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Nama : Muhamad Radiva Ariansyah

NIM & Major : 207311020002

EX Telephoning 1
Put in the appropiate words in the blanks.
Ratna : Joane’s boutique, good morning. (1.) How are, You
Bobby : Good (2.) I need to talk, Ratna. This is Bobby from Son & Son. Can I talk to
joane, please?
Bobby : Can You ask her to call me back once she’s at the office?
Ratna : (3.) Ok i will call, Your Office number?
Nadia : Good morning. Nadia’s (4.) Is there anything i can help
Jeffery : Good morning Nadia. This is Jeffery. I Need to talk about the presentation for
Ratna : Good morning. This is Ratna. Can I help you?
Bobby : Good Morning, Ratna.
Can you put me (5.) to talk to Joane?
Ratna : May I know, who’s (6) Sure it allowed can please?
Bobby : It’s Bobby from Son & Son.
Desta : Good morning. This is Desta. I need to talk to talk the service manager.
Nadia : Hold on Mr Desta. I’II (7.) yes, i need to talk to the service manager, (8.) to
you to
Nadia : Global service, good morning. Can I help you?
Jeffery : I Called Mr Hamada this morning. It looked like his cell phone was off. can
(9.) to connet the caller’s call, a message for him?
EX. Telephoning 2
Choose the appoprivate reponse for each stimulus below.
1. Good morning. Can i help you?
a. Can I eave a message for him
2. I need to talk to the service manager.
e. yes. I need to talk to the service Manager
3. May I know who’s calling please.
b. It’s Bobby from Son&Son
4. Have a nice day.
Too you, too
5. Mr Hammada is not in today.
c. Hold on pleasw. I’II put you throught
Choose the answer from below!
a. Can I eave a message for him?
b. It’s Bobby from Son&Son.
c. Hold on please. I’II put you throught.
d. Too you, too
e. Yes. I need to talk to the service Manager.
EX Telephoning 3
What do you say when you want :
1. To talk to creative Manager.
e.Hold on, please
2. To say goodbye
b. Thank you, see you then.
3. To leave a message.
d. Can I leaeve a message
4. To ask if the caller can wait
c. id like to talk to the Creative Manager
5. To connect the caller’s call.
a. I’ll you throught

Choose the answer from below!

a. I’ll put you throught
b. Thank you, see you then.
c. Id like to talk to the Creative Manager.
d. Can I leave a message?
e. Hold on, please.

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