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Outline of Program Options/Special Features 3
Program Limitations 5
Input File Descriptions 6
Output File Descriptions 6
Horizontal (H), Vertical (V) or Inclined (I) Straight Plate 12
Radius Plate (R) 12
Angles (A) 12
Tee Sections (T) 13
Wide Flange Sections (W) 13
Bulb Flats (B) 14
Element Property Viewing 15
Element Type and Description Entry 15
Element Insertion, Copying and Deletion [F5/F6] 15
Element Library Operations [F8/F9] 16
Changing Element Corrosion or Damage Status 16
Extreme Fiber Entry [F3] 17
Element Property Entry 17
Graphic Display [F7] 17
Input Only Mode [F4] 17
Attach Stiffeners to Plate [F3] 17
Multiple Element Generation For Stiffeners [F9] 18
Inclined or Radius Plate Alternate Entry [F9] 18
Zoom / Unzoom [F4/F7/F8] 19
Mirror / Unmirror [F9/F10] 19
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor


Damage/Corrosion Entry Option 23
Corrosion Entry Option 25
Full Screen Plot 28
Comparison Table 28
Printer Plot and Summary Table 29
Print Table of Section Properties 29
Print Element Input Dimensions 29
Print Comparison Table 29
Print Rules Required Section Modulus 29
Import of Hull Offsets 31
Add Longitudinal Bulkheads and Double Bottom 31
Generate Section Meeting Target Section Moduli 32
Damaging the Section 32
Comparison of Intact and Damaged Properties 33
Comparison With Detailed Model 33

page 7 - 2
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

The Section Modulus Editor Program allows the user to develop the beam cross-section properties
required for strength analyses of beam or ship sections in intact, corroded, or damaged conditions.
These properties include areas, inertias and section moduli. Sections are built up using elements
which represent common structural components. Section properties can be displayed in a variety
of forms and sections can be displayed graphically in both hard copy and screen formats.

In addition to tabular and graphic entry screens for efficient entry of section data, damage or
corrosion, the program provides a means for developing section properties from incomplete
information using classification society rules, typical ship data, hull lines data, and section

Outline of Program Options/Special Features

The Section Modulus Editor is selected from the   option on the main Control Program
menu bar. Once this option is selected, the Section Modulus Editor presents the main menu bar
shown in the figure below.

Figure 7-1

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Each menu item is listed on the following page along with the entries in the associated pop-down
window menu. All the data entry options unique to the Section Modulus Editor are described
completely in the following sections. The program keeps track of the data which has been entered
and adjusts the availability of menu options accordingly.

Refer to Chapter 2, "GENERAL PROGRAM OPERATION" for information on how to use the

 sub-menu options.

Program Limitations
The Section Modulus Editor uses a number of arrays to store the various properties of the section.
The default values for the maximum sizes of these arrays can be overridden by using the
SIZE.DAT datafile to specify the array bounds. Changing these array sizes impacts the amount of
memory required to run the program. The initial limits are:

Maximum number of elements = 450 Maximum number of elements in a library = 60

The number of elements has the largest effect on memory requirements since there are
approximately 30 real arrays associated with each element. See the Appendix D for more
information on this topic.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor


File Load Section Modulus Data File (.SMD)

Save Section Modulus Data File (.SMD)

Gen.Info Name, Date, etc.

Ship Information
Units and Precision
Section Location

Define Create/Modify Section

Get Hull Section
Simplified Section Generation

Damage Damage/Corrosion
Corrosion Factor

Options Ship or Beam Section

Material Selection
Shear Area Calculation Option
Rules Required SM
Target SM

Display Full Scrn Plot

Comparison Table

Print Printer Plot and Summary

Print Table of Section Properties SMx (about horizontal axis)
Print Element Input Dimensions SMy (about vertical axis)
Comparison Table Both
Rules Required SM


page 7-5
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Input File Descriptions

The following files may be read into the Section Modulus Editor.



 !   "   #    

$%& $ ' " $ #    

The .SMD file is the primary section data file and contains all the information required to perform
strength and stress calculations.

The .SDA file is used in the |   | option under   on the main menu bar to obtain a
distribution of section modulus over the length of the ship based upon allowable bending moments
developed using the Ship Data Entry Program.

Access to the .HUL file is through the 

 option on the main menu bar. It is used to
automatically pull off a hull section shape from the offset file.

Output File Descriptions


)   (   
&  &    

Output from this program can be used by the Salvage Response Program to obtain shear and
bending stresses for intact or damaged sections. The longitudinal location of the section is
required for that analysis. When a .SMD file is saved an entry screen for entering this information
appears if the information has not previously been entered using the   

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

7.2 Program Methods, Settings, and Options

The coordinate system used in the section modulus editor defines the x-axis as a horizontal axis
and the y-axis as a vertical axis. Angles refer to rotations about an axis perpendicular to the xy-
plane with positive angles corresponding to a clockwise rotation from vertical.

The program can be used to develop ship sections or for the generation of complicated beam
sections. The units and some default output options are adjusted based upon which kind of
section is being developed. The user can change the section type at any time by selecting
        . Ship sections can be considered beam sections and vice versa

although the units may be inconvenient.

Some of the calculations are material dependent, e.g. the Rules Required Section Modulus. More
importantly, the elastic modulus of each section element can vary. These can be input directly for
each element as one of the element properties or the default value can be used. The  
     screen allows the user to redefine at any time the default material

characteristics. Initially, the material is assumed to be mild steel. Other options include two
grades of aluminum or a user defined material. After redefinition of the material, all previously
defined elastic moduli are unchanged.

All total section output quantities are expressed in terms of the equivalent properties in the
current base material.

The Section Modulus Editor Program offers four (4) choices of units, including the standard
choice of Metric (kg/cm2) or Imperial (LT/in2) units. This is to accommodate the units that are
more conventionally used in the definition of sections for the purpose of strength analysis.

The third unit option is a variation on the standard international, SI units, i.e. kilonewton-meters
(KN-m) with stresses measured in N/mm2. The fourth option is Kip-inches, used primarily by the
US Navy, with stresses measured in ksi (kips per square inch). These additional unit options are
active within the Section Modulus Editor only. Use the   
-    option to
select the appropriate system.

Total section inertias (Ixx, Iyy, Ixy) are obtained by summing the contributions of the local
inertias and the second moments of the element areas about the baseline. The neutral axes are
computed from the sums of the moments of area divided by the total area. The parallel axis
theorem is used to obtain inertias about the neutral axes.

During the summation process, the locations of the extreme fibers of the total section are
evaluated and updated as each element is considered. These locations are converted to distances
from the neutral axes. Section moduli are obtained by dividing the appropriate inertias by the
extreme fiber distances.

Element shear areas are determined by the projection of the web area onto the x or y axis for
angles, tees, wide flanges, bulb flats, and straight plates. For radius plates the shear area is
obtained by integrating over the arc of the radius plate. Element shear areas are summed to obtain
total section shear areas.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

7.3 Section Definition & Discussion of Available

Section data are developed using various shapes commonly used as structural components, here
called elements, for which the section properties are known or calculated by the program. The
total section properties are calculated by summing the contributions from each element.

The available element types and their single-letter element type codes are the following:

Horizontal (H), Vertical (V) and Inclined (I) straight plates,

Radius Plates (R) derived from circular arc sections,
Angles (A) equal or unequal leg,
Tee Sections (T),
Wide Flange Sections (W) for sections of I-beam shape, and
Bulbed Flats (B).

The elements are illustrated in Figure 7-2 through Figure 7-4.

A key feature of this program, and one which greatly enhances its utility, is the use of a local
reference point (LRP) for each element. Commonly, the complete section properties of a section
are built up by summing the areas and moments of area for each contributing part. This requires
knowing the center of area for each part. For many parts, such as a 6 x 4 x 1/2 inch Tee attached
to the shell plating oriented at 30 degrees from vertical, this is awkward to calculate. What is
often known more precisely however, is the location of the attachment point of the Tee to the
shell, e.g. the centerline at the base of the web.

In the Section Modulus Editor, each element type has a set of local reference points (LRPs), from
0 up to 8 in some cases, representing the potential attachment points for that section. In data entry
one can specify whichever point is most convenient for the user to determine. By default the
center of area, LRP = 0, is assumed, and in general, LRP = 1 is chosen to be the most likely
attachment point for the specific element type. In combination with the graphics and zoom
features described in following sections, this feature enables the efficient, precise location of the
structural elements.

The LRP sets (0 to 8) for the elements are illustrated in the figures.

Each element type, with the exception of the Bulb Flats (B), requires only input of the basic
dimensions, location and orientation. All other quantities assume default values or are calculated.
Alternatively, by appending an asterisk (*) to the element type for element types A, T or W the
user can override the calculated quantities and directly input the individual element section
properties. This includes negative quantities which can be used to model cut-outs. For Bulb Flats
(B) all properties are directly input by the user.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Figure 7-2
Horizontal, Vertical, Inclined and Radius Plate Elements

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Figure 7-3

Angle and Bulb Flat Elements

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Figure 7-4

Tee and Wide Flange Elements

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Horizontal (H), Vertical (V) or Inclined (I) Straight Plate

Straight plates are available in three types, although vertical and horizontal plates are subsets of
the inclined plate element. They are included to make entry quicker and the element descriptions
more informative.

The required input is the plate thickness, breadth, and location (x and y). Optional input includes
an element name or additional description, the LRP, orientation angle Ø (theta), and the element
elastic modulus. For vertical and inclined plates the default angle is Ø (theta) while for horizontal
plates it is 90 degrees.

Alternate input is available for inclined plate elements where the x and y locations of the two ends
of the plate are defined.

Output quantities for the plate elements are the element area A, the moment of inertia about a
local x axis through the center of area Iox, the moment of inertia about a local y axis through the
center of area Ioy, and the torsional moment of inertia J.

Radius Plate (R)

Radius plate elements allow the input of circular arc sections spanning angles up to 180 degrees.

The required input is the plate thickness, 3 points on the arc, and location (x and y). The three
points must be input in the order end, intermediate, end. Optional input includes an element name
or additional description, the LRP, and the element elastic modulus.

The LRP's define the which of three arcs the three input points specify, the inner surface (LRP = 0
or 1), the element centerline (LRP = 2) or the outer surface (LRP = 3).

Alternate input for radius plates is available where the two end point locations, included angle and
convexity are defined. The convexity controls the orientation of the circular arc defined by the
end points and included angle.

Output quantities for the radius plate elements are the radius r, the included angle Ø (theta),
element area A, the moment of inertia about a local x axis Iox through the center of area, the
moment of inertia about a local y axis through the center of area Ioy, and the torsional moment of
inertia J.

Angles (A)
Angle elements allow equal or unequal leg angles to be specified.

The required input is the web thickness, web height, flange thickness, flange breadth, and location
(x and y). These are shown in the figure. Optional input includes an element name or additional
description, the LRP, orientation angle Ø (theta), and the element elastic modulus.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

The orientation angle also controls the direction of the toe of the angle. For example an angle
element with an orientation angle of -180 degrees looks like the capital letter "L" while one with
an orientation angle of 180 degrees would look like the letter reversed.

Output quantities for Angle elements are the element area A, the moment of inertia about a local
non-rotated x axis through the center of area Iox, the moment of inertia about a local non-rotated y
axis through the center of area Ioy, and the torsional moment of inertia J. In addition the x and y
distances from the heel of the angle to the center of area are given.

These quantities reproduce the properties in the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Manual of Steel Construction, EighthEdition.

Tee Sections (T)

Tee section elements are very similar to angle elements.

The required input is the web thickness, web height, flange thickness, flange breadth, and location
(x and y). These are shown in the figure. Optional input includes an element name or additional
description, the LRP, orientation angle Ø (theta), and the element elastic modulus.

Output quantities for Tee elements are the element area A, the moment of inertia about a local
non-rotated x axis through the center of area Iox, the moment of inertia about a local non-rotated y
axis through the center of area Ioy, and the torsional moment of inertia J. In addition the x and y
distances from the top center of the Tee to the center of area are given.

These quantities approximate the properties in the AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Eighth
Edition. The differences are due to the effects of the radiused joint between web and flange.
Exact copies can be input using the override, *, option described above.

Wide Flange Sections (W)

Wide flange section elements are similar to angle elements with the addition of a second flange.
The two flanges are assumed to be the same.

The required input is the web thickness, web height, flange thickness, flange breadth, and location
(x and y). These are shown in the figure. Optional input includes an element name or additional
description, the LRP, orientation angle Ø (theta), and the element elastic modulus.

Output quantities for Wide Flange elements are the element area A, the moment of inertia about a
local non-rotated x axis through the center of area Iox, the moment of inertia about a local non-
rotated y axis through the center of area Ioy, and the torsional moment of inertia J. In addition the
x and y distances from the top center of the W shape to the center of area are given, i.e. the x
distance is zero and the y distance is one-half the section height.

These quantities approximate the properties in the AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Eight
Edition. The differences are due to the effects of the radiused joint between web and flange.
Exact copies can be input using the override * option described above.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Bulb Flats (B)

Bulb flat elements allow direct input of the properties of bulbed plates. The only calculated
quantity is the torsion moment of inertia which is approximated by the equivalent flat plate

The required input is the bulb flat thickness, bulb flat height, and location (x and y). These are
shown in the figure. Also required are the section properties including the element section area A,
moment of inertia about a local, non-rotated x axis Iox, moment of inertia about a local, non-
rotated y axis Ioy, and the x and y distances from the local reference point 1 of the center of area.

Optional input includes an element name or additional description, the LRP, orientation angle Ø
(theta), and the element elastic modulus.


Figure 7-5

The tabular screen displayed upon selection of the  

 option represents the heart of
the Section Modulus Editor. In this screen the user can develop element and section data, view
total section results, and use library options. The screen is divided into four parts, two active
entry areas and two display only:

1) Table of Elements
2) Current Element Properties
3) Total Section Properties
4) Instruction Box.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Upon entry into this screen the activity center is the table of elements. While in this table (as
indicated by the location of the highlighted marker) the user can enter element types and
descriptions; insert, copy and delete elements; view existing elements; change the corroded or
damaged status of an element; move to the element property entry box or; change to the graphic
entry display.

The second activity area is the current element property box where the individual element
properties are entered or modified and displayed. One moves between these two activity areas by
using the [Tab] or [Shift Tab] keys to move right or left between the two areas or the
[Enter] key to move in a loop within one element definition.

The right-hand portion of the screen displays the current total section properties which are the
properties of the complete section defined by the elements in the table of elements. The
properties are automatically and continuously updated to reflect changes in the elements made in
either of the two active areas.

The lower portion of the screen displays the instructions for the specific operations associated
with the current activity area.

The following paragraphs describe the operations available from the table of elements activity

Element Property Viewing

The user can cursor up and down, page up and down or use the [Home] and [End] keys to
move within the table of elements. The current element is defined by the location of the cursor and
its properties are displayed in the current element property box.

Damaged or corroded element properties displayed in the current element properties box include
the effects of damage or corrosion.

Element Type and Description Entry

Element types are selected by typing the appropriate letter code in the element type field.
Allowable element type codes are H, V, I, R, B, A, T, W or A*, T* and W* as described in the
preceding section. The element description is entered in the description field.

Element Insertion, Copying and Deletion [F5/F6]

Elements can be inserted at any point within the list of elements. A first option is to enter the
number of a previously defined element in the element type field whereupon the properties of that
previously defined element are copied into the current location. Existing properties at that
location are overwritten.

Secondly, the [F5] and [F6] keys can be used. The [F6] key removes the current element and
saves the properties in a temporary array. The [F5] key inserts at the current location an element
with the properties stored in the temporary array. All following elements are incremented one in

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

number. No elements are overwritten. So an element may be copied to any location by first
deleting it using [F6], reinserting it with [F5] if desired, and then inserting it at a new location,
again using [F5]. Each time [F6] is used the temporary array is updated, so to insert a blank
element after previously using [F6], copy the blank element at the end of the table using this

Element Library Operations [F8/F9]

The Section Modulus Editor provides the capability to load elements from element library data
files. These library files can be those provided with the program or user generated. To load an
element from an existing library the [F8] key is used. Pressing this key will display a file
selection window. After the desired file is chosen a window with a list of available elements is
displayed. The desired element is selected by moving to it and pressing [Enter]. Standard
keystrokes are available for moving within the list or one can jump directly to the element by
typing the number of the element if it is already known. After pressing [Enter] the program
returns to the location in the table of elements where the library element properties have been
written. Existing element properties at that location will have been overwritten.

An element defined in the Section Modulus Editor can be saved in a library by using the [F9]
key. Again, a file selection window is displayed and then after the desired new or existing library
file is chosen a window with a list of the library elements is displayed. The insertion location is
determined by moving to the element after which the new library element is to be located.
Pressing [Enter] will display the element in its save location and a subsequent [Enter] will
actually save the modified library and return the user to the table of elements activity area.

Any combination of elements can be saved in a library so that use or ship specific libraries can
easily be developed. The maximum number of elements which can be in a library is set in the
SIZE.DAT file as described previously.

Element libraries can also be manipulated using DOS level editors, however, this is not
recommended except for deleting elements from the library.

Changing Element Corrosion or Damage Status

By entering C or D over the element type of an existing element the corroded or damaged status of
the element is toggled between intact and, respectively, corroded or damaged conditions. The
manner in which damage and corrosion are treated is described in a following section.

If corroded the element type and description are displayed in yellow. If damaged the element type
and description are displayed in red.

Intact status can also be defined by re-entering the element type. After any change the total
section properties are updated.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Extreme Fiber Entry [F3]

The program automatically calculates the extreme fibers of the section as input. However,
sometimes the section moduli at other points (e.g. a change in material) are desired. By using the
[F3] key. A window is displayed in which four extreme fiber locations can be entered. These
locations are the absolute location in either x or y directions as appropriate. The flag controls
whether these locations or the program calculated ones are used in the total section properties

Element Property Entry

After entry into the current element properties box by using the [Tab], [Shift Tab] or
[Enter] keys the user can enter or change the properties for the current element. These
properties are described for the various element types in the previous section. Within the element
properties box several other features are available. These are described in Section 7-5

Graphic Display [F7]

The user can switch to a graphic display of the section by using the [F7] key from the table of
elements or element properties box. The available operations from this screen are described in the
Section 7-6.


Within the Element Properties Box there are a number of options available, some of which are
element dependent. These are described in the following.

Input Only Mode [F4]

Each time an entry in the Element Properties Box is changed the properties of the entire section
are recomputed. For sections with many elements on relatively slow computers this can take a
significant time, enough to disrupt the user’s entry process. During entry of a section the
intermediate values of the total section properties are not of great interest. Pressing the
[F4]suspends this calculation process, greatly speeding up the refresh rate of the display. Be
sure to reinstitute the calculation mode, by again pressing [F4] before proceeding to other menu
options or displays.

Attach Stiffeners to Plate [F3]

Inclined Plate, Angle, Tee, Wide Flange and Bulbed Flat elements are often used as stiffeners.
For hull sections where there is considerable shape it is often difficult to define the attachment
point of the stiffener to the hull plating. Usually either the height or distance off centerline of the
stiffener is known. If the height is known then it can be entered in the Y location. Then [F3]
will automatically attach the stiffener to the plate element that spans that Y location. If more than
one plate element spans the Y location a window appears with a list of those elements. This allows
the user to choose which element to attach the stiffener to. The stiffener is oriented at 90 degrees

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

to the plate element. The user can control whether it points towards centerline or away from
centerline by selecting the orientation angle before pressing [F3]. Choosing an angle less than or
equal to zero causes the stiffener to point towards centerline; choosing and angle greater than zero
results in the stiffener pointing away from centerline. The program attempts to orient angles and
bulb flats in the normal shipbuilding sense, however, a 180 degree shift may be necessary. The
stiffener is attached to the plating side defined by the LRP of the plate element.

Multiple Element Generation For Stiffeners [F9]

For Angle, Tee, Wide Flange and Bulbed Flat elements multiple duplicate elements can be
distributed evenly along a line. Pressing [F9] opens a window where the number of elements to
generate and the two ends of the line segment can be defined. Then pressing [F3] generates the

Inclined or Radius Plate Alternate Entry [F9]

Access to the alternate entry features for Inclined or Radius plates elements is obtained by
pressing the [F9] key. A window is displayed in which the alternate entry fields are available.


After pressing the [F7] key while in the table of elements in the  
 option a
graphic display similar to the following is displayed.

Figure 7-6

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

In this screen four regions are displayed. Upon initial entry the activity center is the table of
elements in the lower left. The current element is highlighted by the cursor.

The main body of the screen is a plot of the complete section. Most of the elements are plotted in
black on color monitors. The current element as defined by the cursor in the table of elements is
highlighted (cyan on color monitors). As elsewhere, damaged elements are shown in red and
corroded elements are indicated by yellow (or their corresponding shades on monochrome
monitors). The global x and y axes are shown in high-intensity white. If the origin of these axes
is not within the field of view of the plot a parallel axis is displayed in the middle of the plot. The
computed neutral axes are indicated by alternating white/black lines.

The upper right portion contains the total section properties display as in the tabular entry screen
of the Create/Modify option. The remaining lower right portion of the screen contains an
instruction box which indicates the special operations available from this screen.

In addition to the special functions described in the following the insert/delete ( [F5]/[F6] )
capabilities and the toggling of damaged/corroded and intact statuses as described above are
available. To exit from the graphic screen press [Esc] to return to the tabular entry screen.

Zoom / Unzoom [F4/F7/F8]

The Section Modulus Editor provides the capability to zoom in to display greater detail of
portions of the ship or beam section under consideration. This is particularly useful for checking
the connectivity of various elements on large sections where a full display cannot show the
required detail. Since the elements are displayed as multiple line objects a very fine level of detail
can be displayed using multiple applications of the zoom function if necessary. The smallest area
of display available is one-millionth of the full display area.

To implement the zoom feature the [F4] or [F7] key is pressed. If the [F4] is pressed, the
view zooms into the current element. If the [F7] key is pressed, a new instruction window is
displayed and the bounds of the zoom box are displayed at the bottom of the screen. The box size
is controlled by using the up and down and left and right arrow cursor control keys. Pressing an
arrow key causes one corner of the zoom box to move in steps in the direction of the arrow.
Pressing [Enter] causes control to switch to the diagonally opposite corner of the box.

The step-size is initially set to one-tenth of the full screen display and can be changed between
0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 by pressing [+] to increase the step-size or [-] to decrease the step-size.
The bounds of the box are continuously updated as the corners move. Pressing [F7] activates the

To return to the full display, press the [F8] key.

Mirror / Unmirror [F9/F10]

A simple mirroring capability is included in the Section Modulus Editor. Pressing [F9] initiates
the process where all elements with positive x centers of area are mirrored about the y axis.
elements with x centers on the ship’s centerline are not mirrored. New elements are created and
flagged in the element tables by the letter M at the right edge of the table display. Multiple

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

mirroring will create duplicate elements so a verification step is included before the mirroring
proceeds. To proceed at this stage press [Enter] and to cancel press [Esc].

The unmirroring function is even simpler. All elements with the M flag are deleted, even if they
have been changed subsequent to being mirrored. A verification step is included here also.

Mirroring and unmirroring can only proceed when the full section is displayed. If a display has
been zoomed use the [F8] key to unzoom it. Damaged elements are not mirrored.


The Section Modulus Editor can import the hull description data developed in the Hull Offset
Entry Program. This is a very efficient way to quickly develop the section modulus data. Any
station can be developed using linear interpolation between stations existing in the hull definition
database. The station description is converted into straight plate and radiused plate elements.

Hull sections can be imported after other elements have been defined, or alternatively, loaded
from an existing datafile. For example, a set of longitudinal bulkheads can be established and
saved in a datafile and then recalled for used with hull sections at various longitudinal locations.

If section elements already exist a window appears giving the user the option of deleting those
elements, appending the new hull elements to the existing elements, or canceling the import.

The next input screen is used:

1) to assign a short label to the section for identification,

2) to establish the longitudinal location of the section using the current units, LBP and
longitudinal origin, and finally,
3) to input an average or nominal thickness for the section.

This last input is required since the hull definition database does not include plating thicknesses.
All elements generated will have this thickness which can then be modified if desired in the
Create/Modify option.

The local reference point established for each hull section elements is consistent with the molded
definition of the hull. The LBP is required and is entered in the   

Symmetric or asymmetric sections can be input.

During processing the program chains to a special program to read and interpret the hull definition
data. On some machines this may require more time than most operations associated with this
program, so messages indicating the process underway are displayed on screen.

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Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor


The purpose of this option is to permit the quick estimation of the section modulus properties of a
section based upon the simplified input of a few key elements such as the deck, shell, bottom and
other key longitudinal structures. This option provides reasonable approximations of section
properties if detailed information is unavailable. The basic concept is to first consider the effect
of stiffeners on plating by smearing them into an equivalent increase in plating thickness. Then
the equivalent thicknesses are adjusted until target section moduli are reached. Only two factors
are considered, one for all active plates with centers above the neutral axis and one for all plates
with centers below the neutral axis. The concept of active or inactive plates is described below.

The section generation procedure takes the following form. First, from the global application
option is chosen sub-menu a very simple section definition is developed using the   

 option. For example, one horizontal plate element for the bottom, a radiused plate for the

bilge round, two vertical plate elements for the side shell, two vertical plates for a longitudinal
bulkhead, and a horizontal plate for the deck are used to define one half of a ship section. In the
graphics entry screen the input is checked and then mirrored to develop the full section.
Alternately, the      option canbe used to enter the shell outline.

Figure 7-7

Next, in the 

     option, target section moduli at the top (deck) and
bottom (keel) are chosen. These can be known values for the specific section or ones chosen
using classification society rules or typical ship data. The    and    
options in this program can be used to develop these values. A minimum plate thickness can also
be specified. Pressing [F5] accesses this input section.

page 7-21
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Only active plate elements are modified. The user can set plate elements to be active or inactive
in the section generation screen by selecting the element and striking [Enter]. This toggles the
element between active and inactive status.

Inactive elements are displayed in yellow on color screens, bold on monochrome screens.

Finally, pressing the [F3] key starts the section generation. In the algorithm to develop the
section the section moduli of the currently defined section are evaluated and compared to the
target section moduli. If there are differences greater than specified tolerances (internal to the
program) the thicknesses of all active plate elements above the neutral axis and of all active plate
elements below the neutral axis are increased or decreased by a factor t1 for those above and t2
for those below. The changes are evaluated by solving the two-degree-of-freedom pair of
equations iteratively using a Newton-Raphson algorithm. Generally convergence is very rapid,
requiring only 3 or 4 iterations.

Whereas only active plate elements are modified in this process, the section modulus calculation
includes all active and inactive element types.

Finally, the program asks the user to verify that the section as generated is to be kept. After
acceptance the element properties are permanently changed to incorporate the modified

Section generation can be performed using any level of section definition ranging from as little as
four plate elements for a barge to a combination of fully defined bulkheads and imported hull

In practice, section generation is foreseen to be most useful when trying to quickly estimate
damaged section properties. Estimates of damaged properties based upon generated sections are
improved when more major plate elements are defined. For example, if a center vertical keel
(CVK) exists estimates of section moduli data after damage will be improved if some
approximation of it is included. This is particularly true if the damage does not include the CVK
itself. If you specifically define a piece of structure such as the CVK you have two options when
specifying its thickness. One is to specify its actual thickness and then set the CVK to be inactive
in the section generation calculations. The second is to set its thickness in proportion to the shell
thickness and then include it in the active plates in the section generation calculations.

The shear areas resulting from a generated section willtypically be 5% to 10% high because the
effective smearing of stiffeners into equivalent plate thickness overestimates shear area.

page 7 - 22
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor


Damage and corrosion are treated similarly in the Section Modulus Editor. Both are considered as
a reduction of the element material which is implemented by applying a factor to the thickness
associated with any element. For damage the factor is zero, while for corrosion the factor is set as
described below.

Damaged elements are indicated in red in all lists and displays on color monitors. Corroded
elements are indicated in yellow in all lists and displays on color monitors.

Damaged or corroded element properties displayed in the current element properties box of the
Create/Modify option include the effects of damage or corrosion.

Damage/Corrosion Entry Option

Elements which are damaged or corroded can be specified in the  
 option table of
elements by entering D or C, respectively, in the element type field. This toggles the element
between damaged, corroded and intact conditions.

Alternatively, the    option can be selected from the main menu bar which
results in a graphic entry screen similar to the following figure being displayed.

In this screen three regions are displayed. Upon initial entry the activity center is the table of
elements in the upper right. Pressing [Enter] toggles between damaged and intact status.
Entering D or C in the element type field toggles between damaged and intact or corroded and
intact statuses respectively. Pressing [F4] restores all elements to intact status.

The [F9] key allows the user to set the corrosion percentage for subsequent corrosion
specification. The corrosion percentage applied to an element is the percentage active at the time
the element is defined as corroded. Thus it is possible to define many different levels of corrosion
within a section.

The most common form of damage or corrosion entry is to use the cursor control to define a
damage box on the plot of the section displayed. This function is activated by pressing [F7]
while in the table of elements. A new instruction box is displayed and the bounds of a box
defining the damage region are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

page 7-23
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Figure 7-8

The box size is controlled by using the up and down and left and right arrow cursor control keys.
Pressing an arrow key causes one corner of the zoom box to move in steps in the direction of the
arrow. Pressing [Enter] causes control to switch to the other corner of the box. The step-size is
initially set to one-tenth of the full screen display and can be changed between 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001
by pressing [+] to increase the step-size or [-] to decrease the step-size. The bounds of the box
are continuously updated as the corners move. Pressing [F3] or [F4] activates the damage or
corrosion processing.

The damage box can be explicitly defined using the [F8] key which transfers control to lower
screen region where the box corner locations can be entered.

The damage processing stage involves three steps. First, all elements are checked to see if they
are within the bounds of the box. For shapes this is done by checking to see if the attachment
point (local reference point) is within the box. Any plate element wholly or partially within the
box is damaged. For plate elements partially within the box the element is split into two or three
elements, thus creating new elements, and only the new element entirely within the box is
damaged. For straight plates the evaluation is made on the centerline of the element. For radiused
plates the evaluation is made at the inner, centerline or outer radius as specified in the element
definition. The box borders have a small boundary margin to reduce the likelihood of the creation
of very small elements.

Secondly, the elements within the box, including newly created elements are displayed in red fro
damage or yellow for corrosion in the plot. The combination of the first and second steps is
relatively time consuming. A "SELECTING ELEMENTS" message is displayed during this

page 7 - 24
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Thirdly, a verification box is displayed in the instruction area at the bottom of the screen. If the
user selects to proceed with the indicated damage or corrosion the elements are damaged and the
table of elements is updated to reflect new and damaged elements. If the user declines the
indicated damage or corrosion no damage is performed. However, any new elements created
during the damage definition are retained. The table of elements is updated to reflect the new
elements. The new elements are inserted at the location of the element from which they came.

Repeated damage region selection and acceptance or rejection can cause the number of elements
to increase significantly. Thus, it is strongly recommended that the undamaged state be saved in
a file before proceeding with damage. This way the initial state can always be recalled.

The center of area for angle (A) and tee (T) elements changes with varying thickness so that a
damaged or corroded element will have a different center of area from the intact element. This
will cause a slight shift in the location of the element if the local reference point is specified as
"0" which is the center of area. It is recommended that one of the other local reference points be

Corrosion Entry Option

Selection of the corrosion option allows the user to specify the percent wastage due to corrosion
and to apply it to all undamaged elements if desired. The wastage is applied to the thicknesses
specified for the elements. If the corrosion wastage is changed, previously specified corrosion is
not modified unless it is applied to all elements.


Selection of this option allows the user to obtain the section modulus required by a classification
society. The major classification societies, i.e. members of IACS, have consolidated their section
modulus requirements. The required section modulus in HECSALV is based upon the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) description. A data entry screen then appears where the data required
to develop the rules required section modulus is entered. Certain values default to the assumed
values in the rules. These values can be overwritten.

page 7-25
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Figure 7-9

Pressing [F3] when in the data entry screen starts the calculations and causes the results to be
displayed. The results include references to the section of the classification society rules which
are applicable. Pressing [P] in the results section leads to a hardcopy printout of the results.

For ABS, the default yield stress for steel is assumed to be 34 ksi and the default minimum tensile
strength is selected to that the Q factor in the rules is 1. For the required section modulus due to
still-water and wave-induced bending moments the still-water bending moment distribution over
the length of the ship is assumed to be as follows:

Within ±0.4L of amidships the still-water bending moment is equal to that amidships.

Outside ±0.4L of amidships the still-water bending moment tapers linearly from the
amidships value at ±0.4L to 0 at the fore or aft perpendicular.


This program option provides information useful in the generation of section modulus data for
sections other than the amidships station. Selection of this option leads to an entry screen

1) Section Modulus Amidships,

2) Longitudinal Location (% LBP from amidships) of the target station

and five methods by which the target section modulus can be chosen.

The first method is based upon the longitudinal distribution of total bending moment as defined in
the ABS rules. Selection of this method causes control to jump to the data entry screen for ABS

page 7 - 26
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Rules Required Section Modulus. Upon entry of the required data (see above), pressing [F3]
causes the section modulus at the target station to be determined using this rule bending moment

This is not the ABS required section modulus at the target station, but rather, it is the ABS
distribution factor applied to the section modulus entered above.

The second through fourth methods use longitudinal distributions of section modulus based upon
data for typical ships of the container, tanker and bulk carrier type. These curves are illustrated in
following figure.

Users of these options are cautioned that the curves are based upon a limited number of ships.
The tanker curves are based upon approximately 50 tankers serving US waters. The
containership and bulkcarrier data is based upon only a few ships.

page 7-27
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Target SM Distribution


SM / SM ms


0.4 Tankers
0.2 Bulk Carriers

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
% LBP from MS

Figure 7-10

The fifth option applies if a ship data file developed using HEC software exists (i.e. a ".SDA"
file). If this file exists the longitudinal distribution of allowable bending moment is used to
determine the longitudinal distribution of section modulus.

Selection of the desired method is made by cursoring to the method and pressing [Enter].
Varying the method selected allows the user to compare quickly the target section modulus
developed using the different approaches


Five display options are available in addition to the working screens used in data entry and section
development. No data entry is possible in any of these displays.

Full Screen Plot

A plot of the section filling the entire screen is displayed.

Comparison Table
Selection of this option displays a screen showing intact and, if damage exists, damaged section
properties including the percent loss.

page 7 - 28
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Printer Plot and Summary Table

A plot of the section and summaries of the total section properties about both horizontal (x) and
vertical (y) axes are printed for the current state of the section. Damaged elements are not printed.
Sample outputs are included in the examples.

Print Table of Section Properties

A table of all elements containing the element number, type, description and the key section
modulus data upon which the total section properties are based is printed. If the section is a ship
section the user has the option of printing the properties about horizontal (x) and vertical (y) axes
separately or together. For beam sections both are printed by default. Damaged elements are
included with zero value properties. Sample outputs are included in the examples.

Print Element Input Dimensions

Tables for all elements showing the input dimensions are printed. Elements are sorted by element
type into straight plates, radius plates, angle type sections (angles, tees and wide flanges) and bulb
flats. This provides a printed record of the input data.

Print Comparison Table

The printed output includes a plot of the section in addition to the comparison table. Sample
outputs are included in the examples.

Print Rules Required Section Modulus

The input and output information for the required section modulus is printed.


Figure 7-11 shows a midship section model for a double hull tanker. This figure is the output
from the       option. This model consists of straight plate, radiused
plate, angle and tee elements numbering approximately 350 elements in all. An experienced user
of the Section Modulus Editor will require about 4 hours to input such a section using the
duplication and mirroring capabilities of the program.

page 7-29
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Herbert Engineering Corp. – DHUL-150

Project No. 3400 (by DTC)


Total Section Proiperties



     ! "## $ % &&  ' ## (&) 
     ! *+ $ % (  ' +  
,   - )&& 
./#      0 1
.,      # #2  0   1
    -- & 
     ! *0 0 % &)  4 0  ( 
     ! 5 %, $ % )&  4  %, ( 
,    &&) 
./#      0 1
.,      # #2  0   1

Figure 7-11
Tanker Section Plot and Summary Table

page 7 - 30
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor


This example demonstrates how key features of the program are utilized to enter and damage the
midship section of a tanker like the one in the previous example. The steps are:

1) Import hull offsets,

2) Add longitudinal bulkheads and double bottom,
3) Generate section meeting target section moduli,
4) Damage the section, and
5) Compare intact and damaged properties.

Import of Hull Offsets

  option and enter the ship LBP of 264 m.

-    option and change the Weight Precision from 0 (x) to 1 (.x).

-     option. Enter a three letter station descriptor, zero for the
longitudinal location, and 17 mm for the plate thickness in the data entry screen. Press [F3] to

A screen showing available hull offset files is displayed. (You may have to search the sample
data sub-directories as required). Select "DHUL-150" by typing it in or using [Tab] and the
cursor arrows and pressing [Enter].

Add Longitudinal Bulkheads and Double Bottom


At the end of the table of elements add a horizontal plate element (H) for one side of the double
bottom. [Tab] over to the element properties and choose 18 mm for the plate thickness, 23987
mm for the breadth, 2300 mm for the Y location, and 3 for the LRP ("Ref. Point:").

Add two vertical plate elements (V) for the inner hull on one side. Two elements are chosen, one
above and one below an estimate of the neutral axis, for improved modeling. Choose 18 mm for
the plate thickness, 10000 mm for the breadth, 21050 mm for the X location, and 2 for the LRP for
the first one. Choose 17.5 mm for the plate thickness, 14145 mm for the breadth, 21050 mm for
the X location, 10000 mm for the Y location, and 2 for the LRP for the second one.

Add a centerline bulkhead by duplicating the above two elements, changing the X location to 0
and the LRP to 1 for these elements. Change the breadth of the second one to 15143 mm to
account for the increased depth at centerline.

Press [F7] to view the section. Then press [F9] and [Enter] to mirror the section. It
should now look like Figure 7-12. If the model is correct press [Esc] twice to return to the
page 7-31
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

 | menu, otherwise press [Esc] once to return to the table entry screen to modify the

Figure 7-12

Generate Section Meeting Target Section Moduli



Press [F5] to select target section moduli. Since the results using this model will be compared
to the detailed model results use the values from the detailed model for the target values (i.e.
36.54 m3 for SMT and 50.99 m3 for SMB). Leave all elements “active.” Retain the “Min Plate”
as 17.0 mm and press [Esc] to proceed.

Press [F3] to generate the section. Accept the generated section by pressing [Y], which will
also return you to the 

Damaging the Section

Select    from the    option on the main menu bar.

Press [F7] to activate cursor control of the damage box. For comparison purposes a specific
damage extent will be entered. Using the cursor arrows move one corner of the box to X = 4.80
m, Y = -2.53 m. Press [Enter] to switch control to the other box corner. Use the cursor arrow
to move the box so that the X value for this corner is 19.21 m. Press [-] once to select the next
finer level of cursor control. Using the cursor arrows move the box corner to X = 18.25 m, Y =
0.99 m. Press [F3] to select the elements to damage.

page 7 - 32
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

The screen should look like the following figure, Figure 7-13 . If the damage entry looks OK,
then accept the damage by pressing [Y]. Otherwise, reject the damage and adjust the box to the
specified location. These box corner locations can be input explicitly using the [F5] option.

Press [Esc] to return to the    menu.

Figure 7-13

Comparison of Intact and Damaged Properties

Select  -   option.

A table showing the intact and damaged section properties will appear. Included in the table is the
percent loss in the intact properties resulting from the damage. Pressing  - 
 will produce a plot and table similar to Figure 7-14.

Comparison With Detailed Model

The above sequence is the procedure which would be followed when the hull offsets are available
(or the shape is quickly input) but the structural details are unknown. For comparison, the same
damage to the fully specified section (i.e. one where all stiffeners and plates have been explicitly
specified) is included. See Figure 7-15 The reduced section moduli about the horizontal axis
after damage for the generated section are within 1% of the explicitly defined section for this

page 7-33
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Herbert Engineering Corp. – DHUL-150

Project No. Example 2 (by: PJG)



About Horizontal Neutral Axis
Intact Damaged %Loss
Area: 5.841E+04 cm2 5.544E+04 5.1%
Ixx: 5.360E+06 cm2-m2 5.015E+06 6.4%
SM – Upper Flg: 3.653E+05 cm2-m 3.554E+05 2.7%
Y upper: 14.67 m 14.11
SM – Lower Flg: 5.097E+05 cm2-m 4.526E+05 11.2%
Y lower: 10.52 m 11.08
Shear Area y: 2.738E+04 cm2 2.738E+04 0.0%

About Vertical Neutral Axis

Intact Damaged %Loss
Iyy: 1.679E+07 cm2-m2 1.633E+07 2.7%
SM – Left Flg: 6.990E+05 cm2-m 6.978E+05 0.2%
X Left: 24.02 m 23.40
SM – Right Flg: 6.990E+05 cm2-m 6.628E+05 5.2%
Y right: 24.02 m 24.64
Shear Area x: 3.183E+04 cm2 2.886E+04 9.3%
Figure 7-14
Generated Model Properties Before and After Damage
Comparison table
page 7 - 34
Chapter 7 Section Modulus Editor

Herbert Engineering Corp. –DHUL-150

Project No. EXAMPLE 2 (by: DTC) HEC-SCMD V5.0

About Horizontal Neutral Axis
Intact Damaged %Loss
Area: 5.889E+04 cm2 5.566E+04 5.5%
Ixx: 5.359E+06 cm2-m2 4.987E+06 6.9%
SM – Upper Flg: 3.654E+05 cm2-m 3.546E+05 2.9%
Y upper: 14.67 m 14.06
SM – Lower Flg: 5.099E+05 cm2-m 4.486E+05 12.0%
Y lower: 10.51 m 11.12
Shear Area y: 2.720E+04 cm2 2.707E+04 0.5%
About Vertical Neutral Axis
Intact Damaged %Loss
Iyy: 1.680E+07 cm2-m2 1.631E+07 2.9%
SM – Left Flg: 6.997E+05 cm2-m 6.984E+05 0.2%
X Left: 24.01 m 23.35
SM – Right Flg: 7.002E+05 cm2-m 6.612E+05 5.6%
Y right: 24.00 m 24.66
Shear Area x: 3.340E+04 cm2 3.098E+04 7.2%
(Computerd at calculated extreme fibers)

Figure 7-15
Detailed Model Properties Before and After Damage
Comparison table

page 7-35

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