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2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

Addressing Scattering From Tree Canopies by PO

and MST for Aeronautical and Inland Waterways
Milan Kvicera1, Fernando Perez-Fontan2, Jonathan Israel3, Pavel Pechac1
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic,,
Signal Theory and Communications Department, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain,
ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab, Toulouse, France,

Abstract—A new model addressing scattering from tree also be noted that a complex propagation constant within the
canopies is presented in this paper. The model is based on a canopy is obtained by MST.
combination of physical optics (PO) and the multiple scattering In contrast to MST, a straightforward and
theory (MST) and provides significant improvements when computationally efficient method for obtaining shadowing
compared to the case when only MST is utilized, especially the
correct near field calculations. The model is validated against behind electrically large objects is physical optics (PO).
MST at 2 GHz and 10 GHz for the case of an artificial scenario Following [11], it is based on inducing equivalent currents
and also against a set of experimental data obtained at 2 GHz on the illuminated part of the object’s surface introducing the
for a single isolated tree. so-called blockage fields which are then added to the direct
Index Terms—scattering, physical optics, multiple fields. However, a great disadvantage of PO is that, unlike
scattering theory, vegetation. MST, it does not account for any field passing through
dielectric objects.
I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we present a new model based on a
The presence of trees within a radiowave propagation combination of PO and MST overcoming such limitations by
scenario can result in a serious deterioration of the received considering the complex propagation constant within the
signal at microwave frequencies [1]. However, analyzing canopy. Here, the electric and magnetic equivalent currents
such scenarios thoroughly is very challenging and generally induced on the inner part of a canopy are directly considered
possible only to a certain level of precision due to the fact acting as a radiating aperture accounting for diffraction
that even trees of the same kind differ by their dimensions, effects around it.
not to mention the influence of wet leaves or wind [2]. In addition, in contrast to the simple concept of specific
Currently, Recommendation ITU-R P.833 [3] introduces attenuation, the new model is characterized by smooth
a number of different methods enabling to characterize the transitions between line-of-sight (LoS) and shadowed areas.
effects of trees on radiowave propagation. This includes, for Further, it is also capable to properly model the near field
example, a simple concept of specific attenuation in dB/m effects close to the canopy.
for woodlands, the concept of radiative energy transfer We will demonstrate that the new proposed model
utilized together with ground reflection and diffraction provides results in agreement with MST and experimental
around a single canopy, or multiple scattering theory (MST) data obtained at 2 GHz, In general, the model can also be
allowing to account for different propagation angles towards applied to high frequencies or even group of trees as only
and from the canopy. surface sampling is required.
MST utilized in [3] is based on the works of Foldy, Lax
and Twersky [4]–[6] and utilizes [7]–[9]. Its sensitivity
analysis considering frequency, material parameters, A. Physical Optics
polarization, and canopy shape has been lately presented by Assuming an incident plane wave , we may write for
the authors in [10] where it was shown that MST calculations a perfectly absorbing object [11]
are computationally very demanding due to the high-order
Hankel and Bessel functions summation and the required ̂  
canopy volume integration.
However, a great advantage of MST is that it enables to
̂  
obtain both the coherent and incoherent scattered fields [9]
where the coherent field dominates in the forwards scatter
direction and results in shadowing behind a canopy. It should where ̂ is the unit normal vector of the surface sample at
pointing outwards, and are the electric and magnetic

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2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

equivalent surface currents and the incident magnetic field (̂ ̂ ) and the numerical integration in (12).
is related to as
( )̂   Following the theory introduced above, the new
combined PO/MST model for scattering from tree canopies
with ̂ being the unitary vector in the incident direction. [13] can be introduced. We may notice that in (8), the
The scattered electric and magnetic near fields at point resulting field equals if is added as
are can then be written as
. 
| |
∫ | | | |
 

| |
∫ | | | |
 

̂  

̂  

The scattered fields introduce blockage of the original

plane wave fields and and the resulting fields can
Fig. 1. The modified PO approach shown for a top view of a tree canopy.
be written as
Here, can be by PO obtained considering an
( )   opposite direction of ̂ (pointing inwards), thus representing
a radiating aperture.
( ) . The new PO/MST model is built on this modified PO
approach by keeping the field in the presence of the perfectly
B. Multiple Scattering Theory absorbing obstacle from (8) and adjusting the aperture
Considering two simplifications a) scattering paths going field based on the propagation constant valid inside the
through the same scatterer more than once are neglected and object. The resulting field is then written as
b) amplitude of incident field is constant over the canopy, the
field inside a canopy can be written as [8] and [10] ( ) . 

( ) * ( ) ( )+  As an example, for a completely transparent object

and we get , as expected. On the
with ( ) being the distance through the canopy to other hand, a completely absorbing object results in
along ̂ and the complex propagation constant inside and thus , as expected.
the canopy defined as [7] and [8] Now the resulting new combined PO/MST model can be
presented in details using the top view of a canopy in Fig. 1.
(̂ ̂ )  Unlike the PO introduced in Section II.A., the inner part
of the canopy will be assumed to be illuminated by the
incident plane wave, see the solid green line in Fig. 1. Then,
where (̂ ̂ ) is the canopy's equivalent scattering
can be applied based on the path through the canopy.
amplitude per unit volume in the forward scatter direction After that, (1)–(7) are followed to obtain the aperture
obtained e.g. as in [12]. field. In this form, the model is very straightforward and with
The coherent scattered field is then low computation demands. It should be noted that the
blockage fields are obtained as in (1)–(9).
( | |)
〈 ( )〉 ∫ (̂ ̂ ) | |
 
We should note that (11) is valid under the assumption
that the total field incident on a scatterer is equal to the mean
By performing the integration numerically, any shape of the
field [14]. Thus, the path through the canopy should be
canopy can be addressed. The resulting shadowing behind below one or two skin depths. If we consider
the canopy is then obtained as in (8) by adding the scattered
at 10 GHz [3], the skin depth of about 4.3 m is
field to the direct field. However, the computational * + and the fact that
obtained following
demands become unwieldy especially for high frequencies
the skin depth is the inverse of * + [15]. At 2 GHz, the
and large canopies mainly due to the calculations of

2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

skin depth would be about 21.7 m, which well justifies the The differences between the new model and MST close
validity of the model for the simulations presented in this to the canopy are caused by the fact that the new model
paper. correctly utilizes the near field propagator in (4) and (5)
First, we will validate the new model at 2 GHz and whereas MST considers a far field approximation without
10 GHz against MST for an artificial scenario of a single which it would be impossible to run.
isolated tree with a cylindrical canopy of radius 1 m and Now, in Fig. 4, we may validate the model against an
height 2 m for the case of a perpendicularly incident plane experimental dataset obtained at 2 GHz for a single isolated
wave with vertical polarization. The resulting fields are tree with the use of a remote controlled airship carrying a
calculated in a straight line starting from behind the canopy transmitter pointing instantly towards a custom-made
up to a distance of 500 wavelengths simulating receiver
movement away from the canopy. The same material 5
parameters, branches and leaves orientation and sizes as in
[3], [7], [8] and [10] were considered. 0

-Excess loss (dB)

Following Fig. 2, we note a very nice match between the
new PO/MST model and the MST model itself, which is also
the case of Fig. 3. The resulting attenuation behind the -10
canopy is about 2 dB and 4 dB at 2 GHz and 10 GHz,
respectively, corresponding to the specific attenuation -15
obtained from when multiplied by the path through the -20
canopy. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Y (m)
Measured PO/MST
2 GHz
Fig. 4. Total field at 2 GHz for a receiver moving away from the canopy
in a line.
receiver located 10 m behind the canopy [13] which can be
E (dBV/m)

approximated by a sphere of 5 m radius with a center 6 m
above the ground. Considering the airship altitude of about
-2 200 m and receiver height of 1.5 m, geometrical LoS exists
-3 up to a horizontal distance of about 150 m from the canopy.
Following Fig. 4, we nicely see that the new PO/MST
0 20 40 60 80 model predicts zero attenuation within the LoS area, as
X (m)
expected, although the experimental data show signal
enhancements caused mainly by ground reflections, not
MST PO/MST included in the simulations. Behind the LoS region, the new
PO/MST model matches the experimental data very well,
Fig. 2. Total field at 2 GHz for a receiver moving away from the canopy despite the material parameters and branches and leaves
in a line. orientations and sizes were kept as in the previous
simulations and were not adjusted to the particular tree.
10 GHz The deep fades present in the experimental data were
caused by a combination of ground reflections and
interactions with individual main branches or trunk, now
covered by the simulation.
E (dBV/m)

A new model addressing scattering from tree canopies
has been presented. The model is based on a combination of
PO and MST. The model was first validated at 2 GHz and
-8 10 GHz against MST using an artificial scenario with a
0 5 10 15 20 cylindrical canopy and then a validation against the
X (m) experimental dataset obtained at 2 GHz for a single isolated
MST PO/MST tree was shown as well. The main advantages of the model
were demonstrated as well, namely its significantly lower
computation demands when compared with MST, its
Fig. 3. Total field at 10 GHz for a receiver moving away from the canopy straightforward software implementation, the possibility to
in a line.

2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

properly address near fields and smooth transitions between

shadowed and LoS regions.
This work was supported by the Czech Science
Foundation grant No. P102/14-01527S 'Basic Research of
Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Atmospheric
Boundary Layer for Low Elevation Links' and European
Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).
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