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c c
1. á is having a good image and brand loyal y among consumers.
2. Service is good
3. ⼜Dhalai karne ke liye⼠people ask for ACC
4. They have same price prevailing for wholesale a dealers/s ockies re ailers end.
1. The compe i ors are doing much promo ional ac ivi y ra her han ACC Limi ed ha ⼌s why i
facing more problems in selling of produc in he marke .
2. Lack of awareness program for consumers.
1. —apid grow h is aking place in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.
2. People are op ing for more s able s ruc ures and in ensive use of cemen is aking place, even
governmen is spending heavily on infras ruc ure projec s. Thus, his is he righ ime o fully ap
hese marke s.
3. As ándian core indus ry is also growing a ra e of nearly 10% per annum,i is having a good fu ure.
4. Foreign direc inves men in infras ruc ure sec or going o increase in coming years, which will
increase he demand of cemen .
5. —oads are undergoing hrough he ransforma ion process hrough which he radi ional me hod of
road building will be replaced by modern concre e roads.
1. Large number of players in cemen indus ry makes i more compe i ive for ACC o carefullyprice i s
produc and a he same ime sa isfy i s dealers and cus omers.
2. Players such as Jaypee Cemen , Prism Cemen , and Birla Samra are ea ing up considerablemarke
3. Due o ándia⼌s exponen ial grow h many new in erna ional cemen companies are expec ed in
coming years which will bring a ide of change and can s ar price war.
4. The emergence of small players in his marke may increase he compe i ion and s ar he
malprac ices, and heavy discoun s o re ailers. They can also influence many re ailers by giving
be er profi margin, and o her Benefi s.

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