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What is Taqwa?

Taqwa is defined as fearing Allah when a person fears from Almighty Allah then he will not commit
sins. Taqwa incorporates consciousness and fear of Allah as well as piety. Piety is basically
righteousness that can be only obtained by the obedience of Almighty Allah and refrain from His
prohibitions. We can say that Taqwa is the key to happiness and success in this life and the
hereafter too. Taqwa acts as a channel through which Muslims relate to one another in society and
also a medium to link their actions.

Importance of Taqwa in Islam

Allah alone is the Creator of this world and He is The Most Merciful for all His mankind, it is
repeatedly mentioned in Quran. The obeying of the great Lord is not confined to only fulfilling
religious actions, but being moral in every aspect of life, as observed in the following verse of the
Holy Quran: “O, you who believe! When you hold secret counsel, do it not for sin and wrong-doing, and
disobedience towards the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) but do it for Al-Birr (righteousness) and
Taqwa (virtues and piety), and fear Allah unto Whom you shall be gathered.” (Quran, 58:9)
From this verse it indicates that Taqwa means a lot more than just piousness: it is the combination of
our beliefs, self-awareness, and attitudes. It is a reminder to stay on the path of uprightness,
decency and knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is about having Lord
Consciousness in terms of knowing and obeying all His orders including not only fearing Him but
also acting in all His directions. In Quran, Allah says: “O ye who believe! Fear God and be with those
who are true (in word and deed).” (Quran, 9:119)
In Holy Quran and Sunnah Taqwa is define as the concept of protecting oneself from the Hellfire by
following the orders of Allah Almighty, by doing what He (SWT) has commanded and by avoiding
what He (SWT)  has forbidden. Many Ayahs in the Quran point to this: “And unto Allah belong all
that is in the Heavens and all that is on Earth. And, verily, We have recommended to the people of the
Scripture before you, and to you (O Muslims) that you (all) fear Allah and keep your duty to Him, But if
you disbelieve, then unto Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and Allah is
Ever Rich, Worthy of all praise.” (Quran, 4:131)
Taqwa acts as a barrier between the Muslims and the anger and displeasure of Allah (SWT). In
Hadith Prophet (SAW) said: “Fear Allah because it is the collection of all goodness.” From above
ayahs and hadith, we can conclude that if we want to be successful l, and want to get Allah’s
blessings and pleasure then we should fear Allah and have to do the righteous deeds which are the
source of pleasing Allah Almighty.
Benefits of Taqwa from Quran
Below we will discuss some benefits of Taqwa from Quran:

o Guidance: There is guidance for those who are Muttaqin (the people of taqwa) as Allah
says in Quran: “guidance for those conscious of Allah” (Quran, 2:2). People who fear of
Almighty Allah will seek guidance from the Holy Book Quran.
o Ease of Matters: In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: “And whoever fears Allah, He will
make for him ease in his matter.” (Quran, 65:4). Whoever has Taqwa, Allah makes
matters easy for him in this world as well as the hereafter. This does not necessarily
mean that the person will not face difficulty, but through the blessings of his Taqwa, he
is guaranteed ease and the strength to bear these difficulties without losing faith or
hope by Almighty Allah. The reward of facing these difficulties will be given by Allah in
the hereafter.
o Allah’s love for Muttaqin: In holy Quran Allah Almighty stated that: “Truly Allah loves
the Muttaqin“(Quran, 3:76). From this verse, we can conclude that Allah loves those
who are piety that is who does righteous deeds. Taqwa is the source of gaining Allah’s
love and blessings.
o A way out of Difficulties: Allah says in Holy Quran about those who are facing problems
in a verse that: “And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out.” (Quran,
65:2). People who are facing difficulties but still remain steadfast in their faith for the
sake of Allah then He (SWT) will surely make a way for them to get rid off of these
problems. Taqwa serves as a divine guard against trials of this world as well as the
difficulties of the hereafter.
o Acceptance of Actions: Allah says in Quran about the acceptance of actions or deeds in
these words:  “Allah only accepts from the people of taqwa“(Quran, 5:27). People who
are Muttaqin Allah loves them and accept their actions and deeds.
o Unexpected Sustenance: Almighty Allah is the creator and sustainer of the universe.
Whatever a person requires and desires of sustenance can be found in His vast
treasures. In Holy Quran Allah says: “And if the people of the towns believed and had
Taqwa, certainly We should have opened for them blessings from the heavens and the
earth.” (Quran, 7:96)
o Salvation from the Fire: Allah says that: “Then We will save the ones who
had taqwa“(Quran, 19:72). Allah will save the Muttaqin from hellfire so try to do
righteous deeds. Be piety and get rewards from Allah Almighty.
o Ability to distinguish truth from falsehood: When a believer sees to it that his obedience
to Allah and love for him stay above everything else, he is gifted by Allah with the sight
of distinguishing between true and false or we can say good or bad deeds. In Holy
Quran Allah says: “O you who believe! If you fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion
(furqan).” (Quran, 8:29)
o Success from Taqwa: Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran: “Have taqwa of Allah in order
that you might succeed” (Quran, 3:200). Anyone who wants to get succeed in this life
and the hereafter has to do righteous deeds for the pleasure of Almighty Allah. Taqwa is
also to do righteous deeds for fear of Allah Almighty.
o Tranquility: Allah says in Holy Quran: “It is He (Allah) who sent down tranquility into the
hearts of the believers.” (Quran, 48:4). People who want calmness and tranquility should
do taqwa that means fear of Allah Almighty in result they became piety. When they
become piety they feel calmness and tranquility in their hearts as Allah mentioned in
For the success in this lie and the hereafter, we have to do taqwa. We should not delay in increase
our taqwa. Should pray to Allah Almighty to guide us towards the right path and help us become
pious and righteous Muslims. Ameen!

The origin of the word Taqwa is from the Arabic word 'Ittaqa which means
to 'be wary, God Fearing. Consciousness of Allah is the highest plane a
true Muslim must always strive to achieve. It means to stay away from
forbidden things and to do all the things ordered by Allah Subhanahu. It
literally means to protect oneself from diverging from the path of Allah.
The concept of Taqwa has been linked to that of Ibadat i.e. to enjoin what
is commanded by Allah and to avoid what He has prohibited. The essence
of Taqwa remains in curbing ones 'Nafs. It involves harnessing ones
natural instincts which form the basis of human nature. For it is then,
when a believer becomes closer to Allah and earns his blessings when he
combats against the mortal wishes out of love and fear of Allah. The holy
month of Ramadan, which is a gift to Muslim Ummah has in its very ritual
of fasting an encouragement towards practicing Taqwa. It is during fasting
that we demonstrate utmost control of worldly desires such as eating and
drinking, engaging in backbiting, foul mouthing, lying and deceit. All these
evils are harnessed to be chained during fasting and this is the result of
Taqwa. Henceforth, Taqwa is linked with doing what is correct and
avoiding that which is wrong. Taqwa is the fruit of doing the actions of
Ibadat. In other words, if one does what Allah has commanded him to do,
and abstains from that which he has been forbidden, he will achieve
taqwa. Allah mentions in His Book (that means): O you who believe Fasting
is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you
may become muttaqoon ( those who have taqwa or piety ). [Al-Baqarah
2:183]. Taqwa means to cleanse or purify the heart and the soul. Among
the missions of the Prophet, Allah sent him with the command to purify
the souls of the Muslims in particular and of mankind in general. Allah
says; He it is who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger from
among themselves, reciting to them His ayaat, purifying them, and
teaching them the Book and the Hikmah, while before they had been in
error. [ Al-Jumuah 62:2 ]. In order to develop the sense of Taqwa, one
must harness the attribute of 'Ikhlas i.e. any act of goodness must be
done solely for the pleasure of Allah, to obtain his blessings and out of
love for Him and fear of making Him angry or disobeying Him. Taqwa can
never be sustained on the intentions of 'showing off, for this eats into the
good deed as fire crumbles wood. A person once asked the Prophet SAW,
O Messenger of Allah Give me some advice He replied, I advise you to fear
Allah because it is the head of everything. This is because Taqwa
encourages goodness and forbids evil. Similarly, one who feels Allah in
their heart at every breath they take and in every aspect of their lives and
in everything they do, from the important and profound to the everyday,
simple tasks becomes aware of the great thirst, the Great Dependence,
and the great joy his/her life had been lacking without this devotion,
without this urge to serve (the Creator).And with it, they strive for the
pleasure of their Lord, finding fulfillment and happiness in this world and
the next. The Noble Prophet SAW said: The most common reason for
people to enter Jannah is taqwa and good manners and the most
common reason for people to enter the Hellfire is the mouth and the
private part Truly, the muttaqoon (those with taqwa) will be amidst
Gardens and water springs (in Paradise). (Surah al-Hijr 15:45) Umar ibn
Abdul Aziz (ra) once said, Taqwa is not by fasting the day and not by
praying the night. And its not by mixing between the two of them. But
taqwa is leaving what Allah (swt) has made Haram and by doing what
Allah (swt) has made Farz. After one has done this, Allah (swt) will provide
good things for that person. Today, we as Muslims have detached
ourselves from the act of God Feariness. Fear of Allah is just rhetoric for
us. We indulge in all sorts of vices and activities of hypocrisy without even
pondering for a moment, whether what we are doing will derive the
pleasure of Allah Subhanahu Taala or are we trading it for His wrath. We
fear external factors in our lives, fear of failure in our chores, fear of
material loss, fear of enraging or offending our social contacts but we
dont fear the Creator of this universe, the teachings He has bestowed
upon mankind and the demands He makes of us. We conveniently
disregard what He wants from us without thinking of the repercussions.
The ideas of the importance of Taqwa brought forth in the Quran are also
further reiterated in the collection of Prophet Muhammads sayings known
as Hadith. One such saying is Have Taqwa wherever you are, and follow
up a bad deed with a good one and it shall erase it; and behave toward
people in a gracious manner. It is clear from this Hadith that having Taqwa
is considered to be something worth striving for and incorporating into
daily life. It is through Taqwa that Muslims will be able to modify their
behavior in accordance with the teachings of Islam as laid down by God in
the Quran. Allah has erased all distinctions of racism, cast and color and
made all human beings equal. He has established a unique criterion for
greatness and that is Taqwa. Taqwa is the essence of the teachings of
Allahs Messenger (sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam).Whenever Allahs Messenger
(sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam) sent his Sahabah on a military expedition, he
would advice them to have deep-rooted Taqwa of Allah and he would also
advise the rest of his military party likewise. Umar Ibn Khattab
(radhiallahu anhu) wrote to his son, Abdullah: To proceed: 'Verily I advise
you to have taqwa (fear) of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, for whoever
fears Him, Allah will protect him, and whoever gives a loan to Him, Allah
will reward him, and whoever thanks Him, Allah will increase Him. Thus,
Taqwa inhabits the heart and it is only within the capability of Allah to
know what the hearts conceal. Therefore, judging peoples righteousness
and spirituality is beyond the ability of the slave, Allah pointed out to this
fact when he said: There is among people, he whose speech will dazzle
you in this life and he will claim that Allah is witness (to the sincerity of)
what is in his heart, yet he will be among the most vicious enemies (of
mankind). [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 204] May the entire Muslim Ummah
enjoin the beautiful concept of Taqwa and practice it wholeheartedly in
their lives. Amen. Email:

'My wife will be from Pakistan,' Bilawal Bhutto reveals during interview


The five degrees of TAQWA- Imam Ibn Juzayy R.A.

1.    That the slave should protect himself from kufr (covering over the
truth), and that is the station of Islam;

2.    That he should protect himself from acts of disobedience and

forbidden things, and it is the station of turning or repentance

3.    That he should protect himself from doubtful matters, and that is the
station of caution or carefulness [wara'];

4.    That he should protect himself from even those things that are
permitted (i.e, avoiding what is more than absolutely necessary of this
world) and that is the station of doing without [zuhd];

5.    That he should protect himself from the presence of other than Allah in
his heart, and it is the presence of witnessing [mushahadah].

What is Taqwa (Piety) in Islam

Taqwa (piety) has been mentioned in the holy Quran in more than 60 locations, and
the derivatives, have been mentioned in more than 190 locations. We hear it
mentioned all the time at the beginning of every Jummah (Friday Prayer). So the
question that often arises, “What is Taqwa?” and “How can I attain Taqwa?”

What is the meaning of Taqwa?

There are many meanings and understandings of the word Taqwa. Often, it is
translated as “Fear of God”, and while fearing Allah is part of Taqwa, its meaning is
deeper than this.
The linguistic meaning of Taqwa is “a shield, or protective barrier”. It is to protect
oneself from what angers Allah. Some scholars define Taqwa as placing a protective
barrier between yourself and Allah’s punishment. Taqwa also means doing that which
Allah has enjoined and avoiding that which He has forbidden.

An incredible example that demonstrates this, is when Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may
Allah be pleased with him) asked Ubay Ibn Ka’ab (may Allah be pleased with him)
about Taqwa.

Ubay said “Have you ever taken a thorny path?” Umar replied, “Yes I have.” Ubay
then asked, “So how did you travel along this thorny path?” Umar replied, “I rolled
up my garment and was cautious as to where I would tread to avoid being pricked by
the thorns.” So Ubay responded and said, “This is Taqwa.”

This example explains the meaning of Taqwa. It illustrates how a person of Taqwa is
cautious and careful with where they tread, not out of fear of stepping on a thorn, but
out of fear of stepping into what Allah SWT has prohibited. They are aware of Allah
SWT with every action and step they take.

The virtues and benefits of having Taqwa

Taqwa is one of the most virtuous characteristics a Muslim can have. Allah says:

“Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa.
Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
Quran 49:13.

“Indeed, Allah loves the Muttaqeen.”

Quran 3:76

Through these verses, we understand that the believers most honored by Allah are
those that have Taqwa. If we want to please Allah and earn Allah’s pleasure, we
should strive to have Taqwa.

Abu Sa`id Al Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah  ‫ﷺ‬ was asked, “Which of
the people are most virtuous?” He said, “A man who takes part in Jihad in Allah’s
cause.” They said, “Then whom?” He said, “Then a believer who stays in one of the
mountains path out of Taqwa for his Lord, leaving the people secure from his evil.”
Al Tirmidhi.

Taqwa leads to guidance from Allah:

“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for the Muttaqeen”
Quran 2:2

Taqwa grants us the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood:

“O you who have believed, if you have Taqwa of Allah, He will grant you a criterion
and will remove from you your misdeeds and forgive you.”
Quran 8:29

When facing difficulties, those who have Taqwa will be granted a way out by Allah
SWT and will be granted ease in their affairs:

“And whoever has Taqwa of Allah – He will make for him a way out and will provide
for him from where he does not expect.”
Quran 65:2-3

“And whoever has Taqwa of Allah – He will make for him of his matter ease.”
Quran 65:4

How is Taqwa and Ramadan related?

The purpose of fasting is to attain Taqwa, as Allah SWT says:

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those
before you that you may attain Taqwa.”
Quran 2:183

Fasting is an exercise of Taqwa. As we fast throughout the day, our body urges us to
eat and drink. Our hearts, however, resists these temptations, out of love and
obedience to Allah. By abstaining from food and drink, which is Halal and also a
necessity for our bodies, we build the strength we need to abstain from the Haram.

Through abstaining from that which is halal and being wary of Haram during
Ramadan, we are able to attain this God consciousness.

Watch this video to understand the purpose of fasting in more detail.

Taqwa (Piety) in Islam

Ways to work on Taqwa?

1. Fast outside Ramadan: when we fast, we are engaged in the very exercise that
builds Taqwa. We are more conscious of what we say, see and do. Train
yourself to continue this after you finish fasting.
2. Let go of the Haram: part of Taqwa is to avoid the Haram. By being aware of
Allah SWT and knowing that He watches everything we do, we will avoid the
3. Increase your worship:
o Read Quran daily
o Pray at night and during your free time
o Give Sadaqah (charity) more often instead of just on the day Jummah
o Make more Du’a during the day, prayer and before and after prayer.
Allah loves those who make Du’a. You have nothing to lose, you are
asking from the Lord of the heavens and the earth, He can grant you
whatever you want.
4. Struggle against your Nafs (self jihad): struggling against one’s desires is one
the greatest form of jihad we can do, as it is the hardest. Use the synergy of
fasting alongside with struggling against your Nafs.
Examples of those that had Taqwa.
There have been many people with piety that we aspire to have and achieve in our
life, and there are those that are alive today as well. We should look up to these
people, so we can follow the foundations that they have created. One of the most God
conscious person that we can aspire to be and follow after the Prophets, is Abu Bakr
Al-Siddiq, the first Caliph of Islam.
One day his slave brings him some food, and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq at that time was
extremely hungry, he said Bismillah (in the name of God) and began to eat this food
and he started to indulge in the food. His slave was astonished, because Abu Bakr
would usually ask his slave where he would get the food from, but today he didn’t ask
him. So the slave said, “Why didn’t you ask me where I got the food from today?” So
Abu Bakr responded, “I am sorry. So where did you get your food from?”. The slave
answered, “In the Jahiliyah (pre-Islam), I did some witchery, and the people liked it,
and in return they gave me some food, and your eating it.”  When Abu Bakr realised
that the source of this food came from Haram, making the food non Halal, and he did
not know prior to that he went and vomited out the food he had just eaten, making
sure there was no food left in his stomach. The people said, “Abu Bakr your going to
kill yourself”, he said, “By Allah there is a little left, if it only comes out with my soul
I do not mind.”

This man was one of the ten guaranteed Jannah, but he had so much Taqwa in Allah
that he did not want to displease Allah.         

What are practical applications in this day and age?

Taqwa in this day and age is difficult to attain, because of the accessibility of Haram
and the difficulty in the halal, e.g. zina has become easier to do, while marriage has
become very difficult. However, with the assistance of Allah it can become easier, it
is Allah that can help you attain the state of piousness.

“Unquestionably, (for) the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor
will they grieve.”
Quran 10:62.

In order to gain Taqwa, we need to repent to Allah constantly, especially with sins
that we repeatedly commit, and we need to fight our Nafs so we don’t go back to that
sin. As well as, increasing our worship and consciousness in Allah.

Motto nof army


Taqwa signifies

 The fear of Allah

 Guarding ones tongue, hands and heart from evil

 Righteous, piety and good conduct

Taqwa connotes the sense of protecting oneself from moral peril, preserving one’s virtue, and
guarding oneself against the displeasure of Almighty. It is, thus, a kind of awareness or
consciousness by means of which one protects oneself from sliding into evil.
en the actual word—of Taqwa is unique to the Quran and the religious system of Islam.
Its comprehensive meaning encompasses the spiritual and material; its roots are
established in this world, while its branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits are located in the
Hereafter. One cannot understand the Holy Quran without considering the meaning or
content of the fascinating and wonderful concept of Taqwa, and one cannot be Muttaqi
(pious) if one does not adhere consciously and continually to the practices and concepts
outlined in the Holy Quran.

The most lovable act in God’s sight is piety (Taqwa), His most purified servants are the
pious, and His matchless message to them is the Holy Quran. In this world, the pious
have the Holy Quran; in the Hereafter, they enjoy God’s vision and pleasure. The
pleasure felt in the conscience and spirit is another gift of piety, and in order to recall the
importance of piety, the Almighty decrees: Fear God and be devoted to Him as He should
be feared and devoted to (3:101).

Piety, which is the conscious performance of good and avoidance of evil, prevents
individuals from joining the lowest of the low and causes them to advance on the path of
the highest of the high. For this reason, one who attains piety has found the source of all
good and blessing.

Piety is an invaluable treasure, the matchless jewel in a priceless treasure of precious

stones, a mysterious key to all doors of good, and a mount on the way to Paradise. Its
value is so high that, among other life-giving expressions the Holy Quran mentions it 150
times, each mention resembling a ray of light penetrating our minds and spirits.

The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of piety. Although it is an essential attribute
of a good human being, a kind heart is a prerequisite for attaining this virtue. It is the
inclination of the soul towards gentle and praiseworthy acts which makes one a good
human being. This may take place in one’s personal actions for Allah Most High, or in
actions, which involve other people.
The right place for piety and abstinence is the heart. If one has piety and fear of Allah in
his heart, then he is sincere and performs perfectly his duties in obedience to Allah.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated: “There is a piece of flesh in
man’s body; if it is good the whole body is good, if it is bad the whole body is
contaminated. Understand it! That piece of flesh is the heart.”

From this tradition we know that of all the organs of the body, the most reformable organ
is the heart. All human deeds whether they are of worship, family affairs, industry,
business and trade, generosity, trust, justice and fairplay, modesty and decency,
compassion and mercy, courtesy and kindness, pardon and forgiveness, toleration and
patience, service and humility, sacrifice and fidelity, chastity and purity, so on and so
forth, can be performed perfectly only when man’s heart is imbibed with the beauty of
the light of piety and abstinence.

The literal meaning of piety is to abstain from commission of those acts, which annoy or
displease Almighty Allah -- the Master of the Worlds -- because of fear of Allah and His
pleasure. In other words, piety is that attribute of good deed and high place of abstinence
where when one reaches, becomes so pious and straightforward that because of fear of
Allah and His wrath, he does not go near vice or sin in any condition, whether openly or
secretly, in loneliness or in public, invisible from people’s sight or even visible.

He is so much subdued and convinced of the fear of the hereafter that he gives up the
pleasures of the ephemeral world and the advantages that can be secured only by
committing a sin, appreciating that those are transitory and cause the destruction of his
permanent peace and prosperity by inflicting a fatal blow on the real and perpetual life of
the hereafter.

Allah has made piety the goal of worship -- prayer, fast and Zakat. Also in the obligatory
worship of Haj, the fifth pillar of Islam. Allah has commanded for the maintenance of
piety and abstinence, as we see it from the Quranic verse quoted above. Thus piety is the
best means for seeking the pleasure of Allah in order to live an acceptable life in this
world, and for peace and success in the hereafter.
May Allah bestow on us, both externally and internally true piety, save us and our ‘self’
from the treachery and entanglements of Satan and favour us with His consent and
pleasure. Amen

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5 Benefits of Adopting Taqwa from the Qur’an

Almighty Allah says:

“O you who believe! Fear Allah as he should be feared.” (Quran 3:102)

In the opening verses of Surah Al-Baqarah, Almighty Allah describes distinct qualities of
the believers who have Taqwa.

“This is a book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the Muttaqin (the God-fearing
ones).” (Quran 2:2)
The term Muttaqin (the people of taqwa) is derived from Taqwa which literally means
“to fear” or “to refrain from”.

What is Taqwa?
The Arabic word Taqwa cannot be adequately explained by any one word in the English
language. Taqwa is defined as fearing Allah, keeping that continuous awe and
reverence in the heart for Him which prevents a person from doing deeds which are
prohibited by divine law. Taqwa is that shield that comes between a person and what
may harm his spirituality.

Qualities of the Muttaqin

 They have firm faith in everything that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬taught us
 They are steadfast in Salah
 They spend in the way of Allah
 They believe in what is revealed in the Quran and the previous scriptures
 They have firm conviction in the hereafter

Almighty Allah praises these people who strive to uphold the quality of Taqwa by

“It is these who are upon guidance from their Lord and it is these who are successful.”
(Quran 2:5)
In every sphere of life a true believer is expected to beautify himself with Taqwa as true
honour is in adopting Taqwa only. As the stars beautify the heavens, the obedient
beautify the earth. Almighty Allah says:

“Verily, the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous.”
(Quran 49:13)
Often we label individuals ‘super-religious’ and ‘over-pious’ when they try and uphold
even simple injunctions of faith.  A person who has Taqwa strives to do the things that
Allah has commanded and avoids things that Allah has prohibited. The under
strengthening factor of Taqwa is love and recognition of Almighty Allah which is a
favourable state that a believer has to constantly nurture in his heart. When asked about
Taqwa, Allah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬pointed to his heart and said: “Taqwa is here!”

The Quran and Hadith are replete with commands and exhortations pointing towards
the necessity of inculcating Taqwa in the heart. The numerous times that the command
of Taqwa repeats should serve as a message to us indicating its importance.

Here are 5 benefits of adopting Taqwa from the Qur’an


1. Ease in matters
“And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him ease in his matter.” (Quran 65:4)
Almighty Allah mentions the above verse in Surah At-Talaq where the guidelines of the
worst of permissible deeds i.e. divorce are discussed. The Quran in its majestic style
and wisdom alternates these injunctions with the virtues of Taqwa. Whoever has
Taqwa, Allah makes matters easy for him in this world as well as the next. This does not
necessarily mean that the person will not face difficulty, but through the blessings of his
Taqwa, he is guaranteed ease and the strength to bear these difficulties without losing
faith or hope.
2. A way out of problems and
“And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out.” (Quran 65:2)
Taqwa serves as a divine guard against trials of this world as well as the difficulties of
the hereafter. We see an example of this in the Quran where, in the story of Khidr
(alayhissalam), it was the righteous nature of the father that saved his sons from loss
even after his death. The Quran says: “As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in
the town; and there was under it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a
righteous man, and their Lord intended that they should attain their age of full strength
and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord (Quran 18:82). Muhammad ibn al
Munkadir (rahimahullah) says: “It is because of the piety and righteousness of a servant
that Allah protects his children and the children of his children and his family and even
the homes built around his home.” (Tafsir Mazhari)

3. Unexpected sustenance
“And He will provide for him from sources he could never imagine.” (Quran 65:3)
Almighty Allah is the creator, sustainer and nourisher of the universe. Whatever a
person requires and desires of sustenance can be found in His vast treasures. The
divine promise is that the God-fearing will be sustained from sources they would never
perceive to receive sustenance from. The Noble Quran reiterates this in another verse:
“And if the people of the towns believed and had Taqwa, certainly We should have
opened for them blessings from the heavens and the earth.” (Quran 7:96)

4. Ability to distinguish truth from falsehood

“O you who believe! If you fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (furqan).” (Quran
When a believer sees to it that his obedience to Allah and love for him stay above
everything else, he is gifted by Allah with furqan (such insight that leaves no doubt
between truth and falsehood). Every matter becomes clear in his mind and when he is
faced with confusing situations of the heart, he will be guided to the light. In the Noble
Quran, the day of the Battle of Badr has been termed “Yawm-al-Furqan” (the day of
distinction). This was a decisive day in the history of Islam that proved that no enemy
can destroy a people who have the support of Allah and such individuals will be
successful in all missions they undertake.

5. Tranquility
“It is He (Allah) who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers.” (Quran 48:4)
Calmness and tranquility are sought after states in the daily rat-race of life. These are
bounties from Allah which are specifically focused towards the hearts of the true
believers. People seek solace in material items, sports, relationships and some even
seek it in sin and vice, whereas the true solace that the heart craves can only be
acquired from the creator of the heart himself. When a servant attaches his heart,
actions, longings and aspirations to Allah, Almighty Allah sees to his affairs and keeps
him in a state of peace which even those with abundant worldly wealth envy. The Quran
says: “Those who believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah.
Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Quran 13:28)

Besides the above benefits of adopting Taqwa, the Lord of great bounty has many more
long term benefits in store for the righteous believers. The high status of the people of
Taqwa is mentioned in various verses of the Noble Quran, one of which will suffice for

Rewards of Taqwa 1-Forgiveness of sin & Allah’s paradise “The righteous will be amid gardens and
fountains: enter here in peace and security, and We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of
injury; they will be brothers facing each other on thrones. There no sense of fatigue shall touch them,
nor shall they be asked to leave” Al-Hijr 15: 45-48 “Excellent indeed is the home of the righteous:
Gardens of eternity which they will enter, beneath them rivers flow; they will have therein all that they
wish; thus does Allah reward the righteous” An-Nahl 16: 30 & 31 2-Obtaining Allah’s mercy and guidance
“O you who believe fear Allah and believe in His messenger, He will bestow on you a double portion of
His mercy, and He will provide for you a light by which you shall walk, and He will forgive you, for Allah is
often-forgiving, most-merciful” Al-Hadeed 57 : 28 3-Allah loves and helps those of Taqwa “Those who
keep their promises and are mindful of Allah, for Allah loves the righteous” Al-Imran 3: 76 “Allah is with
those who are righteous and who do good” An-Nahl 16: 128 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Allah loves
His servant who is righteous, content and helps others secretly) Muslim 4-Allah will deliver those of
Taqwa of difficulty, provide for them and make their affairs easy “For those who fear Allah, He ever
prepares a way out” At-Talaq 65: 2 ; “And He provides for him from sources he never could imagine” At-
Talaq 65: 3 ; “And for those who fear Allah He will make their path easy” At-Talaq 65: 4 “And He who
gives in charity and fear Allah, and testifies to the best, We will indeed make smooth for him the path to
bliss” Al-Lail 92: 5-7 5-The righteous is honored in the sight of Allah “Indeed the most honored of you in
the sight of Allah is he who is most righteous” Al-Hujerat 49: 13 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was asked:
Who is the most honorable among mankind” He said: (The most honorable is the most righteous)
Bokhari 6-The righteous will have nothing to fear or be sad on the Day of Judgment “Indeed the friends
of Allah will have no fear, nor will they be sad, those who believed and were righteous.” Yunus (Jonah)
10: 62 & 63. 7-Allah accepts deeds from the righteous “Allah accepts deeds only from the righteous” Al-
Ma’Ida 5: 27
Tawa rewards

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