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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan,Abra

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 11 – Ruby Score: ____________
Activity No. 1

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The entrepreneurs who create new ideas are called?

a. Innovative b. Imitating c. Fabian d. Drone
2. The entrepreneur who lives on the labor of others is called?
a. Drone b. Fabian c. Imitating d. Innovative
3. These are entrepreneurs who are to follow the path shown by innovative entrepreneur.
a. Innovative b. Imitating c. Social Entrepreneurs d. Fabian
4. Which of the following is NOT a function of an entrepreneur?
a. Skills management b. Risk taking c. Conduct research d. Make no changes with his product
5. Entrepreneur means:
a. Risk taker b. To undertake c. To research d. To improve standard of living
6. It is a personality factor which means “doing things even before being told.”
a. proactive b. perseverance c. persuasion d. initiative
7. It is a personality factor which means convincing customers to buy the product.
a. Proactive b. Persuasion c. Self-confidence d. Risk-taker
8. Which of the choices is NOT part of the environmental factors?
a. Political b. Weather condition c. climate d. family background of the manager
9. All except one does NOT belong to the group?
a. Unfair trade practices b. Strikes c. Political protest d. Product
10. The entrepreneur who is skeptical about the changes in the company is called?
a. Fabian b. Social entrepreneur c. Drone d. Imitating
11. Which of the following good sources of entrepreneurial ideas determine the interest, hobbies and preferences of people.
a. Changes in the environment c. People’s enterest
b. Technological discovery d. Past experiences
12. Societal environment includes the following, except:
a. Economic forces b. Sociocultural forces c. Political forces d. Natural resources
13. Which among the following is the result of identifying entrepreneurial opportunities?
a. Creation of entrepreneurial ideas c. Sources of opportunity
b. Opening of entrepreneurial venture d. Entrepreneurial process
14. What entrepreneurial idea will you recognized, if you consider the new discovery and advancement of technology as source of opportunity?
a. Changes in the environment c. Government’s thrust, programs, and policies
b. Technological discovery and advancement d. People’s interest
15. Source of entrepreneurial idea where expertise and skills developeb by a person from its previous work can lead to the opening of a related
business enterprise.
a. Government’s thrust, programs, and policies c. People’s interests
b. Past experiences d. Technological discovery and advancement

Performance Task:
Conduct a short interview of any successful entrepreneur in your locality.
Ask the following question: 
1) What is the nature of your business? 
2) Who are your customers? 
3) What industry are you operating? 
4) How much was your starting capital? 
5) How many years in operation? 
6) How many manpower involved from the start of operation until now?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan,Abra

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 11 – Ruby Score: ____________
Activity No. 2

Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.

____1. What is the relationship between unique selling proposition and value proposition.
a. a framework of each business industry c. persuades another to exchange money for a product service’s
b. meet your competitors needs wants. d. connected with only one particular thing.
____2. The following variable to consider in behavioral segmentation, except.
a. perception b. brand concept c. reaction d. benefits
____3. What is the function of Value Proposition?
a. use to power up sales c. customers buying habits
b. convince customer to purchase a particular product or services. d. provide value to your customers
____4. Give example in promotion using Value Proposition and Unique Selling proposition.
a. with the slogan “Langhap Sarap” c. multinational business
b. ordinary sari-sari store d. fruit shake stand
____5. ________________ will determine entrepreneur possible customers in one locality.
a. Market design c. market research
b. Market strategy d. market size
____6. The term behavioral segmentation refers to:
a. divided based on consumers
b. divided in terms for customers think and believe.
c. divided according to geographical location.
d. divided according to customers behavior pattern as they interact with a company.
____7. What is market size?
a. tangible things that can be seen.
b. Size of arena where the entrepreneur will play their business
c. The most important part to the success of the company
d. another variation of segmentation marketing.
____8. Considered favorable indicators for doing business in that particular location.
a. structure of the segment c. size and growth of the segment
b. capability of the business d. segmentation marketing
____9. It is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting the information about the product or the services to be offered
for sale in the market, the market and about past, present and any potential consumers for the products.
a. Data Gathering b. Primary Research c. Secondary Research d. Market Research
____10. A data gathering technique where it can be moderated to group interviews and brainstorming sessions that provide
information on user’s needs and behaviors.
a. Personal Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data Gathering
____11. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail.
a. Data Gathering c. Focus Group Discussion
b. Survey d. Personal Interview
____12. It refers to information gathered directly from the respondents who answered set of questions.
a. Primary Research b. Secondary Research c. Survey d. Data Gathering
____13. It is the most common way to gather primary research with the use of questionnaires or interview schedule.
a. Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data Gathering
____14. It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done on a personal manner with the respondents.
a. Personal Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data gathering
____15. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail.
a. Data Gathering b. Survey c. Focus Group Discussion d. Personal Interview
Performance Task

You are to open a “Lemon Juice And Shake” business in your neighborhood. Conduct a simple market research to know if it is
acceptable or not.

The learners’ output will be evaluated according to the rubrics:

Creativity - 20 points
Content / Information - 20 points
Timeliness - 10 points
Total 50 points

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan,Abra

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 11 – Ruby Score: ____________
Activity No. 3

Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.

1. The entrepreneurs who create new ideas are called?
A. Innovative B. Imitating C. Fabian D. Drone
2. The entrepreneur who lives on the labor of others is called?
A. Drone B. Fabian C. Imitating D. Innovative
3. Which of the following is NOT a function of an entrepreneur?
A. Skills management B. Risk taking C. Conduct research D. Make no changes with his product
4. Entrepreneur means:
A. Risk taker B. To undertake C. To research D. To improve standard of living
5. It is a personality factor which means “doing things even before being told”
A. proactive B. perseverance C. persuasion D. initiative
6. It is a personality factor which means convincing customers to buy the product
A. Proactive B. Persuasion C. Self-confidence D. Risk-taker
7. What is market size?
A. tangible things that can be seen. C. Size of arena where the entrepreneur will play their business
B. The most important part to the success of the company D. another variation of segmentation marketing.
8. Tips for the entrepreneur on how to create an effective unique selling proposition to the target customers, except.
A. Completeness of proportion C. Very specific
B. Identify and rank the uniqueness of the product or services characteristic. D. Keep it short and simple
9. It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done on a face-to-face manner with the respondents.
A. personal interview B. focus group discussion C. survey D. data gathering
10. It refers to a type of focus group discussion where it obtains information on general attitudes, understand the
circumstances under which customers might require your product, or service, understand their desired outcomes
A. trend explanation B. exploratory C. feature prioritization D. comparative analysis
11. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail.
A. data gathering B. survey C. focus group discussion D. personal interview O
12. It is an important aspect of any type of research study, it can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to valid or
invalid results.
A. data collection B. primary research C. secondary research D. market research
13. Which statement supports Marketing Mix?
A. The marketing mix is also known as the “M’s” in marketing.
B. B. Marketing Mix is a set of controllable and connected variables that a company gathers to satisfy a target group
better than its competitor. C.
C. There are only 4 P’s in Marketing Mix.
D. D. None of the above
14. What is the advantage of Penetration Pricing?
A. A firm has three options and these are to price lower, price the same or price higher than competitors
B. B. A firm can create the perception that the products must have a higher value than competing products because
the prices are higher.
C. C. The company earns more through cross-selling products along wit a basic core product.
D. D. The company will gain market share because the price charged for products and services is set artificially low.
15. How would you promote a product?
A. By offering Free Gifts, Free Samples, Free Trial, Customer Contests, Special Pricing
B. By offering Brochure, Catalogues, Fliers, Newsletters
C. By offering Post cards, Coupons, Email, Phone calls, Text messages
D. None of the above
Performance Task
Business Plan Making

Below is a template for business plan. You need to fill this out using the business you want to pursue.

This section will show how you will manage your business and the people you
need to help you in your operations
MANAGEMENT SECTION a. Manager: ______________________________

b. Workers: ______________________________
This section shows the design of your product/service; pricing, where you will
sell and how you will introduce your product/service to your market.

a. Product Description:
b. Price: ______________________________________

c. Selling location: _______________________________

d. Promotional Activity: _________________________

This section shows the money needed for the business, how much you will
take in and how much you will pay out

a. Capital Amount: __________________________

b. Expected Daily Sales: _______________________
c. Expected Daily Expenses: _______________

d. Income per Day: _____________________

This section shows the area, equipment and materials needs for the business.
a. Draw a lay out of your production area:

b. Enumerate the equipment needed:

c. Enumerate the materials needed:

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III Principal I

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan,Abra
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 11 – Ruby Score: ____________
Activity No. 4

Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.

1. Refers to the amount added to the cost of a product to determine the selling price –
a. Revenue c. Mark Up
b. Cost d. Mark Down
2. Aling Marta sells bibingka in her neighbourhood, every day she can sell 45 pieces of bibingka at 20 pesos each. How
much is her daily revenue?
a. 900.00 c. 800.00
b. 450.00 d. 1000.00
3. It is a planning tool that helps entrepreneur copes up with uncertainties in the future operation of the business.
a. Revenue c. Benchmarking
b. Selling d. Forecasting
4. The selling price of an item or merchandise is computed by adding cost per unit and __________?
a. Revenue c. Discount
b. Mark Up d. Number of Items
5. Mang Berting is a fruit vendor selling at the local public market. He gets his mangoes from a supplier at 25 pesos per kilo
and sells it at 45 per kilo to his customers. How much mark-up was Mang Berting adding to his selling price?
a. 25.00 c. 15.00
b. 30.00 d. 20.00
6. Aling Elvie sells t-shirt at 175.00 pesos each. If each t-shirt costs 135.00 pesos. How much is the mark-up?
a. 30.00 c. 40.00
b. 45.00 d. 50.00
7. It is the result when sales exceed the cost to produce goods or render services -
a. Forecasting c. Revenue
b. Selling d. Benchmarking
8. Merchandise or goods purchased are referred to as –
a. Purchases c. Costs
b. Operating Expenses d. Loss
9. It is the result when cost to produce goods or render services is greater than the sales –
a. Selling c. Benchmarking
b. Revenue d. Loss
10. Jean purchased 5 baskets for P 30.00 each. According to her calculation, P 10.00 shall be added to the cost as mark-up.
How much is the selling price of each basket?
a. 35.00 c. 50.00
b. 40.00 d. 60.00

Write True if the statement is correct & write False if you think the answer is not correct.

_________1. The gross profit rate of the entrepreneurial venture is computed by dividing the cost of goods sold by net
_________ 2. The gross profit rate provides information on the cost ratio of thebusiness.
_________3. In evaluating the profitability of the entrepreneurial venture, the evaluation must focus on the information
reflected on the face of the balance sheet.
_________4. The operating profit margin rate indicates information on the percentage of operating expenses on the
net sales.
_________5. Mr. Q is a practicing Doctor of Medicine. During the month of March 2019 he received Professional
Fees amounting to P 1,000,000 and total expenses of P250,000. The net income of Mr. Q is P 750,000.
_________6. Profit is the money received from customer in exchange of products given to customer.
_________7. The gross profit rate of the entrepreneurial venture is computed by dividing the cost of goods sold by net
_________8. The gross profit rate provides information on the cost ratio of business.
_________ 9. One of the objectives in evaluating the gross profit rate of the business is to determine whether the
amount of the gross profit is sufficient to cover the operating expenses.
_________10. The operating profit margin rate indicates information on the percentage of operating expenses to net

Performance Task:

1. A watch store owner decided to offer 20% discount for a particular brand of watch that sells at P35,000.00. By doing so, his
average sales increased from 5 watches to 12 watches a day. If he bought one watch at a price of P22,000.00 from the
supplier, by how much was his daily profit increased or decreased by offering such discount on the watch?

2. Michelle went to Baguio and bought 20 jars of strawberry jam for P3,500.00 with 1 5% discount. When she got back to
Manila, she sold 10 of the jars for a total of P1,800.00and the rest as P185.00 each. How much profit did Michelle again?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan,Abra
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 11 – Ruby Score: ____________

Summative Test

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The entrepreneurs who create new ideas are called?

a. Innovative b. Imitating c. Fabian d. Drone
2. The entrepreneur who lives on the labor of others is called?
a. Drone b. Fabian c. Imitating d. Innovative
3. These are entrepreneurs who are to follow the path shown by innovative entrepreneur.
a. Innovative b. Imitating c. Social Entrepreneurs d. Fabian
4. Which of the following is NOT a function of an entrepreneur?
a. Skills management b. Risk taking c. Conduct research d. Make no changes with his product
5. Entrepreneur means:
a. Risk taker b. To undertake c. To research d. To improve standard of living
6. 6. It is a personality factor which means “doing things even before being told.”
a. proactive b. perseverance c. persuasion d. initiative
7. 7. It is a personality factor which means convincing customers to buy the product.
a. Proactive b. Persuasion c. Self-confidence d. Risk-taker
8. Which of the choices is NOT part of the environmental factors?
a. Political b. Weather condition c. climate d. family background of the manager
9. 9. All except one does NOT belong to the group?
a. Unfair trade practices b. Strikes c. Political protest d. Product
10. The entrepreneur who is skeptical about the changes in the company is called?
a. Fabian b. Social entrepreneur c. Drone d. Imitating
11. Which of the following good sources of entrepreneurial ideas determine the interest, hobbies and preferences of people.
a. Changes in the environment c. People’s enterest
b. Technological discovery d. Past experiences
12. Societal environment includes the following, except:
a. Economic forces b. Sociocultural forces c. Political forces d. Natural resources
13. Which among the following is the result of identifying entrepreneurial opportunities?
a. Creation of entrepreneurial ideas c. Sources of opportunity
b. Opening of entrepreneurial venture d. Entrepreneurial process
14. What entrepreneurial idea will you recognized, if you consider the new discovery and advancement of technology as
source of opportunity?
a. Changes in the environment c. Government’s thrust, programs, and policies
b. Technological discovery and advancement d. People’s interest
15. Source of entrepreneurial idea where expertise and skills developeb by a person from its previous work can lead to the
opening of a related business enterprise.
a. Government’s thrust, programs, and policies c. People’s interests
b. Past experiences d. Technological discovery and advancement
16. What is the relationship between unique selling proposition and value proposition.
a. a framework of each business industry c. persuades another to exchange money for a product service’s
b. meet your competitors needs wants. d. connected with only one particular thing.
17. The following variable to consider in behavioral segmentation, except.
a. aperception b. brand concept c. reaction d. benefits
18. What is the function of Value Proposition?
a. use to power up sales c. customers buying habits
b. convince customer to purchase a particular product or services. d. provide value to your customers
19. Give example in promotion using Value Proposition and Unique Selling proposition.
a. with the slogan “Langhap Sarap” c. multinational business
b. ordinary sari-sari store d. fruit shake stand
20. ________________ will determine entrepreneur possible customers in one locality.
a. Market design c. market research
b. Market strategy d. market size
21. term behavioral segmentation refers to:
a. divided based on consumers
b. divided in terms for customers think and believe.
c. divided according to geographical location.
d. divided according to customers behavior pattern as they interact with a company.
22. What is market size?
a. tangible things that can be seen.
b. Size of arena where the entrepreneur will play their business
c. The most important part to the success of the company
d. another variation of segmentation marketing.
23. Considered favorable indicators for doing business in that particular location.
a. structure of the segment c. size and growth of the segment
b. capability of the business d. segmentation marketing
24. It is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting the information about the product or the services to be offered
for sale in the market, the market and about past, present and any potential consumers for the products.
a. Data Gathering b. Primary Research c. Secondary Research d. Market Research
25. A data gathering technique where it can be moderated to group interviews and brainstorming sessions that provide
information on user’s needs and behaviors.
a. Personal Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data Gathering
26. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail.
a. Data Gathering c. Focus Group Discussion
b. Survey d. Personal Interview
27. It refers to information gathered directly from the respondents who answered set of questions.
a. Primary Research b. Secondary Research c. Survey d. Data Gathering
28. It is the most common way to gather primary research with the use of questionnaires or interview schedule.
a. Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data Gathering
29. It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done on a personal manner with the respondents.
a. Personal Interview b. Focus Group Discussion c. Survey d. Data gathering
30. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone, internet or e-mail.
a. Data Gathering b. Survey c. Focus Group Discussion d. Personal Interview
31. The entrepreneurs who create new ideas are called?
A. Innovative B. Imitating C. Fabian D. Drone
32. The entrepreneur who lives on the labor of others is called?
A. Drone B. Fabian C. Imitating D. Innovative
33. Which of the following is NOT a function of an entrepreneur?
A. Skills management B. Risk taking C. Conduct research D. Make no changes with his product
34. Entrepreneur means:
A. Risk taker B. To undertake C. To research D. To improve standard of living
35. It is a personality factor which means “doing things even before being told”
A. proactive B. perseverance C. persuasion D. initiative
36. It is a personality factor which means convincing customers to buy the product
A. Proactive B. Persuasion C. Self-confidence D. Risk-taker
37. What is market size?
A. tangible things that can be seen. C. Size of arena where the entrepreneur will play their business
B. The most important part to the success of the company D. another variation of segmentation marketing.
38. Tips for the entrepreneur on how to create an effective unique selling proposition to the target customers, except.
A. Completeness of proportion C. Very specific
B. Identify and rank the uniqueness of the product or services characteristic. D. Keep it short and simple
39. It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done on a face-to-face manner with the respondents.
A. personal interview B. focus group discussion C. survey D. data gathering
40. It refers to a type of focus group discussion where it obtains information on general attitudes, understand the
circumstances under which customers might require your product, or service, understand their desired outcomes
A. trend explanation B. exploratory C. feature prioritization D. comparative analysis
41. Refers to the amount added to the cost of a product to determine the selling price –
a. Revenue c. Mark Up
b. Cost d. Mark Down

42. Aling Marta sells bibingka in her neighbourhood, every day she can sell 45 pieces of bibingka at 20 pesos each. How
much is her daily revenue?
a. 900.00 c. 800.00
b. 450.00 d. 1000.00
43. It is a planning tool that helps entrepreneur copes up with uncertainties in the future operation of the business.
a. Revenue c. Benchmarking
b. Selling d. Forecasting
44. The selling price of an item or merchandise is computed by adding cost per unit and __________?
a. Revenue c. Discount
b. Mark Up d. Number of Items
45. Mang Berting is a fruit vendor selling at the local public market. He gets his mangoes from a supplier at 25 pesos per kilo
and sells it at 45 per kilo to his customers. How much mark-up was Mang Berting adding to his selling price?
a. 25.00 c. 15.00
b. 30.00 d. 20.00
46. Aling Elvie sells t-shirt at 175.00 pesos each. If each t-shirt costs 135.00 pesos. How much is the mark-up?
a. 30.00 c. 40.00
b. 45.00 d. 50.00
47. It is the result when sales exceed the cost to produce goods or render services -
a. Forecasting c. Revenue
b. Selling d. Benchmarking
48. Merchandise or goods purchased are referred to as –
a. Purchases c. Costs
b. Operating Expenses d. Loss
49. It is the result when cost to produce goods or render services is greater than the sales –
a. Selling c. Benchmarking
b. Revenue d. Loss
50. Jean purchased 5 baskets for P 30.00 each. According to her calculation, P 10.00 shall be added to the cost as mark-up.
How much is the selling price of each basket?
a. 35.00 c. 50.00
b. 40.00 d. 60.00

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III Principal I

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