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Virtual University of Pakistan

Assignment No. 01

Spring 2020

CS507: Information Systems

Due date: 22nd May 2020

Total Marks: 20 Obtained Marks

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Virtual University of Pakistan
All questions in this assignment cover the topics from lecture 1 to 6. For all questions your answer
must be concise, to the point and compact not more than 4 to 5 lines.
The objective of this assignment is to;
1. Evaluate the student understandings in the basic organizational concepts
2. Evaluate the student understandings in the management styles
3. Evaluate the understandings of information resources

Instructions to solve Assignment

1. This assignment contains two questions, students are required to solve both.
2. Students should prepare the solution and upload on LMS as soon as possible
without waiting for the due date in order to avoid issues resulting from the
internet connectivity or power failures etc.
3. Assignment should be solved using Time New Roman format and Size of 12.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

• The assignment is submitted after due date.

• The assignment is not in the required format (Only MSWord Format is allowed)
• The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
• Assignment is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)
• Assignment sent by email will not be accepted.

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Virtual University of Pakistan

Question no 1: (6+4 marks)

(a) Different types of organizations have different information requirements. Your task is to
identify at least two famous Pakistani organizations and their category based on size for each
of the following sectors. (6 Marks)
1. Manufacturing Sector
2. Service Sector
3. Trading Sector
(b) Enlist at least two distinct information requirements for each of the above sector (4 Marks)

Question no 2: (5+5 marks)

There are different sources of information e.g. internal and external for organizational usage.
Following sources of information are used by a newly developed organization for decision making
purposes. You are required to indicate the type as “Internal” or “External” source of information
from the given list. And how would you know that the information form these sources is ideal for
decision making?

 A Survey Conducted by HR Department For Employee Satisfaction

 A survey conducted by an independent recruitment consulting firm for salary ranking by
 Financial Assets Consolidation report
 ISO Quality standards
 Standard Operating Procedures to handle external issues
 KSE Stocks Status Market Status
 Local Labor Law

Note: Assignment Solutions only in MSWORD format shall be accepted,

Best of Luck
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