1 Aaron Feuerstein Became Something of An Overnight National Hero

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Solved: 1 Aaron Feuerstein became something of an

overnight national hero

1. Aaron Feuerstein became something of an overnight national hero by protecting his workers.
Feuerstein said, “It was the right thing to do and there’s a moral imperative to do it, irrespective
of the consequences.”

a. Was Feuerstein employing utilitarian or formalist reasoning? Explain.

2. Commenting on Feuerstein’s approach to his employees’ needs, Wharton School professor

Michael Useem said, “ The thinking is: employees can be seen as an ultimate competitive
advantage. If you treat them well, they’ll pay you back in really hard work later on.”

a. Was Useem expressing formalist or utilitarian reasoning?

b. In a 1986 pastoral letter, the U. S. Catholic bishops argued that “every economic decision
and institution must be judged in light of whether it protects or undermines the dignity of the
human person.” Does the thinking summarized by Useem undermine that dignity and as such
require rejection under either utilitarian or formalist reasoning? Explain.

3. If you were a successful entrepreneur with the flexibility of Aaron Feuerstein, would you
operate your business like an extended family? Explain.

Fabric manufacturer Malden Mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, provided 3,100 high-paid

manufacturing jobs in the Boston area when a 1995 fire destroyed most of the plant. The next
morning Aaron Feuerstein, CEO of the family-controlled mill, announced that the business
would be rebuilt and all employees would retain their jobs. Feuerstein said that keeping all of
the workers through the rebuilding process was “the right thing to do and there’s a moral
imperative to do it, irrespective of the consequences.” Apparently, Feuerstein was significantly
influenced by his Jewish heritage. In his youth, Feuerstein reportedly memorized in Hebrew the
Leviticus passage: “You are not permitted to oppress the workingman because he is poor and


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