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TAG541756283X12443093BE Lacy, JM LevenickTherapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology

Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology Review

Chronic constipation: new diagnostic Ther Adv Gastroenterol

(2012) 5(4) 233­–247

and treatment approaches DOI: 10.1177/


© The Author(s), 2012.

Reprints and permissions:
Brian E. Lacy, John M. Levenick and Michael Crowell

Abstract:  Chronic constipation is a highly prevalent disorder that affects approximately 15%
of the US population. Chronic constipation refers to patients who have had symptoms for more
than 6 months. In clinical practice, chronic constipation is often used interchangeably with the
term functional constipation. This is best defined using the Rome III criteria, which involves
an evaluation of stool frequency in addition to symptoms of straining, feelings of incomplete
evacuation, and the need to use manual maneuvers to assist with stool evacuation. Symptoms
can be burdensome, leading to a reduction in patients’ quality of life. As a national healthcare
issue, chronic constipation is also important because it imposes a significant economic
impact on the healthcare system. A number of treatment options are currently available,
both over-the-counter and by prescription, although not all patients respond to these
therapies. This review will focus on new medical treatment options for the management of
chronic constipation, and the safety and efficacy of these agents will be reviewed. In addition,
the efficacy of new diagnostic tests to evaluate colonic motility and anorectal function are

Keywords:  anorectal manometry, constipation, guanylate cyclase, linaclotide, lubiprostone,

plecanitide, prucalopride, Rome criteria, velusetrag, wireless motility capsule

Introduction National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS), Correspondence to:

Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD
Chronic constipation (CC) is a highly prevalent, which used the SF-12 questionnaire, found that Dartmouth-Hitchcock
heterogeneous disorder that significantly affects patients with constipation (n = 1430) had lower Medical Center, Section
of Gastroenterology and
patients’ lives. Estimates on the prevalence of physical and mental component scores compared Hepatology, Area 4C, 1
constipation vary based on how the disorder is with matched controls (n = 1430) without con- Medical Center Drive,
Lebanon, NH 03756, USA
defined; a recent review estimated the overall stipation [Sun et al. 2011]. brian.e.lacy@hitchcock.
prevalence of constipation in the US to be org
John M. Levenick, MD,
approximately 15% [Higgins and Johanson, The significant economic costs associated with Dartmouth-Hitchcock
2004]. Recent studies have demonstrated that treating CC arise due to direct costs associated edical Center, Section
of Gastroenterology and
CC reduces patients’ quality of life and imposes with evaluation and treatment, as well as indirect Hepatology, Lebanon,
a significant economic burden to the healthcare costs, such as missing school or work (absentee- NH, USA
system [Irvine et al. 2002; Sonnenberg and ism) or not being as productive at school or work Michael Crowell, PhD
Mayo Clinic, Department
Chang, 2008]. Clinical research using validated as usual (presenteeism). In the adult population of Gastroenterology and
questionnaires (e.g. SF-36 and PAC-SYM) have the primary symptom of constipation led to 6.3 Hepatology, Scotsdale,
demonstrated that older adults (> 65 years) with million patient visits in the US in 2004 [Everhart
constipation have a marked reduction in quality and Ruhl, 2009; Martin et al. 2006]. Another
of life [Frank et al. 1999; O’Keefe et al. 1992; analysis, using data from the National Ambulatory
Whitehead et al. 1989]. Other studies, which Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) and the National
included adults of all ages, found similar results. Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
For example, a multinational prospective survey (NHAMCS), found that ambulatory care visits
(using the SF-36) of 1435 adults with constipa- for constipation in the US increased from 4 million
tion (Rome III criteria) found that quality of life during 1993–1996 to 8 million during 2001–2004
was markedly reduced compared with nonconsti- [Shah et al. 2008]. A large survey study from a
pated controls [Wald et al. 2007]. Analysis of the health maintenance organization (HMO; with 233

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Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (4)

Table 1.  Rome III definition of functional constipation pressure or pain [Longstreth, 2006]. The Rome III
(modified from Longstreth, 2006). criteria, in contrast to the Rome II criteria, also
– Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to clarified the point that loose stools should rarely
diagnosis be present without the use of laxatives.
– Presence of symptoms for the last 3 months
(see below) In clinical practice, functional constipation is
– Insufficient criteria for irritable bowel frequently referred to as CC, a well-recognized
syndrome term that acknowledges the chronicity of symp-
– Loose stools are rarely present without the toms, incorporates the criteria for functional
use of laxatives constipation, and excludes IBS. The broader
–  Less than three bowel movements per week definition of functional constipation noted in the
– Symptoms include two or more of the following latest iteration of the Rome criteria is valuable in
during at least 25% of defecations: clinical practice because it should improve com-
•  Straining munication between patients and physicians,
•  Lumpy or hard stools since patients and physicians frequently differ
•  Sensation of incomplete evacuation dramatically in their definition of constipation
•  Sensation of anorectal obstruction or blockade [Lembo and Camilleri, 2003]. For example, one
•  Manual maneuvers to facilitate evacuation study showed that a patient’s definition of con-
stipation agreed with a physician’s definition
only 50% of the time and most often focused on
>525,000 members) found that annual health- symptoms rather than stool frequency [Herz
care costs for patients with CC were US$7522, et al. 1996]. In addition, the current Rome III
nearly 50% higher than for patients with irritable criteria properly include patients with symptoms
bowel syndrome (IBS; US$5049) [Nyrop et al. of constipation (e.g. straining, incomplete evacu-
2007]. The long-term costs of CC were high- ation, and need for manual maneuvers) who were
lighted in a study by Choung and colleagues who improperly excluded before based on normal
found that direct medical costs were double those stool frequency. In fact, patients use stool fre-
of controls over a 15-year period (US$63,591 quency as a measure of constipation only 32% of
versus $24,529) [Choung et al. 2011]. The authors the time [Sandler and Drossman, 1987]. Patients
noted that women with a diagnosis of constipa- are more likely to report that they are consti-
tion used more of all types of services, ranging pated if they have straining at stool (52%), have
from outpatient clinics to emergency department hard stools (44%), have the urge to pass stool
visits. but cannot (34%), or have abdominal discom-
fort (20%). Analysis of the National Health
Interview Survey data from 1999 found that, in
Chronic constipation defined 10,875 subjects older than age 60, straining and
Data from clinical trials and basic science research hard bowel movements were most strongly asso-
performed during the past decade has greatly ciated with self-reported constipation [Harari et
improved our understanding of the etiology and al. 1997].
pathophysiology of CC. In light of these findings,
the definition of constipation has also changed. The Rome III classification included new diag-
The Rome II criteria defined functional constipa- nostic criteria for several functional bowel disor-
tion as the presence of 2 or more symptoms of ders, in addition to IBS. When one considers the
constipation present for at least 12 weeks out of broad umbrella term of ‘constipation’, both IBS
the prior 12 months (see Table 1) [Thompson with constipation and functional constipation are
et al. 1999]. The Rome III criteria (see Table 1) included. In order to keep this update focused;
now defines functional constipation over a shorter this review will focus on functional (chronic)
period of time (active symptoms within the last constipation. One important point about the
3 months and symptom onset at least 6 months Rome III criteria for functional constipation is
previously), in addition to using a number of dif- that there are insufficient criteria for IBS. In clin-
ferent symptoms, including stool frequency, ical practice that means that lower abdominal
straining at stool, feelings of incomplete evacua- pain or discomfort should not be present to any
tion, the need for digital manipulation, and rectal significant degree.


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BE Lacy, JM Levenick et al.

New diagnostic tests pressure recordings, the wireless motility capsule

Routine diagnostic testing is not recommended can be used to measure individual components of
in all constipated patients in the absence of warn- whole gut transit, including gastric emptying,
ing signs (e.g. hematochezia, anemia, family small bowel transit, and colonic transit. The wire-
history of colorectal cancer, and unintentional less motility capsule (SmartPill) was approved by
weight loss). In general, the yield of diagnostic the FDA in July 2006. It is not approved for use in
testing is low and treatment should be individual- the pediatric population. Contraindications to
ized with an emphasis on symptom improvement. use include: dysphagia; known strictures, fistulas,
Patients who continue to have persistent symp- or mechanical obstruction of the GI tract; surgery
toms despite medical therapy are frequently to the GI tract within the past 3 months; Crohn’s
referred for colonoscopy to exclude mechanical disease; diverticulitis; and the presence of cardiac
obstruction, although this test does not provide defibrillators and infusion pumps.
any meaningful data on colorectal function.
Anorectal manometry with a balloon expulsion Several peer-reviewed manuscripts have been
test can help identify patients with an evacuation published on the use of the wireless motility cap-
disorder due to pelvic floor dysfunction, while a sule. Three are worth mentioning. The first study
Sitz mark study can be used to assess colonic was a multicenter study comparing the wireless
transit [Lembo and Camilleri, 2003]. The Sitz motility capsule to radiopaque markers (ROMs)
mark study is not required for all patients with in the evaluation of regional and colonic transit
symptoms of constipation, however, and is best time (CTT) in healthy volunteers (n = 87) and
suited for those patients thought to have slow patients with constipation (Rome II criteria; n =
transit constipation (colonic inertia). 78). After an overnight fast, patients ingested a
standard nutrient bar, followed by a single
In some patients with persistent symptoms of Sitzmark capsule (containing 24 markers) fol-
constipation, a Sitz mark test may be difficult to lowed by a wireless motility capsule. They
perform, however, due to a lack of ready access to returned 48 (day 2) and 120 hours (day 5) later
a radiology suite, while in other patients with for an abdominal X-ray. Rao and colleagues found
overlapping symptoms suggestive of an upper gas- that the correlation coefficient between CTT
trointestinal (GI) tract motility disorder, more using the wireless motility capsule and the ROM
comprehensive testing may prove useful. As well, test on day 5 was r = 0.59 for the entire group
there is a lack of standardization regarding the [Rao et al. 2009]. It was somewhat better in con-
performance of a Sitz mark study, and there are stipated subjects (r = 0.69) and worse in healthy
appropriate concerns about radiation exposure. volunteers (r = 0.40). The sensitivity and specific-
For these reasons, a new diagnostic test was devel- ity for identifying abnormal colonic transit in
oped, called the wireless motility capsule. The patients with constipation was 0.46 and 0.95,
wireless motility capsule, given the name SmartPill respectively. No adverse events (AEs) occurred in
by the manufacturers (SmartPill Corporation, any patient ingesting the capsule.
Buffalo, NY), is similar in size to a video capsule
(27 mm × 12 mm). This single-use capsule con- A second prospective, multicenter trial com-
tains sensors to measure temperature (range of pared colonic transit measurements using ROMs
25–49°C), pH (range of 0.05–9.0 pH units), and to the wireless motility capsule [Camilleri et al.
pressure (range of 0–350 mmHg). The study 2010]. This study involved 158 patients (87%
begins by having the patient ingest a standard women; mean age = 43 years) with symptomatic
meal (a 260 kcal nutrient ‘SmartBar’) along with constipation, and was designed to demonstrate
50 ml of water. The capsule is then activated and equivalence between the two different tests,
the patient swallows the capsule. For the next 3–5 defined in advanced as diagnostic agreement for
days the patients wears a receiver and performs >65% of the patients. The authors reported that
his/her usual activities. After the capsule has the percentage positive agreement between the
passed through the GI tract the data is down- two studies (both with evidence of delayed transit)
loaded to a computer for analysis. Transit time was 80%. The percentage negative agreement
throughout the entire GI tract can be measured between the two studies (both studies showed no
(also called the whole gut transit time). In addi- evidence of impaired colonic transit) was 91%.
tion, using changes in pH values and changes in Overall, this study shows that the wireless 235

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Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (4)

motility capsule provides a reasonable estimate balloon. Standard measurements can be taken at
of colonic transit and has good agreement with rest, during voluntary contraction, during strain-
ROM studies, which many consider the standard ing, and during rectal balloon distensions. One
of care for measuring colonic transit. study compared simultaneous standard water
perfused anorectal manometry to anorectal HRM
The last study that warrants a brief mention is a [Jones et al. 2007]. In this study of 29 patients
retrospective review of 83 patients studied with referred for anorectal manometry, anorectal HRM
the wireless motility capsule at 2 different cent- provided greater resolution of intraluminal pres-
ers [Kuo et al. 2011]. The results of the wireless sures compared with standard manometry. Future
motility capsule were reviewed in the context of studies are needed to determine whether anorec-
previously reported symptoms, recorded prior tal HRM should become the standard of care in
diagnoses, and prior tests and treatments. Kuo all motility laboratories.
and colleagues noted that wireless capsule test-
ing provided a new diagnosis in 53% of patients
and influenced management in 67% of patients. Current treatment options
Although limited by the sample size and the ret- The treatment of CC can be frustrating for both
rospective nature of the study, this report is patients and healthcare providers because symp-
interesting because it attempts to measure the toms do not always accurately reflect the underly-
clinical utility of a new technology. A large, pro- ing pathophysiology nor do they predict response
spective study is obviously required to verify to treatment. Many patients initiate treatment on
these results. their own by drinking more water, exercising, and
adding dietary fiber. These lifestyle modifications
In summary, these studies demonstrate that the are safe, although usually ineffective except in
wireless motility capsule can fairly reliably meas- patients who are fiber deficient [Muller-Lissner
ure colonic transit and whole gut transit. It et al. 2005; Young et al. 1998]. Patients with per-
appears to be as good as the radiopaque marker sistent symptoms then generally use over-the-
study, although it is more expensive and requires counter medications, which include bulk laxatives
specialized technology that is available currently (e.g. psyllium), osmotic laxatives (e.g. magnesium
at only a small number of medical centers. The citrate), emollients (e.g. docusate sodium), and
clinical utility of wireless capsule testing in stimulant laxatives (e.g. cascara). Although some
patients with the diagnosis of functional consti- patients note an improvement in symptoms, there
pation will need to be determined in a large, pro- is little evidence documenting long-term clinical
spective, multicenter study. Future research is efficacy of these agents [Brandt et al. 2005].
needed to compare the utility of the wireless Persistent symptoms of constipation then prompt
motility capsule with both antroduodenal manom- many patients to seek consultation with their
etry and colonic manometry, for the evaluation healthcare provider. After an appropriate evalua-
of upper small intestine and colonic motility, tion has been performed, medical therapy is usu-
respectively. ally recommended, and this may include osmotic
agents (e.g. lactulose, polyethylene glycol) or a
chloride channel activator (e.g. lubiprostone; see
High-resolution anorectal manometry Figure 1). The safety and efficacy of these agents
High-resolution manometry (HRM) is a new has been the subject of several comprehensive
diagnostic technique used to evaluate anorectal reviews [Cash and Lacy, 2006; Crowell et al.
function and physiology. HRM has primarily 2009; Lacy and Chey, 2009]. Newer and upcom-
been used in the esophagus, where it has been ing agents to treat constipation are discussed in
shown to provide both new information and a the following.
greater breadth of information than standard
solid state manometry. HRM has not been well
studied in the anorectum. Although HRM cathe- Prucalopride
ters may vary from company to company, the Prucalopride is an orally-administered dihyd-
catheters are all fairly similar in that they have robenzofurancarboxamide derivative shown to be
multiple radial sensors (12–36 on average, spaced a potent, selective, high-affinity agonist at the
1 cm apart) combined with a rectal balloon. 5-HT4 receptor (see Figure 2). The pharma­
Multiple sensors are positioned across the anal cokinetic parameters were evaluated in 12 adults
canal, while others are positioned with the rectal after repeated oral dosing of 2 mg prucalopride


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BE Lacy, JM Levenick et al.

Figure 1.  Structure of lubiprostone.

Patients were defined as having CC if they had

two or fewer complete spontaneous bowel move-
ments (CSBMs) each week for a minimum of 6
months before the screening visit. Patients also
had to have very hard or hard stools, or straining
with at least 25% of bowel movements. Symptoms
were measured during a 2-week observation
period and then patients were randomized to
once-daily prucalopride (2 or 4 mg) or placebo.
The primary efficacy endpoint was the propor-
tion of patients having three or more CSBMs per
week, averaged over the 12-week period, using an
intention-to-treat analysis. The main secondary
endpoint was the percentage of study patients
with an average increase of one or more CSBMs
per week. Other secondary endpoints included
the median time to the first CSBM, changes in
stool consistency and straining at stool, and satis-
faction with bowel habits. In the study by
Camilleri and colleagues [Camilleri et al. 2008],
628 patients were randomized to study drug and
620 patients (88% women; mean age = 48 years)
were included in the study analysis. The primary
endpoint (3 or more CSBMs/week) was reached
Figure 2.  Structure of prucalopride.
by 31% of those on 2 mg of prucalopride, 28% of
those on 4 mg, and 12% of those on placebo
succinate [Janssen Research Foundation, 1999]. (p < 0.001 for both study groups; see Table 2).
The plasma elimination half-life was about 24 During the 12-week study period, more patients
hours with maximum concentration observed treated with prucalopride had an increase of one or
approximately 3 hours after a dose. The drug more CSBM/week when treated with either 2 mg
appears to be well absorbed with oral bioavai­lability (47%) or 4 mg of prucalopride (47%) compared
estimated at 90%. Most of the drug is eliminated in with placebo (26%; p < 0.001 for both doses).
the urine (60–70%) and the pharmacokinetic pro- More patients rated their treatment as effective or
file is not altered by the administration of food extremely effective at week 12 when treated with
[Van de Velde et al 2009]. prucalopride (33–37%) compared with placebo
(17%; p < 0.001). AEs are described below.
The safety and efficacy of prucalopride has been
evaluated in three large studies [Camilleri et al. Tack and colleagues randomized 720 patients
2008; Quigley et al. 2009; Tack et al. 2009]. All with CC to prucalopride (2 or 4 mg) or placebo
three studies were 12 weeks in duration and were in a multicenter trial conducted in 7 countries
similar in design: multicenter, randomized, dou- [Tack et al. 2009]. The mean duration of consti-
ble-blind, placebo-controlled, and parallel group. pation was approximately 18 years and the 237

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Table 2.  Summary of prucalopride phase III clinical trials.

Dose Camilleri et al. Tack et al. Quigley et al

  [2008] [2012] [2012]
Percentage of 88% 90.8% 86.6%
Mean age (years) 48.3 43.9 47.9
Mean duration 21.1 17.5 22.0
of symptoms (years)
Total randomized 628 720 651
Total completed 534 (85%) 597 (83%) 567 (89%)
Total evaluated 620 713 641
  Placebo 209 240 212
  2 mg 207 236 214
  4 mg 204 237 215
Mean CSBMs/ 0.4–0.5 0.4–0.5 0.4–0.5
(at baseline)
≥3 CSBMs/week Placebo 12% 9.6% 12.1%
  2 mg 30.9%^ 19.5%# 23.9%#
  4 mg 28.4%^ 23.6%^ 23.5%#
Increase in ≥1 Placebo 25.8% 20.9% 27.5%
CSBMs/week 2 mg 47.3%^ 38.1%^ 42.6%^
  4 mg 46.6%^ 44.1%^ 46.6%^
Median time Placebo 12.6 20.5 13.0
to 1st CSBM 2 mg 1.3^ 4.7^ 2.3
(in days) 4 mg 1.0^ 2.1^ 1.9
Note: *p < 0.05; #p < 0.01; ^p < 0.001
CSBM, complete spontaneous bowel movement

average number of CSBMs in each group was significant improvement in the primary endpoint
0.4–0.5 per week. During the 12-week study over the 12-week period for patients treated with
period, prucalopride (both 2 and 4 mg daily) prucalopride [Quigley et al. 2009] (see Table 2).
resulted in a larger number of patients meeting Patients treated with prucalopride were more likely
the primary end point, compared with placebo to rate their treatment as effective compared with
(see Table 2). Patients treated with prucalopride those treated with placebo (37–39% versus 20%; p <
were more likely to rate their treatment as quite 0.001). Patients treated with prucalopride were
effective or extremely effective (35–36%), com- more likely to have an improvement in PAC-QOL
pared with placebo (19%; p < 0.001). Patients scores from baseline of ≥1 point compared with pla-
treated with prucalopride also reported an cebo at both 4 and 12 weeks (p < 0.001 for both time
improvement in several secondary endpoints, points). AEs are described below.
compared with placebo, including: the percentage
of patients with an increase of 1 or more sponta- In the study by Camilleri and colleagues
neous bowel movements (SBM) per week (p < [Camilleri et al. 2008], 10 of 411 patients who
0.001); the percentage of bowel movements with received prucalopride reported a serious adverse
normal consistency (p < 0.05 for both groups); event (SAE) compared with 8 of 209 patients
and the percentage of bowel movements not asso- who received placebo. There were no deaths in
ciated with straining (p < 0.01 for both groups). the study, although one patient treated with 2 mg
AEs are described below. of prucalopride developed a supraventricular
tachyarrhythmia, although this patient had known
The third study was a multicenter trial involving 41 mitral-valve prolapse and a history of supraven-
sites in the United States and using the protocol tricular tachycardia. No patient in the placebo
described above; this study also showed a statistically group stopped the medication due to diarrhea,


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BE Lacy, JM Levenick et al.

Figure 3.  Structure of linaclotide.

although 1.5–4.4% of prucalopride patients dis- The reader is referred to a comprehensive review
continued the medication due to diarrhea (2 and on the cardiovascular safety profile of 5-HT4 ago-
4 mg doses, respectively). The authors reported nists for further information [Tack, 2012].
that no differences were identified among the
three groups with respect to serum chemistries,
urinalyses, vital signs, EKG findings, or hemato- Linaclotide
logic findings. Tack and colleagues [Tack et al. Linaclotide is a 14-amino-acid peptide that stimu-
2009] did not report any deaths in their study nor lates intestinal guanylate cyclase type-C (GC-C)
were any clinically significant differences found receptors (see Figure 3) [Busby et al. 2005].
in serum chemistries, EKGs, urinalysis, or Linaclotide is acid stable and protease resistant.
hematologic data. Discontinuation of the study In addition, bioavailability is low; it is undetectable
medication due to AEs was reported in 6.7% of in the systemic circulation at therapeutic doses.
placebo-treated patients, compared with 6.3% of Linaclotide mimics the action of endogenous gua-
patients treated with 2 mg of prucalopride and nylin (15 amino acids) and uroguanylin (16 amino
15.1% treated with 4 mg of prucalopride. acids), both of which activate the GC-C receptor
Discontinuation AEs primarily consisted of head- [Currie et al. 1992; Hamra et al. 1993]. GC-C is
ache, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and expressed at high levels in the small intestine and
usually occurred within the first few days of treat- colon, but low levels in the stomach. Activation of
ment. Finally, Quigley and colleagues [Quigley GC-C stimulates the production of cyclic guano-
et al. 2009] reported no deaths in their study, no sine monophosphate (cGMP) from guanosine
differences in EKGs or lab parameters, and triphosphate (GTP), which then increases the
approximately 2% of patients in each of the three flow of electrolytes (HCO3- and Cl-) and water
treatment groups reported an SAE (not statisti- into the lumen of the GI tract (see Figure 4). This
cally significant). The rate of study drug discon- is associated with an increase in GI transit. In
tinuation due to AEs was slightly higher in the addition, stimulation of the GC-C receptor on
4 mg prucalopride group (6%) compared to the intestinal epithelial cells and release of cGMP into
2 mg group (4%) and the placebo group (2%). AEs the serosa leads to a reduction in visceral hyperal-
were the same as noted in the other two studies. gesia [Bryant et al. 2005]. 239

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Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (4)

Figure 4.  Proposed mechanism of action of linaclotide. GC-C, guanylate cyclase type-C; CFTR, cystic
fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate; GTP, guanosine
triphosphate. Illustration courtesy of Alessandro Baliani. Copyright © 2012.

The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic and female wild-type (wt) and GC-C null mice.
effects of linaclotide acetate have been evaluated Using competitive radioligand-binding assays,
in a variety of models of intestinal transit and linaclotide was shown to act locally at GI GC-C
secretion. Bryant and colleagues [Bryant et al. receptors on the intestinal mucosal membranes.
2010] reported the pharmacokinetic and pharma- In this same paper, the authors reported that the
codynamic characteristics of linaclotide in male beneficial effects of linaclotide on intestinal transit


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BE Lacy, JM Levenick et al.

Table 3.  Summary of linaclotide clinical trials in chronic constipation.

Johnston et al. [2009] Lembo et al. [2010] Lembo et al. [2011]

  Trial 01* Trial 303*

Percentage 88% 92% 90% 87%
Mean age 45.4 48
Total 42 630 642
Total completed 38  
Total analyzed 37 630 642
Mean CSBMs/ 0.4 0.3 0.3
week (baseline)
Mean SBMs/ 2.3 1.9 2.0
week (baseline)
CSBMs/week Placebo 1.30 Placebo 0.5 Placebo 0.6 0.5
  100 μg 2.16 75 μg 1.5 145 μg 2.0c 1.9c
  300 μg 2.90 150 μg 1.6a 290 μg 2.7c 2.0c
  1000 μg 3.19 300 μg 1.8b  
  600 μg 2.3a  
SBMs/week Placebo 1.5 Placebo 1.1c 1.1c
  75 μg 2.6a 145 μg 3.4c 3.0c
  150 μg 3.3a 290 μg 3.7c 3.0c
  300 μg 3.6b  
  600 μg 4.3b  
ap≤ 0.01; ≤ 0.001; < 0.0001;
bp cp *12-week
CSBM, complete spontaneous bowel movement; SBM, spontaneous bowel movement

were lost in GC-C receptor knockout mice, Busby and co-investigators [Busby et al. 2010]
demonstrating the specificity of linaclotide for this reported similar results of in vitro assays, competi-
receptor [Bryant et al. 2010]. Pharmacokinetic tive radioligand binding assays and in vivo experi-
studies showed that linaclotide was minimally ments to characterize the in vivo and in vitro
absorbed and the oral bioavailability was shown to pharmacology of linaclotide in rats. They also
be approximately 0.10%. Using ligated intestinal reported on the in vitro binding and agonist activ-
loops in wt and GC-C null mice, linaclotide was ity to GC-C receptors of linaclotide in human
shown to stimulate fluid secretion and cGMP colon carcinoma T84 cells. Both high- and low-
production in wt mice, but not in null mice, affinity binding sites were identified in rat T84
supporting a direct linaclotide-mediated effect on cells and rat intestinal mucosal cells. In T84 cells
GC-C receptors. The rate of GI transit was meas- at pH 7.0, linaclotide inhibited binding at the
ured in mice following acute, oral dosing with GC-C receptors in a concentration-dependent
linaclotide (100 µg/kg) or and vehicle by measur- manner. In human T84 cells, linaclotide stimu-
ing progression of activated charcoal in the small lated cGMP accumulation in a concentration-
intestine. In the vehicle group, GI transit was not dependent manner and caused a significant
different in the GC-C null mice compared with increase of cGMP levels compared to those pro-
the wt mice in the vehicle group. GI transit was duced by either guanylin or uroguanylin. The
significantly accelerated in the linaclotide treated effects of linaclotide on GI transit were studied in
group compared with vehicle in the wt mice, but male and female rats. Linaclotide at doses of 5, 10
not in the mice lacking the GC-C. Gender did not and 20 µg/kg significantly increased GI transit
significantly influence the effects on GI transit. compared with vehicle-treated rats. 241

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Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (4)

Box 1.  Rome II definition of functional constipation difference amongst the groups. All AEs were
(modified from Thompson et al. 1999). mild–moderate in severity and mostly GI in
At least 12 weeks, which need not be consecutive, nature. Diarrhea was the most common side
in the preceding 12 months, with two or more of effect occurring in 13% of all study drug patients,
the following symptoms present: but without a noticeable dose-dependent effect.
– Straining in >25% of bowel movements No patient treated with placebo reported diarrhea
– Hard or lumpy stools in >25% of bowel as an AE.
– Sensation of incomplete evacuation in >25% of These promising results led to a large multicenter,
bowel movements placebo-controlled study which involved 310
– Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockade in patients with CC as defined by modified Rome II
>25% of bowel movements criteria [Lembo et al. 2010]. Patients were rand-
– Manual maneuvers to facilitate >25% of bowel omized to one of four linaclotide dosages (75,
movements (digital disimpaction) 150, 300, or 600 μg) or placebo once daily for
–  <3 bowel movements per week 4 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in
Note that loose stools should not be present, and criteria mean weekly SBM frequency from the 14-day
for irritable bowel syndrome are not fulfilled.
pretreatment period to the 4-week treatment
period. Patients were also analyzed using a
responder definition of a weekly SBM ≥3 and in
Interestingly, two different animal models from increase of ≥1 relative to baseline, for three of the
two different laboratories demonstrated that lina- four treatment weeks. Secondary endpoints
clotide suppressed visceral hyperalgesia and colo- included changes in stool consistency, straining,
rectal allodynia [Eutamene et al. 2010; Johnston abdominal discomfort, and bloating. Lembo and
et al. 2009]. How linaclotide improves visceral colleagues noted that the frequency of weekly
pain is unknown, although it may be a result of SBMs increased significantly in a linear response
increased cGMP. Finally, tissue culture studies to increasing dosages of linaclotide (2.6, 3.3, 3.6,
demonstrated that linaclotide binds to GC-C and 4.3 for linaclotide doses of 75, 150, 300, and
receptors on human colon cells and stimulates 600 μg, respectively), compared with 1.5 for pla-
cGMP production [Busby et al. 2005]. These cebo (p < 0.05 for each linaclotide dosage group
results led to the clinical trials described below compared with placebo). The median time to first
(see Box 1). SBM, mean number of CSBMs, stool consist-
ency, and severity of straining also demonstrated
Johnston and colleagues were the first to investi- a significantly improved dose-dependent relation-
gate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of linaclo- ship compared with placebo. Subjective patient
tide in patients with CC who met modified Rome measures including abdominal discomfort,
II criteria (see Table 3) [Johnston et al. 2009]. In bloating, global measures of constipation, and
this multicenter, placebo-controlled pilot study health-related quality of life were significantly bet-
42 patients were randomized to one of three doses ter for all linaclotide dosing regimens compared
of linaclotide (100, 300, or 1000 μg) or placebo with placebo. During a 14-day post-treatment sur-
once daily for 2 weeks. On a daily basis for the 7 veillance period, bowel habits were noted to trend
days preceding therapy and then during treat- towards baseline suggesting that linaclotide does
ment, patients recorded daily bowel habits, not cause a rebound worsening of constipation
including stool frequency, consistency according symptoms. AEs were reported in 33.8% of patients
to the Bristol Stool Form Scale (BSFS), straining receiving the study drug and 31.9% of placebo
and completeness of evacuation, and subjective (n.s.). The most commonly reported AEs were
patient reported outcomes (i.e. abdominal dis- GI-related, of which diarrhea was the most fre-
comfort, overall relief, and severity of constipa- quent (5.1%, 8.9%, 4.8%, and 14.3% in the 75,
tion). Given the small sample size, the study 150, 300, and 600 μg groups, respectively) versus
endpoints were not intended to achieve statistical 2.9% of placebo patients. Only two cases of diar-
significance; however, there was a trend towards a rhea were graded as severe, both were in the 600
dose-dependent increase in frequency of weekly μg group and both resulted in cessation of treat-
SBMs and CSBMs. Stool consistency, straining, ment. Although these studies included only about
and patient reported outcomes also improved in 10% men and less than 20% nonwhites, linaclo-
all dosing groups. A total of 22 AEs were reported tide appears to as be equally effective in these sub-
in 13 of 42 patients (30%) without significant groups as the intention-to-treat population.


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BE Lacy, JM Levenick et al.

Figure 5.  Structure of plecanitide.

The results of two parallel, randomized, placebo- symptoms and global assessments was found (r
controlled, double-blinded trials using either values 0.51–0.60, 0.46–0.59, and 0.44–0.59,
145 µg or 290 µg linaclotide or placebo over 12 respectively). Quality of life assessments, using the
weeks in 1272 patients with CC were recently PAC-QOL instrument, showed an improvement
reported [Lembo et al. 2011]. Trial 01 consisted of in patients treated with linaclotide compared to
630 patients while trial 303 consisted of 642 those treated with placebo (p < 0.01). The authors
patients (median age 48; 89% female). The pri- reported one death in this study: it occurred due
mary endpoint of both trials was defined a priori as to an overdose of fentanyl and was not thought
both three or more CSBMs/week and an increase related to the study drug. SAEs occurred in 2.1%
of at least one CSBM/week from baseline for at of patients treated with placebo, compared with
least 9 out of the 12 weeks. Secondary endpoints 1.4–2.6% of those treated with linaclotide (145
included measurements of stool frequency, stool and 290 µg doses, respectively). Discontinuation
consistency, severity of straining, abdominal dis- rates due to AEs were 4.2% in placebo-treated
comfort, bloating, and overall constipation sever- patients, compared with 7.9% in patients treated
ity.The authors reported that once-daily linaclotide with 145 µg linaclotide and 7.3% in those treated
produced early and sustained improvement in with 290 µg of linaclotide. Discontinuation of
bowel and abdominal symptoms, SBMs, and the study medication and AEs were primarily
CSBMs within the first week of treatment. For the GI-related, and the most common GI-related AEs
12-week study period the primary endpoint (12- were diarrhea, flatulence, and abdominal pain. No
week CSBM overall responder for ≥9 of 12 weeks) clinically significant differences were found among
was met in both trial 01 (16.0%, 21.3% versus the three groups with regard to EKG results, vital
6.0% for placebo, p = 0.0012 and p < 0.0001) and signs, blood chemistries, urinalysis, or hemato-
303 (21.2% and 19.4% versus 3.3%, p < 0.0001). logic findings.
These benefits remained when the data was
pooled and analyzed for weeks 1 through week 12.
Secondary endpoints including CSBMs/week, Plecanitide
SBMs/week, stool consistency, straining, constipa- Plecanatide (SP-304) is an experimental 16-amino-
tion severity, abdominal discomfort, and bloating acid GC-C agonist presently in phase II/III trials
were superior to placebo and statistically signifi- for both CC and inflammatory bowel disease.
cant in both studies for each dose of linaclotide. Structurally and functionally, it is nearly identical
Trial 303 included a randomized 4-week with- to the human hormone uroguanylin save for an
drawal study that included 538 of the 642 patients. extra methylene at the third amino-acid position
Patients initially treated with linaclotide were (AspGlu) (see Figure 5) [Solinga, 2011].
either continued on linaclotide or were switched to Binding of uroguanylin or plecanatide to trans-
placebo, while placebo patients were switched to membrane enteric receptors stimulates increased
290 μg linaclotide. CSBM rates for linaclotide- production of intracellular cGMP which activates
treated patients re-randomized to placebo the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
decreased to placebo CSBM rates during the regulator (CFTR) and increases secretion of fluid
study, while those maintained on linaclotide had and ions into the GI lumen. In a phase II, double-
sustained CSBM rates (complete data not pro- blinded, placebo-controlled, dose escalation, and
vided). CSBM rates of placebo patients allocated repeated dose trial over 14 days, 84 patients who
to linaclotide increased to levels seen during the met modified Rome III criteria for CC were ran-
primary treatment period (complete data not domized to placebo or 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, and 9.0 mg
available). A rebound effect, characterized by a of plecanatide (22 placebo, 62 plecanatide).
worsening of constipation symptoms, was not seen CSBMs and SBMs, stool consistency, straining,
following cessation of linaclotide. A significant abdominal discomfort, and overall relief were
treatment effect on CC bowel and abdominal all improved. The median change of CSBMs was 243

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Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (4)

3.0 versus 0.5 for patients receiving 1.0 mg ple- maintained over a longer period of time with an
canatide versus placebo (p value not provided; acceptable rate of side effects.
[Shailubhai, 2011]). A large multicenter trial is
planned to study plecanitide in CC patients.
A3309 is a novel oral agent that inhibits the ileal
Other novel agents in development bile acid transporter and consequently increases
the flow of bile into the colon. It has been shown to
Velusetrag increase colonic transit in a small study (phase Ib)
Velusetrag (TD-5108) is a highly selective 5-HT4 of patients with chronic constipation [Simren et al.
agonist shown to increase colonic transit in ani- 2011]. In a double-blind, placebo controlled study
mal models [Beattie et al. 2008]. GI transit was of 36 women with chronic (functional) constipa-
evaluated in a study of 60 healthy volunteers ran- tion, 14 days of treatment with 20 mg of A3309
domly assigned to receive 5, 15, 30 or 50 mg of improved colonic transit at 24 hours [Wong et al.
velusetrag or placebo either as a single dose or 2011] and improved stool consistency. Colonic
over 6 days [Manini et al. 2010]. Single doses of transit at 48 hours was accelerated using both a
velusetrag (30 and 50 mg), but not placebo, accel- 15 and 20 mg dose, compared with placebo
erated colonic transit, as measured by colonic fill- (p = 0.002 and p < 0.001, respectively). Patients
ing at 6 hours and geometric center at 24 hours. reported improvements in stool consistency and
Multiple doses of velusetrag (15–50 mg doses) straining. Gastric emptying in patients treated with
accelerated gastric emptying compared with pla- A3309 appeared to be slightly delayed compared
cebo (p = 0.002). In this same study, Manini and to placebo, although this was not statistically sig-
colleagues reported that velusetrag improved nificant. AEs including lower abdominal cramping
stool frequency and stool consistency in a subset and pain in 36–50% of patients treated with
of 11 patients with chronic constipation [Manini A3309. Further trials are warranted to determine
et al. 2010]. A recent phase IIB dose-ranging whether the efficacy can be maintained over a pro-
study (15, 30, 50 mg) in 401 adults with chronic longed period of time, and whether side effects are
constipation found that velusetrag improved stool short-lived and/or tolerable.
frequency and stool consistency [Goldberg et al.
2008]. The most common side effects reported
with diarrhea and headache. Large, randomized, Summary
placebo-controlled trials are required to confirm Chronic constipation is a highly prevalent disor-
these intriguing results. der that all healthcare providers should feel com-
fortable diagnosing and treating. A thorough
history and physical examination to uncover
Chenodeoxycholate warning signs and symptoms of a serious underly-
In a study performed over 30 years ago, high-dose ing disorder, when combined with the Rome III
chenodeoxycholic acid (CDC; 750–1000 mg/ criteria, can be used to confidently make the diag-
day) caused diarrhea in patients being treated for nosis of constipation. Many patients will have
gallstone disease [Mok et al. 1974]. This side already tried over-the-counter agents before seek-
effect could be used advantageously to treat ing out the advice of a healthcare provider. For
patients with chronic constipation. To date, no these patients with persistent symptoms, lubipros-
study has been performed in patients with chronic tone has been shown to improve symptoms with
constipation. However, a recent double-blind, minimal side effects. Although not currently avail-
placebo-controlled study of 36 women with IBS able in North America, prucalopride has been
and constipation determined that CDC (either shown to be safe and effective in three large phase
500 mg or 1000 mg q day) accelerated colonic III studies involving nearly 2000 patients.
transit and loosened stool consistency [Rao et al. Mechanistic studies have demonstrated that pru-
2010]. Lower abdominal cramping was the most calopride accelerates colonic transit, improves
common side effect reported during this 4-day stool consistency, and reduces straining. Although
study. Larger dose ranging studies will be needed fears exist about cardiovascular side effects from
in patients with CC to determine whether the 5-HT4 agonists, these appear unwarranted
benefits demonstrated in this study of IBS patients [Tack, 2012]. For those patients with persistent
can be replicated, and whether benefits can be symptoms, several new therapeutic agents are in


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BE Lacy, JM Levenick et al.

development, and one (linaclotide) will likely be and transit, decreases visceral pain and is minimally
approved by the FDA for use in the United States absorbed in rats. Gastroenterology 128: A464–A464.
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published to date show that it is efficacious at Linaclotide, through activation of guanylate cyclase
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Although not discussed here, linaclotide has been enhanced intestinal secretion and transit. Eur J
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