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(SOLVED) ABC Company has instituted good internal

controls and has never

ABC Company has instituted good internal controls and has never, until last month, had a
problem with fraud. But, several weeks ago, someone with access to keys entered the
controller’s office and took two company checkbooks. Since then, several checks have been
forged totaling an amount of $5,670. You are […]

A group of fraud examiners is coordinating an investigation at a local law firm. Several lawyers
at the firm are suspected of overbilling clients, possibly creating fake client accounts, and then
charging the firm for services “performed” for these fake clients. The fraud examiners begin
preparing for the investigation by […]

This chapter included an example of a manufacturing firm that had problems with employee
theft of tools. The company decided that it would search every employee’s lunch box at the end
of each shift. The employees were enraged and caused a work slowdown. Give three
alternative suggestions for how the […]

You are a fraud examiner who has been hired by Bellevue Company to carry out an
investigation. Bellevue is a beverage company that has experienced increased shipments of
beverages but no increase in revenue. Management suspects that inventory is being shipped to
unknown places or is being stolen.How could you […]


Read the article entitled “Following Benford’s Law, or Looking Out for No. 1” found at
www.rexswain. com/benford.html. The article mentions that a statistics professor can easily
discern if students flipped a coin 200 times or if they merely faked it. Of this exercise, the
professor stated, “Most people do not […]

Using the financial information in the following tables, compute the required ratios list on the
ratio analysis sheet and then complete the horizontal and vertical analyses worksheets. Income
Statement Ratio Analysis Income statementblank

1. Are any vendors used that are not approved vendors? If so, list the vendor names and the
employees who used these vendors. What follow-up steps should be taken on these vendors?2.
Were any vendors unused by the purchasing department? What does this fact tell us about
these vendors? Import […]


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