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Barter system: Exchange of goods and services directly

Meaning of money: (for an economist) any thing that is generally

accept in the payment of goods and services or in the repayment of
debts. (Currency) paper bills + coins , this is money. It clearly fits the
definition of money.
A broader definition: checks and checking account deposits
Saving deposits: currency and checking account deposits ( can also
function as money)
Money & Wealth: Mix them which make things complicated
Total collection of pieces of property that serve as a store of value
(Money & Income)
Money: is a stock (point of time)
Income: is a flow (earning per unit of time)
Concept of money in our course: accept in the payment of goods and
services or in the repayment of debts
Functions of Money: 3 basic functions of money
1. Medium of exchange
2. Unit of account
3. store of value
1. Medium of Exchange: economic efficiency.
Double coincidence of wants:
Transaction cost
So the incorporation of money in the economy we can decrease
transaction cost + increase efficiency+ promote specialization

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