Exhaustive Question List Final-V1.0

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Students Lockdown FAQ's

Q1. Due to remote location, it is difficult for students to take online lectures and
how is the material available online? Do online classes have set times or self-
In this connection, hybrid mode of teaching has been adopted, the students who are
unable to take online lectures (due to limited bandwidth or frequent disconnections)
they can get the recorded videos/PPTs of the lectures as well other than voice notes
with the slides which are already shared with the students before the commencement
of scheduled lectures through different communication tools. 
Q2. What will be the examination criterion against online teaching? How much
percentage for online classes is required to appear in final exams? Q: How will
faculty conduct quizzes and exams and what should be the weightages?
Riphah university has a developed an online examination policy, which is both flexible
and ensures high quality assessment. Students are encouraged to contact their
teachers and program coordinators to understand the policy in detail. The policy is
based on internationally accepted standards of examination.
1. The weightage of sessional assessments will be 70%.
2. There will be no mid-term examination. Instead students will be assessed
through quizzes, assignments and other similar exercises.
3. The weightage of class participation and attendance will be 10%. A student will
be required to participate in a minimum of 75% of the online sessions. In
addition, marks will also be given for active participation in online quizzes,
participation in discussion forums and timely submission of assignments.
4. The weightage of the final examination will be 20%. The final will be a limited
time take-home modeled on open-book examination system.
5. In special circumstances teachers may allow end-term project/thesis report that
reflects the students learning during the semester. The report will be evaluated
as a final examination.
Q3. How Final Year Projects (FYPs) could be carried out online? What is the
process of being assigned to the thesis supervisor? How many meetings with the
supervisor will be required? What will be the time duration allowed by the
University to submit the thesis? How I can get research articles through library?
A detailed policy and FYP/thesis supervision-mechanism has been devised which is
summarized below.
In cases where online supervision of final-year projects, MS/PhD theses is possible, supervisors
are required to perform the following tasks to ensure that a complete record of supervisory
sessions is maintained.
1. All the FYP/thesis students assigned to a supervisor will be enrolled in a Moellim course.
2. A regular online meeting schedule will be uploaded on the course page with clear
instructions to the student on how and when the meeting will take place.
3. A complete record of the meeting is recorded in the weekly course log.
4. Minutes/key points/tasks assigned to the student will be uploaded on Moellim.
5. Any reading assignments or resource materials will also be uploaded on Moellim.
6. The student will share their progress reports on weekly basis through Moellim.
7. The report/thesis drafts will be uploaded on Moellim.
8. Detailed feedback on the submitted drafts will be provided to the student through

Q4. Most of the lab-experiments are hardware-based, how they can be performed

online. How the courses related to computer will be conducted online? How to
teach skills online for Medical faculty?
All the hardware-based experiments will be performed once University is reopened,
however, during this period, theoretical part of the experiments will be delivered
accordingly. In this respect, the concerned departments will share the schedule with the
students so that smooth conduction of labs could be carried
Q5. Due to unlicensed software’s for online teaching, the students are facing
connectivity issues. Are there specific login or online participation times? It is
difficult to keep privacy of my personal cell number in WhatsApp groups. How
will Riphah cater it?
Microsoft 365 Teams IDs have been created and provided to students and faculty
members. Now students can use their official accounts of Microsoft Teams instead of
using social apps like WhatsApp to prevent privacy breach. But still if someone is
facing issues of a genuine nature, the student should contact IT Manager, Arshad Khan
on 03005510210, Zafar Hussain 03465788615, Shehzad Anjum 03335741350.
Q.6: Teachers are also not aware of online forums and major part of class goes
for solving the technical issues (low connectivity, sound issues, distortions,
books sharing
As we all have suddenly entered in a pandemic crisis and facing its consequences.
According to guidelines of HEC, university is trying its best to build the capacity of our
faculty, both permanent and visiting in order to continue the academic activities. As
evidence, the university has designed and launched two capacity building courses
which every faculty member must complete in couple of days. The department has also
established a dedicated committee to deal with the challenges of online mode of
education. So, we welcome the valuable suggestions from our recipients which are
crucial to improve our capacity. We hope to overcome the significant technological and
procedural lags, which are crucial for dissemination of academic activities, soon Insha
Q.7: Banks have also been closed 50% of their branches (only main branches are
open) and their operation timings have also been minimized for customers; how
we are supposed to pay that on time? As we are getting simple online classes
without using university infrastructure facilitation, is return fee policy
We have conveyed your concerns, regarding the fee submission, to our finance
department. They are also working to provide us the convenient solutions.    
Q.8:  I want to skip/drop the registration, what is the procedure of undoing the
As per policy dropping/freezing the semester is possible in the first 3 weeks, it cannot
be dropped but withdrawn at this moment in time. In case of drop/withdrawal, fee will be
Q.9: Till when the lockdown is expected to end, and normal classes are to
As per the instructions of Government of Pakistan; all educational institutes including
universities are to keep the campuses closed till 31st of May 2020, any changes in this
date or time frame would be intimated to the students.
Q.10: Do we have to take online classes? How the attendance will be marked in
online classes? How much percentage for online classes is required to appear in
final exams? Who is managing my class timetable? What if I can’t meet the
attendance requirements?
As per University guidelines considering the current COVID-19 situation, Modular
schedule is to be followed and attendance is mandatory to be able to sit in the final
examinations. The teachers will engage in synchronous and asynchronous teaching
methods while taking attendance based on activities. Moreover, schedule for Ramadan
will be shared accordingly.
Q.11: Wouldn't this online teaching effect the quality of education? What are
teaching faculty expectations from the students?
Firstly, it is being ensured that only knowledge component of the syllabus is being
imparted through this online teaching. Secondly the faculty is well trained to take online
classes and to keep the students attentive, we only require the students to be honest
with their future profession and make sure they attend classes attentively with a true
conscious to learn.
Q.12 Would this lockdown effect our academic year in terms of extension?
It is too early to say anything relating to the year extension; as classes/lectures are
being managed via online resources as well as a few practical’s and group discussions
online. Hence covering a lot of the knowledge component of the syllabus. So, extension
or no extension depends on many variables which would be taken into consideration in
due course of time.
Q.13: Would the date of the CBA (Combined Block Assessment) be extended
considering the current circumstances?
We still have time to decide on what will happen, as the knowledge component is being
delivered to the students; schedule is to be followed as it is. But we are in close contact
with the University and the regulators to determine the modalities of examination during
these testing times; final decision would be disseminated to all the concerned well in
time to prepare for the examinations.
Q.14: How would we be able to complete our practical’s and clinical quotas if this
lockdown continues till 31st May?
Some subjects are carrying out practical's online via videos and online classes, while
the practical's which require skill and hands on would be completed before the final
examinations. Minimum Clinical quotas set by the regulatory body must be achieved, for
which modalities would be discussed with the stake holders and steps would be taken
to ensure completion.
Q.15: We used to have quiz's weekly or bi-weekly, which enhances our learning;
how would this be possible while doing online teaching? How are online classes
graded? How will the student be evaluated against assignments, quizzes and
The University has implemented a new a web-based application which is almost like the
previous Moellim /VLE but has many additional features. One of those features being
the online quiz's and their grading, which is quite efficient in carrying out proper web-
based quiz's and would help in your learning outcomes. The website address of the
university Learning Management System (https://moellim.riphah.edu.pk).
Q.16: Why to use the new Moellim when the old VLE is working fine?
The new Moellim is an integrated application with new ERP system inculcated into the
RIU Online services, hence it is having more features compared to the older version.
Moreover, MIS department has the responsibility of transferring the whole data from the
old version to the new Moellim, which will be done in time.

Q.17: Can I interact with the faculty via emails, Facebook or WhatsApp groups
after the class? Is there any official online medium for after class discussions and
Microsoft 365 Teams IDs have been created and provided to students and faculty
members. Now students can use their official accounts of Microsoft Teams instead of
using social apps for after class discussions.
Q.18: How can we, as a faculty, can mute and stop students from unmuting in
Microsoft Teams
Teachers can change the role of the meeting participants manually to restrict their
capability (so that they can't present, mute you and remove you from a meeting). This
option can't be set globally by default in Teams. For any issues with MS Team contact
IT Manager, Arshad Khan on 03005510210, Zafar Hussain 03465788615, Shehzad
Anjum 03335741350.

 Q.19: How to start a meeting on Microsoft Teams using a mobile phone or a

tablet as the "Meet Now" button is not visible.
Microsoft Teams application doesn't have this feature till now. It has a ‘Join’ button for
the said meeting scheduled. For queries, student should contact IT Manager, Arshad
Khan on 03005510210, Zafar Hussain 03465788615, Shehzad Anjum 03335741350.

Q.20: How can faculty restrict students from joining a session on Microsoft
Teams or Zoom?
Anyone with the link can join your meeting session. Share the link with a team only.

Q.21: Library resources, how do we access them?

Library and learning resources are available @ https://iportal.riphah.edu.pk/
Please use following library related FAQs (already developed)

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