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2.1 MENUS 3
Description of "Pop-down" Menus and Windows 3
Making Menu Selections 4
How Data Entry Screens Work (how to edit data) 4
Screen Instructions and Error Messages 5
General Information Data Entry Screens 6
Tabular Data Entry Screens 7
Option Selection Entry Screens 7
Enter 8
Escape 8
Tab/Shift Tab 9
Alt+ and Ctrl+ 9
Home/End 9
Page Up/Page Down 9
Cursor Control Keys (Arrow Direction Keys) 9
Space Bar 9
Backspace 10
Insert/Delete 10
Num Lock 10
Function Keys 10
What are Data Files ? 11
Data File Names and Extensions 11
Brief Discussion of DOS Directories and Paths 13
Recommended Directory Structure 13
How to use the Data Storage/Retrieval System 14
Recommended Data Saving Habits 15
Special Data File Formats 15
Units 16
Longitudinal Reference 16
Order of Longitudinal Data Entry 16
A/F (Aft/Forward) 16
Transverse Reference 16
P/S (Port/Starboard) 17
Vertical Reference 17
Ft-In 17
Precision 17

This chapter provides information on general program usage that will help you make full use of all
features and capabilities. It includes:
 instructions on how to move through the program using the pop-down menus,

 information on what to expect on data entry screens,

 explanations of the usage of specific keys on the keyboard,

 a discussion of data files and how to use the file save options, and

 a summary of some simple data entry conventions and shortcuts.

Information on specific data entry screens and calculated results are included in following chapters.

page 2-2
Description of "Pop-down" Menus and Windows
HECSALV uses a menu system which provides fast, direct access to all parts of the program with
simple cursor control. You simply need to "point" at the options you wish to execute.

The menu system is characterized by a "main horizontal menu bar" located on the second line of the
screen display immediately below the title line. (Refer to Figure 2-1). One or two-word descriptions
in the menu bar identify the menu options. When a menu option is highlighted, a "window" will
appear (or "pop-down") providing any additional options for that particular topic. The cursor can
then be moved down through this window menu to select the desired function. To execute the
selected function press the[Enter]key.

The  menu option does not have a pop-down window menu; pressing the[Enter]key for this

option initiates the exit procedure.

Figure 2-1

In addition to using the cursor keys to specify menu selections, you may also use special
combinations of keys for faster access. These are described in the following sections.

page 2-3
Making Menu Selections
The cursor control keys may be used to move through the menus and make selections. In addition,
combinations of the [Ctrl] key and [Alt] key with certain letters will activate menus and execute
options. In all cases, the letter in a menu option description which is brightest or displayed in a
different color is used for this key-code selection. These bright letters are often referred to as "hot

For example, in the main horizontal menu bar, you may select an option by:

1) using the left or right direction arrow keys to move the highlighted marker and pressing the
[Enter] key, or

2) simultaneously pressing the [Ctrl] key and the highlighted letter of the option description
(the "hot key").

Similarly, a menu option is selected and executed in a pop-down window menu by:

1) using the up and down direction arrow keys to move the highlighted marker and then pressing
the [Enter] key, or

2) typing the hot key of the desired option (this automatically moves the highlighted marker to the
desired option) and then pressing the [Enter] key, or

3) simultaneously pressing the [Alt] key and the desired hot key.

If the same hot key is used for different options in a sub-menu, using method 3) above will move the
highlighted marker between the appropriate options. The [Enter] key will then have to be pressed
to execute the options.

If you need to back up to a previous menu, press the [Esc] key.


This section provides general information on data entry and introduces a few types of data entry
screens. This information is common to all data entry throughout this system of programs.
Descriptions of specific data entry screens, definitions of terms, and discussions of associated
calculations and assumptions are included in following chapters.

How Data Entry Screens Work (how to edit data)

All data entry screens operate in a similar manner. They consist of columns or tables of descriptive
information and blanks for data items. Typical data entry screens are shown in Figures 2-2 to 2-4. If
default values exist for some data items, they automatically appear on the display.

page 2-4
Initially, a highlighted marker appears at the top of the first column of data items. It can be moved to
any data item on the screen by using the cursor control keys, the [Enter] key, or in some cases the
[Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] keys.

To enter a value at a particular location, place the highlighted marker over the desired data item and
type in the value. Note that the length of the highlighted marker indicates the maximum amount of
data which may be entered. Each character you type is checked to see if it is appropriate for the data
value being entered. The program will beep and refuse to take the character if, say, a letter is typed
for a completely numeric input field. You can also correct the typed value with the [Backspace]

Once the value is correctly typed, press the [Enter] key or any of the cursor control keys to enter
the value. At this point the value is checked for errors. Improper characters or a number that
exceeds the possible range of a particular item cause the program to display a message and reject that
input. The value must then be re-entered. If no errors are detected, the value is accepted and the
highlighted marker moves on to the next data item. The [Enter] key moves the highlighted marker
in the most logical direction.

To modify an existing data item you can retype the entire value or use the edit function key, [F2].
When [F2] is pressed, a small underline appears in the highlighted marker along with the data
value. You can move this underline with the left and right cursor control keys and change any
character in the data value. The [Insert] and [Delete] keys can also be used in edit mode.
When you have completed editing the value, press the [Enter] key. To erase a text entry such as a
title or description, press the [Space Bar] as the first character. This will clear the entire field.

When all items on a screen are entered to your satisfaction press the [Esc] key to return to the
previous menu.

Screen Instructions and Error Messages

At the bottom of each data entry screen is an instruction box which contains brief notes about the
data value highlighted, describes the features available with function keys, and explains how to exit
the screen. This instruction box is different for each entry screen and should be referred to each time
you come to a new screen. In addition, the instructions are context sensitive, so they may change as
the highlighted marker is moved around or options are selected.

As mentioned above, data values are checked as they are entered. If any irregularities are identified
by the program, it sounds a tone or beep and displays a brief message below the instruction box. The
highlighted marker remains at the same data location and the message remains until a new value is

page 2-5
General Information Data Entry Screens

Figure 2-2

One very simple type of data entry screen is that used for General Information and other descriptive
items. It usually consists of a single column of text data entry as shown in Figure 2-2.

The software uses this information in order to identify the project, job, or load case on which you are
working. This information is used as part of the header on printed output and is stored with the data
on disk files.

Enter these items as described above using the cursor control keys to move the highlighted marker,
and press [F2] to edit. The entries may include letters, numbers, spaces, or symbols. If a date
and/or time are requested, a default value corresponding to the computer's date/time are presented.
This can, of course, be edited.

page 2-6
Tabular Data Entry Screens
The most common type of data entry screen used in the software is in a tabular format and is used
primarily for numeric input. One such screen is shown in Figure 2-3. It consists of a table for data
entry, an instruction box, and, in this case, a box on the right for immediate update of calculated

Figure 2-3

Data is entered as described above with the cursor control keys moving the highlighted marker both
horizontally and vertically. Some columns may be for display only, and are skipped when moving the
highlighted marker.

Several other special function keys are useful when moving around tabular entry screens. They
include Page Up/Page Down, Tab/Shift Tab, Insert/Delete, Home/End, and the Function Keys. Refer
to the following section for a description of how these keys can make data entry much more efficient.
Note that the special function keys are identified in the instruction box.

The update box on the right immediately displays results after each entry.

Option Selection Entry Screens

In certain cases, data values have only a few possible values. For example, program control
information such as unit selection, strength criteria, precision options, etc. can only be selected as
one of a few possibilities. In these cases, the data entry screen is characterized by option selections.
The entry screen shown in Figure 2-4 includes some option selections.

page 2-7
Figure 2-4

To choose a particular option, place the highlighted marker at the item of interest and enter the
number of the option you wish to select. A list of options is presented to the far right of the active
entry column. Immediately to the right of the entry column, the chosen selection is displayed in


On each keyboard are various special purpose keys that are used by HECSALV for moving about and
editing data. Some of their uses are mentioned in the sections above. Below they are described in
more detail and loosely grouped by usage. That is, the first group is used for moving between menus
or through entry screens. The second group is used for editing data. The function keys [F1]
through [F10] have various uses and are included at the end.

The [Enter] key is pressed after typing in a number or expression for data entry. This enters the
value into the program and moves the program onto the next operation or instruction. When entering
data in a tabular display, pressing the [Enter] key will move the highlighted marker to the next
data item. The [Enter] key is also used to terminate the edit mode (See Function Key [F2]).

The [Esc] key is used to leave a data entry screen or backup to a previous menu. When leaving a
data entry screen, if data has been entered in the current field, the entry will be processed before
leaving the screen. If errors exist, they must be corrected before you may leave the entry screen.

page 2-8
Tab/Shift Tab
The [Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] keys are used to jump between fields or data groups on data entry
screens. [Shift]+[Tab] moves the highlighted marker in a direction opposite to that caused by
the [Tab] key.

Alt+ and Ctrl+

The [Ctrl] key and [Alt] key are used in combination with certain letters to provide quick access
to menus, execute options, and jump between fields on certain entry screens. The letters, called "hot
keys", are indicated on the displays where they may be used as bright, bold, capital letters. To
activate the associated option, press the [Alt] key or [Ctrl] key simultaneously with the hot key

[Ctrl] key + Simultaneously pressing the [Ctrl] key and the "hot key" will move the
highlighted marker to the desired option on the main menu bar. If there is no
sub-menu for the option,  for example, the menu option will be executed.

[Alt] key + Simultaneously pressing the [Alt] key and the "hot key" will select and
execute the desired option in a pop-down menu. If the same "hot key" is used
for different options, the options will only be selected and not executed. The
[Enter] key will then have to be depressed to execute the option.

The [Home] and [End] keys are another way of conveniently jumping around on an entry display.
The [Home] key immediately moves the highlighted marker to the first data item in a tabular entry
display. Conversely, the [End] key immediately moves the highlighted marker to the last data item
in a tabular entry display. Columns of data are scrolled as necessary to reach the first and last

Page Up/Page Down

These keys scroll columns of tabular data forward and backward, respectively. Unlike the [Home]
and [End] keys, the [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys only move the highlighted marker one
display screen at a time.

Cursor Control Keys (Arrow Direction Keys)

These keys are used to move the highlighted marker (cursor) through data entry screens, menus, and
lists of selections. When used for entering data, they can be used instead of the [Enter] key.

Space Bar
The [Space Bar] is used only on text data entry for adding spaces as you might do with a
typewriter. If a space is entered as the first and only character for a text entry, the existing value is

page 2-9
The [Backspace] key erases characters as it backspaces. It is used to correct mistakes in typing or
data entry or to edit existing data entries. (See Function key [F2] below)

These keys are used in the edit mode activated by the [F2] function key only. They insert and
delete on a character by character basis.

Num Lock
This key is a toggle. It causes the keys in the numeric keypad to switch from numbers and symbols to
cursor controls. It can be pressed at anytime during data entry.

Function Keys
A few function keys are dedicated to specific tasks used throughout the program. Others are assigned
different tasks depending on the needs of data entry screens. The list below provides a description of
the dedicated keys.

F2 Activates the edit mode for the data value highlighted. For text entry fields, a small
underline appears in the highlighted marker along with the data value. You can move
this underline with the left and right cursor control keys and change any character in the
data value. The [Insert], [Delete], and [Backspace] keys can also be used in
edit mode. The edit mode is terminated by pressing the [Enter] key.

For numerical entry fields, a mathematical entry mode is available. this mode permits
you to enter a mathematical expression and have the input value computed from the
expression. Pressing [F2] will cause an equals {=} sign to appear as the first character of
the field. Addition {+}, subtraction {-}, multiplication {*}, division {/}, parenthesis
{()}, and exponentiation {^} operations are permitted.

F3 Typically initiates calculations associated with the current display.

F5 Typically used to insert data or spaces between data items.

F6 Typically used to delete previously entered data.

F7 Used to present a graphic display associated with the current screen.

F4, F8, F9, F10 The use of these function keys varies. If they are active, instructions on
their use appear in the instruction box on the data entry screen.

In certain cases, special screens require a deviation from this standard definition of function keys. In
all cases, the functions keys are defined in the instruction box on each screen.

page 2-10
2.4 Data File Concepts/ Storing and Retrieving Information

What are Data Files ?

Data files are the means by which information is stored by the program on a disk for later retrieval
and use. This is a particularly useful feature not only because it provides a means of recording your
work, but it also greatly reduces the time required for data input. For example, if you are
investigating a load case which is similar to a previously worked case, you need only retrieve the
stored data file which contains the previous load case information and make the necessary

Some programs require data files in order to operate. For example, the Load Program requires a ship
data (.SDA) file containing the ship and tankage descriptions. The .SDA file must be created with
the Ship Data Entry Program before running the Load Program.

Data File Names and Extensions

Each data file is referred to by a name and an extension (or suffix), i.e., filename.ext

The filename may contain up to 8 characters excluding spaces and periods.

In order to help categorize data files, the HECSALV programs automatically assign an extension to
the file depending on the type of information it contains. This relieves you of having to worry about

You need only use the 8 character file name when referring to files from within any of the HECSALV

A list of the file extensions used by the various programs is given below.


 !!   !"

# $
# %


 !" ''


 !!   !"

( & ( ) ($ *
+, + -   

$ !  $   

 # $
# %

% ,   ., %

+ +0 
$1  2

page 2-11

% ,  # ' $# %
 %  %
,%    !
( & ( ) ($ *
%, % ! ,

 !" ''

&$ & 3   $ 2

% ,% ,& %, % ,

% %     )/
%, % ! ,

.,&% %    

., %
+ +0 

&%% &(%    

$1  2

  &4&, $ &$ & 3   $

%, % ! ,

., %
$1  2


 !5 ''


 $  + $&     ) ,    


 !" ''


,  $ % +.    

 !" ''


, ,  , '
,  , &  
 ) ' !  /

   ,$ %, % ! ,


% ( $ &%%    

 !" ''


%, % ! ,


%, % ,
% % 2  /

%  % 2  , '

page 2-12
Brief Discussion of DOS Directories and Paths
The Disk Operating System (DOS), which was loaded when the computer was turned on, controls
how the computer stores information (such as data files) on the hard or floppy disks. It allows you to
organize your files into separate areas of the disk called directories. Each directory can in turn have
any number of sub-directories.

The Appendix provides information on how to work with DOS and it's directories. What is important
to learn here is that the HECSALV Software programs allows you to store information in any
existing sub-directory on any disk.

DOS refers to directories with a very specific syntax. This syntax must be followed when giving
commands for storing or retrieving files. For example, consider a directory on your "A" drive called
SAMPLE. SAMPLE has several sub-directories, one of which is called DATA. DOS refers to this sub-
directory as:


The following syntax rules apply:

 the drive letter appears first followed by a colon and back slash

 the directory and sub-directory names follow this back slash separated by the back slash

 no spaces are allowed

Note that the HECSALV Software programs take care of all these syntax rules for you. As described
below, you need only point to the directories and files you wish to store/retrieve. However, if you
wish to type in a specific directory, reference you also have that capability. In any case, it is at least
important to understand what directories are and how they can be used to organize your data.

Recommended Directory Structure

If the default paths are retained when using the HECSALV Install Program, the following directory
structure is created:

• C: •
•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••
•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••
Figure 2-5

The HECSALV Programs, printer drivers, and various other files required to run the software are
stored in the HECSALV directory. A set of sample ship data is stored in the SHIPDATA sub-
directory. Libraries of standard shapes are stored in the SCMDDATA sub-directory.

page 2-13
When you are working on a set of HECSALV files for a particular vessel, it is best to create a sub-
directory immediately below the HECSALV directory. Copy any files you have stored on a floppy
disk to this sub-directory. Work with the files in the hard disk sub-directory and, when your work is
completed, you can back-up the files by copying them back to a floppy. For each different vessel,
create an additional sub-directory on your hard disk.

As an example, suppose you are concurrently evaluating a VLCC tanker and a 80,000 DWT tanker.
You might create two sub-directories named VLCC and DWT80 (see Figure 2-6). Data for the
VLCC would be stored at location C:\HECSALV\VLCC; data for the 80,000 DWT tanker would be
stored at location C:\HECSALV\DWT80.

• C: •
•••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••
•••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••
Figure 2-6

How to use the Data Storage/Retrieval System

In order to simplify the process necessary to specify file names and directories when storing and
retrieving data, the software uses an entry window like that shown in Figure 2-7. This window
appears anytime you wish to save or retrieve a data file and use the  option from the main
horizontal menu bar.

This window consists of three distinct fields: one for entering a file name, one for listing all available
file names, and one for listing all available sub-directories and disk drives. At the top is a message
which identifies the type of file to be stored/retrieved and the appropriate extension. To move
between the fields, use the [Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] keys or the [Alt] key + highlighted
letter. If no files are listed in the List of Files field, access to this field is denied.

The File Name field can be used to directly type the name of the file. Full DOS drive and directory
syntax may be used. If no drive and directory are specified, the program accesses only the
drive/directory which is listed directly below the File Name field (the "current directory"). Note
that you cannot type the extension or a period in a file name you specify. Press the [Enter] key to
proceed with the store/retrieve operation.

The List of Files field displays a list of all files in the current directory indicated below the
File Name field which match the extension shown at the top of the window. Instead of typing the
name of a file in the File Name field, you can simply point to it in this field. Use the cursor control
keys to move a highlighted marker to the desired file and press the [Enter] key.

page 2-14
Figure 2-7

If you would like to search disk drives or directories other than the current directory, then use the
Dir:Drive field. This fields lists all sub-directories which exist under the current directory, and
all installed disk drives. Simply place the highlighted marker over the disk/directory of choice using
the cursor control keys and press the [Enter] key. [BackUp] may be used to move to the
directory which contains the current directory.

Recommended Data Saving Habits

The most important thing to remember when entering data is to save your data to a disk frequently.
You may find it useful to use a floppy disk for all data storage. This provides an easy way to keep
track of a set of load case files.

It is also prudent to save each backup of a load case file under a variation of the file name. This
helps guard against total loss of data if part of the disk should go bad.

Special Data File Formats

In addition to reading and writing its own files, some program modules offer the option of reading
files created by other, third party, software. For example, the hull input, compartment input, and ship
data input programs can read portions of files created by the SHCP (Ship Hull Characteristics
Program). A full discussion of these options is provided in the Appendices.

page 2-15
The following conventions for data entry are provided to add flexibility and reduce confusion related
to sign conventions.

You may choose to work in either of two systems of units:

1. Metric units in meters and metric tons, and

2. British units in feet and long tons.

Temperature units in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius can be specified separately.

The units can be changed at any time by selecting the desired option on the entry screen offered
under the  

 menu option.

Longitudinal Reference
The default longitudinal reference is the midship location. Positive dimensions indicate locations
forward of midships and negative dimensions indicate locations aft.

This reference location may be changed at any time to either the aft perpendicular (positive values
indicating distances forward of the AP), or the forward perpendicular (positive values indicating
distances aft of the FP.


 menu option in each program can be used to specify the
longitudinal reference.

Order of Longitudinal Data Entry

The default order of longitudinal data entry (offset stations, bonjean stations, etc.) is aft to forward.
This corresponds with current international practice. If required, data may be entered in forward to
aft order by selecting the appropriate option on the "Units and Precision" entry screen.

A/F (Aft/Forward)
When entering longitudinal dimensions, the correct sign must be used. Alternatively, the letter [A]
(for Aft) or [F] (for Forward) may be used instead of the sign to indicate the proper orientation.
The letter is appended directly to the end of the numeric value as it is entered (for example:
"123.45A" indicates 123.45A ft or m aft of midships).

Transverse Reference
The transverse reference is the centerline of the ship. Positive dimensions indicate locations to
starboard while negative dimensions indicate locations to port.

page 2-16
P/S (Port/Starboard)
When entering transverse dimensions, letters may be used instead of the proper sign conventions
when entering numeric values. The letter [P] is used to indicate port and the letter [S] for
starboard. The letter is appended directly to the end of the numeric value as it is entered (for
example: "23.45P").

Vertical Reference
All vertical distances (except drafts) are measured from the ship's molded baseline, positive values
above baseline. Drafts may be taken either as molded (above baseline) or above the keel.

When working in British units, linear dimensions may be entered as decimal feet; feet and decimal
inches; or feet, inches, and eighths of inches. When entering feet/inches or feet/inches/eighths,
separate the feet, inch, and eighths values with a "-". As an example, consider the following
equivalent entries for 4 feet 3 1/8 inches:


These programs offer the added flexibility of user defined precision of printed and displayed values.
By selecting a precision option in each of the program modules, the user can specify the number of
decimals necessary to provide adequate accuracy for his calculations. Length and weight precision
are defined separately. Moment and inertia precision are automatically taken as a suitable
combination of the length and weight precision.

This precision option can be changed at any time. The selected precision only affects displays and
printed output; all calculations and data storage are performed with seven significant figures. Refer
to the Appendix D for more information on precision options.

page 2-17

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