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Zahra Shahzadi
Sap Id
Advance Research Method
Submitted to
Dr. Muhammad Sarmad
The scope of this study is to find out the impact of utilization of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
on project success to accomplish organizational objectives. This scope is conceived under the
moderating role of team’s cohesiveness and supervision support under the said relationship. The
data was collected from well-reputed companies of telecom sector located in Pakistan with sample
size of 219. The middle tier officials of various telecom organizations, who have to perform in ERP
systemized environment, were targeted to obtain the sample data. Purposive sampling technique
was used for creating a reasonable sample size and data was collected through questionnaire. The
latest statistical techniques were applied through SPSS to analyze the respondent’s feedback to test
the proposed hypothesis. Findings revealed that with the help of ERP usage, performance of team is
enhanced and helps to deliver successful projects. The team cohesiveness affects project success but
couldn’t moderate the relation of ERP usage and project success. On the other hand high supervision
support can stronger the effect of ERP usage on project success. Implications were made for better
ERP usage across by respective managers in dynamic telecom sector of Pakistan

Question# 01:
Being a research scholar draw and elaborate the research model from above paragraph of
abstract, explain the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of crafted research model for
target sector in particular and project management literature in general.
Research model:


Enterprise resource Project Success



Advantages/Disadvantages of this model in Telecommunication Sector of Pakistan:

In this research model, enterprise resource planning (ERP) is independent variable affecting the
dependent variable Project success having moderating affect of two variables Team’s cohesiveness
and Supportive supervision. ERP is a process of integrating different processes of project.
Supervision support can be define as the support and cooperation of team leader or project
manager where team cohesiveness can define as intercommunication of team means they are
cooperative with each other. These both have positive moderating affect between IV and DV.

This model is helpful in telecommunication sector because it is related with top management so they
can consult this study for improving project success.

Supervision Support:
This research model will be helpful in projects of telecommunication sector. As ERP is related to
integration processes and if these processes are carefully integrated theses will lead to project
success. When team leader or project manager encourage and support its team this will strengthens
this relationship and all processes will executed successfully. When there is supervision support
there will be better professional relationships, more confident team, better development and more

Team’s Cohesiveness:
When team members are interconnected and helpful to each other in different activities, where
there is no bullying effect so this will also strength this relationship. When there is Team
cohesiveness then there will be low level of stress among team members and also have low

This model have limited causes that is discussed there can be mediator role as well but we can
consider these things as limitations not in disadvantages.

Question # 02:
Elaborate your original thoughts regarding importance of learning research methods in
project management discipline and guide the fellow scholars to craft a research model
with the combination of different variables types; which should be workable beyond their
academic requirements. Support the guidance with any example of research model?
Importance of learning research Method:
Research is systematic approach to address an existing problem for suitable solution through better
investigation from victims. Research method helped us in to understand research in more effective
way. Project management gives power to project team and organizations to manage, plan and
maintain there project activities in effective way. As a scholar of project management research
method will help me to analyze data about previous projects and make researches regarding them.
It will also help in managing projects because of lesson learned from previous researches. As it helps
us in solving problem and also suggest in choosing suitable techniques and method for investigating
solution. In this first we identify cause and effect of our problem and make research model of it.

There are four variables use in our model.

Independent variable:
This variable works independently to create certain cause.
Dependent variable:
The variable that is being affected by independent variable is known as dependent variable and we
can also say that it the effect of cause that occur.

It works as a referee between IV and DV and try to strengthen or weakens the relationship between
them. It indicate effect.

Service Quality

Perceived value

As in, this example service quality is independent variable that is affecting customer satisfaction
directly where perceived value playing the role of moderator and make strong this relation.

This variable works as a bridging role between IV and DV for appropriate effects generated by
certain causes. It works in a certain period.


Word of mouth Customer loyalty
In this model word of mouth playing the role of mediator. When a customer is satisfied, he will have
positive word of mouth about product and then it will lead as customer loyalty.

Being a research scholar explain the usefulness of data analysis presented at to make decision regarding COVID-19 response and manage
certain projects at country, province and city level; provide recent data figures of today
and interpret in terms of your understanding about SPSS ?
Data analysis is essential for understanding any problem. It converts raw data in useful information
so we can take necessary decision based on it for future. Once data is collected we make
interpretations and find results in the form of conclusions and these conclusions can be summarize
in the form of reports. For this process, we use some tools that allow us to explore the data. Now a
days world is facing COVID-19 as it was started with one infected body and now whole worlds is
affected by it. At this time in Pakistan confirmed cases are 103,671 and in last 24 hour 4728 cases are

It is difficult for government and other analysts to make further decision without analyzing statistic.
Using this analysis, we can analyze that which province is affected more and in which area number of
patients are increasing gradually. In addition, we can examine how many there are active cases,
death rate and recoveries. As this pandemic affect projects in every field. Based on these statistics
we know that in how much tendency this virus is spreading. Other companies and Data about
other provinces of Pakistan as follow:

SPSS Method is use to analyze this data where data was gathered from different hospitals and
analyzed by regression and correlation analysis in SPSS software. All the data was analyzed with
computer software SPSS version 21. By these analysis we know that how different age groups are

An overview:

As in this graphical presentation, we can see that how rapidly COVID-19 is increasing and in coming
days, there is probability of increasing instead of decreasing.

This data is available at

Question # 04:
Elaborate and discuss worth of APA style in developing research paper and draw all APA
style of research data analysis tables developed from your research paper, representing
acceptance/rejection of hypothesis etc with possible explanation of each table?  
Worth of APA style in Research paper:
APA is abbreviation of American Psychological Association. It is expected writing style of journals and
research papers to ensure sources are correctly cited in it. It provides best practice for formatting
page and writing sources. It provides writers a consistent format so they can organize their ideas and
arguments. It provides clarity about paper. When sources are written in same format and each
paragraph and heading is written in same format it give a flow in paper. It also make it easier to read
and understand.

APA style of research data analysis…:



Valid Cumulative
  Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Male 15 25.0 25.0 25.0

Female 45 75.0 75.0 100.0
Total 60 100.0 100.0  

There were total 60 respondents in which 75% female and 15% were male.

Variabl Frequenc Percen Valid Cumulativ

e y t Percen e Percent

18-22 12 43.3 43.3 43.3

23-28 33 33.3 33.3 76.7
28 15 23.3 23.3 100.0
Total 60 100.0 100.0
In 60 respondents 43.3% were between 18-22 years, 33.3% were between 23-28 years and
23.3% were above from 28 years.

Variable Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
1-5 years 46 76.7 43.3 76.7
6-10 9 15.0 15.0 91.7.7
11 years 5 8.3 8.3 100.0
Total 60 100.0 100.0
46% have experience between 1-5 years, 15.0% have experience 6-10 years and 8.3% have
up to 11 year experience.
Correlation Analysis:

  1 2 3 4

1. CS 1      

2. SQ 0.220 1

3. BA 0.123 0.192 1

4. PV 0.126 0.270 0.234 1

The correlation between customer satisfaction and service quality is 0.220 which suggests
there is positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Brand
awareness and perceived value also have weak positive correlation with customer
Regression Analysis:

Predictors Customer Satisfaction

Β R2
SQ 0.131
BA 0.045
PV 0.035 0.058 0.058

PV * SQ -0.255
PV * BA -0.031 0.132 0.074
This table represent effect of independent variables on dependent variable through
regression analysis. Here R=58% shows 58% variation between variables. R square is
coefficient of determination, which shows 58% total variation in customer satisfaction due
to service quality and brand awareness. The significance and non-significance status against
B showed the acceptance or rejection of H1, H2, H3 and H4. As it was pilot study and data is
not reliable so sig value against beta is not less than 0.05 so all hypothesis are rejected.

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