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1. Kanban activities are continuous and more fluid.

2. Kanban is more visual, limiting the work in progress and maximizing efficiency
3. Kanban focus on reducing the time to complete a project
4. Kanban uses a user story and continuously improving the flow of work
5. Kanban has continuous delivery
6. Change can happen anytime in kanban


 Scrum is more structured and based on short work intervals called sprints
 Scrum focuses on integrating customer feedback
 Scrum teams adopt specific roles like product owner, development team and scrum master
 Teams should not make changes during the sprint.

Kanban Board vs Scrum Board

Category Scrum Kanban

Planning When a ticket is created it will initially Any issue that is added to a Kanban board
go into the backlog. From the backlog, it will by default automatically fall into the
can be estimated and details can be backlog column. There is also an option to
added before it goes into a sprint and enable a Kanban backlog which is not
appear under Active Sprints. enabled by default.
Board View Scrum boards show the work that a Kanban boards shows all the work a
team has committed to under a specific team has commited to but can be
time-frame. This work will show as configured to only display e.g. the most
sprints and progress is measured by recently added issues. Progress is
how much work that will be completed measured by looking at how many issues
within each sprint. are within each column, and restrictions
can be applied to only allow e.g. 3 issues
in progress at the same time
Workflow The statuses of the workflows With Kanban boards it is a easier to
associated with the Scrum boards will change your workflow. You can map
determine which columns can be columns to the statuses of your workflow.
displayed. In order to change the This can also be changed in the future if
columns, the workflows have to be the workflow changes, by simply adding or
changed. removing columns as required.
With Scrum boards, you can see many
types of reports even while you are in
the middle of the sprint.
Reports An example is the Burndown Chart – Kanban also allows teams to view reports.
check how the team progress towards One chart that is quite useful with Kanban
their commitment. If the scope has is the Control Chart. This will allow you to
changed while the sprint is still on, this measure the cycle time for issues. For
will also be reflected here. Other charts example, showing the mean time and
include: Sprint Report, Epic Report, actual time taken to complete issues.
Velocity Chart, Version Report, etc.
Maintenance Scrum boards allows you gain full Since Kanban boards don’t work with
control and plan your work in great estimates in the same way as Scrum
detail, but it requires more configuration boards and are more simple to manage,
time if any changes needs to be done Kanban boards requires less maintenance

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