Demand Letter-Mr. XX

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22 December 2020


Dear Mr. Villa:

This has reference to the concern of my client Mr. XXXXX which is still
unheeded up to this point despite his repeated demands.

To recall, sometime in August 2020 you lured Mr. XXX to enter into a
business venture in putting up a contact centre. Being interested and
induced with your undertaking that the profits thereof shall be subject to
equal share or 50-50 share, my client agreed with your proposal. Thus, a
business contract between you and my client ensued. A copy of the
Business Contract and the Special Power of Attorney is hereto attached as
Annex “A” and “B” and made an integral part hereof.
Between August 2020 and October 2020, in his belief that the transaction is
legitimate and you are credible and trustworthy, my client parted his money
to you through a series of international money remittance the total amount
of XXXXXX as investment and payment for the purchase of twenty (26)
computers, three (3) months lease for office space, cubicles, A copy of the
PNB remittance receipt, Western Union receipt, and fund transfer
confirmation is hereto attached as Annex “C” and series and made an
integral part hereof.
It should be noted that the business venture ensued, operation thereof
commenced, and eventually making profits, my client demanded from you
his lawful share from the business, as agreed upon or to return his
investment that he parted to you. To his dismay, you failed to deliver what
is due to my client contrary to the covenant that you previously vowed.
Sometime in October 2020 there has been agreement between you and my
client that you will send the share of my client or what is due him but the
same proved futile and to the damage of Mr. XXX. A copy of the
conversation screenshots on Facebook messenger is hereto attached as
Annex “D” and series and made an integral part hereof.
To date, you failed and refused to deliver the share of the profits due to Mr.
XXX or refund the payment made by my client as an investment. Your
deceitful and fraudulent machinations caused physical suffering, mental
anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded
feelings, moral shocks, and social humiliation to my client.
In light of the foregoing, please consider this as our FINAL DEMAND you
to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Failure on your
part to faithfully comply with the agreement within five (5) days from receipt
hereof, we shall be constrained to institute the necessary civil and/or
criminal case against you to protect our client’s rights and interests.
In which event, we shall hold you liable for attorney’s fees, cost of suit, and
such other expenses as may be warranted under the circumstances.

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We trust that you realize that court litigation would entail an additional cost
in terms of money, time, and effort on your part, not to mention
embarrassment and difficulty in obtaining clearances and certain legal
documents. To avoid the same, we hope that you will give this matter your
immediate and favorable attention. Should you wish to settle your monetary
obligation, you may contact me on my mobile number as indicated below.

Sincerely yours,


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