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Irwanto et al.

/ Parenting Style in Early Marriage

Parenting Style in Early Marriage Mothers

in Indonesia
Irwanto1), Ilham Ikhtiar1), Annis Catur Adi2), Andini Octaviana Putri3)
1)Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
2)Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga
3)Department of Maternal and Child Health, Public Health Study Program,

Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University


Background: Mothers who were married too young have a higher risk of to experience
psychological and emotional problems influencing parenting style, which may have an impact
on child development. However, prevalence of parenting style in early marriage mothers in
Indonesia is still unknown. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of adopted parenting
style on early marriage mothers.
Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Martapura, Banjar Re-
gency, South Kalimantan, Indonesia, from April 1 to May 30, 2018. Mothers who were married
in early age (<21 years old) were enrolled using simple random sampling. The dependent
variable was parenting style. The independent variables were education, family income, and
number of children. Parenting style was measured by short version of parenting style and
dimension questionnaire (PSDQ). The data were analyzed by Spearman test.
Result: Authoritative parenting style is the most common parenting style (54.6%), followed
by authoritarian (32.7%), and permissive (12.7%) parenting style. Education level (r= -0.07; p=
0.325) decreased parental parenting style, but it was statistically non-significant. Family
income (r= 0.72; p= 0.302) and number of children (r= 0.27; p= 0.700) increased parental
parenting style, but it was statistically non-significant.
Conclusions: Education level decreases parental parenting style, but it is statistically non-
significant. Family income and number of children increase parental parenting style, but it was
statistically non-significant.

Keywords: parenting style, early marriage

Irwanto. Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. Jl. Prof. Dr.
Moestopo 6-8, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Email: Mobile +62816-

BACKGROUND (RISKESDAS), 4.8% of Indonesian women

According to the World Health Organiza- were married at 10-14 years old and 41.9%
tion (WHO), 10 million women married married at the age of 15-19 years (Badan
before reaching 18 years every year (Bus- Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
treo et al., 2013). Marriage under 20 years Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indo-
of age in Indonesia is still relatively high nesia, 2013). Women who were married at
(20%) and ranked 37th in the world and an early age (<21 years) are in the emerging
second rank highest in ASEAN (Loaiza and adulthood period. People who are at this
Wong, 2012). Based on the results of Indo- time have left childhood and adolescent
nesian National Basic Health Research dependencies but do not yet have response-

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Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2019), 4(4): 313-320

bilities that are owned by adults (Arnett, ing is a style of parenting characterized by
2000). Emotional instability and lack of the high nurturance, but low in demands for
responsibility of the mother who is at that maturity, control and communication,
age stage causes the mother have difficulty tends to free children without limits, does
in developing care and attention to her not control children, does not give punish-
child so that can impact to child nutrition ment if children make mistakes, and do not
and development (UNICEF, 2001). Early have standards for child behavior, so the
marriage in Indonesia was caused by seve- children tend to have low social skills, low
ral factors. Low education of parents and self-control and non-independence. Some
women's education causes the tendency for studies indicated that parenting style might
women to marry earlier. Besides that, early affect growth and development of children
marriage has become a tradition in some (Kiuru et al., 2012; Vollmer and Mobley,
ethnic groups, one of them is the Banjar 2013). A systematic review of 31 studies
ethnic. Mostly Muslim community, Indone- showed that uninvolved, indulgent or high-
sian culture is partially based on one of ly protective parenting was associated with
Islamic law interpretation which states that higher child body mass index (BMI),
if adolescents are old enough, parents are whereas authoritative parenting was asso-
encouraged to marry their child so that men ciated with a healthy BMI (Shloim et al.,
and women will not do free sex (Smith- 2015). Another systematic review showed
Hefner, 2005). In addition, early marriage that authoritarian parents may thwart a
is done because of the assumption in the child's exercise of self-control over eating
community that girls must be immediately due to established rules regarding eating
married so they do not become spinsters, and less reduction of BMI (Sokol et al.,
other than the belief that rejecting a 2017). Not only physical health, studies also
marriage proposal will result in women showed that self-esteem and quality of life
having difficulties to getting a partner. So in children raised by authoritative parent-
that parents will marry their children as ing is better compared to authoritarian and
soon as possible even though they are not permissive parenting (Niaraki and Rahimi,
old enough (Dewi, 2018; Sniezek, 2013). 2013). However, there are still poor amount
Three parenting styles are exists according of data explaining parenting style for Indo-
to Baumrind (Baumrind, 1991;, nesian population, especially in the early
2018). Authoritative is a style of parenting marriage mother family. Based on the back-
with characteristics of parents that encou- ground above, this study aims to assess the
rage children to be independent, but still prevalence of adopted parenting style in
provide limits and control over their act- early marriage mother population in Indo-
ions. Authoritarian parenting is a parenting nesia, as well as identifying its possible
style with characteristics parents tend to determinants.
limit and punish, parents tend to force
existing rules without explaining them and SUBJECTS AND METHOD
easily show anger to children so that child- 1. Study design
ren are often unhappy, fearful, insecure This was a cross-sectional study conducted
when comparing themselves with others, in East Martapura, Banjar Regency, South
not able to start activities, have weak com- Kalimantan, Indonesia, from April 1 to May
munication skills, and have a high tendency 30, 2018.
to behave aggressively. Permissive parent-

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Irwanto et al./ Parenting Style in Early Marriage

2. Population and sample 5. Data analysis

The study population were mothers who Collected data were manually checked for
were married in early age (<21 years) with a completeness and consistencies. Univariate
child under five years old. Samples were analysis was used to describe the socio-
collected using simple random sampling. demographic characteristics and parenting
3. Study variables style. Bivariate analysis was conducted by
The dependent variable was parenting style. Spearman test.
The independent variables were education, 6. Research ethics
family income, and number of children. Ethical clearance was issued by Research
4. Study instruments Ethics Committee, Faculty of Public Health,
Data on socio-demographic characteristics Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, in April
of early marriage mothers (first age of 10, 2018, with clearance number 179-KEPK.
marriage, first age of childbirth, mother's All respondents were given information
employment, family income, education, and about the purpose and benefits of the study
number of children) were collected by using before completing the informed consent.
questionnaires. Education was measured There were no medical risks arising from
based on the highest education attained by the research and data confidentiality is
study subject. Family income was measured guaranteed by anonymizing the question-
based on average paternal income. Cut-off naire into label-based registry.
was based on Ministry of Workforce 2017
Minimum Standard Wages Recommenda- RESULTS
tion (MSWR) for South Kalimantan, which 1. Sample characteristics by socio-
applied at the time of this study (IDR demographic
2,258,000. Average income value under There are as many as 205 pairs of mothers
MSWR is considered low. Parenting style and their children who were met our inclu-
scale was based on Baumrind scales (Dev- sion criteria. Most of mothers were married, 2018), with three subscales of early are in the age 16-21 years (68%). The
styles, authoritarian, authoritative, and per- highest first age of early marriage is 17
missive parenting styles. Maternal parent- years old (29.8%), with the youngest
ing style was measured using short version marriage age at 14 years old. Most of
of parenting style and dimension question- mothers (80.5%) had their first child before
naire (PSDQ) from Robinson et al. (Robin- 20 years old. The majority of mothers
son, 2001). The short PDSQ then adjusted (65.9%) had low level of education, as high
for Indonesian respondent based on a study as elementary and junior-high school. All
concerning its consistency and reliability samples (100%) were unemployed and take
(Riany et al., 2018). The PSDQ assess pa- a role as housewives. Most of them lived in
renting style based on score spectrum of family of more than 4 people, which also
answered question. Subjects were judged to consisted their parents or parents-in-laws.
have a particular parenting style if their Most of mothers (77.1%) had one or two
scores matched to 75% or more on specific children, which is in line with Indonesian
style, but have lower score on other style. program of Family Planning. Most of the
Data then inputted into tables based on mothers who married too early (72.7%) had
ordinal rank of parenting strictness, from a low family income (<Rp 2,258,000). The
permissive, authoritative, then authorita- income was obtained from husband and
rian sub sequentially. most of the family heads worked as farmer,

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Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2019), 4(4): 313-320

construction worker, entrepreneur, and years of age (66.8%) were at the age of
other occupation. Most of their children more than 24 months (2 years) with the
were female aged under five years old youngest age in the range 0-6 months
(59.5%). The majority of children under five (4.4%) (Table 1).
Table 1. The characteristic of mother with Early Marriage
Characteristic Mean N = 205 %
Age (years) 21.04 ± 1.58
First Age of Marriage (years) 17.01 ± 1.49
Highest Education Level
Elementary School 43 21.0
Middle School 92 44.9
High School 70 34.1
Family Income
Low 149 72.7
Medium to high 56 27.3
Employment Status
Unemployed 205 100.0
Employed N/A N/A
Number of Children
≤ 2 children 158 77.1
> 2 children 47 22.9
Dominant Parenting Style
Permissive 26 12.7
Authoritative 112 54.6
Authoritarian 67 32.7

2. Frequency and Distribution of parenting style. Most common parenting

Parenting Style style of mothers who married early is
All subjects were responded the short authoritative parenting style (54.6%). This
PSDQ with tendency towards only one is followed by authoritarian (32.7%), and
parenting style rather than combined permissive (12.7%) parenting styles. Table 2
Table 2. Statistical analysis on supposed determinants of parenting style in early
marriage mothers
Independent variables r p
Education level -0.07 0.325
Family income 0.72 0.302
Number of children 0.27 0.700

DISCUSSION non-ideal parenting style is lacking. How-

In this study, we found a significant amount ever, there were already concern in which
of authoritarian and permissive parenting mothers who are married too early tend to
style in early marriage mothers of East not acknowledge responsibilities that are
Martapura, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. owned by adults (Melchiorre, 2013). Emo-
Parenting style of early marriage mother tional instability and lack of sense of res-
has been a long unidentified in scientific ponsibility in mothers who are at this stage
communities, therefore, evidence support- age are causing mother to experience diffi-
ing that early marriage mother tend to do culties caring their children, which finally

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may affect their children growth and deve- relationship was found between both pa-
lopment (Efevbera et al., 2017; Wodon et al, renting style and feeding style towards the
2018; Sanjaya et al., 2018). This result in practices of pressure to eat or monitoring
our suspects that in early marriage and child weight (Hennessy et al., 2010).
mothers, there exists less ideal parenting Child development is another aspect
style at a significant amount. This further which is highly affected by parenting style.
confirmed by our study result in which A cross-sectional study involving 360 child-
authoritarian and permissive parenting ren and their parents in Roi Et Province,
style distributivity is higher than expected, Thailand, which showed significant influ-
although authoritative parenting style is ence of parenting on development of child-
still dominating the population. Studies ren aged 3-6 years. The study showed that
showed that authoritative parenting style is parents especially mothers who adopt
the ideal choice in the most cases. It is authoritative parenting are 1.91 times more
associated with better outcome on various likely to have children with good develop-
aspects of child growth and development ment. In the mentioned study, parents with
compared to authoritarian and permissive democratic parenting will form children
parenting style (Hirata and Kamakura, who are able to control themselves and can
2017; Kiuru et al., 2012; Niaraki and Rahi- cooperate with others (Nanthamongkolchai
mi, 2013; Shloin et al., 2015). Literatures et al., 2007). The results of other study in
revealed that good and ideal parenting to be Brong Ahafo region, Ghana, showed that
applied to children is authoritative parent- there was relationship between parenting
ing style, because parents appear as a style with social development and child-
person who has a warm and loving nature ren's independence (Mensah and Kuran-
towards children so that children often chie, 2013). The study states that children
grow be a child who is cheerful, self-con- who cared by authoritative parenting will
trolled, and self-sufficient (Kiuru et al., be better in social skills than children who
2012; Vollmer and Mobley, 2013). It is raised with authoritarian or permissive
important to note that parenting style also parenting.
affects many aspects on child growth. We did not find any correlation
Studies already demonstrated the effect of between possible determinants such as
authoritative parenting style towards education level, family income, and number
healthier average BMI in children aged 4-12 of children, towards parenting style. Com-
years old (Shloin et al., 2015). Authoritarian bination of family income and education
parenting style on the other hand, was has been thought to socially affect mother’s
linked to 35% higher obesity in children decision-making ability (Parsons et al.,
aged 2-5 years old compared to its autho- 2015). However, it seemed that this is not
ritative counterpart (Kakinami et al., 2015). the case of parenting style in early marriage
While permissive parenting might rise mothers, where combined factors such as
indulgent and uninvolved feeding styles, paternal dominance, mother psychological
which associated with lower children's in- maturity, family and social interaction, as
takes of nutrient-rich foods, resulting in well as local cultural values supposed to
higher average BMI (Hoerr et al., 2009). play roles in creating parenting style. We
However, it must be noted that result of a also aware of the existence of belief in
study involving 99 pairs of children and which mother who has higher number of
parents which reported that no moderating children in family were expected to adopt

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Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2019), 4(4): 313-320

stricter model of parenting. However, con- level, family income, and number of child-
trary to popular belief we did not find this ren, has no correlation towards parenting
to be true at least in early marriage mother style of early marriage mothers. Due to high
population. Further study is needed to amount of less-ideal parenting style, further
identify and confirm the determinants of studies are still required to determine the
parenting style. impact of this parenting style towards early
There are limitations of this study. marriage mother’s child growth and
First, although this study achieved its goal development.
to determine the prevalence of parenting
style of a large population in Indonesia, it ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
does not mean that this study result repre- The authors would also like to acknowledge
sents Indonesia as a whole. Difference in to all respondent of this research for their
culture and socioeconomics between geo- cooperation and support. The authors also
graphical area in Indonesia will affect the would like to say thank to all the people
same study design if done in other part of who help this research.
Indonesia. Second, although we were able
to show significant difference on parenting CONFLICT OF INTEREST
style distribution in early marriage mother All authors declared no conflict of interest
group, we were unable to perform more related to financial support or relationships
reliable statistical tests due to the absence during the proposal writings, data collect-
of control group. Third, while this study ion, analysis, and manuscript writings of
gives a picture of parenting style prevalence this study.
in early marriage mother, this study still
cannot explain early marriage mothers AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
parenting style implication towards child Irwanto, Annis C. Adi, and Andini O. Putri
health. Hence, in this study we cannot draw designed, collected the samples, and con-
conclusion in whether authoritarian and ducted the initial analysis. Irwanto and
permissive actually yielded worse outcome Ilham Ikhtiar conducted further analysis
compared to authoritative parenting style. and did the manuscript writing. All authors
Further studies are required to explore on had read and approved this manuscript.
how parenting style in early marriage
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