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Requirements for Implementation

The following are the requirements for the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the
• Commitment by top management. The implementation of TQM requires the top executives to
allot a considerable amount of their time to be used in the total quality effort. The top
management must be directly involved in the implementation process of TQM in order to easily
identify and resolve the problem areas which may arise during its implementation. For instance,
a department head realizes that there is a need for restructuring in order to accommodate TQM.
However, creating an organizational structure is beyond the scope of a department head and
only the top management will be able to initiate such change. Now given this situation, it will be
difficult for the department head to explain to the top management the need for organizational
restructuring since they are not directly involved in the implementation of TQM.
• Commitment of resources. The implementation of TQM requires cost for training the employees
and hiring a consultant. For instance, if a change initiative is required during the implementation
of TQM and it is reasonable, at the right circumstances, and the resources are available to
facilitate the said initiative, the management must support the execution of the change initiative.
• Organization-wide steering committee. The implementation of TQM requires a committee that
will oversee the whole course of operation under a total quality environment. The committee
must also establish team objectives for different units of the organization and must monitor the
results of the implementation of the courses of action that will help achieve the team objectives.
• Planning and publicizing. The implementation of TQM requires the steering committee to
develop the vision statement and guiding principles of the organization. They must also set the
goals and execute the implementation plan to achieve the total quality environment. Most
importantly, they must develop an award and recognition program for the employees who will
support the implementation of TQM.
• Infrastructure that supports continual improvement. The implementation of TQM requires the
organization to follow a set of procedures that are constantly being developed and improved to
promote a total quality environment. The management must also abolish the communication
barriers between various departments of the organization and encourage open communication
for smooth execution of TQM across the different units of the organization. In addition, the
management must motivate the labor unions of the organization to support in the
implementation of total quality management in the workplace.
Implementation Approach
The organizations must follow the step-by-step approach in the implementation of Total Quality
Management (TQM) as follows:
1. Formation of the total quality steering committee. The top executive should designate
immediate staff members to become part of the total quality steering committee, with
himself/herself as the chairman. If a union is involved, the senior union official should also be a
member of the steering committee.
Duration: The steering committee will be a permanent entity in the organization.

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2. Steering committee team building. The steering committee needs to go through a team-building
session before it starts any total quality work.
Duration: This usually requires one (1) to three (3) days, preferably done away from the work
3. Steering committee total quality training. The steering committee must undergo training in total
quality philosophy, techniques, and tools through the help of an outside consultant, before it
starts any total quality work.
Duration: It will take two (2) to three (3) days of intensive training. This should be followed
through in the long run with self-study and appropriate seminars.
4. Creation of the vision statement and guiding principles. The steering committee must create the
organization’s vision statement and guiding principles. The objective is to get the steering
committee’s thoughts and ideas to create a meaningful document that embodies the hopes and
aspirations of the company.
Duration: It will take a full day of planning.
5. Establishment of broad strategic objectives. The steering committee must craft the vision
statement into a set of broad company objectives. The strategic objectives must be formulated
on a grand scale and must be supported by specific tactical objectives. For example, the strategic
objective of the company is, “To become the dominant player in the market in five (5) years.” The
specific tactical objective must be “By introducing new products on a nine-month cycle over the
next three (3) years.”
Duration: It will take at least a full week and can be extended over several weeks. Organizations
must take the time to facilitate this step with proper consideration and deliberation.
6. Communication and publicity. The top executive and the steering committee must communicate
the vision, guiding principles, objectives, and total quality initiative to all the members of the
Duration: It must be on continuous basis with followed through reminders.
7. Identification of organizational strengths and weaknesses. The steering committee must
objectively identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. This approach will guide
the organization to correct their internal deficiencies that will hinder the implementation of total
quality in the workplace.
Duration: It will take a full day of planning.
8. Identification of advocates and resisters. The steering committee should identify the employees
who are likely to become total quality advocates and those who are likely to resist total quality.
This approach will help in selecting the early projects that promote total quality.
Duration: It should require no more than an hour or two (2) if the members independently
prepare their assessments prior to the meeting.
9. Baseline employee satisfaction/attitudes. The steering committee with the help of an outside
consultant should gauge the current state of employee satisfaction and attitudes. The objective
of this approach is to determine whether the total quality changes are working effectively, as
shown by improving satisfaction and attitudes.
Duration: It will take a week to do it in-house and at least a month for an outside firm to do it.
This should be conducted annually.

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10. Baseline customer satisfaction. The steering committee and the customer relations department
of the company should obtain objective feedback from customers to determine their level of
satisfaction. The objective of this approach is to determine the effectiveness of the total quality
efforts in the point of view of the customers.
Duration: It will take two (2) months if you send out survey forms and two (2) weeks if you do it
by phone. This should be conducted annually.
11. Plan the implementation approach. The steering committee must start planning the
implementation of total quality. The objective of this approach is to determine the courses of
action that need to be adjusted or corrected.
Duration: It must be accomplished continually since this is the step where the total quality process
is managed, not only at the implementation stage but for as long as the process exists.
12. Identification of projects. The steering committee must select the initial total quality projects
based on the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the personalities involved, the vision and
objectives, and the probability of success. This approach sets the foundation of positive
experience prior moving on to more difficult challenges in the long run.
Duration: The initial projects must be selected over a few days and the process continues forever.
13. Establish team composition. The steering committee must establish the composition of the
teams that will execute the selected projects for total quality. The teams must be composed of
people from multiple departments or disciplines of the organization.
Duration: It must be done continually.
14. Provide team training. A member of the steering committee must conduct training for the teams
that will execute the selected projects for total quality. The training should cover the basics of
total quality tools appropriate to the project.
Duration: It will take at least a half day, followed by facilitation. As new teams are formed, the
need for training will continue until eventually all employees are trained and experienced.
15. Team activation and direction. The steering committee must provide and activate direction for
the teams working on their assigned projects using the total quality techniques they have learned.
Duration: It will take a life span of weeks, months, or longer depending on the project.
Measurable results must be enforced to ensure the effectiveness of the teams.
16. Team feedback loop. The teams must provide feedback information to the steering committee
pertaining to the progress and results of their assigned projects. The objective of this approach is
to determine if adjustments or changes in direction are required to make the execution of the
project much effective and efficient.
Duration: It will take a life span of weeks, months, or longer depending on a specific project.
17. Customer satisfaction feedback loop. The special project teams must be deployed to obtain
customer feedback information for both internal and external customers of the organization.
External customer surveys must be conducted annually and internal customer satisfaction must
be monitored continually. The results of the survey must be reported to the steering committee.
Duration: It must be done on a continual basis.
18. Employee satisfaction feedback loop. The special project team must take the pulse of employee
attitude and satisfaction. The result of the pulse must be reported to the steering committee so
they can determine any necessary course corrections.
Duration: It must be done on a continual basis.

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19. Modify infrastructure as necessary. The steering committee must address necessary changes in
the corporate infrastructure of the organization such as procedures, processes, organization
structure, awards, recognition programs, union roles, and all the aspects of the organization that
affect total quality. The changes must be based on the result of team feedback, customer
satisfaction, and employee satisfaction loop.
Duration: It must be done on a continual basis.

Goetsch, D. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality.
United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited.

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