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Virtual University of Pakistan

Assignment No. 03

Spring 2020

CS507: Information Systems

Due date: Monday 10, August 2020

Total Marks: 20 Obtained Marks

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Virtual University of Pakistan
All questions in this assignment cover the topics from lecture 22 to 30. For all questions, your
answer must be concise, to the point, and compact not more than 4 to 5 lines.
The objective of this assignment is to;
1. Evaluate the student understandings Information System Analysis
2. Evaluate the student's understandings of Information System Design.
3. Practice Information System Design Tools DFD, ERD.

Instructions to solve Assignment

1. This assignment contains two questions students are required to solve both.
2. Students should prepare the solution and upload it on LMS as soon as possible
without waiting for the due date to avoid issues resulting from internet
connectivity or power failures etc.
3. Assignment should be solved using Time New Roman format and Size of 12.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

• The assignment is submitted after the due date.

• The assignment is not in the required format (Only MSWord Format is allowed)
• The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
• The assignment is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students,
• The assignment sent by email will not be accepted.

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Virtual University of Pakistan

Question No 1. (2+5+5)

Read the following software fault management process for Computer Based Information
systems(CBIS) used by ZS technologies and answer the questions given at the end of the paragraph.

The customer support team collects the defect information based on the complaints and suggestions
from the user of the CBIS. The software defects are added to a system that is used to monitor the
status of defects. A specialized team analyses the reported defects and decide whether a specific
defect can be reproduced in their lab. If it cannot be reproduced, then a list of all possible causes is
prepared and Root-Cause-Analysis(RCA) is performed, and a solution is estimated. If the defect can
be reproduced in the development environment, the same team determines the required solution to
fix it. The team also determines the required changes to be made in the system. These changes require
management approval before being incorporated in the system. The management decides whether
the changes are suitable for their product Lifecycle and approves or rejects the changes. If the changes
are rejected, the team coordinates with users regarding how to avoid faulty behavior with best
practices. If it is approved by management, a team of developers outline a design for the requirements
and plane the necessary software development activities. Once the solution is developed, it is tested
in development environment and released to users as a beta solution. The results of the test and
feedback from the users are used to make permanent changes and incorporate the changes in the new
software release. Notification to users is sent about the new release and the problems it solves. Once
satisfactory feedback is received from the users, the defect is marked as resolved in the defect
monitoring system.

a) What system analysis technique is most suitable to present the above process in a pictorial
form to show the sequences of activities, decisions, and results? (2)

b) Enlist all the components, symbols, and meanings used in above technique. (5)

c) Draw and label the pictorial representation of the above process. (5)

Question No 2 (4+4 marks)

a) Explain polymorphism with an example of an ‘Information System’. Enlist at least two

distinct features of different instances of IS. (2+2)

b) For the process described in the paragraph in Question -1, Enlist any 4 critical success factors.

Note: Assignment Solutions only in MSWORD format shall be accepted,

Best of Luck
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