The electrons in the 2p orbitals on Ne (Z = 10): 1s2 2s2 2p6
Friedrich Hund. Hund's rules can be carbon can therefore be represented as
summarized as follows. follows.
There is something unusually stable
 One electron is added to each of about atoms, such as He and Ne, that
the degenerate orbitals in a have electron configurations with filled
subshell before two electrons are shells of orbitals. By convention, we
When we get to N (Z = 7), we have to therefore write abbreviated electron
added to any orbital in the
put one electron into each of the three configurations in terms of the number
degenerate 2p orbitals. of electrons beyond the previous
 Electrons are added to a subshell
element with a filled-shell electron
with the same value of the spin
N (Z = 7): 1s2 2s2 2p3 configuration. Electron configurations
quantum number until each
of the next two elements in the periodic
orbital in the subshell has at least
Because each orbital in this subshell table, for example, could be written as
one electron.
now contains one electron, the next follows.
When the time comes to place two electron added to the subshell must
Na (Z = 11): [Ne] 3s1
electrons into the 2p subshell we put have the opposite spin quantum
one electron into each of two of these number, thereby filling one of the
Mg (Z = 12): [Ne] 3s2
orbitals. (The choice between the 2px, 2p orbitals.
2py, and 2pz orbitals is purely arbitrary.)

C (Z = 6): 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 O (Z = 8): 1s2 2s2 2p4

The fact that both of the electrons in the

2p subshell have the same spin The ninth electron fills a second orbital
quantum number can be shown by in this subshell.
representing an electron for which s =
+1/2 with an F (Z = 9): 1s2 2s2 2p5

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