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Individual Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Name : Christopher Lysander

Student ID : 03082190014
Module : Scientific Writing
Class : 19TI2
Lecturer / Tutor : Andoko
Assignment Item / Title : Lesson 12 Homework
Date Due : 17th November 2020
Date Submitted : 16th November 2020

I declare that this assessment item is my own work, except where acknowledged, and has not
been submitted for academic credit elsewhere, and acknowledge that the assessor of this item
may, for the purpose of assessing this item:
Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the
University; and/or,
Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service
(which may then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of
future plagiarism checking).
I certify that I have read and understood the University Rules in respect of Student
Academic Misconduct.

Signed: ....................................................

Date : 16th November 2020

10 November 2020, The twelfth meeting of Scientific Writing, On that day, we learned about
how to incorporating sources in academic writing. When we write something, we always
have to find a realiable sources and try to convert to our writing with our perception of
understanding. In writing base by the sources, we must know how much our voice included
in a writing. The voice is usually base of our grades, the higher we got, the more voices we
must write.

There are two ways of using the sources idea, you can direct exact word and also
paraphrasing or summaries the writing. Usually when we write, most of us must be summary
and paraphrasing the idea become our perception of thinking.

When we write a long text, example essays for over 2000 words, it is very easy for us to lose
our voice amongst all the other sources that we used. So, the conclution for that problem are :

1. Make sure to write our own voices in first position of every paragraph. Don’t ever
give away this prime spot even if the rest of the paragraph are dominated by another
writer of sources.
2. Include transition paragraphs written entirely in your voice where you remind the
reader of your thesis statement and preview the next section.
3. Avoid the “catalogue” approach where we provide a list of what other think about our
topic. Better to quickly summarise their views and go on to what we want to write.

When we witing a paper, we must include the reporting verbs in order to highlight what
particular contribution an author or theorists had made to the topic that is under discussion.
Reporting verbs are neutral. Effective using of reporting verbs can strengthen our arguments
and give the reader an idea of our attitude to the material that we discuss. Some reporting
verbs should be kept a minimum in most academic writing. Try to increase and refine our
academic vocabulary using these alternatives.

 Show >> Establish  Disagree >> Refute

 Persuade >> Assure  Reject >> Refute
 Advise >> Suggest  Etc.
 Argue >> Discuss
 Propose >> Propound
 Emphasise >> Stress
 Evaluate >> Assess
 Claim >> Affirm

Reporting Verbs : o Bersumpah
o Mengancam
o Mengetahui
o Melihat
o Menjelaskan
o Merasakan
o Menanyakan
o Mengingat
o Menambahkan
o Mengakui
o Menjawab
o Meragukan
o Meneliti
o Mengingat
o Menentukan
o Berharap
o Berjanji
o Menentukan
o Berdiskusi
o Berdebat
o Berpikir
o Memohon
o Mengundang
o Memperingatkan
o Menolak
o Mengulangi
o Melupakan
o Menebak
o Membongkar
o Mengajarkan
o Memerintahkan
o Mengulangi

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