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Input File Descriptions 2
Output File Descriptions 2
Outline of Program Options/Special Features 3
Program Limitations 4
Definitions 5
Displacement Summary 8
Stability Results 9
Required GM Curve 9
Righting Arm 9
GZ Criteria 9
Strength Summary 10
Strength Mode 10
Load Line 11
Last Load Case Change 11
Tank Data Entry Options 11
Summary Tank Weight Entry 13
Common Value Entry by Tank Group 13
Detailed Tank Weight And Density Entry 14
Detailed Tank Weight And Centers Entry 15
Constant Data Entry 16
Container Data Entry Options 16
Bulk Data Entry Options 17
Miscellaneous Weight Entry Option 18
Displaying Results 18
Printing Options 18

page 11-1
Chapter 11 Intact Loading

The Intact Loading Program is used to calculate intact stability and stress characteristics for any
loading condition. It uses the file created by the Ship Data Entry Program that describes the ship's
physical characteristics (see Chapter 6, "SHIP DATA ENTRY"). Based on this information,
customized data entry screens are developed which enable quick data entry.

The extent to which load cases can be evaluated is based on the type of the ship data entered. For
instance, if required GMt curves were entered in the Ship Data Entry Program, then the required
GMt value will appear on the Trim and Stability Summary. A warning signal will also be issued if
the available GMt is less than the required. Similarly, the longitudinal strength calculations are
performed only if the lightship shear forces and bending moment values were entered.

Once a load case has been entered and evaluated, it can be stored for later recall and modification
or for use with the Salvage Response Program.

Input File Descriptions

The following files may be read into the Intact Loading Program.

Extension Description Created by Required for

which program this program?
.SDA Ship Data Ship Data Entry Program Yes

.LC Intact Load Case Intact Loading Program No

The .SDA file contains all the information required to configure the Intact Loading Program for a
particular vessel. It is required to run the Intact Loading Program and is requested automatically
before the main menu bar is presented.

The .LC file contains the specific load case information (actual cargo weights, etc.) defined for a
particular vessel and particular .SDA file. Previously saved .LC files are read in using the 
        menu option.

If changes to the .SDA file are made, previously saved load case data may no longer be readable
and may require re-entry by hand. The program will display a warning that the .SDA file
defining the ship is different than the one used when defining the intact loading condition.

Output File Descriptions

Extension Description Used by Required by
which programs this program
.LC Intact Load Case Intact Loading Program No
Salvage Response Program No

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Outline of Program Options/Special Features

The Intact Loading Program is selected from the       menu option on the
Control Program menu bar. Once selected, the user must specify the ship data file (.SDA) before
the main menu bar shown in Figure 11-1 is displayed.

Figure 11-1

Each menu item is listed below along with the entries in the associated pop-down window menu.
All the data entry options unique to the Intact Loading Program are described completely in the
following sections. Refer to Chapter 2, "GENERAL PROGRAM OPERATION" for information
on how to use the options under  and   .

page 11-3
Chapter 11 Intact Loading


File Load Intact Load Case File (.LC)

Save Intact Load Case File (.LC)

Gen.Info Name, Date, etc.

Ship Information
Required GM Curve

Tankages Enter Tank Weights

Enter Cargo Oil Tanks
Enter Fuel Oil Tanks
Enter Diesel Oil Tanks Enter % full and gravity for ALL Cargo Oil Tanks
Enter Lube Oil Tanks Enter weights & densities on tabular display
Enter Fresh Water Tanks Enter weights & centers on tabular display
Enter SW Ballast Tanks
Enter Misc. Tanks
Enter Constant

Cargo Enter Containers In Hold

Enter Containers On Deck
Enter Bulk Cargo In Hold
Enter Bulk Cargo On Deck
Enter Misc. Weights

Display Trim & Stability Summary

Righting Arm (GZ) Summary
Strength Summary

Print All Results

Trim & Stability Summary
Righting Arm (GZ) Summary
Strength Summary
Tankage Summary
Cargo Summary

Options GZ Criteria
Strength Mode
Moment Calculation Mode
Select Load Line


Program Limitations
The amount of data that may be entered is limited by the dimensions of the data storage arrays in
the Ship Data Entry Program. Since you cannot alter the ship configuration in the Intact Loading
Program, you do not change the amount of data which has been allocated. If the Ship Data Entry
Program ran successfully, there will be no data limit problems in the Intact Loading Program.
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Chapter 11 Intact Loading


Most of the data used in the Intact Loading Program is developed using the Ship Data Entry
Program and stored in the .SDA file. This data is described in detail in Chapter 6. The only data
entry required in the Intact Loading Program is the entry of actual tankages and cargo (or
deadweight) weights. Certain additional information may be specified to describe the weights
being loaded (such as density, number of containers, etc.), but the weight is the primary value.

A discussion of additional data entered to define the weight entry is given under the appropriate
following values are calculated and displayed in the Trim and Stability Summary shown in Figure

Figure 11-2Definitions
The following definitions are used throughout the Intact Loading Program.

AvDWT - Available Deadweight

Weight remaining after the current displacement is
subtracted from the even keel displacement at the Load

BMt - transverse metacentric height of the loaded vessel above

the vertical center of buoyancy, VCB

BMt = KMt - VCB

Draft at A.P.* - measured at the A.P.

Draft at F.P.* - measured at the F.P.

Draft at M.S.* - amidships draft calculated as the mean of the drafts at the
page 11-5
Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Draft at Aft Marks* - computed at aft draft marks

Draft at Fwd Marks* - computed at forward draft marks

Draft at Midship Marks - computed at midships draft marks (no hog/sag)

F.S. Correction - free surface correction

GMt (Corrected) - GM after free surface correction is applied

GMt corr = KMt - VCG - FScorr

GMt (Uncorr.) - GMt before applying free surface correction.

GMt = KMt - VCG

GMt (Required) - GM taken from the Minimum required GM curves in the

Trim and Stability Book.

KMt - transverse metacentric height of the loaded vessel above

the baseline

LCB (even keel) - longitudinal center of buoyancy measured from either

amidships, F.P. or A.P.

LCF - longitudinal center of flotation measured from either

amidships, F.P. or A.P. (even keel)

LCF Draft - draft at LCF from hydrostatic table

MT1in/cm - moment to trim one inch (or 1 cm)

Prop. Imm. - immersion of propeller tips as a percent

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Figure 11-3
Propeller immersion to the top of the propeller

Figure 11-4
Propeller immersion to the centerline of the propeller

T.O.V. - total observed volume of liquid in a tank at the observed


Trim - total trim between perpendiculars

VCB or KB - vertical center of buoyancy of the loaded vessel above the


page 11-7
Chapter 11 Intact Loading

VCG or KG - vertical center of gravity of the loaded vessel above the


*The draft reference datum is based on the drafts entered in the hydrostatic tables with the Ship
Data Entry Program. If the hydrostatic table drafts are molded, these drafts will be molded.
Likewise, if the hydrostatic table drafts are measured to the underside of the keel, output will be
as keel drafts.


Displacement Summary
The Displacement and CG are calculated by summing all specified cargoes and liquids with the
operating light ship.

The LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity), VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity), and TCG
(Transverse Center of Gravity) for each tank or cargo space are assumed constant as entered in the
Ship Data (.SDA) file. The centers can be entered on the Enter Weights and Centers entry screen.

Free Surface values for tanks are applied based on the input values for each tank as follows:

% Full Free Surface Value

%Full = 0% zero
0% < %Full < 98% slack value
98% <= %Full < 100% 98%-5 value if 98%-5 value is not zero
slack value otherwise
%Full = 100% zero if 98%-5 value is not zero
98%-5 value otherwise
If variable VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity) and/or free surface values have been entered for
tanks in the .SDA file, then the tables of these values are used to develop the VCG's and free
surfaces that reflect the actual liquid level in the tank. The VAR files always develop VCG's and
free surfaces at 98% and a user specified (in the SIZE.DAT file, default = 5) heel angle. If the
98%-5 free surface value was specified by the user, this value will take precedence over the
variable free surface data when the tank is 98% full or greater.

For consistency, if a 98%-5 free surface value is specified in the .SDA file , maintain the default
heel angle in SIZE.DAT as 5.

Finally, the free surface value may be entered on the Detailed Weights & Centers tank entry
screen. This allows you the most flexibility in determining which free surface values to apply.
Default values for Specific Volume/Density are assumed for each tank. These can be revised at
the operator's discretion.
If the API Gravity and Temperature are specified for cargo, fuel, or diesel oil, they are used to
calculate a specific volume.

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

You may review the displacement summary for the current loading case on the first page of the
 -       menu option.

Stability Results
Drafts and upright stability (GMt) as reported on the trim and stability summary are normally
computed from the hydrostatic tables entered in the .SDA file. The KMt, LCB, LCG and
MT1(in/cm) are at even keel. The KMt is an even keel value but is adjusted for trim if "change
in KMt with trim" values are entered in the .SDA file. (See the definitions provided in Section
You may review the stability results for the current loading case on the second page of the
         menu option.

Required GM Curve
The Required GMt and GMt Margin are calculated for the current draft and loading condition.
Required GMt curves for different loading configurations may be defined in the Ship Data Entry
Program. Then, in the Intact Loading Program, the curve most closely fitting the current loading
condition may be selected.
You may select the required GMt curve for the current loading case through the   -
   menu option.

Righting Arm
A Righting Arm Curve is developed for the actual displacement, VCG, and TCG from the cross
curve data. This GZ information is for heel in one direction only. A cubic spline is fitted through
the GZ values to develop the righting arm curve allowing areas and maxima to be identified to
within 0.1 degree.
You may review the righting arm curve for the current loading case using the  -  
   menu option.

GZ Criteria
The GZ criteria option permits the selection of various regulatory stability criteria for comparison
with the current load case results. In addition to the pre-defined criteria shown in Figure 11-5,
you may define your own criteria.

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Figure 11-5

Strength Summary
Hull girder shear forces and bending moments are calculated at the frame locations specified in
the Ship Data Entry Program by summing weights and buoyant forces from the aft extreme to the
location in question. The shear forces and bending moments are displayed both in tabular and
graphical form.

You may review the strength summary for the current loading case using the  -   
 menu option.

Strength Mode
The   -      menu option permits the selection of one of three calculation
options, listed below. Options 2 and 3 appear on the selection screen only if the relevant data was
entered with the Ship Data Entry Program and saved in the .SDA file.

1) Weight, Buoyancy, Shear Forces & Bending Moments

2) Shear Forces & Bending Moments as % Allowables
3) Longitudinal Shear & Bending Stresses

If option 2 is selected, the selection of "In Harbor" or "At Sea" allowables will follow
immediately. Allowable still water stresses typically are significantly higher for "In Harbor"
applications, and should only be applied for in port conditions. Strength results will then be
output as percentages of these allowables.

If option 3 is selected, strength results will be output as shear stresses and bending stresses to the
deck and keel.

The   -      menu option permits the choice of having the program
calculate the maximum bending moment, including between strength frames. The maximum
bending moment will be displayed on the SHEAR FORCE & BENDING MOMENT SUMMARY

page 11-10
Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Screen (under  -    ) only if Weight, Buoyancy, Shear Forces & Bending
Moments from   -      is selected.

Load Line
By selecting a Load Line for a loading case, the Intact Loading Program will warn you if that
draft has been exceeded upon entry to the Stability Summary Screen (under  -  
   . The Load Lines available for comparison need to be entered in the .SDA.

If only one Load Line is entered, the Intact Load will always default to that Load Line.

You may chose the Load Line for the current loading case using the   -   
menu option.


There is no set sequence of data entry required for the Intact Loading Program. At any time you
can review the results of the current loading condition or change calculation options. If no
weights are entered, the lightship condition is represented.

As discussed above, the weight entry screens and options are configured based on the data entered
in the ship data (.SDA) file. This data includes a list of tanks and cargo spaces, volumetric
capacity, center of gravity, free surface, and forward/aft bounds. The data that is entered in the
Intact Loading Program includes volume, weight, specific gravity, etc. This load case specific
data entry is discussed in the following pages.

Last Load Case Change

This display updates each time a weight is changed in the active loading case.

Tank Data Entry Options

Tank data entry screens are accessed from the main horizontal menu bar under   . Figure
11-6 shows the tankages submenu and a secondary submenu associated with the    

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Figure 11-6

All tanks are grouped together by function or liquid type as discussed in Chapter 6. Data entry
and revision can be performed for an entire group at once or on a tank-by-tank basis, but all entry
screens, displays, and printed reports are based on these groups.

As indicated by the menus in Figure 11-6, there are several different methods available for
entering tankage data. The methods of tank entry include the following:

For all tanks:

Summary Tank Weight Entry

For individual tank groups:

Common Value Entry for all tanks in a group (% Full, etc.)
Detailed Weight and Density Entry for individual tanks of a group
Detailed Weight and Centers Entry for individual tanks of a group

In addition to the values listed in the data entry tables, most entry screens include a box on the
right side of the screen which provides continuously updated load case results. As each entry is
made in the table, the load case is recalculated and the results displayed in this box. Values
presented include drafts at the marks, trim, and other key stability and stress values. See Section
11.2 for a definition of these values.

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Summary Tank Weight Entry

Figure 11-7The Summary Tank Weights screen takes only the weight or percent full values but is
configured to permit access to all tanks and the constant.

The capacity in L.Tons or M.Tons is calculated and displayed based on the currently defined
specific gravity for the tank. If the specific gravity is changed on another screen, the percent full
value remains the same and the weight changes.

The Summary Tank Weight screen is available through the -


menu option.

Common Value Entry by Tank Group

Figure 11-8

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

This entry screen allows you to enter values that will be applied for all tanks in a particular tank
group. When you use the [Esc] key to exit the screen, the values entered here overwrite any
data previously entered on another entry screen.

The percent full, density, and specific volume are available for each of the tank groups. For the
Cargo, Fuel and Diesel Oil groups the API gravity and temperature entries are possible. Cargo oil
tanks also provide for specification of a volume correction table (6A or 6B).

Density and specific volume are reciprocal values. That is, when you enter one value, the other is
automatically calculated and displayed. If the API and temperature are entered, the density and
specific volume are also calculated. If a density or specific volume is subsequently entered, the
API and volume correction table are deleted.

The % full and gravity entry screen is available through the   -    

!         menu option.

Detailed Tank Weight And Density Entry

Figure 11-9

This entry screen can be used for direct input of weight or volume data. The active data items
(those which can be entered) are the weight, percent full, density or specific volume, and volume
(total observed volume, T.O.V.). For oil tanks, the API gravity and temperature may also be
entered. The totals provided at the bottom of the table are group totals and not page totals.

A temperature entry will not affect the specific volume or density unless an API gravity has been

If the percent full, API gravity, temperature, or density were specified for all tanks of this group
by using the common value entry display shown in Figure 11-8, those values will appear in this
table. They then can be modified on a tank-by-tank basis. The correction table for each tank may
also be specified by appending an A or B to the end of the API Gravity entry (e.g. 13A or 40B).

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

When the API, temperature, density/specific volume values are changed the volume remains
constant and the weight of fluid is adjusted. Therefore, if you are entering weight data, be
sure to make any changes to the gravity values first.

An additional option is available for transferring fluid from one tank to another. A transfer of
weight between tanks can be accomplished by pressing the [F10] function key. Instructions will
appear at the bottom of the screen and the source tank(s), destination tank(s), and quantity of fluid
can be specified.

The Detailed Weight and Densities screen is available through the -


           menu option.

Detailed Tank Weight And Centers Entry

Figure 11-10

This entry screen can be used for direct input of weight and centers data. The active data items
(those which can be entered) are the weight, percent full, VCG, LCG, TCG, and free surface
moment. The totals provided at the bottom of the table are group totals and not page totals.

An additional option is available for transferring fluid from one tank to another. A transfer of
weight between tanks can be accomplished by pressing the [F10] function key. Instructions will
appear at the bottom of the screen and the source tank(s), destination tank(s), and quantity of fluid
can be specified.

The Detailed Weight and Centers screen is available through the   -   

          menu option.

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Constant Data Entry

Data items such as crew and stores are traditionally included as part of the "Constant". In the
Intact Loading Program they may have a non-zero default value and will automatically be used as
part of the loading condition.

In some conditions, however, the weight, center of gravity, and free surface of these constant
items may need to be changed. The Constant Data Entry screen is accessed from the   
     menu option.

Container Data Entry Options

Figure 11-11

Container data includes container weight, VCG, LCG, TCG, number of containers by length and
the average weight in a group. A container group is defined in the Ship Data Entry Program as a
container bay, row, tier, etc. This screen is accessed through the       
  and the          menu options. All of the data items are active

and can be entered in any combination. The default VCG values are based on a homogeneous
container weight.

The average weight of each container in a given group is calculated if the number of containers is
specified. Conversely, if the average weight is entered with the number of containers then the
total weight is calculated. An average weight greater than 97 M.Tons is not displayed, however.
A check of the LCG is also performed. The LCG must fall within the fore and aft bounds of the
given bay.

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Bulk Data Entry Options

Figure 11-12

Bulk cargo data includes weight, VCG, LCG, TCG, density, and volume. Default values for the
volume, VCG and LCG corresponding to 100% capacity are initially displayed. This screen is
accessed through the        and the        menu

When a weight is entered, the displayed volume is used to compute a cargo density (t/m3) or
stowage factor (ft3/LT). If the density is entered, the volume is determined based on the specified
weight. If the volume is entered, the weight is determined based on the density.

If an attempt is made to specify an LCG beyond the fore and aft bounds of the cargo hold, a
warning message is displayed and the value is not accepted.

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

Miscellaneous Weight Entry Option

The Miscellaneous Weight Entry screen allows the user to specify weights that do not fit into any
defined category. The description, as well as the weight, LCG, VCG, and TCG, Free Surface, and
fore and aft bounds may be entered.

When an LCG is entered, the fore and aft bounds for the block of weight are assumed to be at five
(5) meters on either side of the LCG. If the bounds have been defined, the LCG must lie in the
bounds. If an LCG is entered that does not fall within the range, the fore and aft bounds will be
modified to be five meters on either side of the input LCG. It is important to enter the proper
boundaries for the weight, as this defines how the weight will affect the shear and bending
moment calculations.

Figure 11-13GZ Criteria

You may select the GZ criteria for the current loading case through the   -  
menu option.

Displaying Results
The results of calculations can be displayed on the screen at any time and are accessed under
  . The available displays consist of the following:

Trim and Stability Summary

Righting Arm (GZ) Summary
Strength Summary

Printing Options
A variety of printed output is available to completely document any load case. The printing
options are accessed under  . The available output consists of the following:

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Chapter 11 Intact Loading

All Results
Trim & Stability Summary
Righting Arm (GZ) Summary
Strength Summary
Tankage Summary
Cargo Summary

The actual printing of reports may be canceled at any time by pressing the [Esc] key (this will
terminate printing following the current page). Once the information is printed, control is passed
back to the main menu bar.

page 11-19

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