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AI for Managers – S.

Prof. Soumen Manna

• Understand AI system for business problems
• Explore the effects of AI on diverse domains
• Incorporate AI into business strategy
• Understand AI and ethics landscape


• Foundational understanding of how AI works, and its potential impact
on business, economies, financial and organizational structures and
business strategy
Course outline…

• Module 1 [02 sessions]

• Introduction to AI Module 3 [02 sessions]
• Inside AI framework and business implementation
• Module 2 [08 sessions] • Different types of business problems for AI system
• AI and business • Different AI algorithms and their applications
• Explore AI technology and management context • Steps to follow for an AI enable solution
• Understand AI implementation framework • Measuring performance of an AI system
• Idea generation process for your business • Choice of best AI system for your business problem
• Building an AI project plane • Pros and cons of AI system
• Understand data curation and governance
• Designing and creating AI prototype
• Deploying AI system in your business
Course outline…
Module 4 [02 sessions – industry interaction/project presentation]
• Future directions in AI
• Identify emerging trends
• Explore the directions of growth
• Build and test the concept and use case

• Assignment / Quiz : 10%
• Project (Group/Individual): 30%
• Presentation (Group/individual): 20%
• End term: 40%

• Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is

intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence
displayed by humans and animals.
• The theory and development of computer systems able to perform
tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual
perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation
between languages.
• AI is just a collective term for machines that can think and respond
like a human.
Interesting facts about AI
• AI Market: A PwC report estimates that AI will contribute $15.7
trillion to the global economy by 2030.
• AI reads mind: According to a new methodology, robotics are able to
develop an image of your thoughts on an FMRI scanner. Constructing
the image of your brain! Who knows how far it can go and predict the
thoughts or decisions you might make in the future.
• AI Nationality: Sophia, the first robot to receive citizenship of a
country. This female robot became a Saudi-Arab citizen by receiving
its nationality and passport. This is has brought so much controversy
among people for questioning if the robots will take over the human
race as citizens and outrun Homo-sapiens.
• AI is taking over the world: AI holds innovation 85% than the rest.

• If you are using a smartphone, you are interacting

with AI whether you know it or not.
• There are the obvious AI elements which most of us
have some knowledge about. For example, when
you are using a smart assistant, whether it’s Google
Assistant, Alexa, Siri, or using Google translate, you
more or less know that these assistants are based on
• However, when we are using a feature such as the
portrait mode effect while shooting a picture, we
never consider that AI might be behind that too.
• Companies producing chips with built-in AI
capabilities. The AI integration is helping in bringing
features like scene detection, mixed and virtual
reality elements, and more.
Smart Transportation
• Companies like Amazon and Walmart
are heavily investing in drone delivery
programs and it will become a reality
far sooner than what you expect.
• Militaries all over the world are already
using successful drone programs.

• Companies like Tesla have made so

much progress that we already have a
fleet of semi-automatic cars on the
road. There are already more than
500,000 Tesla cars running in the US
alone and that number is set to
increase exponentially.
Smart Transportation
Hyperloop: This high-speed ground transportation network was originally proposed by Elon Musk,
co-founder of Tesla and founder of SpaceX. Today, several companies are contributing to this effort
and various cities around the world are considering how they can implement their part of the
finished design. According to Musk, Hyperloop may be able to transport someone from Los Angeles
to San Francisco in about half an hour. You can learn more about Hyperloop from Musk’s 2013 white
paper at:
Smart Transportation
High-Speed Tunnel Networks: The Boring Company, also developed by Elon Musk, aims to ease
traffic congestion in large cities by using a series of tunnels underground, reachable by an elevator-
type system and a moving platform that can transport traditional cars much faster than they could
travel on their own. Although many are skeptical about the feasibility of implementing this
technology, if successful, it will create huge opportunities in big cities. You can learn more about the
Boring Company at its website, or watch a quick overview on
YouTube at:
Smart Transportation
Self-Flying Aircraft: There are currently numerous projects benefiting from AI-
powered flight technologies. One of the most interesting, the Kitty Hawk Flyer,
which was developed by a company funded by Google founder Larry Page, is a fully
electric aircraft that can be flown over water without a pilot’s license.
Social Media Feeds
• If you are using social media (Twitter,
Facebook or Instagram, or Snapchat), most of
your decisions are being impacted by
artificial intelligence.
• From the feeds that you see in your timeline
to the notifications that you receive from
these apps, everything is curated by AI.
• AI takes all your past behavior, web searches,
interactions, and everything else that you do
when you are on these websites and tailors
the experience just for you.
• The sole purpose of AI here is to make the
apps so addictive that you come back to
them again and again, and I am ready to
place a bet that AI is winning this war against

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