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Assignment 1

Name: Usama Mustafa

SAP ID: 70110434
Section: D
Task: IICT
Date: 24-oct-2020
Submitted To: Sir Adeem Ali

The University of Lahore

Table of Contents
1. Social Media Features......................................................................................................................3
2. Product Recommendations.............................................................................................................3
3. Image Recognition...........................................................................................................................3
4. Sentiment Analysis..........................................................................................................................3
5. Automating Employee Access Control.............................................................................................3
6. Marine Wildlife Preservation...........................................................................................................3
7. Regulating Healthcare Efficiency and Medical Services...................................................................3
8. Predict Potential Heart Failure........................................................................................................3
9. Banking Domain...............................................................................................................................3
10. Language Translation.....................................................................................................................3
Automotive Industry...........................................................................................................................5
Machine learning:
Machine learning is the process of teaching a computer system how to make accurate predictions
when fed data. Those predictions could be answering whether a piece of fruit in a photo is a
banana or an apple, spotting people crossing the road in front of a self-driving car, whether the
use of the word book in a sentence relates to a paperback or a hotel reservation, whether an email
is spam, or recognizing speech accurately enough to generate captions for a YouTube video. The
key difference from traditional computer software is that a human developer hasn't written code
that instructs the system how to tell the difference between the banana and the apple. Instead a
machine-learning model has been taught how to reliably discriminate between the fruits by being
trained on a large amount of data, in this instance likely a huge number of images labelled as
containing a banana or an apple.

Applications of machine learning:

• Social Media Features
• Product Recommendations
• Image Recognition
• Sentiment Analysis
• Automating Employee Access Control
• Marine Wildlife Preservation
• Regulating Healthcare Efficiency and Medical Services
• Predict Potential Heart Failure
• Banking Domain

• Language Translation

1. Social Media Features

Social media platforms use machine learning algorithms and approaches to create some attractive
and excellent features. For instance, Facebook notices and records your activities, your chats,
likes, and comments, and the time you spend on specific kinds of posts. Machine learning learns
from your own experience and makes friends and page suggestions for your profile.

2. Product Recommendations
One of the most popular and known applications of machine learning is Product
Recommendation. Product recommendation is one of the stark features of almost every
ecommerce website today, which is an advanced application of machine learning techniques.
Using machine learning and AI, websites track your behavior based on your previous purchase,
your searching pattern, your cart history, and make product recommendations.

3. Image Recognition

Image Recognition is one of the most significant and notable Machine Learning and AI
techniques: an approach for cataloging and detecting a feature or an object in the digital image.
This technique is being adopted for further analysis, such as pattern recognition, face detection,
or face recognition.

4. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a real-time machine learning application that determines the emotion or
opinion of the speaker or the writer. For instance, if someone has written a review or email (or
any form of a document), a sentiment analyzer will instantly find out the actual thought and tone
of the text. This sentiment analysis application can are used to analyze a review based website,
decision-making applications, etc.

5. Automating Employee Access Control

Organizations are actively implementing machine learning algorithms to determine the level of
access employees would need in various areas, depending on their job profiles.

6. Marine Wildlife Preservation

Machine learning are used to develop behavior models for endangered cetaceans and other
marine species, helping scientists regulate and monitor their populations.

7. Regulating Healthcare Efficiency and Medical Services

Significant healthcare sectors are actively looking at using Machine Learning algorithms to
manage better. They predict the waiting times of patients in the emergency waiting rooms across
various departments of hospitals. The models use vital factors that help define the algorithm,
details of staff at various times of day, records of patients, and complete logs of department chats
and the layout of emergency rooms. Machine learning algorithms also come to play when
detecting a disease, therapy planning, and prediction of the disease situation.

8. Predict Potential Heart Failure

An algorithm designed to scan a doctor’s free-form e-notes and identify patterns in a patient’s
cardiovascular history is making waves in medicine. Instead of a physician digging through
multiple health records to arrive at a sound diagnosis, redundancy is now reduced with
computers making an analysis based on available information.

9. Banking Domain

Banks are now using the latest advanced technology machine learning has to offer to help
prevent fraud & protect accounts from hackers. The algorithms determine what factors to
consider to create a filter to keep harm at bay. Various sites that are unauthentic will be
automatically filtered out and restricted from initiating transactions.

10. Language Translation

Machine learning plays a significant role in the translation of one language to another. We are
amazed at how the websites can translate from one language to another effortlessly and gives
contextual meaning as well. The technology behind the translation tool is called ‘machine
translation.’ It has enabled the world to interact with people from all corners of the world;
without it, life would not be as easy as it is now. It has provided a sort of confidence to travelers
and business associates to safely venture into foreign lands with the conviction that language will
no longer be a barrier.

Future of Machine learning:

Machine Learning can be a competitive advantage to any company be it a top MNC or a startup
as things that are currently being done manually will be done tomorrow by machines. Machine
Learning revolution will stay with us for long and so will be the future of Machine Learning.
The scope of Machine Learning is not limited to the investment sector. Rather, it is expanding
across all fields such as banking and finance, information technology, media & entertainment,
gaming, and the automotive industry. As the Machine Learning scope is very high, there are
some of the areas where researchers are working toward revolutionizing the world for the future.

Automotive Industry
The automotive industry is one of the areas where Machine Learning is excelling by
changing the definition of ‘safe’ driving. There are a few major companies such as
Google, Tesla, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, etc. that have invested hugely in Machine
Learning to come up with novel innovations. Tesla’s self-driving car is the best in the
industry. These self-driving cars are built using Machine Learning, IoT sensors,
highdefinition cameras, voice recognition systems, etc.

In 1954, George Devol invented the first robot that was programmable and it was named
as Unimate. In the 21st century, Hanson Robotics created the first AI-robot, Sophia.
These inventions were possible with the help of Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence. Robotics is one of the fields that always gain the interest of researchers as
well as the common. Researchers all over the world are still working on creating robots
that mimic the human brain. They are using neural networks, AI, ML, computer vision,
and many other technologies in this research. In the future, we may come across robots
that would be capable of performing various tasks similar to a human.

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