W 12 Word Order

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 Adverbs of manner come after the vb. or after the
object when there is one (She dances beautifully.
They speak English well.)
 If the object is long we usually put the adv. before the vb.
(They secretly decided to leave the town).
 N.B. If we move secretly to the end, we change the
meaning (They secretly decided=the decision was secret.
They decided to leave the town secretly=the departure
was to be secret.)
 vb.+prep.+obj. – the adv. can be either before the
prep. or after the obj. (He looked at me
suspiciously/suspiciously at me.)
 Adverbs of place come after the vb. or vb.+object
or vb.+prep.+object (I sent him away. I looked for it
 N.B. here and there can be followed by
be/come/go+subject in order to stress (There you are.
Here it comes.)
 Adverbs of time are usually placed at the very
beginning or at the very end of the clause
(Eventually he came/He came eventually.)
 yet: normally placed after the vb. or vb.+object. It
is chiefly used in negative or interrogative
Order of Adverbs
 Time expressions can follow expressions of
manner and place (They worked hard in the house
yesterday.), but they can also be used in front
position (Every day he waited patiently at home.)
 Expressions of manner usually precede
expressions of place, but away, back, down,
forward, home, in, off, on, out, round and up
usually precede adverbs of manner (They went
home quietly. She looked back anxiously.)

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